(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1200]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]GN[KGS plus lecture for public ]DT[2011-12-25]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[vdm [11k]: yeahJavaness [2d]: Yes you sound very meanNyanjilla [-]: yesvdm [11k]: i can hear you :)imusic [-]: yes ;)zenith [11k?]: merry christmasNyanjilla [-]: okdsaun [3k]: oh, two minutes, good please sing something seasonal :)vdm [11k]: =)MrHyphen [5k]: hi!Javaness [2d]: Merry tesujiNyanjilla [-]: hey... wait until it's announced!Javaness [2d]: yesMrHyphen [5k]: yep :Dfabi [19k]: yeahpel [-]: very wellOotakamoku [3d]: audio is finemoichido [3k]: yeesbrogicus [6k]: yes : )Merrik: yesfabi [19k]: okMrHyphen [5k]: beautifultenuki10 [4k]: goodNyanjilla [-]: greatenjolras [24k?]: yes.. very good soundChesh12: its ok) pablodv [?]: yes, souns fineJDrizzle [11k]: its pretty goodfirefly [1d]: yesredd [3k?]: sound's goodmaher140 [3k]: yeah, its goodtuerda [1d]: sound is goodmoichido [3k]: marvelousHorsti [14k]: fineMrHyphen [5k]: :Oxiaoding [10k]: kMerrik: haiviu30h [7k]: who vs who?Bubarik [1d]: the problem is that there is like 100000134608123461234123462345690270 shapes and they all combine differently, and become good or bad depending on combination.....JDrizzle [11k]: i can see the shape and I like what I seeJDrizzle [11k]: but Im working on my ko threatsTetriste [-]: still a good idea to learn about themBubarik [1d]: trueaa464546 [7k]: 100000134608123461234123462345690270 shapes [yipes]Tetriste [-]: even if you're not sure how to use itmw [-]: take side conversations to PMsJDrizzle [11k]: to me tetriste?Tetriste [-]: (to Bubarik)guojuan [5p]: 名人Lightning7 [1k]: like in hikaru no goNyanjilla [-]: MeijinJDrizzle [11k]: lolguojuan [5p]: Meijin Nation [2k]: meijinMoin9 [1k]: Meijin=MeijingJDrizzle [11k]: i didnt get to that episodeNyanjilla [-]: yupaa464546 [7k]: 鳴人tenuki10 [4k]: means "named person"abbadan [-]: the way of thinking íi would like to learn guojuan [5p]: MingRen aa464546 [7k]: narutoLightning7 [1k]: wha?JDrizzle [11k]: sasukeTetriste [-]: migraine :D](;;B[pd]C[Ootakamoku [3d]: bottom is the game line :)Tetriste [-]: look at the variation that reaches the furthest?](;W[qd](;AE[qd]AW[pf][qf][qi]AB[jc][nd][qe][qk]C[Bubarik [1d]: this was bad idea, how are we supposed to find the game now?];B[](;W[qc]C[Tetriste [-]: ok](;B[re]C[Tarkus [7k?]: "tack"tuerda [1d]: to attack R14dsaun [3k]: want to attack outside];W[oc];B[od])(;B[pc](;W[re]C[Lightning7 [1k]: S16tenuki10 [4k]: s-16gvarwegn: S16Shinichi56 [-]: r16 aa464546 [7k]: 16Spel [-]: s16 enjolras [24k?]: s16blue [3k]: tenuki ^^MrHyphen [5k]: heheLeyleth [6k]: tenukiHarmonika [1k]: tenukiBlitzfun [1d]: r16 `zenith [11k?]: s14 tuerda [1d]: r18Nyanjilla [-]: S13 could be fun...?akiranogo [15k]: r18akiranogo [15k]: r18Nyanjilla [-]: heheLeyleth [6k]: S17 seems nicetuerda [1d]: i dont knowblade90 [5k]: s13 looks interistingLightning7 [1k]: im almost danLightning7 [1k]: :PMrHyphen [5k]: ^^Tetriste [-]: I play s16 normallyBubarik [1d]: s16 Lightning7 [1k]: so r16?tuerda [1d]: okAlienN [13k]: just jump in the widnomAlienN [13k]: w*Tetriste [-]: yea](;B[rd]C[Tetriste [-]: is s16 variation bad only in this position?];W[qd]C[Lightning7 [1k]: S17Javaness [2d]: ai ai aiTetriste [-]: s17tenuki10 [4k]: s-17pel [-]: s17tuerda [1d]: s17_gvarwegn: s17tuerda [1d]: ?];B[rc]C[aa464546 [7k]: ??Faonig [1k]: b can cut at t14](;W[pe]C[Nyanjilla [-]: S16 is in the bookstuerda [1d]: nice move but does not help you winTetriste [-]: ok so s16 is good only if w already strongjohnny [6k]: so what should we do?];B[qb]LB[qb:5][rc:3][qd:2][rd:1][pe:4]TR[qc][rg]C[Tetriste [-]: w must takeTetriste [-]: yeaLightning7 [1k]: yuptuerda [1d]: w very strongTarkus [7k?]: standard sequencegvarwegn: w tenukis nowtenuki10 [4k]: yesNyanjilla [-]: yeahLightning7 [1k]: friendstuerda [1d]: common play on kgsTetriste [-]: no I figured it out and saw it on other gamesNyanjilla [-]: Advice to Kyu Players gvarwegn: from Saijo Masataka in Tampere, Finland in 2010firefly [1d]: old joseki bookCava93 [5k]: lolultima [4d]: hahaMrHyphen [5k]: i never learned it :Otuerda [1d]: is ugly for bBubarik [1d]: chance to learn something new ^)Lightning7 [1k]: :(Nyanjilla [-]: uh-huhpel [-]: :)BrYanwithY [5k]: lolaa464546 [7k]: hiMrHyphen [5k]: yep :Daa464546 [7k]: i am hkJavaness [2d]: guojuan!tuerda [1d]: is Q15 better than S17?Psychee [3k]: :DMrHyphen [5k]: hehe ^_^tuerda [1d]: heheTetriste [-]: r16 better than s16 then?moichido [3k]: \o/tenuki10 [4k]: thank youpel [-]: mm.. baijou..Blitzfun [1d]: pel :pultima [4d]: haahaLightning7 [1k]: loltuerda [1d]: you should laugh at our move thoughfabi [19k]: :DWorb [?]: just play 3viu30h [7k]: cant white r18?tuerda [1d]: w is very thick and b in goteTetriste [-]: other variation is gote too...dsaun [3k]: if w also hast p11 on board, then this would be ok?Tetriste [-]: is it a mistake only in this positionTetriste [-]: ?MrHyphen [5k]: i never learned this, phew!Tetriste [-]: i.e. with k17Wenhao [8k]: nice](;W[])(;W[md];B[mc];W[lc]C[tuerda [1d]: wow, very hard for b])(;AW[lc][le][mf][ng]LB[qb:5][rc:3][qd:2][rd:1][pe:4]C[tuerda [1d]: that is even worseTetriste [-]: and if black is very solid at topTetriste [-]: ?]))(;W[qb];B[pe]))(;B[rc]C[Tetriste [-]: r16];W[qd];B[qb];W[rd]C[Tetriste [-]: yeah thats worsetuerda [1d]: not much better])(;B[qb];W[qd]C[Tarkus [7k?]: everything has an order];B[pe];W[rb])(;B[qd]TR[re]C[Bubarik [1d]: it is so hard to be proud of your moves when someone comes, gives you like 7 stones handicap and you still dont have much chance....Tetriste [-]: yeahTetriste [-]: s16perepunys [5d]: tenukiSyptryn [4d]: tenukiPsychee [3k]: s17tuerda [1d]: tenukiFaonig [1k]: s16Tetriste [-]: I would s16 firsttuerda [1d]: w = dirtTetriste [-]: however, why r17 in middle game if you don't plan to follow up?Tetriste [-]: why play this to start with if you don't want to follow uplupi [3k]: why play it in the first place.Faonig [1k]: but...Faonig [1k]: s](;W[rd]C[Lightning7 [1k]: only in yose];B[rc]C[rjm [1k]: later if white gets s13 he could play s17 insteadtuerda [1d]: right but in goteSyptryn [4d]: can black s-13?Tarkus [7k?]: i like the "dont think" parttuerda [1d]: nice quote bubarikFaonig [1k]: ok](;W[rb];B[qb];W[sc];B[qc])(;W[](;B[rg];W[rf];B[qh];W[ph];B[ri];AE[rc][rd];W[rc];B[rd];W[sd]C[Tetriste [-]: why is s16 better than s17 in any situation then?];B[qb];W[rb](;B[pb];W[ra])(;B[ra];W[pb];B[pa];W[ob]C[tuerda [1d]: horrible ko];B[sb];W[qa]))(;B[sd]C[lupi [3k]: defend?Lightning7 [1k]: oh oh t15?Tetriste [-]: s18 stillTetriste [-]: yeah but b gets s13Bubarik [1d]: this is all so nice, i like to play low chinese lately, will need to pwn someone with new knowlege )Syptryn [4d]: when white t-15, can black s-13?tuerda [1d]: yes, very common shapeNyanjilla [-]: only people who haven't seen this lecture, Bubarik!lupi [3k]: looking for sentelupi [3k]: importantBubarik [1d]: one of my 4d friends says that he is not afrait of a player, who studied 10000 shapes, but he is afraid of a player who studied one shape 10000 timestuerda [1d]: yesxgx10 [1d?]: yesheather [1d]: nicetuerda [1d]: great lecture!aa464546 [7k]: 是Nyanjilla [-]: uh-huhJDrizzle [11k]: im too much of a beginnerJDrizzle [11k]: lol](;W[rf]C[Lightning7 [1k]: s14lupi [3k]: hmviu30h [7k]: t14?lupi [3k]: no good];B[]C[lupi [3k]: yes](;W[rb];B[qb])(;W[])(;W[qb];B[rb];W[sb];B[pb];W[se];B[qa];W[sc]))(;W[sf]C[lupi [3k]: ok t15?];B[rg];W[rf];B[qh];W[ph];B[ri])(;W[se]C[lupi [3k]: gote stilllupi [3k]: ah.](;B[sc]C[Faonig [1k]: if w can manage a cut...tuerda [1d]: and w eyes];W[rg];B[qb]C[tuerda [1d]: b gote])(;B[qb];W[sc](;B[];W[rb])(;B[sb]))(;B[rb]C[Syptryn [4d]: s13 ?];W[sc];B[ss];W[sb];B[qb]))(;W[rb];B[qb]))))(;W[rc];B[rd];W[sd];B[rf];W[se];B[rg]C[tuerda [1d]: then S14Tetriste [-]: oh yeah](;W[qh];B[sf];W[sc];B[qb])(;W[pb];B[ob];W[qa];B[qh];W[ph];B[ri];W[rb]))(;W[](;B[rd]C[lupi [3k]: forcing move])(;B[rg];W[rf];B[qh];W[ph];B[ri];W[rc]C[tuerda [1d]: already gain for wtuerda [1d]: s15 for R16 exchange is good for w directly])))(;B[];W[qb]C[BrYanwithY [5k]: that's what I thought!tuerda [1d]: hugetuerda [1d]: hard to countLightning7 [1k]: 25?];B[];W[pb](;B[nb]C[tuerda [1d]: affects b life and death];W[ob];B[nc])(;B[ob];W[nb];B[oa];W[nc]C[Nation [2k]: lolAlienN [13k]: no];B[oc];W[md])))(;AW[lc][le][mf][ng](;W[re];B[rd];W[qd];B[rc];W[pe];B[qb])(;W[rd];B[re];W[pb];B[ob];W[rb]))))(;W[];B[rf];W[rg];B[re]C[lupi [3k]: theres your answer ;p]))(;AE[pd][qd]AW[hc][lc]AB[jc][je];B[];W[jd];B[kd];W[id];B[kc];W[ke];B[ld];W[jf];B[nc]))(;W[dd]))(;B[pd];W[dd];B[qp];W[dp];B[oq]C[aa464546 [7k]: naruto=鳴人=in chinese 名人];W[dj];B[fc];W[df];B[db]C[Leyleth [6k]: Stay on topic, pleaseviu30h [7k]: san ren sei as white? i thought only takemiya dares tootuerda [1d]: gu li styleJDrizzle [11k]: yes](;W[qf]C[JDrizzle [11k]: very powerfulJDrizzle [11k]: ive been put into that pincer a lot latelyTetriste [-]: or san-san invasionarbas [2d?]: i know with Q11](;B[qi]C[CBlue [3d?]: i thought R14 is usually played high nowadays?JDrizzle [11k]: r6 and r9 for whiteTetriste [-]: I just know counter pincerheather [1d]: hard to jumpFaonig [1k]: not exactly...arbas [2d?]: q12*Shinichi56 [-]: cannot reduce on q12 Syptryn [4d]: r-11 is harder to reduce if white goes into 3-3Ootakamoku [3d]: if w jumps to corner, r11 more difficult to use?lupi [3k]: 1 space pincer covers the r14 more tightlyBubarik [1d]: this works better with shimari in lower rightlupi [3k]: 2 space more looseTetriste [-]: I think there's p12soraaaa [16k?]: wow there's a lot of players watching itBubarik [1d]: and if white takes corner, it is not so close to thicknesslupi [3k]: when would u use this?ThiGar [4k]: q13mw [-]: lupi, turn your volume onBubarik [1d]: yeslupi [3k]: no i doTetriste [-]: I doKeriel [14k]: yesNynfas [10k]: yesarbas [2d?]: yesHorsti [14k]: sound is finemw [-]: i do.Aya [2k]: yesDrack [9k?]: Loud and clearaa464546 [7k]: i doShinichi56 [-]: i dofirefly [1d]: yesElimGarak [10k]: of coursegoffriller [7k]: yesmorokin [12k]: yesredd [3k?]: I hear youtuerda [1d]: everyone hears you just fineThiGar [4k]: sound correctdsaun [3k]: dareni, it's one way audio; she talks, others can typeRainierBob [3k]: sometimes that helps for me if no soundTetriste [-]: its kinda old like idea thoughdaerni [3k]: thank youTetriste [-]: I saw similar moves in shuusaku's gamestuerda [1d]: what about R10?ThiGar [4k]: how often are lectures for the public?goffriller [7k]: tCBlue [3d?]: hm, so R14 isnt played at Q14 now?Lightning7 [1k]: not often](;W[qc]C[tuerda [1d]: jumping out at P14 not very effective for w this way](;B[qd]C[firefly [1d]: after w p14 no good pressure move on r11];W[pc];B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe]C[niv1010 [7k]: THE DIFFRENCE IS IF WHITE P11];W[nc]SQ[ql][qm][qn]C[niv1010 [7k]: *P 14];B[ql];W[qh];B[pi];W[og])(;B[pc];W[qd];B[pe]C[Nynfas [10k]: yesLEIBNIZ [2k]: yes];W[rg];B[pg];W[pf];B[of];W[og])(;AB[jd];B[pc]C[tuerda [1d]: w can also split the top];W[qd];B[pe];W[rg];B[pg];W[pf]))(;W[cc];B[ic];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc]C[Tetriste [-]: r10 is too close to bottom, r11 is bestakiranogo [15k]: what about n17];B[fq];W[dn];B[jp]C[akiranogo [15k]: thanksmiao [6d]: kong jie vs gu li?Alife361 [?]: P5shili [2d]: Not kong jieshili [2d]: Jiang weijieguojuan [5p]: sweetytuerda [1d]: jiang wei jie vs gu lizenith [11k?]: jiang weijie vs gu limiao [6d]: ahgogo888 [2k]: Q9miao [6d]: ok](;W[pj]TR[qg][qh];B[qj]C[Bubarik [1d]: there goes the sound for me.....];W[pk];B[pi];W[nj];B[oi]TR[ph][qh][rh][sh]C[Tetriste [-]: n17 makes s15 will make weaker])(;W[pl];B[qn]C[goffriller [7k]: q7](;W[pj];B[pi];W[nj];B[oi];W[ml])(;W[oj]C[Moin9 [1k]: p5 ?](;B[pj]C[maher140 [3k]: i thought r11 was more common at q11? Syptryn [4d]: if white q9 , black will cut?Tetriste [-]: I feel like trying to play g5 and h16 for potential for w and then get a wall on rightakiranogo [15k]: what about o15Bubarik [1d]: this is so strange for white.. left side is soo open, all the stones are 4-th line is bad, no?heather [1d]: interestingTetriste [-]: o9?guojuan [5p]: Jiang WeiJie Nation [2k]: jiang wei jieSyptryn [4d]: o8 ?tuerda [1d]: not weaker than gu li is saying a lotThiGar [4k]: Gu Li still number 1?miao [6d]: nogvarwegn: isn't white very happy here to play jujst wP11?tuerda [1d]: if p11 cuttuerda [1d]: already showednjs2 [1d]: yikes than black would be better](;W[oi];B[ok];W[pk];B[qh];W[nk];B[ol])(;W[ok]C[tuerda [1d]: the ladder does not work];B[oi];W[ni];B[nj])(;W[hd]C[Tetriste [-]: !!Tetriste [-]: thats what I said :Dlupi [3k]: :)Tetriste [-]: its not just cofee breakTetriste [-]: its to prepare the fieldgoffriller [7k]: but its good for 7k to see it again];B[hc]TR[oj][pj]C[lupi [3k]: very nice moveBubarik [1d]: so its not coffee brake, its ladder brake :)stoneman [5d]: it's not a direct ladder brakeheather [1d]: lol](;W[oi];B[ok];W[pk](;B[qh]C[Bubarik [1d]: this saying starts working only after 3-4 dan i think %)](;W[nl];B[nk](;W[mk];B[ol];W[om];B[nj];W[ni])(;AW[kh][ji][kj][jk]AB[hi][hj][hk][hl][hm]C[Insight [5k]: lolTetriste [-]: yesgvarwegn: yesWorb [?]: yesIm [6d]: yepBubarik [1d]: sureSyptryn [4d]: yupmorokin [12k]: yesProclos [-]: yescooldays [5k]: yesNation [2k]: yeshyunYuki [-]: jomiao [6d]: yes]))(;W[og](;B[pf];W[nl];B[nk];W[mk](;B[ol];W[om])(;B[nj];W[ol]))(;B[nh]C[Nyanjilla [-]: weirdSyptryn [4d]: ladder breakheather [1d]: white connect, then ladder doesn't workTetriste [-]: to prepare cutdsaun [3k]: break the ladder break?Nation [2k]: nooo ladderNation [2k]: :3Lotus [?]: this fight is beautifultuerda [1d]: o12 beautiful move](;W[oh]C[Nyanjilla [-]: O.O];B[pf];W[nl];B[nk];W[mk];B[ol];W[om];B[nj];W[ni];B[mj];W[lj];B[mi];W[mh];B[li];W[ki];B[lh];W[lg];B[kh];W[jh];B[kg];W[kf];B[mg])(;W[rf]C[miao [6d]: s10?Tetriste [-]: gu li plays a lot of tesuji war gamesmiao [6d]: ohgoffriller [7k]: thxAgntCooper [3k]: xmas present for us?];B[oh]C[BrYanwithY [5k]: :)miao [6d]: thx :)];W[nk];B[ol]C[Nation [2k]: thank youuuuThiGar [4k]: Champagne game!];W[jq];B[kq](;W[kp](;B[lq]C[miao [6d]: haha];W[om];B[nl];W[ml];B[nm];W[nn];B[mm];W[lm];B[mn];W[mo];B[ln];W[kn];B[lo]C[lupi [3k]: fun stuff];W[lp]C[Nation [2k]: great way to break ladderlupi [3k]: wow.])(;B[ko];W[lp];B[lq];W[jo];B[ip];W[om];B[nl];W[ml];B[nm];W[nn];B[mm];W[lm];B[mn];W[mo];B[ln];W[kn]C[kahin [3k]: lol ])(;B[nl];W[iq](;B[lq]C[tuerda [1d]: j3 looks big];W[jo])(;B[ko];W[lp];B[lq];W[jo];B[ip];W[hp];B[io])))(;W[ip];B[jo];W[kr];B[iq];W[jr];B[hq];W[lq]C[njs2 [1d]: black*Nation [2k]: ...run](;B[om]C[miao [6d]: even?];W[se]C[tuerda [1d]: message for beginers: ladders can be hardNation [2k]: ....white does not look happy.....];B[mr];W[pi];B[qj];W[ph];B[pg];W[qg];B[pf];W[of];B[pe];W[mi]C[tuerda [1d]: wowInsight [5k]: this game is intense];B[nf]C[tuerda [1d]: chaos!];W[rk];B[rj]C[mathe123 [-]: message for advanced players, ladders can be difficult as well for you :Dnogo123 [7k]: What's this?Tetriste [-]: I don't play ladders because its too complicated for nothing...heather [1d]: heheheFaonig [1k]: lolmiao [6d]: hahamiao [6d]: thxlupi [3k]: r9 seems like it worksLightning7 [1k]: what about s8?shili [2d]: Black can play S12 lupi [3k]: t11 thenmathe123 [-]: r9 is enough to capture the black stonesInsight [5k]: brutal lifelupi [3k]: yes i think so alsoshili [2d]: black has more libs that it seems..Lightning7 [1k]: how b can die here? lolnogo123 [7k]: So what would you say is the first step to improving on a large scale?Bubarik [1d]: miao, you will have to tell us the answer later, i just cant kill white yet...Nation [2k]: difficult read, but white diesDrGoPlayer [3k]: r9 s6 t9 ];W[mm]C[njs2 [1d]: ¡Tetriste [-]: s12 looks important for w];B[nd](;W[oc]C[Ootakamoku [3d]: t16 threowin problem?lupi [3k]: aji at r13heather [1d]: because throwin magicmiao [6d]: p17 ajiBubarik [1d]: n16 njs2 [1d]: to block? to much ajiBubarik [1d]: sentemiao [6d]: with s13tuerda [1d]: otherwise shortage of libs with S13?mathe123 [-]: oh i seenjs2 [1d]: and senteHoTing [2d]: n16 would be painful for bnjs2 [1d]: 015](;B[](;W[md](;B[me]C[niv1010 [7k]: SO BLACK CANCUT];W[ne]C[njs2 [1d]: w can hane later at n16])(;B[ng]))(;W[pm]C[nogo123 [7k]: why not N16? that wou;ld force black to defend?](;B[on])(;B[pn]TR[nl][nm][mn][nn][mo][no][np])))(;B[rh]C[kahin [3k]: s13?njs2 [1d]: n16 is good, yes];W[gp];B[hp];W[io](;B[ho];W[in])(;B[go];W[in];B[eo];W[do];B[jn];W[im];B[jm];W[mq];B[il];W[gm];B[nr];W[mo]C[Tetriste [-]: w is not interested in playing n16 now?];B[kl]C[mathe123 [-]: why r12?];W[lk]TR[nd][od][se][rf][jm][do][eo]C[njs2 [1d]: nice connectionnjs2 [1d]: i like wBrYanwithY [5k]: whitemathe123 [-]: i didn't catch itnogo123 [7k]: whitetuerda [1d]: I like blacknjs2 [1d]: yepgrrr [13k?]: wSyptryn [4d]: whitemaher140 [3k]: w looks like better position gvarwegn: whiteTetriste [-]: w got a better futurmiao [6d]: whiteShinichi56 [-]: wAwesomeman [2k]: whitenjs2 [1d]: white definetelymigou [?]: blackfirefly [1d]: wnjs2 [1d]: black is kind of weakLightning7 [1k]: i'll say blackThiGar [4k]: because k7 is running?njs2 [1d]: yestuerda [1d]: oh right, M2 no cuttuerda [1d]: hahatuerda [1d]: ok I like w alsonjs2 [1d]: betternjs2 [1d]: blacxk got cut offNation [2k]: agreedmaher140 [3k]: w all aroundheather [1d]: definitelygvarwegn: shouldn't white play wN16 as soon as possible?](;B[];W[md];B[ng];W[me])(;B[mn]TR[mm][mo]C[Nation [2k]: O.o omgmiao [6d]: uhgShinichi56 [-]: ^^Nation [2k]: lol, good moveOotakamoku [3d]: illegal move! that aint supposed to work!Blitzfun [1d]: warikomi <3HoTing [2d]: ^O^miao [6d]: ko?Nation [2k]: lol ootakaShinichi56 [-]: m6 ?gvarwegn: wM6miao [6d]: yesTetriste [-]: yeatuerda [1d]: middle of noplace cutlupi [3k]: sureWorb [?]: of course!bjmoose [4k]: suremoichido [3k]: sure ^^viu30h [7k]: surepel [-]: of course :)rockl [1d]: yeap!!AroundOneD [2d]: n6 or n8 both cutsNation [2k]: lets hear itElimGarak [10k]: story, story, storyhpdynex [13k]: yes, pleasetuerda [1d]: its xmasNation [2k]: o.o brogicus [6k]: yesMedou [?]: When you were a young pro.. last year ? ;)Syptryn [4d]: I still can't see why white can't m6 Nation [2k]: ahh, great experience?viu30h [7k]: yoda? yoda narimoto?Syptryn [4d]: oh nm :)Moin9 [1k]: Michael or Hanstuerda [1d]: master yodanakade [2d]: yoda norimotoyunYuki [-]: yoda norimoto the sabaki master :-)GoSanta [1k?]: micheal jacksonAroundOneD [2d]: hehemauno [2k]: michaelElimGarak [10k]: he used the force?tuerda [1d]: yoda, master of the forcElimGarak [10k]: :Pmathe123 [-]: well he was good in go wasn't heAroundOneD [2d]: JohnBlitzfun [1d]: :DNation [2k]: :3moichido [3k]: xDlupi [3k]: hahamathe123 [-]: m6!kgor [1k]: [this move is to connect by playing ]l4 m2 in a rollTetriste [-]: m6 o6 m7 l4 m5 m2 ?brogicus [6k]: both sides must be strongBubarik [1d]: when it worksNyanjilla [-]: hehshili [2d]: L4 is sentamw [-]: 6k > 1d]))))(;W[mc]C[njs2 [1d]: p17]))(;B[nl]C[njs2 [1d]: haha otherwise i would like b ^^heather [1d]: :Dmiao [6d]: haha];W[pi];B[ph];W[qj];B[mk]C[heather [1d]: interesting]))))))(;B[nk];W[qh];B[rh];W[ph];B[ri];W[rg]))(;W[ok]C[Insight [5k]: no its the ladder builder not the ladder break];B[oi](;W[ni](;B[nj])(;B[oh];W[mj]))(;W[mj];B[ni]))))(;B[oi];W[pi];B[ph];W[pj];B[qh];W[ni];B[oh];W[mk])))))(;B[qh];W[qc]C[akiranogo [15k]: wdead];B[qd];W[pc]C[daerni [3k]: how can i join your audio conference?];B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc]C[arbas [2d?]: r9];B[]C[RainierBob [3k]: try closing kgs and coming back](;W[pi](;B[ph];W[oi];B[qi];W[pk];B[qj];W[nl])(;B[qi];W[pj]C[mw [-]: it's through kgs, daerni. check your audio settings];B[ph];W[ni];B[oh];W[mk]))(;W[qj];B[];W[pf];B[rf];W[ph]))(;AB[qi]))(;W[qj];B[qh];W[qm];B[pl];W[ql];B[pj];W[pk];B[ok];W[qk];B[pi]C[tuerda [1d]: san ren sei pointless];W[ol];B[nk];W[om]C[Tetriste [-]: strong against w's san-ren-sei])))
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