(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[WebGoBoard:0.10.11]ST[2]RU[japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.5]HA[0]TM[259200]OT[86400 fischer]RE[W+R]DT[2019-01-09]CP[online-go.com]PB[Oel]BR[6k]PW[dejected]WR[5k]PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/review/369827];B[pd];W[dp];B[qp];W[dd];B[fq]C[I thought I could get clever here and try out some interesting things in the opening. ];W[op]C[I approached, and from here to move 12 I got the exact result I wanted. ];B[oq];W[nq];B[pq];W[mp](;TR[pm][qm]B[qn];W[iq]C[Getting a move that is both an extension and a pincer is supposed to be good in the opening.];B[cn];W[dn]C[I followed the "don't attach to the stone you've pincered" proverb. I've had to get a lot more familiar with this double approach joseki recently.];B[dm];W[en];B[cq];W[co];B[dq];W[cm];B[bn]C[Not sure why Black plays this now, but w/e];W[bo];B[kq]C[This is the wrong placement for this invasion, it's supposed to be at M3 right? I play very strongly against this.](;W[jp]C[I don't believe this move works, so I play to capture. Thankfully I do.];B[kp];W[ko];B[ir];W[hr];B[hq](;W[jr];B[ip];W[jq];B[lo];W[lp];B[gr]C[This is actually gote, I'm realizing. I don't have to respond to this. ](;W[is];B[hp]C[this seems so slow from black. was that J4 stone really that important?];W[nc]C[I never know which side to approach from. Here, I want to have a good relationship with my star point stone but the points black builds on the right nearly cost me the game];B[pf];W[jd]C[I really like this joseki with the star point stone.](;B[pb]C[This move seems too greedy for the corner territory, there's a lot of big moves still on this board. ](;LB[oe:A][qh:B]W[ne]C[I don't like this move at all. I'd rather have peeped at A or played B rather than play this. ];B[cf]C[Looks good.];TR[jd]W[ch]C[With a stone on the star point the pincer seemed obvious];B[fc]C[but it's 2019 so double approach time](;W[df];B[de]C[this is a new one for me. ](;W[ee];B[ce];LB[ed:A]W[ec]C[I had no idea what to play here, but the cutting point at A scared me. Attaching to a weak stone and leaving the peep at G16 felt bad but I really didn't know what else to do ];B[dg];W[ef];B[cg];W[eg]C[one push to build my moyo a bit.];B[dh](;W[cd];B[fd];W[ed];B[cl]C[building a base, black's doing alright];W[bm];B[bl];W[an]C[I play pretty badly for a while here.](;B[dl]C[I really don't think black has to play this, this seems too slow.];W[og]C[This is like my 2nd worst move in the game, I think. This move really doesn't do enough. It builds the moyo more, but black's getting to build on the 4th line and fix a weakness.];B[qh]C[This is kinda surprising, I expected black to just push on the 4th line.](;W[ln]C[Pointless move. Very bad. NO idea what I was thinking here. This stone is doing NOTHING](;B[lc];W[ld]C[Not a clue what I should play here instead, but I hate the result I got here.](;B[nb];W[mc];B[mb];W[kc];B[lb];W[oc]C[force before fixing];B[ob];W[kb];B[hm]C[This move kinda made me realize i wasn't confident in my moyo anymore. Black's got around 84 points total, if he gets the whole right side. White's got around 26 points in the bottom and the top left, meaning I'll need to make a full 60 from my moyo. ](;W[jm];MA[jo]B[jo];W[kn];B[oi]C[I felt behind after black got this move. Maybe an invasion was possible before this but now I felt like there was no way to reduce the right side. So now I was all in on the moyo.](;W[mh];B[ke]C[part of why i was so worried];W[kd];B[ig](;W[he]C[i knew if black got to save those two stones I might as well just resign];B[ij];W[fi]C[Threatening a big reduction on the left];B[ej];W[fj]C[I thought this was sente too, it wasn't. ];B[hk];W[po]C[I decided to poke around here a bit and see what black would let me get away with](;B[qo];W[ok];B[om];W[mk];B[pk];W[pl]C[sacrifice to make some points myself];B[ol];W[pj];B[qk];W[oj];B[qj];W[pi](;B[qi](;W[ni]C[This is actually my worst move of the game. I was seeing ghosts here, I guess. There 100% was something I was scared of but I don't remember it.];B[gg]C[So, since I just helped black solidify the right side and even gave a bit more to him, I felt like I was losing here. My rank comes almost exclusively from reading, so I try to start a game deciding fight.];W[eh];B[di];W[hh]C[Here I hoped black wouldn't believe me and would start this fight. ](;B[hg]C[and the fight is on.](;W[ih];B[jh];W[ji];B[ii];W[gh]C[Battle lines drawn, if black dies I'm feeling way better about this game.];B[eb];W[db];B[ie];W[id];B[hd](;W[ge];B[hc];W[gb];B[fe];W[ff];B[gf];W[je];B[if](;W[fb]C[That's a dead eye shape for black, I was feeling good about the game as of here.];B[kh];W[ki];B[li];W[jk];B[jf];W[kf];B[lf];W[le];B[kk];W[jj];B[jl];W[il];B[kl];W[ik];B[im];W[hj];B[lh](;W[mj];B[kg];W[ke];B[mg];W[ng];B[me](;W[md];B[mi];W[nh];B[lj](;W[km];B[ml];W[ll];B[lk](;W[lm];B[jb](;W[hb];B[ic](;W[ib];B[ka];W[jc];B[ja](;W[mf];B[mo];W[nn];B[no](;W[mn];B[hl];W[hi])(;W[on]))(;W[nl]))(;W[ka]))(;W[ka]))(;W[nl];B[mm];W[nm];B[nk];W[nj];B[nn];W[nk];B[pn];W[mn]))(;W[mm]))(;W[oe];B[pe];W[nl]))(;W[nl]))(;W[ki];B[fb];W[hb]))(;W[hc]))(;W[ji]))(;B[ih]))(;W[ek]))(;B[ph]))(;B[qm]))(;W[ii])(;W[eh])(;W[hh];B[ih];W[ii];B[ji];W[ij];B[jj];W[ik]))(;W[pm])(;W[mi]))(;W[eh]))(;B[kc];W[kd];B[mc];W[nd];B[ib]))(;B[jc]))(;W[oi];B[fi])(;W[eh];B[kn];W[jo];B[jh];W[di](;B[bh];W[bi];B[ci];W[cj])(;B[ci];W[bh];B[bg](;W[bi];B[cj];W[be];B[ei];W[ag];B[dj];W[bf])(;W[cj];B[bi];W[bj];B[ah];LB[be:1][af:2][bd:3][bf:4]W[ej];B[jf];W[jj];B[kd])))(;W[fi];B[nh]))(;B[ng];W[dj];B[cj])(;B[eh];W[fh](;B[ng];W[fi];B[dk])(;B[gg];W[ng])(;B[gh];W[fi](;B[gf];W[hd];B[ie];W[id];B[ng])(;B[hd](;W[gg];B[jc])(;W[id];B[hc](;W[ib](;B[gf];W[ii])(;B[hf];W[gg];B[hg];W[ii];B[jg];W[kh]))(;W[gg];B[jb]))))))(;W[eh];B[ei];W[fi];B[fj];W[gj])(;W[fi]))(;W[ce];B[ee];W[cd];B[dg];W[bf];B[ef];W[cg];B[ng];W[hc];B[ei];W[qh]))(;W[dc])(;W[fd];B[gd];W[fe](;B[cc];W[ec];B[cd];W[be])(;B[dc];W[cc])))(;W[cf]))(;B[cf]))(;W[hp];B[hs];W[io];B[kn];W[jo])(;W[nc];B[jo];W[kn];B[kr];W[is];B[ks];W[io];B[jn](;W[js];B[hp];W[lr];B[km];W[ln];B[lm];W[mn];B[mm])(;W[hp];B[jm];W[km];B[kl];W[mn];B[ll];W[mm];B[nr];W[mr];B[ms];W[jl])))(;W[hp];B[gq];W[jr]))(;W[po];B[qo];W[ko];B[jp];W[gp]))(;B[iq];W[qo];B[pp]))
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