(;FF[4]CA[UTF-8]GM[1]DT[2020-05-13]PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/23900176]GN[中俄擂台赛第十局]PB[W1509447]PW[关欣1]BR[?]WR[23k]TM[3600]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]RE[W+8.5]SZ[19]KM[7.5]RU[Chinese]C[W1509447: Have a nice game关欣1: Nice to meet youS_Alexander: \o/];B[pd]C[关欣1: Nice to meet youS_Alexander: \o/](;W[dp](;B[cq]C[S_Alexander: White is Guan Xin 6d (26 yo)S_Alexander: Black is Anton Chernykh 7d (19 yo)](;W[dq](;B[cp](;W[do](;B[co](;W[cn](;B[bn]C[李建澔2: HelloTheGamechanger__: helllomaksnokia1990: Hi李建澔2: Why is the chines player the same again?TheGamechanger__: [object Object]S_Alexander: you continue to play as long as you winBunboHue: because he still win](;W[pp](;B[dc]C[maksnokia1990: Because he won yesterday](;W[ce](;B[fd]C[李建澔2: Thanks李建澔2: Is it 7-2 to China?](;W[cr](;B[br]C[maksnokia1990: yes](;W[bo](;B[dr](;W[bq](;B[cs](;W[bp](;B[cr](;W[bm](;B[dn](;W[cm](;B[fq](;W[fn]C[Poppy88: :(](;B[hp](;W[nc]C[李建澔2: Want me to friend you?](;B[qf](;W[hc](;B[cd](;W[de](;B[gc](;W[hd](;B[ff]C[B2 Bomber: how did they come up with the decision to use OGS? usually these things are on KGS](;W[dh]C[S_Alexander: It was on yike first.S_Alexander: Maybe they're trying to promote web-based servers or something.Poppy88: how is it ensured that none of them is using AI analysis?kusrabs: Is there any way to read English on Yike? kusrabs: Poppy88, it's written in game info. But if you use AI somewhere, it's only your honour... Man without honour should be, you know, deleted](;B[lc]C[TheGamechanger__: Also, the OGS GUI is better than KGSPoppy88: Kusrabs, I guess the prize money etc is not worth cheating... still, live games are betterDiego_123: yes, gui is very cleanhvebj: why anyone still use KGS or something with additional requirements? you need to install something to use it. OGS is simple, it works everywhere :)BunboHue: KGS has more functions, which OGS doesntkusrabs: Just a few days ago OGS by programm fault destroyed all the tournaments. So the more instruments and fields, the betterB2 Bomber: ogs has annoying audio defaults also :9B2 Bomber: long way to KGS level of stabilityBunboHue: But I think in user-friendly level OGS is better thoS_Alexander: i mean, kgs isn't developed at all, so of course it's more stable ](;W[ne]C[Poppy88: hurray](;B[le](;W[ig]C[S_Alexander: Anton is a big gun, he should win.S_Alexander: Russian team has only a big gun and two cannons left :)freeHK: where can i see more information about this match?](;B[lg](;W[ng]C[李建澔2: Go to game information ImuSuji: Chinese are very strong though at Go, and in depth...BunboHue: that's sadandsim0701: [object Object]S_Alexander: basically this chat is the best source for info](;B[li](;W[pg](;B[qg]C[freeHK: so...how many games will be play in this series?](;W[ph]C[李建澔2: Until a team gets ten wins](;B[ri]C[S_Alexander: 10 players for each team, they play until one of the team is eliminated S_Alexander: completelyfreeHK: i see, thanksPoppy88: are they amateurs?S_Alexander: yes, amateurs so far. Russia has 2 pros, China has 1 pro Poppy88: Alexander, so is the cheating problem really not there at all?ImuSuji: K7 threatens connect and is useful for shape...S_Alexander: yeah, i think at that level reputation is worth much morePoppy88: that's nice to know, thx](;W[pb]C[ImuSuji: So far the game is simple enough, all moves are natural and good, but not perfect AI moves...](;B[qc]C[adlo: Career will not cheatImuSuji: It's a problem in chess... impossible to be certain, but no sign of cheating here nowImuSuji: I have had at least one cheater on OGS... but it was pretty blatant.ImuSuji: And utterly pointlessDiego_123: agree](;W[fh](;B[gh](;W[gg](;B[fg]C[Counting Zenist: fight...](;W[gf]C[andsim0701: [object Object]andsim0701: [object Object]Saisky: 关欣 加油](;B[eh](;W[fi](;B[ei](;W[eg]C[Poppy88: I think black was worried about white's right side moyo growingImuSuji: W can fight OK here I think. If black uses G15 then white has G16 for eyes...andsim0701: [object Object]Counting Zenist: [object Object]ImuSuji: Seems a gameImuSuji: B can G15 then E10 if he doesn't like it probably](;B[dg]C[关欣1: thank youW1509447: No problemCounting Zenist: [object Object]圍出兒: [object Object]pokemonsta433: but white had better give black his time backS_Alexander: True sportsmanship! maksnokia1990: missklickS_Alexander: (unlike some other tournament)ImuSuji: What was his mouse doing over there? :)Poppy88: black should play Q15 at first opportunity李建澔2: Black is pretty nice李建澔2: By personality](;W[ef]C[关欣1: SORRYW1509447: Missclick?关欣1: yesW1509447: Use undoImuSuji: Wow. Some tenukiImuSuji: E14 is so big, can W do this?S_Alexander: what now?Poppy88: undo?pokemonsta433: well they may do a takeback李建澔2: I was very surprised at first but now I know it is a misclick](;B[fe](;W[fj]C[pokemonsta433: can black just give up those 2 stones?CsarCesar: b is in troubleW1532474: noCsarCesar: lol Poppy88: but then white will get a large territory](;B[ej]C[W1532474: Anton can play e 10 and he is betterCsarCesar: c12 pokemonsta433: sry I meant the F13/F14 stones back when white was threatening them. I understand the left side must be kept李建澔2: Also what is big gun and cannon?CsarCesar: it's hard for black to have a good shape here W1532474: not teallyCsarCesar: maybe if he can kill the north W1532474: it should be pretty good for blackCsarCesar: what do u do after white c12 ? W1532474: haneImuSuji: Something like F9 then E8CsarCesar: h11W1532474: e8W1532474: it is 70 percent for bCsarCesar: white can give up the three stones or E7 W1532474: dunnoCsarCesar: lol ia mean nothing unless u are pro man CsarCesar: 70 percents is nothing at this stade ImuSuji: What engine says 70%ImuSuji: ?李建澔2: I think he is 6d CsarCesar: stage](;W[ch]C[ImuSuji: Hane looks best to meW1532474: who you mean 6d?](;B[fk]C[李建澔2: You](;W[hi]C[pokemonsta433: white iz 6d, black is 7d CsarCesar: black is more 6 5d CsarCesar: not 7d 李建澔2: I meant W1532474pokemonsta433: well he's ranked officially as a 7dpokemonsta433: ah, gotchu gotchupokemonsta433: is that what guests are called on this site?pokemonsta433: w with a random string of numbers?CsarCesar: https://europeangodatabase.eu/EGD/Player_Card.php?&key=15713467李建澔2: From the Europe go accossiasion?](;B[el](;W[dm](;B[hj]C[W1509447: SorryW1509447: MissckickW1509447: missclick*W1509447: Thank you关欣1: that s all rightS_Alexander: wutImuSuji: another oneProhladniy: xD李建澔2: Guests are named guest and then five numbers not w with a random string of numbersPoppy88: did white d7 propose a trade of the black d3-5 stones for the black group above?S_Alexander: russian team names are preserved from yike website so chinese players have easier time finding them on ogskriwenkow: подсчет очков по китайским правилам или японским](;W[gi](;B[ii](;W[hh]C[alex7y: Китайскиеmaksnokia1990: китайскимx0000: китImuSuji: I prefer white slightly here after a countyudaff: chinkriwenkow: спасибо李建澔2: Thanks s Alexander, how do you know this李建澔2: Any link to yoke website?李建澔2: YikeS_Alexander: i heard from someone Diego_123: why not J12 ?李建澔2: Who?Counting Zenist: https://home.yikeweiqi.com/#/live/room/41434/1/37290485S_Alexander: probably from Natalia, one of the organizers ](;B[ij](;W[be](;B[bd]C[李建澔2: Who is in my friend list](;W[ad](;B[ac](;W[ae](;B[bb](;W[fp]C[李建澔2: One of the Russian players just friended me and I accepted it](;B[gp](;W[nq](;B[lq]C[Counting Zenist: Ilya is here ....W1532474: where?S_Alexander: indeed, ilya is watching](;W[qo]C[李建澔2: Yes it is , can’t you find it?S_Alexander: standard ImuSuji: White around O17 is a bit thin - but black too. Is there anything?李建澔2: Basics of this website but it takes time to learn so don’t blame him](;B[gm](;W[lp](;B[kp](;W[lo](;B[mq](;W[np]C[ImuSuji: Q15 is actually quite helpful to white...ImuSuji: ... but not 100% clear it is sente after Q14](;B[qb](;W[mh](;B[lh](;W[pk]C[ImuSuji: Peaceful...](;B[qj](;W[pj](;B[ql](;W[kq](;B[jq](;W[kr](;B[jr](;W[ko](;B[jp](;W[nr](;B[lr](;W[kf](;B[lf]C[李建澔2: Wow the chat has been inactive for a while ](;W[dk](;B[ek](;W[dj](;B[rn](;W[ro]C[李建澔2: Score estimator says that black is leading by 4.5 points ](;B[qm](;W[qh]C[Lilltiger: it seems closer then that](;B[rh]C[李建澔2: Teah](;W[qk](;B[rk]C[李建澔2: It is usually wrong ](;W[qi](;B[rj](;W[mj]C[李建澔2: Just to give you a idea](;B[lj](;W[mk]C[Lilltiger: i would not be able to win this as either color ;Dpokemonsta433: well it's not accounting for white space in the middle and top. To be honest, looks like white is ahead at this pointLilltiger: it's also not counting blacks points in the middle..pokemonsta433: can just lean on this black dragon until the game ends probablypokemonsta433: it'd possible black gets points in the middle but nothing big since the L5 group, the N9 group, and the H12 group are all able to push into that](;B[kl]C[ImuSuji: M10 push seems to give more to white thatn black...Poppy88: black might try N11, then O14Lilltiger: p18 amd h18 are getting very bigpokemonsta433: is it crazy to expect a peep at L16 before h18?ImuSuji: P18 is a bit smaller than usual as a black move there helps white around the K17 area a bitLilltiger: well the peep at l16 weakens w at o17, so quite risky, you have to reed that outpokemonsta433: mm, right. Thx 李建澔2: What is white doing? He isn’t moving](;W[hb](;B[gb]C[Lilltiger: like if black starts with o14 ](;W[ll](;B[km](;W[qn](;B[rm](;W[ga](;B[fa](;W[ha](;B[eb](;W[eq](;B[er](;W[fo](;B[so](;W[sp](;B[sn](;W[rp]C[Lilltiger: w q15 then l16 and then l17 seems to be enought for wImuSuji: E18 could have been at E15 then D16? Or am I missing something?](;B[jd](;W[ie]C[李建澔2: Sorry it was my WiFi problem ](;B[om]C[Melindez: looks like its done, no ?](;W[od]C[李建澔2: Not yet](;B[pe](;W[pc](;B[pa](;W[oa](;B[qa](;W[nb](;B[aq]C[Melindez: Without a black mistake, I think it is](;W[qd](;B[qe](;W[gq](;B[fr]C[BunboHue: Why A3 when there is something like K18 or just st DDK cant understandW1532474: a3 is bigger yhen k18W1532474: then*](;W[ld]C[Poppy88: *than :)Diego_123: exactly what ddk don't understand :)Melindez: and I think k2 is sente for whitex0000: what a move](;B[di](;W[ci]C[Melindez: searching a response to it in byo-yomiMelindez: White is cruel](;B[ap]C[李建澔2: Wow very close to timeout Lilltiger: a3 was the loosing moveBitonung: L14?Melindez: it seems](;W[ke]C[ImuSuji: overMelindez: yesmaksnokia1990: ....Melindez: terriblePoppy88: :((W1532474: game over((((((](;B[md](;W[kd]C[Melindez: White uses the clock in an amazing wayPoppy88: surely black can build in the centre?](;B[ao]C[李建澔2: Yes but it is not enough ](;W[me]C[Melindez: and white can play in nowLilltiger: b :/Lilltiger: why dident he just n15..](;B[em](;W[en]C[Melindez: because of n16](;B[am]C[李建澔2: ggLilltiger: to save the n16 stone that is](;W[bl]C[Lilltiger: that stone might be the difference of this game](;B[al](;W[ak](;B[an](;W[ck]C[maksnokia1990: Maybe B + 0,5 in the end ?)I will hope](;B[of]C[李建澔2: Me too but it is very unlikely ImuSuji: W would ignore N15 and just A6. Would win by a bit more even!](;W[mg]C[kukulis: white looks leading nowW1532474: white is better by 3 poinrtskukulis: until M16 was even李建澔2: Yes, we all knowalpha_gopher: m16 seems like a big turning point...?ImuSuji: yes](;B[oo]C[Melindez: You are right Lilltiger](;W[no]C[李建澔2: Anyone wants to make a review?ImuSuji: Not interested enough :)](;B[bj](;W[bk]C[李建澔2: Ok李建澔2: I don’t care much actually ](;B[ee](;W[df](;B[mi](;W[ni](;B[ob](;W[oc]C[Bitonung: so the players can see our comments](;B[pn](;W[pl](;B[pm]C[Lilltiger: k5 looked like the biggest move for bPoppy88: what is this? 李建澔2: I think so but they won’t concentrate on the comments actually because this is a competition Lilltiger: time pressure id say](;W[rd](;B[rc](;W[jn](;B[im](;W[jh](;B[op](;W[oq](;B[po](;W[pq]C[李建澔2: Y](;B[ji]C[李建澔2: Oops misclick](;W[dd](;B[ed](;W[lk](;B[kk](;W[ol](;B[og](;W[oh](;B[fm](;W[hn](;B[hm](;W[kh](;B[gd](;W[ki](;B[kj](;W[nm](;B[kg](;W[jg](;B[mm](;W[nn](;B[lm](;W[oe](;B[pf](;W[io](;B[ip](;W[jm](;B[jl](;W[gj](;B[gk](;W[ge](;B[ml](;W[nl](;B[ms](;W[ns](;B[nf](;W[mf](;B[dl](;W[mr](;B[ks](;W[ls](;B[in](;W[jo](;B[ms](;W[mp](;B[mn](;W[ls](;B[ho](;W[gn](;B[ms]C[Melindez: k3 is definitely the losing move](;W[on](;B[ls](;W[ih](;B[ln](;W[mo](;B[kn](;W[cl](;B[go]C[Poppy88: this is so weird](;W[](;B[]C[W1509447: Thank you for the gamemaksnokia1990: GgS_Alexander: ggPoppy88: ggroentgenium: ggalpha_gopher: ggMelindez: vgg !Prohladniy: ggS_Alexander: sad graph W1532467: ggStrengwert: gg])))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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