(;FF[4]GM[1]SZ[19]ST[1]CA[UTF-8]AP[SGFC:1.15]PB[myopponent]BR[10k*]HA[0]PW[chrisd]WR[9k*]KM[0.5]DT[2005-07-01]RE[B+10.5]TM[120]C[The review was requested by White. White wanted to know about his most important mistakes. Reviewer was Eduardo Lopez Herrero, 5d.];B[pd];W[cp];B[pp];W[dc];B[ep];W[gq];B[cq];W[dq];B[dp];W[eq];B[fq];W[fp];B[fr];W[cr];B[bq];W[er];B[co];W[gr];B[fo];W[gp];B[de];W[cg];B[cc];W[cd];B[dd];W[ce];B[cf];W[df];B[bf];W[bc];B[cb];W[be];B[ec];W[bg];B[ef];W[dg];B[eg];W[ck]C[elh: I think this is the first clear strategic mistake. The left side has little value; it is narrower than any other side now, and (most importantly) both Black and White have quite strong positions there. White C9 does not significantly affect Black's LL group, and a black play around C9 would mean no threat at all to White's UL group.];B[jc];W[nq]C[elh: For the same reason, the right side is bigger than the lower side now. Making territory between O3 and the G2-3-4 wall would not be very efficient for White (remember: "don't use thickness to make territory").I would rather think about playing a kakari from the other side (R6), trying to push Black towards White's thickness. Or maybe even better, R10 or R14, farther away from thickness.];B[np];W[mp];B[no];W[oq];B[pq]C[elh: In the LR corner sequence, Black manages to develop towards the most promising area of the board, while pushing White towards the least interesting one. Black has successfully punished White's dubious play at O3.];W[pj]C[elh: Playing on the 3rd line (R10) would make it easier for White to get a stable position on the right side.];B[pl];W[qf];B[qh];W[of];B[nd];W[ph];B[qi];W[pi];B[qj];W[qg];B[pk];W[nj];B[qd]C[elh: White does manage to stabilize his group, but at the expense of giving Black quite a lot of territory on both sides.White is a little behind now; C9, O3 and (to a lesser degree) Q10 are to blame.Black has made only one serious mistake: E13.];W[me];B[lc];W[pn]C[elh: This invasion looks too dangerous. White is behind, but it is not yet the time for desperate measures.White got quite strong at the center, so I would try to speculate with the two cutting points Black has at E15 and E5.];B[po]C[elh: Black plays conservatively. If at P7, it looks difficult for White to live there.];W[nm];B[on];W[om];B[pm];W[ok]C[elh: Thick, but gote. Black has not such a great move here either, so White should play elsewhere instead of P7.];B[qn]C[elh: Black returns the favor. This move is not necessary.];W[eh]C[elh: Expanding the left area does not look very interesting; the more points you make there, the more Black gets on the top.I would think about playing something like J14 to see how Black defends against E15. If Black plays, say, F15, I would try to enclose the center on a big scale with a move around H10. White's position would be thin, but Black also has to worry about E5.];B[fh];W[fi];B[ei];W[dh];B[gh];W[gi];B[hh];W[hi];B[ih];W[je];B[kf];W[ke];B[lf];W[le];B[ii];W[hk];B[hd];W[he];B[ge];W[hf];B[gf];W[mo];B[go];W[ho]C[elh: This was a golden opportunity to cut at E5. The fight looks very hard for Black.];B[hn];W[in]C[elh: White still can cut.];B[io];W[hp];B[im];W[jn];B[hm];W[jm]C[elh: This was virtually the last chance to cut.];B[fm];W[el];B[cm]C[elh: Once Black defends here, the game looks really tough for White.(end of commentary)];W[kh];B[jf];W[jj];B[ij];W[jk];B[ik];W[fk];B[jl];W[kl];B[il];W[if];B[id];W[jg];B[ki];W[ji];B[ig];W[ie];B[jh];W[lh];B[kk];W[kg];B[ll];W[km];B[bb];W[br];B[bp];W[bl];B[pr];W[or];B[os];W[ns];B[ps];W[mr];B[ne];W[nf];B[bm];W[rc];B[rd];W[pb];B[qc];W[mc];B[md];W[lb];B[kb];W[ld];B[kc];W[nc];B[oc];W[ob];B[qb];W[od];B[oe];W[pe];B[od];W[rb];B[qa];W[re];B[sd];W[sb];B[mb];W[nb];B[ma];W[na];B[la];W[qe];B[pa];W[li];B[kj];W[lk];B[lj];W[mk];B[mg];W[mh];B[mj];W[mi];B[rg];W[rf];B[rh];W[em];B[en];W[dm];B[dn];W[cl];B[ar];W[bs];B[ol];W[nl];B[nn];W[mn];B[ac];W[bd];B[hg];W[am];B[bn];W[op];B[oo];W[as];B[aq];W[hj];B[ad];W[af];B[ng];W[mf];B[an];W[al];B[jd];W[gl];B[gm];W[sg];B[sh];W[sf];B[pg];W[lg];B[ra];W[ae];B[ab];W[fl];B[og];W[pf];B[db];W[se];B[sa];W[tt];B[mm];W[lm];B[lq];W[mq];B[ko];W[tt];B[tt]TB[aa][ao][ap][ba][bo][ca][cn][cp][da][dc][do][ea][eb][ed][ee]TW[bf][cf][jf][kf][lf];W[tt]TB[aa][ao][ap][ba][bo][ca][cn][cp][da][dc][do][ea][eb][ed][ee]TW[ag][ah][ai][aj][ak][bf][bh][bi][bj][bk][cf][ch][ci][cj][cs])
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