(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]HA[6]KM[0.50]TM[2700]PW[BarcelonaX]PB[Zen19]BR[2d]DT[2010-07-20]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Zen19 [2d]: GTP Engine for Zen19 (black): Zen version 5.5]RE[B+Time];B[dp]BL[2699.565];B[pd]BL[2699.296];B[dd]BL[2699.024];B[pp]BL[2698.752];B[dj]BL[2698.445];B[pj]BL[2698.192];W[nc]WL[2690.171]C[ThePok [20k?]: zen for president];B[pf]BL[2670.878];W[fd]WL[2675.003];B[df]BL[2656.623];W[kd]WL[2665.521];B[jp]BL[2634.905];W[qn]WL[2659.277];B[qo]BL[2611.283];W[pn]WL[2649.956];B[no]BL[2599.916];W[nq]WL[2643.282];B[mp]BL[2570.545];W[qq]WL[2633.484];B[pq]BL[2559.041];W[pr]WL[2631.059];B[rn]BL[2545.385];W[oo]WL[2598.578];B[or]BL[2523.266];W[ro]WL[2557.642];B[rp]BL[2501.32];W[qp]WL[2553.221];B[qr]BL[2471.051];W[po]WL[2549.129];B[ps]BL[2445.876];W[op]WL[2493.281];B[rq]BL[2424.458];W[ph]WL[2431.097];B[nj]BL[2408.662];W[nh]WL[2417.092];B[nm]BL[2391.192];W[rm]WL[2392.362]C[IvanD [5d]: who is W ?];B[rk]BL[2369.05]C[ThePok [20k?]: 9p proTristero [2d]: no, 4pskr [2k]: Ping-Chiang Chou (4P)ThePok [20k?]: hmmmThePok [20k?]: lets say 7pskr [2k]: http://wcci2010.nutn.edu.tw/schedule.htmIvanD [5d]: ok thxskr [2k]: look at 15:50];W[mq]WL[2339.255];B[kq]BL[2354.434];W[pl]WL[2282.592];B[qo]BL[2329.184];W[nl]WL[2235.85];B[ml]BL[2317.52];W[mm]WL[2226.331]C[IvanD [5d]: my money on the bot :)MediumWell [1k]: BarcelonaX already beat Zen19 with 7 handicap];B[nn]BL[2305.401]C[MediumWell [1k]: Now there's 6IvanD [5d]: ahMediumWell [1k]: So... I'll take your moneyIvanD [5d]: maybe w will be overconfident thenwcci2010: this is not the same human player; 4P instead of 9PMediumWell [1k]: That's against the rules, right? D:];W[qj]WL[2168.45];B[qi]BL[2293.971]C[IvanD [5d]: anyway, b is doing good so farMediumWell [1k]: How can't it be? 6 handicap >.>masek [?]: is there any limit about endurance of profimasek [?]: Machines are not tiredmasek [?]: but Profi ?];W[qk]WL[2111.134]C[MediumWell [1k]: aren't you a bot? >.>];B[qh]BL[2283.213]C[masek [?]: o'rly ?];W[mk]WL[2105.467]C[masek [?]: how do you guess ?barakeel [3d]: yeah masek is a bot but he is too shy to tell];B[ll]BL[2263.219];W[nk]WL[2103.052];B[lk]BL[2240.985]C[masek [?]: ;-)];W[mj]WL[2096.678]C[masek [?]: black feel's goodmasek [?]: moy moyomasek [?]: c3 masek [?]: ?];B[rj]BL[2211.976]C[MediumWell [1k]: No probe first?];W[qc]WL[2077.742]C[mFz [3k]: istnat that a bit low ?];B[qd]BL[2201.651];W[fp]WL[2036.051];B[dn]BL[2180.305];W[lp]WL[2020.869];B[lj]BL[2170.109];W[lo]WL[2006.304];B[kn]BL[2159.82]C[MediumWell [1k]: Can a bot misclick?masek [?]: black grow breakfastmasek [?]: f4 ];W[ln]WL[1960.679];B[lm]BL[2130.776];W[jo]WL[1948.107];B[ko]BL[2120.271];W[kp]WL[1945.316]C[Watcher [-]: 6D2= Shang-Rong Tsai lol take the T off at the end...and we have a manga legend];B[ip]BL[2109.705];W[lq]WL[1939.217];B[jn]BL[2099.608];W[dl]WL[1921.339]C[leachy [5k]: what is a good anti-bot strategy?IvanD [5d]: play well];B[el]BL[2076.843]C[DeadTired [2d]: plug them out?MediumWell [1k]: hacksfgss [3d?]: :)guest15 [8k?]: koqQQp [-]: unplug the power cordgorga [2d]: montecarlobots usually give corners quite cheapMediumWell [1k]: There won't be a power cord... After all, we're going green :Dgorga [2d]: also they can easily misread group status in corners];W[fn]WL[1862.51]C[skr [2k]: if you lose at igo, try kickboxing.];B[gm]BL[2066.587]C[MediumWell [1k]: j2?leachy [5k]: in chess you usually avoid complex tactics(cf. local fight) and go for a strategical endgame or middlegame manouvering (cf what?)MediumWell [1k]: You said the c-word >.>barakeel [3d]: should be bannedAphelion02 [6k]: banGoRoGoRo [9k]: He meant Jazzmartijn [18k?]: ah hahah I thought you meant "complex"IvanD [5d]: white is in troubleAphelion02 [6k]: i dunno how white can win thismartijn [18k?]: I was like, "why is complex a swear word?"MediumWell [1k]: something-2Aphelion02 [6k]: i don't even feel black lost much since beginninga2g [4k]: d3 skr [2k]: i wonder if it would have been better to first strengthen F4 before the plays around M3IvanD [5d]: w put too many stones at the right];W[fm]WL[1743.247]C[MediumWell [1k]: But playing on the second line..... He wants to avoid that, so my brain can't comprehend what he wll do];B[fl]BL[2056.294];W[gl]WL[1742.011]C[barakeel [3d]: the four black stones where quite bigbarakeel [3d]: werea2g [4k]: oh];B[em]BL[2042.643]C[skr [2k]: they are not captured yetskr [2k]: ~22ptsbarakeel [3d]: oh yeahskr [2k]: i estimate];W[hm]WL[1715.069]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: what now for white..];B[io]BL[2032.239];W[gn]WL[1713.319]C[IvanD [5d]: black still have a huge move at N11skr [2k]: leaving F4 alone and later D8 calls for splitting attack.];B[il]BL[2014.942]C[skr [2k]: (imho, of course)sfgss [3d?]: look like w is going to win];W[gj]WL[1694.372];B[gh]BL[1995.993]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: bot is aggressive];W[im]WL[1682.364]C[MediumWell [1k]: big triangle :oskr [2k]: sfgss, would you prefer F6 over E8?];B[mi]BL[1974.957]C[gloc: n 7Long88 [2d]: bot is going to pwn the noobs barcelonax];W[ni]WL[1670.921]C[gloc: ???];B[jl]BL[1964.851];W[hi]WL[1666.564]C[takaji [11k?]: Barcelonax is not noob :|];B[hh]BL[1936.167];W[ii]WL[1661.007]C[sfgss [3d?]: e8is not a good move];B[jg]BL[1924.683];W[ki]WL[1646.178];B[oj]BL[1914.565];W[pk]WL[1641.061];B[li]BL[1898.411]C[skr [2k]: sfgss, could you elaborate please?sfgss [3d?]: even e7 is better than e8sfgss [3d?]: e8 is vunerable to attack];W[kh]WL[1596.352];B[hl]BL[1883.233];W[fk]WL[1580.418];B[pi]BL[1866.37]C[skr [2k]: sfgss, would F6 be playable, too?sfgss [3d?]: f6 is okay mvoeskr [2k]: sfgss, thank you.];W[mg]WL[1522.57];B[lg]BL[1856.503]C[sfgss [3d?]: my pleasure];W[lh]WL[1489.667]C[sfgss [3d?]: but with 6 handicap, it's better to play safer];B[lf]BL[1838.929];W[mh]WL[1462.404]C[skr [2k]: i see. so your choice would have been E7?];B[jh]BL[1813.041]C[sfgss [3d?]: If I play with pro, yes :)sfgss [3d?]: strengthen myself first];W[ji]WL[1406.96];B[mf]BL[1802.859]C[barakeel [3d]: wow];W[kr]WL[1399.838]C[masek [?]: black killing white ?];B[gq]BL[1792.88]C[sfgss [3d?]: If I play with someone at my level, f6 is goodbarakeel [3d]: tiny bot doesnt fear to diemasek [?]: or black can not count eyes?];W[fq]WL[1391.57]C[IvanD [5d]: b not affraid of dying ?];B[gr]BL[1782.745]C[masek [?]: concept build 2 fake eyes +1 one for freenvm [1d]: L2 was b sente];W[ir]WL[1359.696]C[masek [?]: m8 seems does not looks like 2 eyed group];B[jq]BL[1754.496];W[jr]WL[1355.865];B[er]BL[1744.478]C[IvanD [5d]: b can play H9 and K9masek [?]: h4 IvanD [5d]: making 1.5 eyesIvanD [5d]: I believemasek [?]: cutmasek [?]: h4IvanD [5d]: I guess b reading is okKickchon [-]: well white is also not really settledkill [-]: b can live I thinkbarakeel [3d]: i dont see howkill [-]: H9 and H10 sentegorga [2d]: ivan just told ya )];W[hq]WL[1234.671];B[gp]BL[1734.312];W[hp]WL[1231.857];B[hk]BL[1723.865];W[gk]WL[1225.41]C[gorga [2d]: woa bot actually saw it too];B[jm]BL[1714.191]C[barakeel [3d]: strong^^Kickchon [-]: couldnt bot cut first?IvanD [5d]: L10 and JH6 miai ?readytogo [2k?]: how strong is this bot?babbage [1d]: alive nowAphelion02 [6k]: maybe white should have played k7 sente first?gorga [2d]: with h10 sente i guess yes ivanProoMas [13k]: J6 - bad move?IvanD [5d]: I dont think H10 is nescessaryGoRoGoRo [9k]: Thanks for asking this. Wher is b's second eye?];W[kg]WL[1053.988];B[go]BL[1704.616]C[ProoMas [13k]: what about J6 :S];W[ho]WL[1041.227]C[ProoMas [13k]: nvmProoMas [13k]: he's connected nowProoMas [13k]: ^_^nvm [1d]: yes ?];B[in]BL[1694.813]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: damnspirito [2k]: this bot is really strong ProoMas [13k]: =Dnvm [1d]: ; -)Aphelion02 [6k]: live in sentebarakeel [3d]: no reallybarakeel [3d]: t];W[dq]WL[1002.879]C[IvanD [5d]: white will L14nvm [1d]: l14];B[fo]BL[1673.996]C[ProoMas [13k]: what ifProoMas [13k]: black H6?];W[cp]WL[989.767]C[ProoMas [13k]: wouldn't it be dangerous?ProoMas [13k]: for white?];B[eo]BL[1645.636]C[ProoMas [13k]: or is it not sente?];W[co]WL[977.942]C[JoostvdPol [5k]: w can always recapture and connectbabbage [1d]: L14 / H6 miai];B[cr]BL[1633.326]C[ProoMas [13k]: yeaProoMas [13k]: :PProoMas [13k]: so L14 senteProoMas [13k]: =DAphelion02 [6k]: this bot can give me 9 stones...nvm [1d]: bots are getting really strong lately .... !];W[ek]WL[903.557];B[hn]BL[1624.022]C[sfgss [3d?]: this move is uselessProoMas [13k]: N6 - not important?ProoMas [13k]: :Ssfgss [3d?]: n6 too small now shaula [1k]: N6 = a few points in gotebarakeel [3d]: this move is trickynvm [1d]: p7 before n6 for b];W[cn]WL[826.903];B[dk]BL[1604.838]C[ProoMas [13k]: N6 ~ 14 points, no?];W[cl]WL[812.198]C[spirito [2k]: for this h6 Aphelion02 [6k]: eh];B[je]BL[1583.707]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: doesn't 14 killAphelion02 [6k]: or that...];W[cq]WL[803.049]C[sfgss [3d?]: with 6 handicap, w cannot afford moves like n6 nowAphelion02 [6k]: ahhAphelion02 [6k]: semeaisfgss [3d?]: w must attack];B[hr]BL[1562.437];W[iq]WL[799.376];B[eq]BL[1544.967];W[dr]WL[795.894]C[choai [2d]: h1sfgss [3d?]: like thisbarakeel [3d]: h1 lives];B[en]BL[1525.286]C[ProoMas [13k]: A17SR123 [6k]: ProoMas: n6 is a yose moveProoMas [13k]: =DProoMas [13k]: what's a yose?];W[gm]WL[787.197]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: if black lives game over?];B[hs]BL[1515.899]C[choai [2d]: not yosestf7 [1k]: yose=endgamesfgss [3d?]: not overProoMas [13k]: kkchoai [2d]: just not big nowbarakeel [3d]: white can livechoai [2d]: but big laterIvanD [5d]: black lives];W[ei]WL[771.106];B[gi]BL[1494.804]C[IvanD [5d]: white is in very big trouble nowSR123 [6k]: ok];W[hj]WL[763.009]C[choai [2d]: sureAphelion02 [6k]: uh oh?ProoMas [13k]: ???ProoMas [13k]: E10barakeel [3d]: but white will liveProoMas [13k]: and white is disconnected?];B[di]BL[1472.111]C[sfgss [3d?]: w is not afraid];W[eh]WL[750.845]C[sfgss [3d?]: the outside b is not strongchoai [2d]: w easy livesfgss [3d?]: yes];B[fe]BL[1450.616];W[dh]WL[741.939]C[ProoMas [14k]: E10 ?!sfgss [3d?]: not only live,but kill outside bProoMas [14k]: oh waitAphelion02 [6k]: but top gets wrecked?ProoMas [14k]: =D];B[ch]BL[1438.943]C[brainlord: I think b is strong];W[cg]WL[732.82]C[sfgss [3d?]: b is 5k levelbrainlord: c12 seems bad thoughchoai [2d]: ;))Aphelion02 [6k]: no wayhatego [4k]: B is 2dchoai [2d]: 5k];B[bh]BL[1420.536]C[IvanD [5d]: I dont agree with b let white D12choai [2d]: ;))Aphelion02 [6k]: i have no chance vs b i think];W[dg]WL[715.418]C[choai [2d]: f15 maybe useless];B[bf]BL[1409.431];W[bg]WL[709.995]C[brainlord: g16 would be hugechoai [2d]: w have good aji here];B[ag]BL[1399.814]C[sfgss [3d?]: b often play useless moves];W[cf]WL[705.075];B[be]BL[1390.018]C[JoostvdPol [5k]: either that or b is outsmarting us allbrainlord: all the h12 junk will get eatenKickchon [-]: white will push at l14 and cut at j15 then ?];W[nf]WL[648.143]C[IvanD [5d]: I guess white will live but black destroys the top];B[ne]BL[1370.188]C[ChemBoy613 [-]: how strong is W?];W[me]WL[645.284]C[Piem [3k]: w is 9p? and can i get the 9x9 games i missed in the afternoon somewhere?];B[le]BL[1350.821];W[md]WL[642.514];B[nd]BL[1340.989];W[ld]WL[631.913]C[wcci2010: Piem: you can find the 9x9 games against the pros in mogobot5's account and in bluefuego's account];B[kf]BL[1326.507]C[Piem [3k]: thxskr [2k]: shape move :-)ProoMas [14k]: why this and not L15?MaLa [2d]: uhmerrien [9k?]: or just by looking games of barcelonaxLennStar [15k]: how much time did they start with?MaLa [2d]: no bamboo can get expensivebarakeel [3d]: l14 is a mistakechoai [2d]: yepProoMas [14k]: L15 sente movewcci2010: merrien: games of barcelonax only contain games by Zen. No 9x9 against pros.Alternate [?]: nice shape indeed leaves no weakness ^^choai [2d]: l15;))wcci2010: 9x9 games against pros are in "blueFuego" or "mogobot5"bbetkxsgf [1k]: white is already alive barakeel [3d]: i believe hes trying to trick the proskr [2k]: ignored J14 expansive, tooTristero [2d]: you overlooked that he needs to fill this liberty in order to win the 54 moves semeai :)choai [2d]: ;))masek [?]: боковые варианты ищет];W[hf]WL[537.161]C[masek [?]: seems white has no idea about how to liveMaLa [2d]: ah, yeah, he read it that farbarakeel [3d]: e10 senteMaLa [2d]: bot is too good];B[ge]BL[1307.735]C[MaLa [2d]: i'm not able to read out semeai :(qQQp [-]: he doesn't want to make it too obvious so the bot misevaluates.];W[he]WL[520.975]C[brainlord: w got a slight time worry];B[hd]BL[1298.482]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: waitMaLa [2d]: that what the bot is playing withAphelion02 [6k]: this is absolute time?Aphelion02 [6k]: wtfMaLa [2d]: he just wants to mess things upAphelion02 [6k]: why no byoyomiMaLa [2d]: leave common patternsMaLa [2d]: to force a timewinsmurfbot [5k]: how can you buy zen 19?];W[gd]WL[488.116]C[Tristero [2d]: they play on a board or at the computer?ThePok [20k?]: in japansmurfbot [5k]: can you order it online?];B[ee]BL[1276.817]C[ThePok [20k?]: japanes onlineshopwcci2010: Tristero: on the computerqQQp [-]: There are many Japanes in Barcelona, but it is still not Japan.];W[id]WL[467.78];B[hg]BL[1267.936]C[MaLa [2d]: sucks, they should annex it];W[gf]WL[445.22]C[stf7 [1k]: w+r :D];B[fg]BL[1252.392]C[MaLa [2d]: catalans didn't like spain that much anywayAphelion02 [6k]: its amazing how readily w can create this life and death situations];W[ci]WL[434.844]C[MaLa [2d]: so they can also belong to japan, i think they would be much happier];B[bi]BL[1231.048];W[ff]WL[420.259]C[WorldCop [2k]: ok, bot stupid];B[ef]BL[1221.419]C[brainlord: so tight];W[eg]WL[415.659]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: wowstf7 [1k]: b2 fteAphelion02 [6k]: died!stf7 [1k]: ftw];B[hc]BL[1212.102]C[Lolilol [1d]: K16ranger09 [5k]: E10 P14 makes 2 eyes];W[ic]WL[405.029]C[ranger09 [5k]: no?wcci2010: according to David the black stones around K13 are most likely deadhatego [4k]: I hope B resigns before W's time runs out. >