(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Goto Shungo]PB[Takemiya Masaki]WR[9p]BR[9p]DT[2008-01-31]EV[56th Oza the last preliminary tournament]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]C[This is the game from the preliminary tournament of the 56th Japanese Oza cup. Black is Takemiya Masaki, 9-dan. White is Goto Shungo, 9-dan];W[dd];B[pp];W[dp];B[pj];W[nc];B[pf];W[jd];B[jp];W[hq];B[cf]LB[ho:A]C[Takemiya, 9-dan usually plays at A - it's more typical for his moyo-oriented style];W[dh](;B[cc]C[Another surprise -];W[dc];B[cd];W[de];B[cb]C[It's hard to see such josekis in Takemiya's games. Usually he is not taking corners in early openings](;W[nq]C[The shape on the top is unfinished -];B[df];W[ef];B[eg]C[Now White's wall has bad adjis];W[dg];B[ff](;W[ee]C[White can take the corner, but ... -];B[bg];W[gd]C[White ends in gote and the adji is still bad];B[no]TR[jp]C[A good move, which supports the marked stone](;W[qq]C[Too passive! -];B[pq];W[qp];B[qo](;W[pr]C[Another dubious move -];B[or];W[qr];B[po]LB[jr:A]C[The lower side has an open skirt at A, so this is the right direction];W[oq];B[mq];W[nr];B[me]C[Black's opening is successful];W[ld]LB[qc:A]C[The top side has an open skirt, so it's passive for White to defend it. I would prefer to invade at A instead];B[eh];W[di];B[ei]C[Black's plan is clear. He wants to create the central moyo];W[dj];B[ej];W[dk];B[fl]C[Now the game is clearly favorable for Black];W[dn];B[kf];W[ll]C[White has no other choice. He has to invade deeply!];B[jl];W[ol];B[pl]C[A careful move];W[ln];B[jn](;W[lp]C[Is it possible to live inside? -];B[mp];W[lq];B[ok]C[It's enough for Black](;W[qc]C[The largest place on the board -];B[pc];W[pb];B[qd];W[qb];B[lr];W[kq];B[lo];W[ko];B[mo];W[kn];B[jo];W[kp];B[jq];W[kr];B[mr];W[jr]C[White's group is connected, but with bad adjis];B[fq];W[fp];B[dq];W[eq];B[er];W[ep];B[gq];W[gp];B[cq]C[Black lived inside easily, by using the adji];W[dr];B[cr];W[fr];B[ds];W[hl]LB[gr:A][gs:B]C[It looks urgent for White to defend at A or B in reverse sente];B[hk];W[gk];B[ik];W[gl]C[A bad move, which makes Black stronger];B[gj]C[Now Black has an ideal shape in the center];W[lj];B[fk];W[db];B[bi];W[bj];B[bo]LB[bp:A]C[A very big move, which prevents the iken tobi at A];W[ca];B[ba];W[da];B[bc];W[bn];B[co];W[cn];B[gn];W[hr];B[ro];W[rp];B[rc];W[rb];B[rd]LB[ob:A]C[Another big move, which prepares the tesuji at A];W[mi];B[nh];W[nl];B[nk];W[om];B[pm];W[ni];B[oi](;W[gf]C[White missed the tesuji -];B[mc];W[md];B[ob]LB[na:E][mb:C][nb:B][lc:D][oc:A][nd:F]C[Goto Shungo, 9-dan resigned here, because of White A-Black B-White C-Black D-White E-Black F combination.])(;W[le];B[lf];W[md];B[ne];W[gf]C[This is the right order. The game would be favorable for Black, but still close]))(;W[lr];B[pb]C[White cannot spend a move for defending]))(;W[ok];B[pk];W[mj]C[This plan is risky, of course, but it gives White more chances]))(;W[ro];B[qn];W[rn];B[qm];W[pr];B[or];W[qr];B[oq];W[jr]C[This result looks better for White than the real game]))(;W[mo](;B[mn];W[lo];B[np];W[mq]C[I would prefer to fight here])(;B[mp];W[np];B[mq];W[oo];B[nn];W[op];B[on];W[po];B[pn];W[qo]C[White's corner would be large])))(;W[ce];B[ee];W[bd];B[fc];W[db];B[bf];W[be]C[... it would be small]))(;W[df];B[cg];W[dg]C[This is the standard joseki]))(;B[ef];W[fd];B[dk]C[I thought, that Takemiya will choose the pincer]))
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Goto Shungo    Takemiya Masaki
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