(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]HA[3]KM[0.50]TM[0]OT[9x15 byo-yomi]PW[eku]PB[Zen19D]WR[8d]BR[5d]DT[2011-06-09]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Zen19D [5d]: GTP Engine for Zen19D (black): Zen version 7.7d9]RE[W+Resign];B[dp]BL[15]OB[9];B[pd]BL[15]OB[9];B[dd]BL[15]OB[9];W[pq]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: wow 8d nwoOotakamoku [1d]: wheeee :)velther [3d]: nowHeartlessX [1k]: poor ekumkeller [6k]: that's harshkikasare [?]: heh, at least he only needed to give 3 stones!];B[jd]BL[15]OB[9];W[qf]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: thx everyone for not challengingnagato [4d]: zen cab beat 8d?LinkWind [1k]: 3 stones is nicevelther [3d]: we get awesome match upHeartlessX [1k]: 3 stones will be mucheasier for him];B[qh]BL[15]OB[9];W[qc]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: q17 ];B[qd]BL[15]OB[9];W[pc]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: what...rubicon [1d]: crazy bot];B[od]BL[15]OB[9];W[rd]WL[15]OW[9];B[re]BL[15]OB[9]C[bluetable [-]: ...nagato [4d]: not sobad];W[rc]WL[15]OW[9];B[qe]BL[15]OB[9]C[RobertT [-]: he laughs at your joseki choice];W[nc]WL[15]OW[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: black gets sente this way];B[di]BL[15]OB[9]C[rubicon [1d]: but nagato, isnt the right direction to clock at q17?jubjub [2k]: He beat MilanMilanHeartlessX [1k]: only thing i can think of];W[fq]WL[15]OW[9]C[LinkWind [1k]: Show me the powerfull center!!HeartlessX [1k]: d11HeartlessX [1k]: interestingmissmouse [4d]: who made this program?];B[cn]BL[15]OB[9];W[dr]WL[15]OW[9]C[mkeller [6k]: the bot beat milanmilan or eku?LinkWind [1k]: very bad starts to w jubjub [2k]: ekuvelther [3d]: 3k from japan];B[cq]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: made this program];W[iq]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: with help from 6d];B[pn]BL[15]OB[9];W[qp]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: or so the theory goeskatabatic [13k?]: so zen is a program wow!!!!!];B[mn]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: i don't know for sure, check zen's info, there's an email thereHeartlessX [1k]: here goes zen againRobertT [-]: no, zen is lee sedol's bot account];W[ck]WL[15]OW[9]C[nagato [4d]: n6 good?LinkWind [1k]: zenauthorvelther [3d]: n6 is a patented zen movekatabatic [13k?]: I just watched historySaiZzz [1d]: Zen19D strongHeartlessX [1k]: center emphasis];B[ek]BL[15]OB[9]C[rubicon [1d]: n6 typical Zen move];W[ci]WL[15]OW[9]C[RobertT [-]: just play tengen];B[ch]BL[15]OB[9]C[LinkWind [1k]: show me the centerRobertT [-]: then zen will shatter];W[bh]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: tengen doesn't have any relationship with zen's stones];B[bi]BL[15]OB[9];W[cj]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: the weird moves zen plays has real relationship with real potential territory];B[bg]BL[15]OB[9];W[dh]WL[15]OW[9]C[mkeller [6k]: how is it that after 30 moves, b already has a mean moyo in the works];B[cg]BL[15]OB[9];W[cm]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: cause he had 3 stones lolvelther [3d]: what did u expectHeartlessX [1k]: because he started off with 3 stone handi?RobertT [-]: move 1 tengen works 100% of the time vs zen];B[dm]BL[15]OB[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: ninja'dLoen [7k]: yeamkeller [6k]: but zen doesn't seem to need handi stones for thatLinkWind [1k]: very bad strategy to give up the center];W[ei]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: go programs have become too strong];B[dj]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: eku playing like it's a normal handicap game];W[dn]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: but eku doesn't know zen's strengths and weaknesses];B[em]BL[15]OB[9]C[LinkWind [1k]: dangerous];W[co]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: if he knew zen's weakness for semeai and ko, he would force those so easilyvelther [3d]: and win easily];B[bn]BL[15]OB[9]C[rubicon [1d]: yeah, plus, normally a 5d would make mistakes because its blitzrubicon [1d]: but zen doesnt];W[bo]WL[15]OW[9];B[do]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: depends on what u mean by mistake of course];W[el]WL[15]OW[9]C[player2k [1k?]: zen is 19d :D];B[fp]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: zen makes mistakes too, like he did against me in the fusekiLinkWind [1k]: nice tesujiwingnoll [8k?]: 26 cores at around 3.5 GHz each, not quite supercomputerrubicon [1d]: well i mean a move that was played because of time pressurevelther [3d]: tenuki when any 3d would read the cut];W[fk]WL[15]OW[9];B[dl]BL[15]OB[9];W[dk]WL[15]OW[9];B[fl]BL[15]OB[9]C[bluetable [-]: wtf];W[ej]WL[15]OW[9];B[gq]BL[15]OB[9];W[gl]WL[15]OW[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: white is strong];B[gm]BL[15]OB[9];W[el]WL[15]OW[9]C[kikasare [?]: hmmManInMe [5k]: no shit];B[oc]BL[15]OB[9];W[ob]WL[15]OW[9]C[nagato [4d]: p17 badmove];B[nd]BL[15]OB[9]C[rubicon [1d]: what is impressive Heartless, is not that w is strong, but that b is strong];W[mc]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: zen's strengths seem to be calculating, sacrificing, moyo. weaknesses are ko, semeai, deep readingThmayu [3d]: man it still seems like yesterday that i was stronger then any bot out there];B[jg]BL[15]OB[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: i'm not surprised at computers anmore];W[fm]WL[15]OW[9];B[fn]BL[15]OB[9]C[wingnoll [8k?]: semeai always been hard for botsHeartlessX [1k]: k13 instead of ko is unusualrubicon [1d]: you still are Thmayu... Zen runs on a cluster of 6 pcs];W[gp]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: thats overkill, dude];B[hp]BL[15]OB[9];W[gr]WL[15]OW[9];B[hq]BL[15]OB[9];W[hr]WL[15]OW[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: i remember being stronger than any bot :(];B[eq]BL[15]OB[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: when I was 1d and in practicematomatala [4d?]: oh the glory dayshiss [-]: some kind of unresolved semais may confuse bot through all game];W[fr]WL[15]OW[9];B[er]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: moyogo was 3d with 800 coresvelther [3d]: 6 pcs not bad];W[go]WL[15]OW[9];B[ho]BL[15]OB[9]C[wingnoll [8k?]: true hiss, i have seen players exploit that on purpose];W[gn]WL[15]OW[9]C[hiss [-]: you mean mogo?velther [3d]: ya];B[hm]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: whatever it's name was];W[fo]WL[15]OW[9];B[fl]BL[15]OB[9];W[ep]WL[15]OW[9]C[RobertT [-]: all bots are moyogo];B[hl]BL[15]OB[9];W[fm]WL[15]OW[9];B[eo]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: uhmatomatala [4d?]: uh ohrubicon [1d]: what thevelther [3d]: lolnagato [4d]: nazo];W[hn]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: see what i mean by weakness in kosvelther [3d]: hahaRobertT [-]: bad move];B[in]BL[15]OB[9];W[fp]WL[15]OW[9]C[ChiralSym [7k]: "ko ho ho ho...."];B[jo]BL[15]OB[9];W[jp]WL[15]OW[9];B[md]BL[15]OB[9]C[asdfwqer: "...now I have a machine gun?"];W[pi]WL[15]OW[9]C[RobertT [-]: yes, perfect time to tenukiChiralSym [7k]: lol];B[qj]BL[15]OB[9];W[qi]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: eku still playing like typical 9drubicon [1d]: q11 says "lets see if you can kill me now"];B[ri]BL[15]OB[9];W[ph]WL[15]OW[9]C[DarkKnight [3d]: this bot is freakyvelther [3d]: not taking into account B's weaknesses];B[pj]BL[15]OB[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: well];W[rh]WL[15]OW[9]C[bluetable [-]: is w trying to get killed?HeartlessX [1k]: he's playing the boardManInMe [5k]: I wonder what's a typical 9dHeartlessX [1k]: not the player];B[rj]BL[15]OB[9]C[Thmayu [3d]: let's not forget zen beat the crap out off eku last game...];W[rf]WL[15]OW[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: so it makes sensevelther [3d]: in this unique circumstance];B[pg]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: he should play the player, not the board];W[qg]WL[15]OW[9]C[wingnoll [8k?]: eku learned from that i'm sure];B[ni]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: did eku play the same way last gamevelther [3d]: if he played the player, he would win so easily];W[og]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: ya];B[lc]BL[15]OB[9];W[lb]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: seems like w had the lead thoughraymeo [1d]: typical 9d doing those typical magics and mircaclesGoatCheese [2k]: he is playing pretty territorially this game];B[pf]BL[15]OB[9];W[of]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: only difference i'm seeing is that he's now more cautiouskikasare [?]: does not leadGoatCheese [2k]: true];B[mg]BL[15]OB[9]C[Loen [7k]: cmoe eku, win the bot, so that u can prove humans are better than robotvelther [3d]: whereas last game he played like he expected B to make common blitz mistakes];W[pe]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: haha yea];B[hj]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: comps dont do that];W[ih]WL[15]OW[9]C[Loen [7k]: why not J5 nowvelther [3d]: j5 is smallrubicon [1d]: j5 is too smallnagato [4d]: j12 syoubute];B[gi]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: j5 is smallvelther [3d]: like 10 points];W[ig]WL[15]OW[9]C[Thmayu [3d]: because it is smallHeartlessX [1k]: j5 is 4 stonesHeartlessX [1k]: barely anything];B[gg]BL[15]OB[9];W[jf]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: wowkikasare [?]: w has a big deficit to make upvelther [3d]: W risking it allrubicon [1d]: lets see w live this now];B[hd]BL[15]OB[9]C[ChiralSym [7k]: so excitingvelther [3d]: W probably will die hereRobertT [-]: my 4d friend played vs zen and beat it pretty easilyGoatCheese [2k]: hmm];W[mf]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: has some aji thoughkikasare [?]: he will need to connect];B[lf]BL[15]OB[9];W[lg]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: can at least break in on topGoatCheese [2k]: in sente];B[lh]BL[15]OB[9];W[kg]WL[15]OW[9];B[kf]BL[15]OB[9];W[kh]WL[15]OW[9];B[mh]BL[15]OB[9]C[RobertT [-]: shape game time];W[ki]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: top small now compared to what w has made of this center];B[if]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: ouchvelther [3d]: ya w def dead];W[oj]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: k15 was a big move for whiteHeartlessX [1k]: white lost againBecubio [10k]: the 3-3 is good for w???katabatic [13k?]: yes! go w];B[ok]BL[15]OB[9];W[nj]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: he doesnt want aji keshi though];B[mj]BL[15]OB[9];W[nk]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: finally W will sacrifice efficiently];B[mk]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: where B has done that everytime];W[nl]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: yea black has o14 anytime];B[oi]BL[15]OB[9];W[ml]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: wow!];B[ll]BL[15]OB[9];W[ol]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: rememberrubicon [1d]: this game is so exitingvelther [3d]: B has o14 anytime];B[pl]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: yeanay4ok [2k]: the 5th of november];W[pk]WL[15]OW[9]C[ChiralSym [7k]: oh manvelther [3d]: ah ya, goatcheese alreasdy said itnagato [4d]: damedumari?];B[ql]BL[15]OB[9];W[lk]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: you mean damezumariChiralSym [7k]: This is like midgame avalanche.... a ton of small groups];B[lj]BL[15]OB[9];W[lm]WL[15]OW[9];B[kk]BL[15]OB[9];W[kl]WL[15]OW[9];B[ln]BL[15]OB[9]C[rubicon [1d]: oh good, a ko, maybe w can win];W[kn]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: W realizes his mistake in invading directlyBecubio [10k]: it's so dificult make something in that center...velther [3d]: was it too late to sacrifice];B[ko]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: dunnoGoatCheese [2k]: too hard to count points in blitzrubicon [1d]: wait, does that ko work?];W[nn]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: in blitzrubicon [1d]: it doesntvelther [3d]: i never count points, only mistakes];B[no]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: yeaGoatCheese [2k]: thats a good pointvelther [3d]: counting mistakes gives a good indication on who is ahead];W[jk]WL[15]OW[9];B[nf]BL[15]OB[9]C[wingnoll [8k?]: lol that's funnynagato [4d]: nice conectGoatCheese [2k]: this has some promis for white though];W[im]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: so much ajiGoatCheese [2k]: must be alive lol];B[il]BL[15]OB[9];W[jm]WL[15]OW[9]C[RobertT [-]: figuring out what is a mistake also give an indication what strength you arezife [-]: velther japanese 101, don't correct japanese people, especially when they're right ];B[lk]BL[15]OB[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: look dead to mevelther [3d]: wat];W[jl]WL[15]OW[9]C[nagato [4d]: ummzife [-]: damedumari is how you'd write it for imeGoatCheese [2k]: lol];B[ik]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: yea what are you talking about];W[ij]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: its damezumariplayer2k [1k?]: i prefer j10velther [3d]: lolnagato [4d]: lolzife [-]: and it's as correct romanisation as damezumari];B[hk]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: http://senseis.xmp.net/?Damezumari <- ownedrubicon [1d]: damezumari is the romanizationGoatCheese [2k]: yeazife [-]: as is damedumari];W[jj]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: its a ず];B[lo]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: lol dumari is stupidzife [-]: づ, actuallyrubicon [1d]: damedumari is how you would write it if you were japanese, siting on a computer];W[hi]WL[15]OW[9];B[hh]BL[15]OB[9]C[SaiZzz [1d]: ressdsmic [13k?]: j5 now biggerzife [-]: and nihonsiki romanisation as well];W[hf]WL[15]OW[9];B[je]BL[15]OB[9];W[hg]WL[15]OW[9];B[ii]BL[15]OB[9]C[zife [-]: just saying];W[gf]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: ok well];B[fg]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: ah he is rightvelther [3d]: you're wrong. just saying...];W[gd]WL[15]OW[9]C[kikasare [?]: w a lot of cleanup to make this workGoatCheese [2k]: it is a づ];B[ff]BL[15]OB[9];W[fe]WL[15]OW[9];B[ee]BL[15]OB[9]C[wingnoll [8k?]: this finally got interestingnagato [4d]: if w live not so goodGoatCheese [2k]: but i think the romanization is still zu lol];W[ji]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: it is lol];B[hi]BL[15]OB[9]C[rubicon [1d]: if w live, b resign];W[hc]WL[15]OW[9]C[zife [-]: GoatCheese there are many ways to romanise japanesevelther [3d]: W still not even 1 eyerubicon [1d]: after a couple of ridiculous moves];B[fd]BL[15]OB[9];W[id]WL[15]OW[9]C[zife [-]: nihonsiki, hepburn, kunreisikiGoatCheese [2k]: then why correct his one way_GoatCheese [2k]: ?];B[ic]BL[15]OB[9];W[fc]WL[15]OW[9]C[RobertT [-]: he wasnt correcting, he was the one being corrected];B[ie]BL[15]OB[9];W[ed]WL[15]OW[9]C[nagato [4d]: nice sabaki zife [-]: I didn't correct him that it SHOULD be damedumari, I said damedumari is just as good was damezumari];B[ec]BL[15]OB[9]C[ChiralSym [7k]: whoamatomatala [4d?]: how did this happenvelther [3d]: ya but it's notBecubio [10k]: w is dead...];W[mm]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: cause most english speakers see it as damezumari and was taught damezumari];B[jn]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: in japan they romanize づ with zuGoatCheese [2k]: did you know that?];W[km]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: and we're on an english server with mostly english populationzife [-]: usually, yes];B[on]BL[15]OB[9];W[fd]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: anyway, who cares!];B[dc]BL[15]OB[9];W[ef]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: zife caresmkeller [6k]: i dont!velther [3d]: haha];B[eg]BL[15]OB[9];W[de]WL[15]OW[9]C[katabatic [13k?]: yeah reallyplayer2k [1k?]: look like KoHeartlessX [1k]: ko];B[dg]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: no koHeartlessX [1k]: yeahnagato [4d]: 8d winrubicon [1d]: ko everywhereHeartlessX [1k]: white just prozife [-]: I care when you correct someone even when he is right, otherwise I'm cool with anythingHeartlessX [1k]: whtie wonLinkWind [1k]: e14 useless];W[cd]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: f8 is lpGoatCheese [2k]: he is not rightrubicon [1d]: ko];B[cc]BL[15]OB[9];W[be]WL[15]OW[9];B[bd]BL[15]OB[9];W[ce]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: in japan and in english it is commonly romanized with zuUkasuhs [2d]: why does zen play like a 8k when he has handicapt];B[fb]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: using some esoteric interpretation is silly];W[gb]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: zife, why don't you step out of your technicality driven world and into the real world where it doesn't matter who is right only thing that matters is who looks right. and I look right :P];B[eb]BL[15]OB[9];W[bc]WL[15]OW[9]C[ChiralSym [7k]: wow];B[bb]BL[15]OB[9];W[ad]WL[15]OW[9]C[ChiralSym [7k]: white lives?GoatCheese [2k]: indeed];B[ab]BL[15]OB[9]C[rubicon [1d]: w liveD];W[ib]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: i think white lives in sente];B[jb]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: lolvelther [3d]: not yetliboshi [7k]: amazing, hahaSheeple [1k]: deadjubjub [2k]: still zero eyesRobertT [-]: veither, you where the one that corrected him so it mattered to you.];W[fh]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: W still has to get senteplayer2k [1k?]: K19velther [3d]: to block with a17mnoplol [1k]: e6Totti10 [2k]: still no eyesLinkWind [1k]: W dead];B[gh]BL[15]OB[9];W[fl]WL[15]OW[9]C[ManInMe [5k]: g8GoatCheese [2k]: wow];B[af]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: megakillHeartlessX [1k]: huge fight];W[ah]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: yepvelther [3d]: weakness #2 exposed. semeaisHeartlessX [1k]: black dead it seems];B[ag]BL[15]OB[9]C[katabatic [13k?]: wow w blew itCBlue [1d?]: this is madnessfdsdsfsd: seki?velther [3d]: no seki lolBecubio [10k]: awsome, what a way to live!!!! A12?????Conan3004 [12k]: oh pro];W[ia]WL[15]OW[9];B[ga]BL[15]OB[9]C[velther [3d]: W hs like a million liberties];W[kc]WL[15]OW[9];B[jc]BL[15]OB[9]C[rubicon [1d]: more liek awsome way to kill, Becubio];W[he]WL[15]OW[9];B[jf]BL[15]OB[9];W[jh]WL[15]OW[9];B[id]BL[15]OB[9];W[ld]WL[15]OW[9]C[Becubio [10k]: jijiji, ok];B[hb]BL[15]OB[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: wowowow];W[ha]WL[15]OW[9];B[fa]BL[15]OB[9];W[gc]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: ok nosvelther [3d]: now];B[ja]BL[15]OB[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: white switch targetsThmayu [3d]: now b needs to kill];W[hb]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: maybe seki lolrubicon [1d]: ladies and gentlemen, i believe we are about to see blood];B[oe]BL[15]OB[9];W[me]WL[15]OW[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: everything on the map is contested at this point];B[le]BL[15]OB[9];W[ng]WL[15]OW[9]C[LinkWind [1k]: srew upChiralSym [7k]: wowHeartlessX [1k]: 8d so strongfdsdsfsd: now not seki)GoatCheese [2k]: i like whites styleChiralSym [7k]: black is toast?];B[mi]BL[15]OB[9];W[kd]WL[15]OW[9]C[rubicon [1d]: noGoatCheese [2k]: refusing to die and instead taking his liferubicon [1d]: black is not yet toastGoatCheese [2k]: its very samurai like lolRobertT [-]: w is trying to break the seki by making black only 1 eyeThmayu [3d]: w wins];B[se]BL[15]OB[9];W[kb]WL[15]OW[9];B[nb]BL[15]OB[9];W[mb]WL[15]OW[9]C[bluetable [-]: gotta say white surprised me here! :)rubicon [1d]: ok, w wins];B[pb]BL[15]OB[9];W[na]WL[15]OW[9]C[matomatala [4d?]: oh the humanityGoatCheese [2k]: black is completely annihilatedHeartlessX [1k]: white is crazyHeartlessX [1k]: good];B[sg]BL[15]OB[9];W[sf]WL[15]OW[9]C[HeartlessX [1k]: crazy goodGoatCheese [2k]: he is resorting to pitiful computer movesRobertT [-]: zen started thrashing, that means hes losing];B[qb]BL[15]OB[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: i love watching those];W[rb]WL[15]OW[9]C[velther [3d]: i wanna see rematch once moreChiralSym [7k]: yeah (thrashing)velther [3d]: no one challenge!];B[df]BL[15]OB[9];W[ee]WL[15]OW[9]C[katabatic [13k?]: w is crazy good I thought it was over];B[sd]BL[15]OB[9]C[LinkWind [1k]: no challenge againrubicon [1d]: it is over, b lsotrubicon [1d]: lostjubjub [2k]: q14?];W[pf]WL[15]OW[9];B[sb]BL[15]OB[9];W[qa]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: setting up a ko lol];B[ne]BL[15]OB[9];W[mf]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: for a libvelther [3d]: no koaqua11 [13k]: the whole b group is dead?velther [3d]: n12 dies];B[bf]BL[15]OB[9]C[Conan3004 [12k]: oh provelther [3d]: no ko];W[pa]WL[15]OW[9]C[GoatCheese [2k]: this is a cool game though];B[sc]BL[15]OB[9];W[ka]WL[15]OW[9]C[Thmayu [3d]: wow w really pawned b\];B[me]BL[15]OB[9]C[matomatala [4d?]: how much did he pawn it forGoatCheese [2k]: yeah he did];W[ke]WL[15]OW[9]C[fdsdsfsd: e6 for black?GoatCheese [2k]: revenge is a dish best served cold];B[cf]BL[15]OB[9];W[sa]WL[15]OW[9]C[player2k [1k?]: w kiddingrubicon [1d]: b can only take the koGoatCheese [2k]: yearubicon [1d]: or resignBecubio [10k]: All b is dead!!!! good demo of what is a real player human of GOGoatCheese [2k]: hahaConan3004 [12k]: romkeller [6k]: wowrubicon [1d]: GO EKU!!Conan3004 [12k]: sugoiHeartlessX [1k]: simply too prodsmic [13k?]: great!Ross [4k]: NICEkatabatic [13k?]: wowsundried [3d]: interesting game!GoatCheese [2k]: destroyed his lifeHeartlessX [1k]: i'm going to have to rewatch thisRoss [4k]: amazing game eku :DOotakamoku [1d]: crazy racekikasare [?]: made it too complicated for zen to figurekatabatic [13k?]: amazing ggg66: brilliantGoatCheese [2k]: consumed his heartrelmyring [6k]: so nice gameggg66: so goodGoatCheese [2k]: i have to go to workgghideki [3k]: Thank very much Eku but proper handicap please :)GoatCheese [2k]: lolGoatCheese [2k]: ggkatabatic [13k?]: eku is amazing!!!GoatCheese [2k]: see you allGoatCheese [2k]: thanks ekuBecubio [10k]: with 3 of handicap for the super metal-machine!!!HeartlessX [1k]: eku too great at squirmingggg66: SO GOODnay4ok [2k]: eku wowggg66: EKU SO GOODkikasare [?]: that was proper handitenletters [1k]: this game was so uglyLunamaya [3k]: gg ggg66: i'm pissing in my pants because it was so goodkatabatic [13k?]: ugly or not eku is amazinggghideki [3k]: Eku, I'm sorry I was confused on the handicap, very sorryBubarik [1k]: r13 lost itBubarik [1k]: t I meangghideki [3k]: Thank you very much for playing two games with Zen19D, anywayLoen [7k]: eku is cool])
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