(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[구리]PB[김지석]WR[9단]BR[7단]DT[2012-02-21]EV[13th Nongshim Cup]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[This is the 11th game of the 13th Nongshim Cup, between Kim Jiseok (7p) of Korea and Gu Li (9p) of China.The Nongshim Cup is a win and continue tournament between China, Korea and Japan. For more details about the 13th Nongshim Cup, see this article: http://gogameguru.com/china-wins-13th-nongshim-cup/]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]C[When this game was played, it was the final round of this team event and Kim Jiseok had already won three games, defeating Tan Xiao (5p), Yamashita Keigo (9p) and Piao Wenyao (9p).];W[dd]C[Gu Li is currently ranked number 3 in China, and Kim Jiseok is number 6 in Korea. ];B[pq]C[However, Kim has been winning most of his games recently. He's in very good form. ];W[dp]C[Gu Li was supposed to be the captain (and therefore the final player) of the Chinese team for this event, but he played for China before Xie He did. This is because Gu Li has a good record against Kim Jiseok, beating him four times in their four games together to date.];B[qk]C[Even though Kim was defeated four times in a row, all the games were very exciting.];W[fq]LB[nc:E][cj:D][jp:A][mp:F][np:G][gq:C][jq:B][mq:I][nq:H]C[Anyway, let's review the game. Black starts with the Chinese opening, and white chose 6. For W6, there are lots of options, for example A to I are common.];B[fc]C[The top area is bigger than lower side after W6.];W[cf](;B[db]LB[jd:A]C[Playing at A is also possible for B. ];W[hc]C[Gu Li might have thought that top was more important than corner. ];B[cc](;W[fd]C[Right move. ](;B[gd]C[Kim likes fighting games, so he played here. ];W[gc];B[fb];W[fe];B[nc]LB[gd:A]C[Calm and nice. If white doesn't answer at the top, black can move out with the stone at A.];W[jd]LB[he:A]C[Proper answer. It's more efficient than the net at A. ](;B[lp]C[Well balanced move. ](;W[dk];B[hq]C[W20 and B21 are kind of miai. The game is peaceful and even so far. ];W[ok]C[Good move. Especially, in this sort of moyo (big framework ) game, this cap is very good. If black gets to play at P9, it'd be very hard for white to reduce black's area.];B[pi]C[Play a knight's move against cap! ];W[ql];B[rl];W[rk]C[This is a well known tesuji. ];B[rj];W[pk](;B[sk];W[qj](;B[qm]LB[rk:A]C[Good move. Just connecting at A is slow and that's what white wants black to do. ];W[rk];B[cp]LB[qk:A][cq:B]C[Good ko threat. If white eleminates the ko with A, black would be happy to play B.];W[co];B[qk];W[qq]C[Good ko threat as well. If black answers this, white would get more and more ko threats from this area. ];B[pl]C[So there are no other options for B.Actually, this black shape is very good, so black seems to be better coming out of this fight. ];W[pr]LB[qp:A]C[Proper move. It's better than extending at A because the lower side is more important now.];B[qp];W[rq]C[So far, The game is slightly better for black. ];B[bo]LB[cp:B][cq:A]C[Black comes back here. If white got to play at A first, black's attachment (B) would have become bad.];W[cq];B[bp];W[cn]LB[oq:A]C[White is more concerned about the center than territory. White also wants sente to play A.];B[bn];W[cm];B[cr]LB[bq:A]C[Good tesuji. This is better than just pushing at A. ](;W[dq]C[Right answer. ];B[bq]C[It's a joseki up to here. ];W[oq]C[Big move. White's been trying to take sente to play here.];B[pp];W[nr];B[op]C[Thick and safe. Kim is very good at local fighting, but he also takes care of his weakness first. The game is still favorable for B. ];W[np];B[no];W[bd];B[bc];W[oi]C[Good move. It's time for white to move these stones out.](;B[lj]C[Good sense. ];W[ph];B[qi];W[mh]C[Play lightly in your opponent's area.];B[ke]LB[kd:A][je:B][kh:C]TR[mh][ph][oi][qj][ok][pk]C[Leaning strategy, black is still aiming at the white group on the right hand side. If white pushes at A or B, black would immediately cap at C.];W[ki]C[Right move. The center is more important than the top now. ];B[je];W[ie];B[if]LB[he:A][jg:B]C[If white just answers at A, black would be happy with B. ];W[jf]C[Counter attack! It's not easy to come up with this, but as you already know, Gu Li is a real infighter!The mood isn't good for white, so white tries to fight here.];B[kd]C[Keep calm. Before fighting, you should take care of yourself first. ](;W[he]C[Proper answer. ];B[kj]C[Good choice. Kim might have thought black didn't need to fight here, because the game is favorable for B.];W[ji];B[jj];W[kf]LB[md:A]C[Good move. The center is safe now, and A is a good follow up for white next. ](;B[jc]LB[md:A]C[This atari provents white A, ];W[ij]C[This is a very good place for both, and white catches up here. ];B[ik];W[hk];B[mi]C[A probing move. ](;W[nh]C[Right answer. ];B[lh];W[lg];B[kh];W[ii]LB[jh:A]C[Good move. It's more solid than at A. ];B[li];W[ig](;B[il];W[hl];B[hm]LB[im:A]C[Black's trying to get some more points here. Extending at A is common, but it's not good enough here. ];W[im];B[hn];W[ip]C[Good sense. ](;B[jo]LB[hq:A]C[Right response. It's not easy to abandon the stone at A, but it was good judgement by black.];W[hp]LB[hq:A]C[White cuts A, but black takes sente. ];B[jp];W[iq]C[This is big, but...];B[qh]C[Big move. ];W[pf]LB[pg:A]C[Good move. This jump is better than extending at A to reduce black's corner. ];B[ni]LB[hm:A][hq:B]C[Black was aiming at this since A. That's one reason why black sacrificed the stone at B.](;W[qd]TR[qj][ok][pk]C[Good timing! White asks black how he'll respond. If black gets too concerned with saving the corner, white will be able to save marked stones. ];B[qc](;W[rc]C[Gu Li misread here. ];B[pc];W[qe];B[rb];W[nj]LB[og:C][pg:B][oh:D][oj:A]C[This move should be at A. Then black would play B and white C would still make it ko fight.];B[og]C[Very good move! White can't make a ko anymore. ];W[oh];B[pg];W[qg]C[There's no other option for white at this stage. ];B[of];W[oe];B[pe];W[qf];B[ne]C[White's center groups are connected, and the white's corner becomes the main issue of the game. ];W[sb]C[Good tesuji. ](;B[pj]C[Black prepares carefully, and...];W[oj];B[rg]C[What a move! Now white can't even make a ko. ];W[qb];B[ra]LB[qa:A][rd:B]C[If white ataris at A, black would cut at B. ];W[rf];B[se]LB[rd:B][rh:A]C[If white cuts at A, black would cut at B and white can't live.](;W[nn]C[Kim is very good at life and death. Even though he's one of top players in Korea, he still studies life and death problems a lot. It's very rare to see Gu Li make such a visible misread, but nobody's perfect.];B[kl]C[The game's suddenly over. There's nowhere white can catch up on the board. black is very careful now. ];W[mo];B[fm];W[fl];B[bm];W[bl];B[el];W[gl];B[en];W[fo];B[gm];W[ek];B[bk]C[Good endgame. ];W[cl];B[al];W[bj];B[rp]C[The game's practically over here. ];W[kq];B[lo];W[le];B[ld];W[me];B[mf];W[nf];B[ng];W[mg];B[od];W[md];B[mc];W[lm];B[oo];W[mp];B[lq];W[lk];B[ll];W[dr];B[br];W[jm];B[km];W[mk];B[kk];W[ln];B[kr];W[jq];B[mq];W[nq];B[mr];W[jr];B[ls];W[js];B[ks];W[sp];B[so];W[sq];B[on];W[ns];B[ms];W[ae];B[ac];W[nm];B[aj];W[ai];B[ak];W[am];B[an];W[ck];B[am];W[bi];B[ib];W[gb];B[cd];W[ce];B[ec];W[om];B[pn];W[ed];B[id];W[hd];B[ic]LB[kf:A][ni:D][ij:B][nj:E][iq:C]C[White resigned here. This game was very exciting, with interesting strategies. There was an interesting ko fight on the right side, and black took the lead in the game after ending the ko.White A was very good, and after that white caught with B. White should have played in the top right corner first, instead of C. Black's D was a good move. After that, E wasn't good. There was a misread by Gu Li and the game was suddenly over.This is the first time Kim Jiseok has defeated Gu Li. Kim showed his deep reading in a complicated battle. On the other hand, Gu Li didn't show as many of his keen and powerful moves as usual in this game.I hope you enjoyed reviewing this game, and if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment.An Younggil 8p http://gogameguru.com/])(;W[sd]C[If white plays here, ];B[sf]LB[rd:B][rh:A]C[Good move. If white cuts at A, black would still cut at B. ](;W[rd];B[pb]C[Now, black comes back here. ];W[rh];B[sh];W[sg];B[si]C[White can't make two eyes. ])(;W[rh];B[rd](;W[sg];B[sc])(;W[re]C[This is a snapback.];B[rd]))))(;B[rd]C[If black cuts here, ];W[sd]C[White can make it ko. ])(;B[ra]C[If black answers the corner, ];W[rh]C[It's still ko. ];B[ri];W[sg];B[rd];W[sd]))(;W[od]C[White could also think about this. ](;B[pc]C[This is the right answer for B, and];W[nd]LB[mg:A]C[This helps to protect the cutting point at A indirectly.];B[mc](;W[oj]C[Correct move. ](;B[pg]LB[mg:A]C[Black can't cut at A anymore, but black can still atari here.](;W[og]C[White should make a ko, and ];B[oh];W[dr];B[ph];W[br]C[There would be a trade like this. ];B[mf];W[lf];B[me];W[mg];B[nf];W[le];B[md]C[The game seems to be very close. ])(;W[oh]C[If white connects,];B[og]C[It's the same as the variation I showed earlier.];W[nf];B[of]C[And black swallows the right hand side again. White can't play this way.]))(;B[mg]C[If black still tries to cut,];W[mf];B[ng];W[oh]LB[nd:B][od:A]TR[mg][ng]C[Black's marked cutting stones can't escape now, because of A and B.]))(;W[nj]C[This isn't proper, because ];B[og]C[Black can peep here, and ];W[oh];B[pg];W[nf];B[of]C[Cut off white's right side stones and swallow them. Black is winning now.]))(;B[oc]C[If black answers here, ];W[pe];B[pc];W[nj]C[Now, white can connect the center stones. ];B[mg]C[If black cuts, ];W[mf];B[ng];W[oh];B[nf];W[ne]TR[od][pe]C[White can capture them as white has helping stones. ])))(;W[oj]C[If white tries to save these stones, ];B[mg]C[Now this cut is severe. ];W[mf];B[ng];W[oh];B[nf];W[ne];B[me]C[It's very hard for white to make two eyes in this limited area. ]))(;B[hp]C[If black answers here, ];W[in];B[io];W[jo];B[ho];W[kl];B[jk];W[kn]C[White can make a good shape here, ];B[ml];W[kp]C[This white group has very good eye shape and black is not so strong in this area, so black can't hope to capture white here.]))(;B[mg]C[White's right side stones are connected. If black tries to cut them off, ];W[mf];B[ng];W[of]LB[mg:B][ni:A]C[White can capture the cutting stones, but notice that playing A, could prevent white from defending like this and let black cut at B later.]))(;W[lh]C[If white answers here, ];B[nh];W[ng];B[og]LB[pd:A]TR[ph][oi][qj][ok][pk]C[White's marked stones are in danger. White can't capture any black stones in a ladder because of A.]))(;B[hj]C[If black jumps here, ];W[md]TR[jd][kd][ie][je][ke][jf][kf]C[This spot is the vital point of black's shape. ];B[mc];W[kc]C[Good follow up.];B[jc];W[le];B[id];W[ld];B[jd];W[jb]C[Tesuji ];B[kb];W[lc];B[ib];W[hd];B[ja];W[lb];B[gb];W[hb];B[ha]C[Even though black can connect, ];W[rd]LB[la:B][ma:A]C[The corner's damaged. A or B are also sente for white now. ]))(;W[jg]C[ If white plays here, ];B[id];W[he];B[hd];W[ge];B[jc]C[This trade would happen. The result would be even, but black is still ahead by a bit.]))(;B[oh]C[This answer isn't good in this game.];W[ni];B[nh];W[li];B[mi];W[mj];B[mh];W[lj]LB[qc:B][qi:A]C[White's outside is getting thicker, and white can still play at A or enter the corner at B. ]))(;W[bq]C[If white goes here, ];B[dq]C[Cutting is good. ];W[dr];B[eq];W[br];B[ep];W[do];B[er];W[cs];B[eo]C[White captures the corner, but black erases white's thickness in the center. The result is favourable for black.]))(;B[rk]C[If black connects here, ];W[qm];B[pj]LB[qi:A]C[This move is necessary. Otherwise, white would play at A. ];W[po]C[The result is satisfactory for W. ]))(;B[qj]LB[rm:A]C[If black plays here, white can force again at A.]))(;W[jp];B[ck]C[If white plays on the lower side, black would split white's left side. ]))(;B[jp]LB[fq:A]C[This is not very good as A is already occupied. ];W[po]C[White would approach here, ];B[np];W[qq];B[qr];W[qp];B[rr];W[qm]LB[lq:A][jr:B]C[Black's position on the lower side isn't good. White can invade at A or slide at B. ]))(;B[ec]C[This is more common. ];W[gd];B[ck]C[Another game. ]))(;MN[1]FG[4353:]PM[1];W[ec]C[This is the normal move, ];B[eb];W[fd];B[gd];W[gc];B[fb];W[fe]LB[eb:C][ec:B][ge:A]C[And here, white can't capture at A with a ladder.It's about to same as the actual game, but white doesn't need to exchange B and C. ]))(;B[jd]C[If black plays K16,];W[qf]C[White would approach at R14];B[qe];W[pf];B[nd];W[qi];B[oj];W[nh]C[and we could expect the result up to W16. This is also playable for both. ]))))
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