(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1200]OT[3x30 byo-yomi]PW[artem92]PB[egogames]WR[7d]BR[7d]DT[2010-03-14]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]RE[W+7.50];B[pd]BL[1197.914]C[artem92 [7d]: hi ggegogames [7d]: hihi];W[dc]WL[1162.001];B[pq]BL[1194.479];W[dq]WL[1132.577];B[qo]BL[1190.775]C[moonscar [-]: hello everyone.];W[cf]WL[1106.435];B[co]BL[1183.534];W[ep]WL[1084.447];B[jq]BL[1171.498]C[evanj [2d]: artem the slow implacable ukranian will win againkane955 [2k]: i dont think artem is slow anymoreevanj [2d]: you see him coming and still can't stop him];W[qf]WL[1039.96];B[qi]BL[1158.59]C[ibd [7k?]: but you can't dodge him eitherevanj [2d]: q14! artem style];W[nd]WL[1012.187];B[qe]BL[1145.063]C[moonscar [-]: i favor white currently, let's see how this plays out];W[pf]WL[999.132];B[oe]BL[1143.54]C[Omniscient [2k]: hm?Omniscient [2k]: why would B strengthen W with R15 instead of just moving out at P15?];W[qc]WL[972.401]C[moonscar [-]: expected this move. :D];B[pc]BL[1133.193]C[ibd [7k?]: oOevanj [2d]: fine line bewteen strengthening and making heavy];W[re]WL[964.462];B[qd]BL[1132.012]C[Sandmann [-]: awesome! first time i see this in a game];W[rd]WL[957.199];B[rc]BL[1131.369]C[Femto [2k]: maybe black discovered a new move? ^^Sandmann [-]: o14!];W[nf]WL[950.728];B[ne]BL[1130.223];W[me]WL[942.201];B[md]BL[1129.647]C[ibd [7k?]: a new joseki?ibd [7k?]: or an old onetobe30k [1d]: hmm this form look like joseki, no?];W[of]WL[927.012];B[nc]BL[1126.227]C[tobe30k [1d]: i saw it once todayevanj [2d]: everything old is new again];W[ld]WL[915.242];B[mc]BL[1124.278]C[Omniscient [2k]: looks like B came out on top?..Omniscient [2k]: he had some nasty shape problems with W R18Omniscient [2k]: but all the aji is gone nowevanj [2d]: dunno, the top left shimari is looking goodcalgacus [-]: looks bad for wXoc [2k?]: doesnt look joseki];W[lc]WL[886.421];B[le]BL[1122.628]C[evanj [2d]: but so is R11];W[mf]WL[876.709];B[ke]BL[1121.948];W[jc]WL[846.762];B[jd]BL[1116.883];W[kb]WL[837.408]C[ibd [7k?]: Sandmann, lieber Sandmannibd [7k?]: es ist noch nicht so weitcalgacus [-]: this looks strategically wrong for begogames [7d]: hi everyone, i am offering lesson on kgs, checkout www.egogames.com for detail.];B[lb]BL[1092.841]C[kane955 [2k]: ^^moonscar [-]: advertisement while playing.. lolOmniscient [2k]: oohodnihs [2d]: lol?];W[mb]WL[826.002];B[la]BL[1091.383]C[evanj [2d]: guess he thinks he's going to win :Dtobe30k [1d]: hmm...Omniscient [2k]: O18?tobe30k [1d]: but he cant see we discuss about it, right?evanj [2d]: rightodnihs [2d]: yepibd [7k?]: is his egogames' ego big?evanj [2d]: unless he looks afterwardsibd [7k?]: -histolkienist [7k]: he friended me on facebooktolkienist [7k]: i've never even met the guyibd [7k?]: I friended his mom on facebookevanj [2d]: ew];W[ma]WL[738.959]C[tobe30k [1d]: o18 then connect is ok ];B[kc]BL[1088.98];W[ka]WL[732.751];B[lb]BL[1087.869];W[la]WL[727.871];B[kd]BL[1086.759];W[lb]WL[722.564]C[evanj [2d]: j17?Femto [2k]: can w do this?Mr12345678 [6d]: i think sojim67234 [1k]: wrong moveKantid [4k]: artem can do anything he wanttobe30k [1d]: still ajiMr12345678 [6d]: that was part of my reasoning :Ptypohh [11k]: isnt that a bit too heavy XPXoc [2k?]: like making bad shapeevanj [2d]: this is classic artemevanj [2d]: he eats bad shape for breakfastKantid [4k]: that sounds strange somehowGatsu [-]: p18 W];B[ic]BL[932.064];W[oc]WL[713.196]C[evanj [2d]: ooooh];B[od]BL[917.785];W[ob]WL[712.065]C[Omniscient [2k]: aji reactivated :Pbob32142: r18 ];B[pb]BL[905.489];W[nb]WL[704.716]C[evanj [2d]: cage fighttobe30k [1d]: ko?bob32142: i say sacrificeevanj [2d]: r18 o16 k18?bob32142: yea];B[nd]BL[869.874]C[Vinata [5d]: o16 no question];W[hb]WL[699.456]C[Omniscient [2k]: S18evanj [2d]: can't s18 yetHayek [4k?]: ko?bob32142: w aims for x2 koXoc [2k?]: both have beautiful shape.Sandmann [-]: wow];B[ib]BL[834.774]C[calgacus [-]: w in painevanj [2d]: i wouldn't want to be either b or w :Dtobe30k [1d]: crawlll];W[ia]WL[679.885]C[ibd [7k?]: this must be a korean josekibob32142: i choose otherbob32142: lol];B[hc]BL[821.049]C[ibd [7k?]: where both sides come out bad];W[gb]WL[672.069];B[gc]BL[818.561]C[piku [2k]: seems b is in advantage];W[fc]WL[651.214]C[evanj [2d]: well, crawling on second line rarely leads to advantage];B[fd]BL[815.688]C[kokonut [5k]: had lost the game];W[ec]WL[642.973]C[tobe30k [1d]: but gote for b, no?];B[jb]BL[811.575]C[play234 [-]: yesTwilumina [8k]: sente for b];W[ja]WL[637.086]C[Twilumina [8k]: ?evanj [2d]: eventually b will have to fix UR];B[qb]BL[807.551]C[Twilumina [8k]: ohbob32142: wowbob32142: w cryingOmniscient [2k]: L13evanj [2d]: nice sequence *clap clap*Twilumina [8k]: artem furiouskostuek [-]: n11];W[kg]WL[593.856]C[kostuek [-]: crapOmniscient [2k]: :Ptobe30k [1d]: both now have inside and outsideevanj [2d]: w does not seem to be in a very good spot];B[mh]BL[796.829];W[oi]WL[581.307]C[miao [5d]: l13 bad];B[oh]BL[788.122]C[evanj [2d]: because it leaves shape vulnerabilities?play234 [-]: w already desperate? ;)];W[ph]WL[566.515]C[Footlover [4k]: what was better then L13? ];B[pi]BL[771.371]C[piku [2k]: b just made a big mistakemiao [5d]: because he tries to attack a almost alive groupTwilumina [8k]: n11 looked betterTwilumina [8k]: then l13piku [2k]: so w a little relaxed];W[oj]WL[553.94]C[Kantid [4k]: nag, artem always giving some handi to his opponent in fusekiOmniscient [2k]: O12evanj [2d]: i fear b will get a lot of cash out of thisplay234 [-]: so, who will win this upcoming fight?Twilumina [8k]: artem!calgacus [-]: n12 was an overplay imo];B[ni]BL[733.336]C[miao [5d]: n13 was hyper activemiao [5d]: yes];W[qh]WL[532.473];B[pk]BL[721.277]C[andrew [1d]: never wise to underestimate one's opponenttobe30k [1d]: did someone said, that it is cosmic go style?ibd [7k?]: b seems ahead now, right?];W[ok]WL[489.668]C[DFGHJ: yes];B[pl]BL[710.322];W[ol]WL[479.999]C[fatihsulak [-]: if white cannot capture o11 he is in big trouble Omniscient [2k]: looks difficult..andrew [1d]: I disagree with that analysisParadize [1k]: B not ahead to meOmniscient [2k]: W is getting nothing out of this exchangecalgacus [-]: w has m14 or s13 as miaiOmniscient [2k]: B gets free territory on rightdawid963 [2k]: w in troubleParadize [1k]: i count 30 points each playuersandrew [1d]: white's success does not depend on capturing o11Omniscient [2k]: W gets a wall that faces a living B group];B[pm]BL[623.496];W[lk]WL[470.764]C[tobe30k [1d]: you mean o11?];B[kh]BL[611.754]C[craig [4k]: what living b group is that omniscient?];W[lg]WL[462.843]C[Omniscient [2k]: K16Twilumina [8k]: white success on killing allcraig [4k]: i don't think his wall faces that way....tobe30k [1d]: there is a wall facing that?dawid963 [2k]: l10BAM0 [5d]: B too optimisticwikipwnia [6k]: i thought meant k7EdhelDil [3k]: w can attacj o11group + top left groupwikipwnia [6k]: i mean q7];B[jh]BL[567.541]C[DeadTired [2d]: well, maybe not facing, more like squinting that way.];W[jg]WL[452.293];B[ih]BL[562.817];W[ig]WL[444.664]C[Omniscient [2k]: any moves in K13 area are damewikipwnia [6k]: p8 looking thinfatihsulak [-]: g15 ];B[hh]BL[556.054];W[hg]WL[436.763]C[catsoldier [7k]: starting to look more like facingcraig [4k]: loltobe30k [1d]: so romanticcraig [4k]: yes, now it's gotten quite long];B[ie]BL[528.037]C[Omniscient [2k]: B would probably do well to play J15, thoughOmniscient [2k]: yeah];W[gh]WL[428.437]C[craig [4k]: and b blinks first];B[hj]BL[522.922]C[semakute [4k]: b look so bigibd [7k?]: p6Footlover [4k]: TWSSibd [7k?]: c8play234 [-]: w has no solid cash except UL. play234 [-]: looks toughsemakute [4k]: w has weak groupcatsoldier [7k]: not much unsolid cash eithercraig [4k]: w gets to continue to torture b in the middle];W[fj]WL[358.266]C[Omniscient [2k]: uh, other way around, craigplay234 [-]: torture b? no now b will torture w];B[ml]BL[504.205]C[craig [4k]: to each their own oppinion ;)];W[mk]WL[345.827]C[wikipwnia [6k]: i doubt white enjoys his situationOmniscient [2k]: i'd like to see you say that when you lose your games craig [4k]: bet he's smiling right nowOmniscient [2k]: "it's my opinion that I won"tobe30k [1d]: you doubt artem?wikipwnia [6k]: i think artem ownswikipwnia [6k]: and i want him to winwikipwnia [6k]: but this looks unpleasantandrew [1d]: for the most part, artem's shape is quite good];B[hl]BL[454.301]C[semakute [4k]: what about n8Omniscient [2k]: w group looking pretty glum right nowtypohh [11k]: whites position looks much more difficult to play than blackstobe30k [1d]: wow large scale attack];W[nn]WL[311.561]C[Omniscient [2k]: and in either case, looks like B will get solid 5th line territory on the bottom all the way to the middleevanj [2d]: o4 is temptingtromp [-]: b gonna cash in on this];B[om]BL[430.518]C[andrew [1d]: h8 is nice. good strategy.];W[nm]WL[302.285]C[Omniscient [2k]: with no chance for W to play Q2 or any reducing tesuji];B[lm]BL[427.017]C[chiron [-]: it assume w diesshakti [5d]: w like to run ahead on territory and then manage his weak groups well enough to win the game, its a nice strategy];W[ln]WL[261.003]C[tromp [-]: last 2 b moves dont feel rightdiemorph [2k]: amashi, name of strategychiron [-]: w can peeo=p at j9 and then cut at m12typohh [11k]: can b play anything but l7?];B[ll]BL[353.625]C[evanj [2d]: yestobe30k [1d]: see?Thirteen [-]: empty traingle];W[nl]WL[247.827]C[Weishenme [4d]: L6vingol [1d]: fighting triangle];B[mo]BL[346.932]C[evanj [2d]: wowsemakute [4k]: yestobe30k [1d]: the famous techniquezum [?]: fighting triangle is the new empty trianglecraig [4k]: see, n5 actually has a target on it!SqueezeIt [1d]: boomerangvingol [1d]: only when it workstobe30k [1d]: b now enjoys the gamephilemon [6k]: how could B lose that game ?];W[kj]WL[167.511]C[Footlover [4k]: nice];B[lh]BL[335.441]C[evanj [2d]: i really think b is overplaying here];W[ik]WL[159.608]C[kovala [6k]: Hoston "w"e have problem hereEdhelDil [3k]: he is ;) m12 loomsjamesbonds [5k?]: goodsophtpaw [4k]: which won is the win?evanj [2d]: next L7kingme2 [3k]: b winningtobe30k [1d]: fierce fightThirteen [-]: make niose in the east attack in the westphilemon [6k]: B will build the bottom and hurt the leftsophtpaw [4k]: is that from the Art of War?];B[hk]BL[282.673]C[tromp [-]: l6?mypod [2d]: and lose n8philemon [6k]: yes n8 will diekingme2 [3k]: n8 not that importanttobe30k [1d]: l7 now?Omniscient [2k]: well right now it's dying in a dead shape :POmniscient [2k]: so w's problems are not overThirteen [-]: idkcraig [4k]: how about h6 and w kill all...semakute [4k]: w try to attack triangle groupThirteen [-]: k7?craig [4k]: okay, maybe notParadize [1k]: k7 naturalAcidBee [2d]: l6 daladim [1d]: lol @ craigCardiffGo [4k]: W L6?philemon [6k]: W wants time to play c7evanj [2d]: l think L6 onlychiron [-]: h6 n6kovala [6k]: l6];W[kl]WL[55.528]C[Thirteen [-]: whoatobe30k [1d]: all wrong];B[km]BL[268.324];W[jm]WL[52.293];B[kn]BL[267.039]C[evanj [2d]: apparentlyAcidBee [2d]: wow];W[il]WL[45.09]C[philemon [6k]: now bottom hugeEdhelDil [3k]: wowkovala [6k]: so w wants killParadize [1k]: Artem is back !];B[hm]BL[253.018]C[jamesbonds [5k?]: goodchiron [-]: apparently its a leaning attack on h8Omniscient [2k]: take O10 senteZenChocobo [6k]: k6kingme2 [3k]: k5 lakingme2 [3k]: I mean k6];W[jn]WL[12.551]C[blink [3d]: res];B[ko]BL[249.838]C[kingme2 [3k]: lose lasemakute [4k]: separate b ];W[jo]WL[2.386];B[hp]BL[233.688]C[evanj [2d]: result of b overplay...Fukurokuji [2k]: no nokingme2 [3k]: loser...kingme2 [3k]: resignnegnet [2d]: :)Thirteen [-]: great now the corner is in troubleevanj [2d]: what are you talking aboutsophtpaw [4k]: i want to see less 'ego' games and more 'eko' game];W[jp]WL[30]OW[2];B[kq]BL[227.644]C[evanj [2d]: hahaha so solidsemakute [4k]: if this group die the game is over];W[ho]WL[30]OW[2];B[go]BL[224.528]C[evanj [2d]: don't get your hopes up];W[kp]WL[30]OW[2];B[lp]BL[221.122]C[evanj [2d]: aliveibd [7k?]: m3Clark [1k]: m5Clark [1k]: :Ddaladim [1d]: clark >.
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