(;CA[UTF-8]GM[1]EV[Internet Go Server game: JanHora vs breakfast]US[Brought to you by IGS PANDANET]CoPyright[ Copyright (c) PANDANET Inc. 2011 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice.]GN[JanHora-breakfast(B) IGS]RE[B+Resign]PW[JanHora]WR[6d?]NW[34]PB[breakfast]BR[3p ]NB[43]PC[IGS: igs.joyjoy.net 6969]DT[2011-02-01]SZ[19]TM[3600]KM[6.500000]LT[]RR[Normal]C[ breakfast 3p : hi breakfast 3p : have a nice game! JanHora 6d?: hi];B[qd]BL[3590]C[ JanHora 6d?: enjoy a great game];W[dd]WL[3588];B[pq]BL[3582];W[dp]WL[3586];B[nc]BL[3574];W[po]WL[3579];B[qo]BL[3565];W[qn]WL[3567];B[qp]BL[3564];W[pn]WL[3559];B[mq]BL[3529];W[qj]WL[3529];B[cf]BL[3497];W[ch]WL[3516];B[fd]BL[3491];W[df]WL[3446];B[dg]BL[3488];W[cg]WL[3386];B[dc]BL[3485];W[ce]WL[3355];B[cc]BL[3469];W[hc]WL[3331];B[bf]BL[3467];W[be]WL[3319];B[ef]BL[3464];W[de]WL[3319];B[fb]BL[3461];W[kc]WL[3281];B[cn]BL[3383];W[co]WL[3217];B[dn]BL[3377];W[fp]WL[3205];B[cj]BL[3331];W[dh]WL[3100];B[qh]BL[3207];W[kq]WL[3057];B[cq]BL[3126];W[cp]WL[3019]C[ JoePerry 17k?: what happened with manocska vs Roln? Helo 17k?: disconnected or same Laman 13k?: they are back online JoePerry 17k?: thanks Laman 13k?: by the way, is N3 ok? i don't remember seeing it before Marvin42 1k : It is not a typical joseki, but since a pro played it ... it is obviously ok :-) Hudoyar 4k?: how to open Roln`s game? Helo 17k?: type game 49 Helo 17k?: no Helo 17k?: sorry(];B[bn]BL[2859]C[ Hudoyar 4k?: ( Helo 17k?: find 58 game in list Hudoyar 4k?: thank you Hudoyar 4k?: ) Helo 17k?: u are welcome)];W[dq]WL[2832];B[ql]BL[2805];W[pl]WL[2787];B[rl]BL[2712];W[qk]WL[2726];B[rn]BL[2692];W[qf]WL[2725];B[rf]BL[2413];W[rg]WL[2698];B[qg]BL[2411];W[re]WL[2696];B[pf]BL[2410];W[qe]WL[2695];B[pe]BL[2409];W[rd]WL[2695];B[rh]BL[2345];W[qc]WL[2679];B[pd]BL[2329];W[pc]WL[2673];B[oc]BL[2239]C[ Marvin42 1k : now b is looking forward to attack two weak w groups? Helo 17k?: Q6 and H17? gooooo 10k?: hmm, can W play p3? Helo 17k?: sure];W[sf]WL[2510]C[ Helo 17k?: N6 was little overplay) Laman 13k?: N6? Helo 17k?: but in common variant white will be very strong in outside, but black take points. it is not good for white. Helo 17k?: but he is pro, and i not)];B[ol]BL[2016];W[pk]WL[2480];B[om]BL[2009]C[ Helo 17k?: wow) Nemesis60 1k?: does anybody knows anything about the game roln-manocska?];W[pm]WL[2426]C[ gooooo 10k?: n3 was overplay Laman 13k?: Nemesis: i watch it, but don't know much about it];B[mm]BL[1923]C[ Nemesis60 1k?: Laman: I cannot see it in EGTC room, where it is? ivoszz 12k : id=58 Helo 17k?: game ?58 AkinfeevK 1d?: in beginners room Nemesis60 1k?: beginners room :D:D];W[mo]WL[2223]C[ betterlife 3d?: game 58 (Roln vs. manocska) betterlife 3d?: type "trail Roln" in the console];B[no]BL[1836];W[nn]WL[2046];B[on]BL[1779];W[oo]WL[2023];B[np]BL[1777];W[mn]WL[2023]C[ gooooo 10k?: or type ob 58];B[lm]BL[1562];W[oq]WL[2017];B[or]BL[1536];W[nj]WL[1829];B[nh]BL[1366]C[ breakfast 3p : ... breakfast 3p : sorry];W[mk]WL[1702];B[kp]BL[1276];W[ko]WL[1640];B[jp]BL[1239];W[jo]WL[1608];B[lp]BL[1066];W[km]WL[1595];B[gq]BL[992];W[ne]WL[1585];B[nf]BL[980]C[ shimamura 6d?: white not bad here I think];W[le]WL[1516]C[ JoePerry 17k?: Yeah, I believe white is doing well againt a pro hippomanes 5d?: How strong is Jan? JoePerry 17k?: amateur 6d Laman 13k?: actually black is not so super strong, he is on the second board Laman 13k?: but he is still among top europeans, sure ilikegote 1d?: Jan is in top 20 eu too i think hippomanes 5d?: Another 3p on board 1... :) JoePerry 17k?: no, it's actually board 3 JoePerry 17k?: they have amateur 7d on board 1];B[fq]BL[731]C[ hippomanes 5d?: Ah? Cheerws ilikegote 1d?: russian board 1 and board 2 is almost equal];W[gp]WL[1500]C[ ilikegote 1d?: hard to say who is stronger];B[hq]BL[653]C[ Laman 13k?: hmm, just by ratings it is 2733 vs 2586; 2723 vs 2590; 2695 vs 2512... looks hard for us];W[ip]WL[1207];B[hp]BL[615];W[ho]WL[1203];B[iq]BL[612];W[io]WL[1192];B[kl]BL[545]C[ hippomanes 5d?: White having a good go here.];W[jq]WL[1086];B[kn]BL[465]C[ baldur 5d : was?];W[lo]WL[922];B[ml]BL[369];W[jk]WL[863];B[jl]BL[251];W[kk]WL[801];B[hl]BL[198];W[nr]WL[758]C[ breakfast 3p : .. breakfast 3p : hmm strange breakfast 3p : no byoyomi?];B[mp]BL[519]C[ JanHora 6d?: it will start counting after your first move breakfast 3p : I see breakfast 3p : thx];W[mr]WL[680];B[lr]BL[493];W[op]WL[648];B[jr]BL[482];W[fn]WL[550];B[pr]BL[412];W[em]WL[475];B[gj]BL[326];W[fj]WL[143];B[hi]BL[208]C[ Marvin42 1k : now j9?];W[lh]WL[16];B[lf]BL[162];W[of]WL[510];B[og]BL[94];W[mf]WL[506];B[mg]BL[92];W[ng]WL[506];B[rc]BL[91];W[rb]WL[497];B[nf]BL[90];W[nq]WL[482]C[ Laman 13k?: hmm, breakfast low on time];B[lq]BL[86];W[ng]WL[481];B[qb]BL[76];W[pb]WL[474];B[nf]BL[75]C[ Marvin42 1k : seems that the r18 - threat cost b a few points];W[ik]WL[421];B[gm]BL[69];W[ng]WL[419];B[ob]BL[63];W[qa]WL[418];B[nf]BL[61];W[gl]WL[370];B[fl]BL[42];W[ng]WL[368];B[ok]BL[30];W[oj]WL[361];B[nf]BL[29];W[hm]WL[349];B[il]BL[26];W[ng]WL[349];B[pi]BL[25];W[rm]WL[331];B[nf]BL[23];W[ro]WL[324];B[me]BL[11];W[rp]WL[313];B[jf]BL[8];W[pj]WL[282];B[gk]BL[570]C[ Laman 13k?: interesting exchange];W[eo]WL[209];B[rq]BL[553]C[ betka 2k?: is w safe on the upper side? not urgent to play there? Marvin42 1k : upper b side looks huge Marvin42 1k : I believe w is dead on the upper side ==> no urgent to play there ;-) ];W[dl]WL[131]C[ betka 2k?: hmmm I would definitely try to live but looks like they know better];B[ck]BL[529]C[ Marvin42 1k : if you played against me - you would probably achieve life :-) ... but these guys are a little stronger];W[bo]WL[98];B[bi]BL[445];W[bm]WL[79];B[cm]BL[414];W[an]WL[76];B[bl]BL[412];W[am]WL[75];B[cl]BL[397];W[md]WL[591];B[rr]BL[363]C[ Marvin42 1k : wow ... left group already alive?];W[mf]WL[535];B[oe]BL[339];W[kf]WL[534];B[me]BL[323];W[gb]WL[502];B[ke]BL[315];W[mf]WL[484];B[kg]BL[309];W[lg]WL[474];B[me]BL[307];W[ls]WL[472];B[kr]BL[304];W[mf]WL[472];B[eg]BL[223]C[ Sanjuro 2k?: jf b takes top side, left group becomes not so big yose];W[fe]WL[461];B[me]BL[209]C[ breakfast 3p : ...];W[bh]WL[392];B[ej]BL[185];W[mf]WL[387];B[bd]BL[174]C[ Sanjuro 2k?: heh Sanjuro 2k?: b wants left group];W[eh]WL[330];B[gn]BL[132];W[go]WL[286];B[me]BL[107];W[el]WL[268];B[ek]BL[77]C[ bubble 3d : black t4 very big, threatens life of right group];W[mf]WL[249];B[fg]BL[48]C[ Marvin42 1k : it depends ... if w wins the m14-ko, his group is out of danger Sanjuro 2k?: w has no eyes on left];W[fi]WL[218];B[fk]BL[45]C[ bubble 3d : sure the ko is most urgent];W[gg]WL[213];B[gf]BL[32]C[ Marvin42 1k : meanwhile w has two groups struggling for life breakfast 3p : .];W[fc]WL[46]C[ Sanjuro 2k?: two and a half];B[ec]BL[27];W[gd]WL[46]C[ Marvin42 1k : hard to believe that both of them survive Marvin42 1k : something new ... for a change: A ko :---)];B[ae]BL[481];W[gh]WL[32];B[ed]BL[448];W[hf]WL[29];B[ee]BL[425];W[gi]WL[27];B[me]BL[414];W[bg]WL[23];B[cd]BL[408];W[mf]WL[23];B[ei]BL[378];W[fh]WL[19];B[me]BL[378];W[pp]WL[589];B[qq]BL[373];W[mf]WL[589];B[hg]BL[317]C[ shinsei 2k+: hmm];W[hh]WL[559];B[me]BL[315];W[qs]WL[489];B[rs]BL[310];W[mf]WL[489];B[ig]BL[301];W[ge]WL[479];B[me]BL[297];W[dk]WL[463];B[dj]BL[292];W[mf]WL[461];B[ff]BL[279];W[ii]WL[453];B[me]BL[268];W[os]WL[420];B[ps]BL[265];W[mf]WL[420];B[kf]BL[224];W[me]WL[394];B[he]BL[209];W[hd]WL[390];B[ie]BL[205];W[mh]WL[389];B[ng]BL[202]C[ Laman 13k?: does the situation finally settle? shinsei 2k+: K17 maybe? Marvin42 1k : now w can start a ko @ E18 Marvin42 1k : for ko-free live, w might play j18];W[mc]WL[290];B[er]BL[200];W[dr]WL[289]C[ Sanjuro 2k?: e18 ko is dangerous for w Marvin42 1k : definitely ... but w seems to like kos :-) ];B[jc]BL[163]C[ bubble 3d : black has no weak groups, hence ko too dangerous for white];W[jb]WL[257];B[kb]BL[146];W[kd]WL[255]C[ Sanjuro 2k?: sure];B[ib]BL[134];W[jd]WL[255];B[ja]BL[597]C[ LeT 1d+: nooo];W[lb]WL[243]C[ Sanjuro 2k?: ni what? shinsei 2k+: interesting position Sanjuro 2k?: another ko baldur 5d : final ko, i hope Sanjuro 2k?: b ignore any ko-threat FieldMouse 4d?: j16, j17, k18, g18 looks good for b, no ko];B[hb]BL[523];)
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JanHora    breakfast
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