(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Lee-Sedol-vs-Gu-Li-20121212]PW[구리]PB[이세돌]WR[9단]BR[9단]DT[2012-12-12]EV[17th Samsung Cup Final]RO[Game 2]PC[Shanghai, China]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[This is the second game of three in the final of the 2012 (17th) Samsung Cup, played by Lee Sedol 9p and Gu Li 9p.Both Lee Sedol and Gu Li are among the most popular and well known players in the world today.Lee Sedol is ranked #1 in Korea, and even though Gu Li is ranked #10 in China at the moment, most people still regard him as the best, along with Lee Sedol. Lee Sedol won the first game by half a point. Gu Li was leading for almost the whole game because of his great intuition in the opening and powerful middle game. But, he missed some good chances to finish the game, and made several small endgame mistakes which cost him the game. After the first game, many fans anticipated that Lee would win 2-0, because they expected that Gu Li would be distressed and this game was played on the following day (December 12, 2012).Anyway, let's have a look at the game.]RE[W+Resign];B[pd]C[Lee Sedol plays black. ];W[dd];B[qp];W[dp];B[oq]C[Lee prefers this simple opening, rather than the mini or micro Chinese opening.];W[cj]C[This move is typical of Gu Li. It's become popular since Gu Li started playing it several years ago.](;B[fc]C[There're many possible options in the opening.];W[df];B[db];W[qf]LB[cc:A][gc:B][hc:C]C[This approach is good. White can choose between moves like A-C later, depending on what happens in the top right.];B[nd];W[cc]C[White comes back here now, since there's nothing special at the top.];B[ic];W[rd]LB[qi:A][pj:C][qj:B]C[White slides here. White could also play at A-C.](;B[qg]LB[qh:A]C[Black should build up his right side. A is also possible, but this attachment is more severe. ];W[qc]LB[pg:B][rg:A]C[A or B are more common here, but white goes into the corner. It seems like he doesn't want to exchange any moves on the right side.];B[rf]C[This hane under is the right move. ](;W[oc]C[This peep is a new move. I've never seen this played before. Gu Li must have researched this move before the game.](;B[fq]LB[oc:A]C[Black didn't answer A directly, but that was questionable. ];W[dn];B[jp];W[od];B[oe];W[ne]LB[oc:A]C[White cut through here, since black ignored A and played elsewhere.](;B[qe]C[This was a mistake. ];W[of];B[pe](;W[nb]TR[pd][oe][pe][qe]C[This is a proper reinforcement, and black's shape doesn't look good. ](;B[nf];W[me];B[mf]C[This push is powerful, but white doesn't care about that. ](;W[pl]C[This is a good place to split the right side. ](;B[qn]C[This move seems small, but it's right.];W[pi]LB[og:A]C[Gu Li shows a good sense of play. If black doesn't answer here, white can extend at A and fight.];B[le];W[md];B[og]C[Black has to answer here.](;W[nl]C[This jump is good. Up to here, the opening's already better for for white. We can see how great Gu Li's opening is. ];B[fo]C[Black tries to build his lower side. ];W[nq]C[Gu Li's moves are active today. This attachment is excellently timed.](;B[np];W[mq]C[It's hard for black to attack white here.](;B[or]C[This is the right move, but white is already in a good mood. ](;W[lo]C[This is a nice way to develop.](;B[mm]C[Black has to separate and attack white.];W[no]C[It's a good time to attach. ];B[mp];W[lp];B[op];W[jq]C[This attachment is good. Gu Li's haengma is active and lively.](;B[ip]C[This extension is inevitable, but since black has to pull back here, white has more room to settle. ];W[iq];B[hp];W[kn]C[The flow of the game is smooth and nice for white. ];B[ml];W[qm]C[Black's already very strong in the lower right and this attachment doesn't hurt anything, so it's ok now.];B[pn];W[jm]LB[kl:A]TR[ml][mm]C[This looks slow, but it's the right move. Black's trying to carry out an effective splitting attack with the marked stones, so white should develop in this direction. If white develops with A instead, it will make it easier for black to continue the splitting attack.So far, black's far behind on territory. In terms of territory, it's pretty even without komi.];B[nk];W[ok];B[qk]C[Lee starts to attack this white group severely. This is the only hope for black. ];W[qj]C[Black's outside is stronger than it looks, so it doesn't look that easy for white to survive. ];B[rk]LB[ri:B][rm:A]C[This descent is a good move. White can't capture these two stones because A and B are miai for black.];W[nj];B[mk];W[mj]C[White tries to move out into the center. ];B[lj];W[li]C[This hane is good, and white can live far more easily than expected. ](;B[kk]C[Therefore, black has to reinforce here, but];W[mh]C[White can make a good shape, and black's first attack was a failure.];B[ki];W[kh];B[ji];W[lf]C[This cut is very good, and black can't keep chasing this group anymore.](;B[em]C[Black has to attack white's bottom group now. He wants to exchange some forcing moves first, to help in the attack later. ];W[dm];B[hq];W[il];B[el];W[ij]C[It's not easy for black to chase this white group anymore either. The game's still good for white. White's leading on the board (even without komi).];B[ck]C[Black wants to complicate the game, since he's losing.](;W[dk]C[Gu Li doesn't avoid Lee Sedol's invitation to fight. ];B[dl];W[cl];B[bk];W[bl]C[Black can't catch up with normal moves. He needs to come up with a special plan.](;B[lg]TR[ij][il][jm][kn][lo][lp][iq][jq][mq][nq]C[This is the start of an indirect attack on white's marked group. It's a large scale plan for black.];W[kf];B[lh]TR[ij][il][jm][kn][lo][lp][iq][jq][mq][nq]C[What a move! I already mentioned that this move doesn't work locally, but Lee Sedol just played it anyway. Remember that Lee's target is white's lower center group, rather than the right side group.];W[mg];B[mi]C[Black's center becomes much stronger and more solid after capturing white's single stone.];W[ng]TR[pd][oe][pe][qe][rf][og][qg]C[However, all of sudden, black's marked stones become weak. ];B[dj]TR[lg][lh][mi]C[Lee exchanged the marked moves to create center thickness, in anticipation of this cut.];W[ek];B[fk];W[ej];B[ei]LB[kf:2][lg:1][lh:3]TR[ij][il][jm][kn][lo][lp][iq][jq][mq][nq]C[This is the continuation of Lee's plan of attack on white's whole center group, which started with 1-3.];W[fj];B[gj]C[Black plays as if it's a ladder, though it's not really. He wants to play more forcing moves in the center, which will weaken white's center group, even though doing so is costing him points.];W[fi];B[gi];W[fh];B[gl]TR[ij][il][jm][kn][lo][lp][iq][jq][mq][nq]C[Black successfully isolates white's big group. What can white do now?];W[hr]LB[dk:A]C[Actually, Gu Li must have expected this sequence when he haned at A, and he thought the game was still ok for white.];B[gr];W[jr]C[This is a very good move! Black can't easily steal white's eye shape now];B[kp]LB[is:A]C[This is the right move for black, but white can make life for part of his group with A.];W[gh];B[ii];W[en](;B[gm]C[This is the proper answer.];W[ni]C[This atari is sente for white. ](;B[ri]LB[rh:A]C[If black doesn't play here, white can play at A and the trade would be good for white.];W[fb]C[What a brilliant move! It's hard to guess the meaning of this move, but you'll soon see.](;B[eb];W[gc];B[hc]TR[eb]C[These answers are locally correct, but Lee doesn't seem to imagine what Gu Li's plan was.];W[fd];B[ec];W[hk]C[Gu Li's finished his preparatory operation at the top, and starts to move this dead group.];B[gk];W[kq];B[lr];W[lq];B[gs]LB[is:A]C[This descent looks strange, but it's about the same as A. This is a bit better in terms of how it affects the lower left corner. White can only make one eye at the bottom, but];W[hj]C[White can try to make another eye here.];B[jk]C[If black doesn't play here, white can play here and live. ];W[hi];B[hh];W[is];B[ks];W[ih]TR[fb][gc][fd]C[This cut was what Gu Li was thinking about. You'll sense that the marked stones will be useful now.];B[hg];W[jh]TR[fb][gc][fd]SQ[hg][hh]C[Black can't easily connect the two stones in the center, because of white's marked stones. ];B[he](;W[hd]C[Gu Li's very confident of victory now. ];B[id];W[ge]C[This is Gu Li's style of play. This way of playing might have been clearer to him.];B[gd];W[nr]LB[hs:A]C[There're many ko threats for white, but not for black. If black doesn't answer, white can live with A. ];B[ns];W[hd]C[Black doesn't have as many ko threats as white does.](;B[gf];W[ie];B[gd];W[ms]LB[ns:A]C[If black doesn't answer here and lets white capture A, white can live in seki.];B[os];W[hd]C[Black doesn't have any proper ko threats on the board. ];B[je]C[There's nothing black can do now. ](;W[hf]C[This is the correct move. ];B[if];W[he];B[fe];W[gd];B[ed]C[It feels good to keep playing atari, but];W[gb]LB[jd:F][ee:A][ff:B][jf:E][gg:C][ig:D]C[There're so many cutting points now, and black can't connect all of them.];B[gg];W[jf];B[eh]C[This is a good tesuji, but the game's already decided. ];W[di];B[fg];W[dj];B[ef];W[dg];B[eg];W[de];B[ee];W[mr]LB[kr:B][hs:C][ls:A]C[This move is sente. If black doesn't play at C, white can play A, which makes miai of B and C.];B[ig];W[jd];B[hs](;W[ke]TR[db][eb][ec][fc][ed][ee][fe][ef][gf][if][eg][fg][gg][hg][ig][eh][hh][ei]C[This move is necessary. Black can't win the capturing race against white's big group. ];B[cb];W[bb]LB[fb:A][lh:B]C[Black resigned here.It was an impressive game by Gu Li.Gu was ahead from the beginning of the game, and he didn't give Lee any chances to catch up throughout the whole game. He showed his remarkable opening sense and the flow of his stones. The long sequence that started with A was the most spectacular scene in the game, and Gu Li went straight towards the victory without any hesitation.On the other hand, Lee Sedol's opening wasn't that smooth. However, he showed his brilliant idea and driving force to attack white's big group with B, but it didn't succeed because of Gu Li's fantastic reading, including A. It was a dynamic game, as we all expected, and I hope you'll to enjoy seeing this commentary.If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment.Thanks and happy new year!Commented by An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/])(;W[cb]C[If white plays here, ];B[ke]LB[jg:A]C[This connection is sente, because black's threatening to capture some cutting stones with A.];W[kg];B[hb];W[kd];B[fa];W[ld];B[ga];W[je];B[kb]C[Black can live and the game will be reversed.]))(;W[if]C[If white extends here, ];B[jf];W[ig];B[hf]C[This is sente, ];W[kg];B[fe]C[And then this atari is good.];W[gd];B[ed];W[gb];B[ef]C[The game will be completely reversed. ]))(;B[if]C[If black connects here, ];W[hb];B[gd];W[ms];B[os];W[hd]C[Black's still short of ko threats.]))(;W[if]C[This peep would be simpler. ];B[hf];W[gd];B[gb];W[hd]TR[he][hf][hg][hh]C[Black can't save the cutting stones. ]))(;B[gb]C[If black answers here, ];W[gc];B[gd];W[ec];B[hc];W[fd]LB[db:A][eb:B]C[Black is unhappy with this. Since there are so many ko threats for white at the bottom, black can't fight the ko with B. ]))(;B[kq]TR[ij][il][jm][kn][lo][lp][iq][jq][mq][nq][hr][jr]C[Black can kill all the stones at the bottom like this, but];W[rh]TR[pd][oe][pe][qe][rf][og][qg]C[White can take the top right corner in compensation. White already gained a lot of points on the left side when black played the leaning attack, so he can afford to offer a trade here, and black can't accept.]))(;B[fn]C[Black wants to block here, but it doesn't work well. ];W[hk];B[gk];W[fm];B[fl];W[kq];B[lr];W[lq];B[gs];W[hs];B[is];W[ir];B[nr];W[hj]LB[hi:A][jk:B]C[White can live. A and B are miai for white now.]))(;B[dj]C[If black plays here,];W[ek];B[bj]C[This is conceivable for black and,](;W[ci]C[If white extends, ];B[di]LB[ch:A][fk:B]C[This push is good, and A and B are miai for black. White's in trouble. ])(;W[fk]LB[ci:B][en:A]C[However, this extension is good, and A and B are miai for white.])))(;W[dj]C[This is a normal way of answering. ];B[dl];W[cq]C[This should be good enough for white, but as you might know, Gu Li's a real fighter! ]))(;B[lg]C[This atari helps white.];W[kf](;B[mg];W[kg]C[White's happy with this. ])(;B[lh]C[If black cuts here, ];W[mg]TR[mf][nf][lg][lh]C[It's double atari and black's top right group is also becoming weak.])))(;B[mi]C[If black cuts here, ];W[ni]C[White will atari here. ];B[mh];W[pk]C[This is sente. ];B[rm]LB[rj:A]TR[qk][rk]C[If black doesn't play here, white can block at A and capture the marked stones. ];W[nm];B[mn];W[pm]C[This is a good move and white lives. ];B[om]C[If black keeps going. ];W[nn];B[on];W[mo]LB[kj:A][ol:B]C[A and B are miai for white. ]))(;B[iq]C[If black blocks here, which is normal. ];W[ip]C[This cut is good. ];B[jo]C[Black has to extend here to fight, but ];W[hq];B[ir];W[hr]C[This is a good followup for white. ](;B[io];W[hp];B[kq];W[jr];B[kr];W[is]C[Black can't play like this. ](;B[ho]C[If black blocks here,];W[kp];B[ls];W[lr]C[Black can't connect under. ];B[ms]C[For example, if black tries to connect like this,];W[ks];B[js];W[lq]LB[ks:A][ns:B]C[Black will capture the cutting stones. A and B are miai.])(;B[kp]C[If black connects here,];W[ho];B[hn];W[gn];B[go];W[hm];B[in];W[fn];B[eo];W[do]C[Black's trapped, and there's no hope of winning a capturing race.](;B[dr]C[For example, if black plays here,];W[er];B[eq];W[fr]C[White's already alive and,];B[dq];W[bp]C[Black's dead.])(;B[gr]C[If black takes a liberty,];W[er]C[White can simply play here and capture all the black stones.])))(;B[jr];W[kq];B[hp];W[io];B[in];W[ho];B[gp];W[hn];B[kr]C[This should be the most severe resistance, but ];W[jn];B[kn];W[im];B[ko];W[ln];B[km];W[lm];B[kl];W[ll]C[White can connect and black can't fight anymore. ])))(;B[kq]C[This move isn't good in this case. ];W[no];B[mp];W[lp];B[op];W[lq];B[jn];W[lm]C[White is happy with this connection, and it's not easy for black to catch up the game. ]))(;W[mp]C[This is a bit heavy in this case. ];B[no];W[kq];B[jq];W[ln];B[mm]TR[pi][nl][pl][ln][mp][kq][mq][nq]C[Developing like this isn't a good idea for white.]))(;B[kq]C[If black plays here to attack, ];W[pq]C[This attachment is good. ];B[op];W[or];B[qr]C[Even if this jump is good move for black, ];W[pr];B[qq];W[mp];B[mo];W[lo];B[mn];W[kp]C[White can easily move out into the center.])(;B[op]C[If black connects, ];W[jr]C[Then sliding is good, and ];B[jq];W[kr];B[ir];W[or];B[pr];W[os]C[It's not hard for white to manage this group. ]))(;B[op]C[If black answers here, ];W[lq];B[kq];W[ko]C[White will play here, and it's not easy to attack. ];B[kp];W[mo]C[White's shape is light.]))(;W[qm]C[This attachment isn't a good idea. ];B[pn];W[ri]C[If white tries to settle down on the right side, ];B[qk]C[Black can still invade here to attack white later. ];W[pk];B[qj];W[qi];B[rm]TR[pi][qi][ri][pk][pl][qm]C[White's group is floating and has become weak.]))(;B[pj]C[If black extends here,];W[qo]C[This attachment is a good followup. ];B[po];W[pn](;B[oo];W[rp]C[This hane is a good tesuji. ];B[ro];W[qn];B[rq];W[qj];B[qi];W[qk]C[White can easily settle down on the right side.])(;B[pp]C[If black connects here, ];W[rn]C[This is a good answer. White's shape is quite flexible, and it's not easy to attack. ])))(;W[le]C[This extension isn't good in this case. ];B[lf];W[ke];B[og]LB[ic:A]C[Black's A is shining brightly, and the right side becomes stronger and deeper.]))(;B[md]C[This extension is heavy. ];W[pk]C[White will split the right side first, and ];B[qm];W[me];B[ld];W[le];B[kd];W[pf];B[re];W[ph]C[Black can't expect a good result after this.]))(;W[md]C[This atari looks nice, but it doesn't work. ];B[pc];W[pb];B[ob];W[nc];B[qb]TR[pb][qc][rd]C[It's a big loss for white. ]))(;B[of]C[Black should have played here. ];W[nb]C[White has to come back here anyway, and ];B[pk]LB[pl:A]C[Black can play here on the right side. (or at A) The game's still even. ]))(;B[od]C[If black connects here, ];W[nb]C[White will answer here. ];B[fq];W[dn];B[jp];W[pl]C[This is another game, but it looks better for black than the actual game. ])(;B[qe]C[If black ataris here, ];W[nb]C[White will still answer here. This is also possible. ]))(;W[ob]C[This is a common continuation.];B[re];W[mc]LB[qc:A]C[This variation is normal after white plays at A.]))(;B[qc]C[This isn't a proper move for black in this opening.];W[qi]TR[qp][oq]C[This is too easy for white, and black's enclosure in the bottom right isn't happy with this.]))(;B[qj]LB[pj:A]C[If black plays here (or at A) on the right side,];W[nc]C[White will approach here. ];B[pf];W[jd]C[This is another game. ]))
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