(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]GN[Yike Grandslam 2019 (Andrii Kravets 1p (B) - Ilya Shikshin 3p (W))]PW[이리야쉭시나..]PB[Andrii Kravets]WR[3단]BR[1단]DT[2019-04-28]EV[Yike Grandslam 2019]RO[place 3/4]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]US[Tony Claasen];B[pd];W[dp];B[pp];W[dc];B[cq];W[cp];B[dq];W[ep];B[fr];W[df];B[nc];W[qq];B[pq];W[qp];B[qn];W[qo];B[po];W[rn];B[qr];W[rr];B[ro]C[USSR1991 [3d]: i dont understand these AI joseki, which way do you even block anymore, s5 changes the direction of the wall so I guess you are suppose to block on the wrong sidesloth [4d]: it doesnt matter where you block on an almost empty board since the direction can still change afterwards];W[rp];B[rm];W[so];B[pn];W[md];B[nd];W[mf];B[ch];W[cj];B[dd];W[cc];B[cd];W[ed];B[bc];W[bb];B[be];W[ac];B[bd];W[ee];B[cf];W[hc];B[gp]C[EGF1 [?]: For Live action of board 1, visit our twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/europeangofederation];W[kn];B[gn];W[dl];B[kp]C[Gonzalate [5d?]: this move seems very wise and peacefull for Andriihotfridge [1k]: heheTyranosaur [3k]: I wonder if black j14 is the follow up];W[in]C[USSR1991 [3d]: does l8 instead of l4 work thoughUSSR1991 [3d]: what does leela say?Gonzalate [5d?]: so far i've a feeling to see two huge big warriors with tons of weapons on them walking on high heels and making "shhh" sound];B[jm]C[sloth [4d]: if white lives after the cap, how many points are you going to get in the center, compared to the bottom hereGonzalate [5d?]: ok now we go];W[im]C[Tyranosaur [3k]: Illia is known for his love of heelsGonzalate [5d?]: heelya ?Tyranosaur [3k]: lol];B[ip];W[eh];B[bj];W[bi];B[ci];W[bk];B[dj];W[aj];B[ck];W[cl];B[bj];W[fq];B[eq];W[cj];B[ec];W[fc];B[bj];W[fp];B[gq];W[cj]C[sloth [4d]: both winning and losing this ko feels bad for black];B[eb];W[db];B[bj]C[dreamboard [5k?]: why did black start the ko? is it for the eyespace?];W[qd]C[sloth [4d]: black had to play "something" here after e12 to not diesloth [4d]: leela thinks d13 e13 d15 e14 k8 is a better plan for black];B[bl];W[cj];B[da];W[cb];B[bj];W[pe]C[opal: q17];B[ak];W[pc]C[USSR1991 [3d]: wasted so many moves on this ko ];B[cm];W[dm];B[cn]C[opal: g2dreamboard [5k?]: quite a tradeopal: in favor of whites];W[bq]C[opal: g2fatih [2d?]: i think black is better here... what does leela think?USSR1991 [3d]: i think white better, the corner on top right is so bad for blackdreamboard [5k?]: LZ likes black a bit better];B[br]C[opal: g2dreamboard [5k?]: I guess the result in the top right has only local implications compared to the situation on the left sidedashka [2d]: e9 maymedashka [2d]: maybe*USSR1991 [3d]: leela very good at attacking so maybe it can exploit white's weak group at e8, and potentially attack j7 at same timesloth [4d]: yes, NN bots are really strong at multi-purpose movesUSSR1991 [3d]: if white can connect the weak stones, i think white leads in territory easily];W[fm];B[gm]C[opal: g8];W[gl];B[hl];W[gk]C[opal: g9];B[hk];W[gj];B[hj]C[dashka [2d]: opal - you have a nice goprogrammopal: k9];W[hi];B[ii];W[hh]C[USSR1991 [3d]: wowUSSR1991 [3d]: black has a very strong attack nowfatih [2d?]: k8 or k9 and black clearly betterAlinB [2d]: and E4 still not safebraghi: J12?USSR1991 [3d]: no e4 is safe for sureAlinB [2d]: but i prefer N17 instead of K9 for blackfatih [2d?]: j12 possible but has k9 ajifatih [2d?]: i think black needs something in the center, not sure wherekendama [2k]: b o12SerDavos [3k]: would black N 17 live immediatly?];B[ih];W[hg]C[USSR1991 [3d]: k8, but no way white will connect afterwardsfatih [2d?]: wow h13... i didnt expect thatfatih [2d?]: now k8/k9 is even betterAlinB [2d]: must H13 have a lot of aji at g11 F8 etc];B[kc]C[USSR1991 [3d]: this is necessary or white will attack therefatih [2d?]: i thought black will keep the game simple];W[jj]C[fatih [2d?]: i cant guess the critical moves, thought k9 was better];B[jk];W[kk];B[jl]C[opal: l9opal: m8kendama [2k]: w n10USSR1991 [3d]: m10fatih [2d?]: m8braghi: Unless white can play two in a row, tough choice next move];W[lb];B[lc];W[mc];B[mb];W[nb];B[me];W[ma];B[ld];W[mb];B[lf];W[ne];B[le];W[nf];B[lh]C[opal: n11USSR1991 [3d]: n10];W[mi];B[mh];W[oi];B[mj];W[nj];B[li]C[opal: n9];W[nl];B[ni];W[oj];B[qj];W[ql];B[rl];W[qh];B[mm];W[mk];B[rh];W[qi]C[opal: r9];B[ri];W[rg];B[pr]C[fatih [2d?]: q2 is questionable at this stage];W[nn];B[mn];W[ll]C[Zorba [3d]: q2 was simply hugeAliquid [4d]: How much time left for each player?];B[km];W[ij]C[Aliquid [4d]: some prob with the peep at l13?];B[kj]C[sloth [4d]: l13 k11 m13 k14 ?Aliquid [4d]: yes I don't see anything that w can doopal: l13](;W[ic])(;W[ig];B[ic])(;W[ki];B[lj];W[ig];B[ic];W[kg];B[lg]C[Aliquid [4d]: oh very smart from wUSSR1991 [3d]: lol sentehopeful [-]: k12 looks big];W[no]C[hopeful [-]: oh noUSSR1991 [3d]: what theUSSR1991 [3d]: this works?];B[nm]C[hotfridge [1k]: trying to fix the m9?];W[om]C[Aliquid [4d]: if n8 is sente on b's upper groupAliquid [4d]: this works well];B[pl];W[lm]C[Zorba [3d]: b cannot play m6 nowZorba [3d]: b n5 perhaps Aliquid [4d]: strong reading by w if we read all of that from o6Aliquid [4d]: *heUSSR1991 [3d]: he actually read all this from g7];B[mo];W[ln]C[Zorba [3d]: hahaZorba [3d]: r13 now ?USSR1991 [3d]: g7 cuts thoughUSSR1991 [3d]: h7*TheThe [4k]: panicopal: bm9USSR1991 [3d]: i think m9 not goodUSSR1991 [3d]: theres so aji at r9braghi: Q2 was an out of turn move?];B[lp];W[hm]C[USSR1991 [3d]: q2 big endgameUSSR1991 [3d]: but probably too small at that stagehotfridge [1k]: this gameover ?Aliquid [4d]: b can save 4 stones but upper b group still in dangerhotfridge [1k]: m9 now?USSR1991 [3d]: q2 has s1 followup, reducing white to 3 pointsUSSR1991 [3d]: if white gets q2, he gets 9 in corner, and theres followup in o2, so it is giantbraghi: J13 was much bigger than Q2Aliquid [4d]: q2 was for s8 group to live without connecting at r7dreamboard [5k?]: LZ says M4 was a big mistake, black went from 40% to below 20%USSR1991 [3d]: maybe h18];B[fl]C[opal: f6];W[ek];B[jf];W[jg];B[hb];W[gr]C[Gonzalate [5d?]: ечеTyranosaur [3k]: surely black is lost hereGonzalate [5d?]: How much time do they have left?];B[dr];W[fs];B[er]C[opal: f6Aliquid [4d]: how about that: k6 k5 j5 j8 h6 j9 e5];W[gc]C[melkhiresa [1k]: wouldn't that result in m14 being dead?Aliquid [4d]: sure, that needs to happen after m14 is safemelkhiresa [1k]: buuutmelkhiresa [1k]: that needs to happen in sente, which I don't think is realisticAliquid [4d]: not sure w saw this though, maybe this bring b back in the game later];B[oh];W[qk];B[pk]C[wolokom [5k]: p 8?];W[rj];B[pj];W[rk];B[lk];W[kl];B[pi];W[ph]C[sloth [4d]: p8 is psychologically impossible. then you admit that r9 fed a stone for nothingVIXX [6d]: or you admit that you don't need that stone to win :Psloth [4d]: white still has a chance to feed 4 stones for nothingwolokom [5k]: n 8 simpel];B[qg];W[pg];B[og];W[pf];B[qm];W[sh];B[ml];W[jo]C[melkhiresa [1k]: now your sequence doesn't exist anymore AliquidGonzalate [5d?]: white is ahead enough it seems wolokom [5k]: chinese rules?sloth [4d]: korea numba won];B[rs];W[sr]C[EGF2 [?]: chinese ruleshotfridge [1k]: b e5 pleasesloth [4d]: leela taught me c5, best response for white is g5 f5 h5 e5 black captures the left and white breaks in with j3 ];B[bp]C[sloth [4d]: but w can just give up b3 and still be ahead];W[bo]C[Aliquid [4d]: c5 now?];B[co]C[hotfridge [1k]: go andrii!Tyranosaur [3k]: oleTyranosaur [3k]: presumably w connects in sentewolokom [5k]: yes]))
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