(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[NZ]SZ[19]KM[7.00]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]DT[2013-04-20]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[UsF [1k]: nice to know this sequence o.o];B[pd];W[dd];B[pq];W[pn]C[white prevent to play chineese opening];B[dp]C[black can tenuki because white is far];W[qf];B[qi]C[higher pincer would be far better ! because white jump is sente for the corner group];W[of];B[nc]C[Futhermore, if we change order if moves, black would not invade near white tobi];W[oi](;B[ql];W[ol];B[rn]C[seems good for white because black is low];W[md]C[white wants to build a moyo (good idea) because he has three stones at the fith line];B[mc];W[kd];B[ld];W[le];B[lc];W[ke];B[pg](;W[qd];B[pf];W[pc](;B[qe];W[od];B[pe];W[oc];B[nd];W[oe];B[me];W[mf];B[ne];W[nf];B[nh];W[kc];B[kb];W[jb];B[la]C[very good for white who has influence and corner !])(;B[pe];W[oc];B[nd];W[qe];B[qc](;W[rc];B[qb];W[rb];B[od]C[black is very strong to destroy white moyo])(;W[qb];B[rc];W[rb];B[qg];W[rg];B[rh];W[sf]TR[of][oi][ol]C[white has the corner but marked stones are suffering])))(;W[od]C[white should attach from this side first];B[oc];W[qd];B[pe];W[pf];B[qe];W[re];B[rd]C[black got a big corner but ...];W[rg];B[se];W[rf];B[qc];W[qo];B[ro];W[qp]LB[rk:1][nq:2]C[black is suffering from both side]))(;B[pl]C[better for black];W[nn];B[mq];W[nl]LB[nq:A]C[but white would enclose. If black jump instead of protecting the corner. White plays at A and would also enclose black ]))
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