(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[3600]OT[15/300 Canadian]GN[9th Kidocup top 8 W Dinerstein 3P S Surma 1P]PW[Alexandr Dinerstein 3P]PB[Matseutz Surma 1P]DT[2017-06-03]RO[1]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]US[Meide Xu];B[pp];W[qd];B[cp]C[ppp: ??];W[dc];B[de];W[ep]C[Grunman [2k]: Hi! Who is playing here?];B[hp]C[KidoCup2 [-]: W Dinerstein 3p B Surma 1p];W[dm];B[eo];W[fo];B[en];W[dp];B[cn];W[fn]C[ngarry [-]: rank?];B[em];W[fm];B[el];W[do];B[dn];W[co];B[fp];W[gp];B[fq];W[gq];B[er]C[darkronin [-]: Looks like trick corner by diner :)];W[cq]C[oskargo [4d]: Its correct complicated variant, Alex likes thatKidoCup2 [-]: yesWeishenme [5d]: g2 now ?Blacko [7k?]: h5?];B[gr]C[KidoCup2 [-]: 5d correct];W[hq];B[hr];W[iq];B[ir];W[jq]C[KidoCup2 [-]: a little bad for b?Weishenme [5d]: b4 nowKidoCup2 [-]: ahaGrunman [2k]: just because of crawling? it looks hard for w to use this thickness, no?Weishenme [5d]: hum b4 not so ok...];B[cr]C[KidoCup2 [-]: now w b4?];W[br];B[bp]C[Fleyn [?]: what a headache];W[bo];B[bq];W[dr]C[xezzreh: hello i have a question :)];B[dq];W[eq];B[fr];W[cq]C[xezzreh: is there a gap between 1p and 1d?Fleyn [?]: yes];B[cs]C[MrMartinke [20k]: 1p is around 6-8dxezzreh: ah ok thank you :)KidoCup2 [-]: 7-8dxezzreh: okFleyn [?]: what does c1 do];W[bn]C[ranyee [3k]: 6d - top amature rank?xezzreh: no 9d i thinkKidoCup2 [-]: 7-8dKidoCup2 [-]: normal 7dalf [?]: c1 allow to pressure b2 so the corner no ?Weishenme [5d]: poor result for wleMouton [2d]: 8d is 4p in the EGF scaleKidoCup2 [-]: w 49 s 45 minsoftlight [2d]: what is the main prize?];B[bm]C[KidoCup2 [-]: you can see the kidocup in internetKidoCup2 [-]: 1st 1500€ for top 8ranyee [3k]: no youtube tranlation?softlight [2d]: ah, that's pretty nice];W[ap];B[dq];W[bl];B[cq];W[cm]C[Grunman [2k]: A7Weishenme [5d]: a7 nowleMouton [2d]: what does kogos say the next move is?WeakNoob [5d]: a7 a8 c8 a6 c9 ?leMouton [2d]: thx];B[am];W[al];B[cl];W[an];B[ck]C[WeakNoob [5d]: pretty bad for w];W[bj]C[eric1010 [10k?]: oh ... my ... godWeakNoob [5d]: I wonder about about c11 but it seems overplayWeakNoob [5d]: anyway b can push at c10 then c12WeakNoob [5d]: best w can hope is 2 points gote lifeKidoCup2 [-]: horrible for wBlaubaer [?]: y not c11?WeakNoob [5d]: c11 c10 d10 d11 WeakNoob [5d]: seems too many cut for bWeishenme [5d]: W ansted to give B handi, from this point of view it is a successWeishenme [5d]: wantedKidoCup2 [-]: b 38 w 46minWeakNoob [5d]: after c11 there are many complex sequence to read while c10 would be simpleWeakNoob [5d]: now it's a matter of choice, if you are strong and confident enough you can try to read all];B[bk];W[ak];B[ci]C[WeakNoob [5d]: for me c11 looks risky but can lead directly to resignation while with c10 b has a simple way to take the lead];W[bi]C[WeakNoob [5d]: so b rather the complex fight to crush opponent instead of simple lead];B[ch];W[bh]C[Blaubaer [?]: doesnt matter if w lives];B[cg]C[WeakNoob [5d]: so b choose the simple way finallyWeakNoob [5d]: and it seems it lead to kill];W[cj]C[KidoCup2 [-]: Lee Hyuk 8d watchs the gameWeakNoob [5d]: nah it's too complex for me, i'm only a weak noobYoungPro [-]: why don't lee hyuk 8dan make commentary^^ :D];B[ek];W[dj]C[WeakNoob [5d]: c11 was too risky ;(];B[ej]C[Schachus12 [2k]: maybe b planned it all like this?WeakNoob [5d]: he should have gone for simpler wayWeakNoob [5d]: maybe. I know Mateusz reading can sometime be amazingKidoCup2 [-]: young talent];W[bg]C[WeakNoob [5d]: but I don't like when opponent can break the shapes like thisKidoCup2 [-]: so many 2 lineWeakNoob [5d]: still better for b of course but now b has to handle d11Schachus12 [2k]: yeah but w hast played anything suprising, right? Just couple of crawls and push through. so I guess its likely Mateusz saw this comingWeakNoob [5d]: with e9 it look like mateusz changed his mindKidoCup2 [-]: b 30 min w 43minWeakNoob [5d]: finally found it was too risky and he has to protectBlaubaer [?]: c17 or sthg?];B[hn]C[KidoCup2 [-]: surprise];W[gl]C[WeakNoob [5d]: let b play g5 and going for crazy fight];B[ei]C[WeakNoob [5d]: (but g5 doesn't seems to work directly)WeakNoob [5d]: g5 j5 h5 j7 ];W[cf];B[go]C[KidoCup2 [-]: haha];W[df]C[WeakNoob [5d]: beside my sequence b can answer j6 to h5WeakNoob [5d]: or maybe j7 not workingWeakNoob [5d]: but i didn't read further];B[hk];W[im];B[hm];W[hl];B[il]C[leachy [1k]: h5 ];W[gk];B[hj]C[leachy [1k]: j6 probably better YoungPro [-]: someone missread something hereleachy [1k]: seems b didppp: this gonna ends sonnly lolppp: this game*WeakNoob [5d]: OoWeakNoob [5d]: i went 2 minutes to watch Ilja game and this happenedppp: White could sacrifice at least like this: j6 f8 k8 j9 j5 g7 h5 and then attack the corner at R6WeakNoob [5d]: seems w white the semeai after g10 g11 k7 k8 j5 ];W[io]C[leachy [1k]: ppp white will play h5 instead of j5 in that variationppp: you're right weak noobppp: then J5 I take and you damaged the wall leachyWeakNoob [5d]: g10 j6 h5 g7 w winr0n1n [2d]: great josekiWeakNoob [5d]: so b has to j6 k7 k6 g10 and this continue the crazynessppp: WeakNoob: White can capture Black with F12 after pushing at G10, isn't it?Kotonoha [3d]: what is the prize of win this competition?WeakNoob [5d]: w has to take care of it's own liberties and f12 can be trickyKotonoha [3d]: KGS meijin ? Kotonoha [3d]: is the winner going to get an unique icon on KGS?KidoCup2 [-]: this is kidocup in HamburgWeakNoob [5d]: the winner will be able to deactivate Kotonoha account whenever he wantKotonoha [3d]: oh it is a real competiton..KidoCup2 [-]: 1 round 2 table KidoCup2 [-]: b 13 w 29];B[in];W[jm];B[jn];W[kn];B[jo];W[km]C[Weishenme [5d]: I don't see escape for f7 stones, not meaning there is not;;;;YoungPro [-]: looking at this position, I wish the time was not 60 but 120 minutesTen [1p]: If there was an escape for the f7 stones, the game would be over];B[jk]C[shanku [1k]: w can't win this capturing race?];W[ko]C[Weishenme [5d]: how ?ppp: f8 g7 g10 shanku [1k]: if i knew i wouldn't ask :PWeishenme [5d]: k4 will help or directly f8 ?];B[fl];W[kk]C[KidoCup2 [-]: dinerstein laughed];B[kj];W[lj];B[lk]C[theolddan [2d]: only thing left to do nowppp: loltheolddan [2d]: b shape strong and w only got the upper left cornerWeishenme [5d]: n9 Grunman [2k]: quarter of the board-shape?theolddan [2d]: n9 would be desperateWeishenme [5d]: why ?];W[mk];B[kl]C[Weishenme [5d]: logical for influence];W[ll];B[kk]C[theolddan [2d]: because b gets sente + strong shape and w gets a weakness more];W[ml]C[theolddan [2d]: but connecting isnt that good for btheolddan [2d]: a little slowWeishenme [5d]: b overconcentrated nowtheolddan [2d]: b b can still play around r7 or even r8];B[li];W[mj]C[theolddan [2d]: m11 only good before connecting at l9 i thinkGrunman [2k]: and w, isn't oversacrificed?theolddan [2d]: q4 should get a helping stone now];B[qn]C[theolddan [2d]: or else it would get bounced around the next couple of moves];W[ki]C[KidoCup2 [-]: b 3 w 21];B[kh];W[ji];B[jh];W[ii];B[ih]C[KidoCup2 [-]: dinerstein laughs];W[hi];B[gj];W[gi]C[r0n1n [2d]: this game is a bit complicatedtheolddan [2d]: l9 too blame for these shape problems of b];B[fi];W[gg]C[theolddan [2d]: l12 doesnt serve a purpose it will just get attacked];B[mn];W[mo];B[nn];W[ln]C[KidoCup2 [-]: surma byoyomiBlindspot [1d]: this must be one of the ugliest games I have seen];B[lp]C[Stardust [2d]: messy boardBlindspot [1d]: looks like a pissing contest apart from go];W[mp];B[lq];W[mq];B[lr]C[Reset [1d]: lolLancing [4k]: this is pro game lolReset [1d]: ?theolddan [2d]: b about to make 50 pts. But no further potential then. W seems to be able to make up for this by attacking l12];W[op];B[po]C[Geser [-]: leela consider it almost as even ];W[pq];B[qq];W[or];B[pr];W[oq];B[qr];W[kp];B[jr];W[pm];B[ol];W[lo]C[KidoCup2 [-]: is q7 bad exchange?ogolony [-]: n11 ?];B[pl];W[nh];B[lh]C[zipong [2d]: missread or was it to get sente ?];W[oj];B[hg];W[fh];B[gf];W[eh];B[mf];W[of];B[qj];W[hf]C[KidoCup2 [-]: I think no chance for wYoungPro [-]: mateusz is good at handling such games];B[pe]C[ilnur [2k]: is that an elimination tournament?];W[he];B[oe]C[theolddan [2d]: this doesnt look like good handling];W[nf]C[KidoCup2 [-]: Sorry what is that?];B[ne];W[me];B[le];W[md];B[ld];W[mc];B[mg]C[KidoCup2 [-]: Diner will 017 but decided for n17];W[lc]C[ilnur [2k]: 9th Kido cup - is it an elimination type of tournoments? ^_^];B[ng];W[og];B[oh];W[ph];B[oi];W[pi];B[ni];W[mi];B[mh];W[nj];B[nh]C[mistaken [2d]: this board is so denseKidoCup2 [-]: sorry i cant understand elimination is this each vs each?];W[pj];B[pg]C[ilnur [2k]: when a person lose, he's leaving the tourneyogolony [-]: nice];W[qf]C[KidoCup2 [-]: noSchachus12 [2k]: no it is round robinKidoCup2 [-]: top 8ilnur [2k]: ahilnur [2k]: thanksilnur [2k]: i though, white would connectilnur [2k]: *thoughtKidoCup2 [-]: each plays with each 7 round$];B[pf]C[ilnur [2k]: at r13];W[pc]C[KidoCup2 [-]: diner is nerverse first byoyomi];B[qk];W[om];B[on];W[nl]C[ppp: R13?];B[db]C[Naur [5d]: looks pretty close];W[cc];B[cb];W[bb];B[hc];W[qm];B[nm]C[ppp: how could have white lived with R13baduk1 [-]: s11?coconut [4k]: s7 and w eats r9 Naur [5d]: s6 first maybe];W[rn]C[YoungPro [-]: is it really close?jasch [2d?]: ss7jasch [2d?]: s7 s8 t7 ];B[rm]C[nobo [3d]: that fails];W[rl];B[ql]C[coconut [4k]: ah yes ];W[sm];B[pn];W[rm]C[coconut [4k]: q6 not possibleppp: t10jasch [2d?]: s5 s10 s9 t9 ppp: t9 sorryKidoCup2 [-]: i think w would lose];B[ro];W[gc];B[gb]C[jasch [2d?]: i think w will squeeze this later];W[fc]C[jasch [2d?]: good yose ];B[hd]C[zipong [2d]: w played it to get killed , for sente live ];W[gd];B[fb];W[eb];B[ea];W[ec];B[ba];W[ac];B[kb]C[nighter [6k]: why b did not R8 first?];W[kc]C[YoungPro [-]: to me it looks like black is quite ahead];B[ib]C[nighter [6k]: sorry, white*];W[jc];B[jb]C[ppp: is this alivesh [4k]: Let's find outWeishenme [5d]: f19];W[lb]C[jasch [2d?]: j17 k15 h19 ];B[jd];W[je]C[zipong [2d]: b is ahead big];B[kd];W[id];B[ic];W[ie];B[ha]C[jasch [2d?]: i count b at least 10 p aheadtheolddan [2d]: w i looking for b mistake and l16 could have been the onenobo [3d]: w can yose it];W[ri]C[theolddan [2d]: w aims still at killing m12 theolddan [2d]: but he needs a lot of preparationbaduk1 [-]: p14 next? rambo move?jasch [2d?]: i thin k16 was uneccesary tooWeishenme [5d]: t9 theolddan [2d]: first the squeeze like s11];B[rk];W[qe]C[theolddan [2d]: only b has still 2nd eye aound k14];B[kf]C[ilnur [2k]: why not j16 instead of l16? white couldn't cut it >.>theolddan [2d]: so w can just laugh at it and resingtheolddan [2d]: resignjasch [2d?]: s9 looks like a mistake to me. Why doesnt he prevent the ko with t9?];W[di];B[oc];W[ob];B[pb]C[jasch [2d?]: ah it doesnt work ^^ppp: ^^];W[nb]C[jasch [2d?]: t9 is a nice flower ko now];B[qc];W[pd]C[herissondu [4d]: is itjasch [2d?]: but more than one step ^^jasch [2d?]: so maybe not that niceKirye [1d]: not a ko..];B[rb]C[herissondu [4d]: t9 t10 s10 t5 ppp: whatVoyz [1d]: ...jasch [2d?]: ah ];W[rc];B[qb];W[rd];B[nc]C[ppp: jasch are you skyzophren? You said "ah it doesn't work" and just after you said it works lolVoyz [1d]: lol];W[ma];B[ka];W[la]C[nobo [3d]: cool b didnt gain];B[rh];W[rg];B[qh];W[qi];B[qg]C[theolddan [2d]: w got what he wantedtheolddan [2d]: all or nothing thingtheolddan [2d]: but his chances are low here];W[sh];B[rf];W[sg];B[bm]C[ppp: now t9 is konobo [3d]: w is calm like a bombVoyz [1d]: whatleMouton [2d]: how many bombs have you seen];W[am];B[dl];W[aq]C[jasch [2d?]: t9 not a ko yet for the same reason you explained earlierppp: white has many ko threats with J9, K8, F10, etc.];B[bs];W[sk];B[sj]C[pokamon [2k]: b +6.5?ppp: :)ppp: 1 step kojasch [2d?]: omg i shut up now :D unable to read...];W[rj];B[sl]C[nobo [3d]: w use this for a19 ko?herissondu [4d]: when b t9 it(s senteppp: White has J9ppp: no herrisonppp: if White play J9 White doesn't care thenppp: or maybe Black can kill S16 I didn't read thatherissondu [4d]: ..pokamon [2k]: iw lose ko he has to come back and connect?];W[jl];B[ik];W[sk]C[ppp: it dependsppp: if White wins the stepppp: with P9ppp: then it doesn't neednobo [3d]: lol what];B[mm]C[nobo [3d]: what step?Voyz [1d]: lol];W[lm]C[baduk1 [-]: dubstep];B[sl]C[ppp: seems you have to come back to basics noboGeser [-]: does Artem already finished his game? Akechi [3k]: quickstepnobo [3d]: where is step? i am noboppp: Black will descend at T6 then White has to play P9 and it's direct ko];W[ar]C[herissondu [4d]: t5 is just threat, not step];B[sk]C[ppp: for the moment it's one step konobo [3d]: its called an internal thread:Dbaduk1 [-]: I count W + 2,5 around ];W[si]C[nobo [3d]: threat*ogolony [-]: n2 ?nobo [3d]: im suprised w didnt play a19ilnur [2k]: p9 was betterjasch [2d?]: i see b ahead by 2p nownobo [3d]: much safe leadWinPooh [2k]: Diner wins?Akechi [3k]: +ilnur [2k]: wootnobo [3d]: he is invincible with wGrunman [2k]: why didn't w use d19?];B[ip]C[jasch [2d?]: ah j4 big one];W[ok];B[sn];W[jp];B[ho];W[mr];B[ls];W[kr];B[kq];W[ms];B[ks]C[ThienTru [-]: L2?roy [3k]: how is L2 a good idea??nobo [3d]: prevent tenukinobo [3d]: same point];W[jf];B[jg];W[fa];B[ga];W[ps];B[qs]C[Geser [-]: b won];W[os];B[bm];W[cm];B[ke];W[ge]C[Hellhuman [?]: Who is boradcasting :)?];B[no]C[KidoCup2 [-]: Meide Xu ];W[np]C[Akechi [3k]: xie xieHellhuman [?]: Hey, we played 2 times in tournaments, lolKidoCup2 [-]: ohogolony [-]: w+0,5Hellhuman [?]: 写写你KidoCup2 [-]: and you?baduk1 [-]: B + 1,5 now my count ];B[fa]C[dinh [5d]: I guess B+ 0,5ranyee [3k]: form it looks or b or w .5ranyee [3k]: for me *tyi: breakfast];W[ab]C[ThienTru [-]: I think w+jasch [2d?]: w +2jasch [2d?]: maybe lessclicisclic [6k]: I really can't understand p19ogolony [-]: black must play f9 g7 ];B[da];W[aa];B[ca]C[Akechi [3k]: don't enough dameAkechi [3k]: for R18Weishenme [5d]: w needs to add in upper right corner no ?];W[oa]C[tyi: hoWeishenme [5d]: yesThienTru [-]: P19 t18ThienTru [-]: Noppp: why??Zonked [3d]: this game has been a piece of artMushishi [5d]: W+0.5?nobo [3d]: I didnt think so but he addedMushishi [5d]: naturally Weishenme [5d]: because of t17];B[gm];W[dk];B[fk];W[gh]C[nobo [3d]: aha];B[ig];W[od];B[nd];W[ao];B[ds];W[bm];B[as];W[jj];B[dm];W[aj]C[tyi: hahaha];B[ij]C[thecmvick [5d]: lolGeser [-]: ))];W[hh];B[pk];W[oo]C[ThienTru [-]: Lol :))KidoCup2 [-]: sorrynobo [3d]: mateusz very mercifulnighter [6k]: )))Murugandi [-]: or should we say MatseutzKidoCup2 [-]: w 0.5ppp: P19 wasnt neededThienTru [-]: :3Weishenme [5d]: it wasKidoCup2 [-]: diner with 0.5 pointppp: or prove mejasch [2d?]: wowAkechi [3k]: ye no needmigi [4k]: KidoCup2 thank you for relay. nice gameAkechi [3k]: P19Murugandi [-]: congratulations to Dinerchteintyi: goodgamejasch [2d?]: great yose by DinerAkechi [3k]: w + 0.5 ?KidoCup2 [-]: thx for watching and see you the next roundAkechi [3k]: it should be 1.5Hellhuman [?]: did you post the official result oo?KidoCup2 [-]: 0.5KidoCup2 [-]: nowNirvanc [3k?]: Surma was too greedy =pWinnetou [?]: I think p19 was needed.. otherwise b has a ko and p15])
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기보감상Alexandr Dinerstein 3P바둑    기보감상Matseutz Surma 1P바둑
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