(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[0]OT[3x30 byo-yomi]PW[Korondo]PB[ericdai]WR[9단]BR[9단]DT[2011-06-12]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]RE[W+Resign];B[pd]BL[30]OB[3];W[dp]WL[30]OW[3]C[ikuy [3d]: GGvelther [3d]: 1Korondo [9d]: hivelther [3d]: noooo];B[pq]BL[30]OB[3]C[Korondo [9d]: ggikuy [3d]: 9d match :) ];W[dd]WL[30]OW[3]C[ericdai [9d?]: nice to meet uikuy [3d]: so rare :) nowadaysvelther [3d]: ericdai, wow when did he come back];B[fq]BL[30]OB[3]C[Korondo [9d]: nice to meet u];W[cn]WL[30]OW[3];B[jp]BL[30]OB[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: ericdai for president!];W[qn]WL[30]OW[3];B[qp]BL[30]OB[3]C[Salieri [3k]: i bet on korondo];W[pj]WL[30]OW[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: ericdai is amazingszek [5d]: Ericdai not so spectacular.];B[qh]BL[30]OB[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU YES HE ISbloodninja [?]: lol];W[on]WL[30]OW[3]C[Salieri [3k]: SHUSH];B[mp]BL[30]OB[3];W[nc]WL[30]OW[3];B[pc]BL[30]OB[3]C[szek [5d]: Come on in paris..after a loss he decided not to play coz the tournament place is too far.];W[oh]WL[30]OW[3]C[fg4w [4d?]: WHO IS LEADINg?];B[pf]BL[30]OB[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: chinese ranks are notoriously strong with chinese 6ds being some of the top players on kgsALLMINE [1k]: and eric dai is chinese 7d];W[jd]WL[30]OW[3];B[pm]BL[30]OB[3]C[velther [3d]: lolbloodninja [?]: lolvelther [3d]: you're basing his strength on his rank!?];W[qm]WL[30]OW[3];B[cf]BL[30]OB[3];W[be]WL[30]OW[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: no, also how awesome he ishoracelamb [3d]: he's Chinese 7d?Welvang [6d]: chinese 6dvelther [3d]: base on his games lol];B[fc]BL[30]OB[3];W[ec]WL[30]OW[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: have you seen hios games? they are incredible];B[ee]BL[30]OB[3]C[velther [3d]: ;p;velther [3d]: lolminimelcer [-]: e16gooooo [-]: whats on his avatar?ALLMINE [1k]: he is a monster sent from the pits of hell to play go like a beastvelther [3d]: i think it's his book];W[ed]WL[30]OW[3]C[Shadowman [1d]: it's a book in french];B[fd]BL[30]OB[3];W[fe]WL[30]OW[3]C[Welvang [6d]: how much money did he pay u?Welvang [6d]: for telling that];B[eb]BL[30]OB[3]C[Shadowman [1d]: so to claim that he wrote it seems a fair bet];W[db]WL[30]OW[3]C[donGoku [2k]: WoWhoracelamb [3d]: I bet on korondo now];B[ef]BL[30]OB[3]C[atiyah [1k]: eric dai's back!];W[ge]WL[30]OW[3]C[atiyah [1k]: i thought he daied];B[cd]BL[30]OB[3]C[donGoku [2k]: yep! ^^horacelamb [3d]: ha!];W[fb]WL[30]OW[3];B[cc]BL[30]OB[3];W[ch]WL[30]OW[3]C[Salieri [3k]: i bet on korondo on move 1];B[bf]BL[30]OB[3]C[FangFa [1d]: i like the sequence for w hereSalieri [3k]: all the money to meFangFa [1d]: D2];W[ea]WL[30]OW[3]C[skatergaga [3d]: is w a pro player?Vezga [4k]: me tooteracotta [1k]: no];B[de]BL[30]OB[3]C[UncleHo [2k]: b has so much cash !ALLMINE [1k]: they are both amateurdonGoku [2k]: W is ex insei];W[eh]WL[30]OW[3]C[FangFa [1d]: w d2 ?];B[lc]BL[30]OB[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: b is one of the strongest amateurs in chinaSalieri [3k]: white is a player who doesn't think while he plays];W[ld]WL[30]OW[3]C[Salieri [3k]: and he's still 9dAokame [3k?]: in china? isnt eric dai living in usa?HotaruMiki [7d]: 9d game =oHotaruMiki [7d]: yayALLMINE [1k]: I thought eric dai was in europeALLMINE [1k]: but he is chineseHotaruMiki [7d]: yeah i think ericdai is in usabloodninja [?]: one of the strongest? do you mean weakest?HotaruMiki [7d]: atmlepore [1d]: eric dai <> eric luiALLMINE [1k]: NO I DO NOT];B[hb]BL[30]OB[2]C[teracotta [1k]: eric dai isn't eric luiAokame [3k?]: dai junfu is in france];W[ic]WL[30]OW[3]C[Aokame [3k?]: eric dai in usa imo];B[mc]BL[30]OB[2];W[md]WL[30]OW[3];B[nb]BL[30]OB[2]C[skatergaga [3d]: is b strong 9d?Packers [18k]: F 1 CanadianALLMINE [1k]: this is not a matter of opinion];W[kc]WL[30]OW[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: also eric dai is dai junfuHotaruMiki [7d]: black is about average 9d =oYattemiru [1k]: eric dai lives in france...];B[dr]BL[30]OB[2]C[skatergaga [3d]: icALLMINE [1k]: b is not average in any way];W[ip]WL[30]OW[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: not sttronger then milanmilan or smart robotxevad [-]: hey look everyone.. there is a game being played];B[jq]BL[30]OB[2]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: but about average yes =)Aokame [3k?]: he lost to seok bin in straßbourg tournament];W[fp]WL[30]OW[3]C[skatergaga [3d]: may be a teaching pro+semi pro?];B[gp]BL[30]OB[2];W[eq]WL[30]OW[3];B[fr]BL[30]OB[2];W[fo]WL[30]OW[3];B[dm]BL[30]OB[2];W[cm]WL[30]OW[3];B[dk]BL[30]OB[2];W[fk]WL[30]OW[3];B[fl]BL[30]OB[2]C[lockelaton [4k]: seem b good than wALLMINE [1k]: o yeah];W[gk]WL[30]OW[3]C[skatergaga [3d]: b is leading];B[ek]BL[30]OB[2];W[gl]WL[30]OW[3]C[zenith [14k]: i like w];B[cj]BL[30]OB[2];W[bg]WL[30]OW[3]C[Aokame [3k?]: if the weak group survives];B[fj]BL[30]OB[2]C[ALLMINE [1k]: it will be fine];W[af]WL[30]OW[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: he will use his super eric powers];B[dh]BL[30]OB[2]C[Namii [6d]: I'd want to be an average 9d];W[dg]WL[30]OW[3]C[Vezga [4k]: d12 is powerhoracelamb [3d]: so is d13skatergaga [3d]: now i like w better];B[di]BL[30]OB[2]C[bloodninja [?]: d12 is the best move ive ever seen];W[eg]WL[30]OW[3];B[ce]BL[30]OB[2];W[cg]WL[30]OW[3];B[ff]BL[30]OB[2];W[gh]WL[30]OW[3];B[gf]BL[30]OB[2]C[ALLMINE [1k]: played by the best player everK2R [8d?]: best fauk ever yeahALLMINE [1k]: except maybe catalin taranuK2R [8d?]: best failAokame [3k?]: wow, your such a fanboy allmine];W[he]WL[30]OW[3]C[lockelaton [4k]: b heavyALLMINE [1k]: how could anyone not be?];B[fi]BL[30]OB[2];W[gg]WL[30]OW[3];B[hf]BL[30]OB[2];W[hi]WL[30]OW[3];B[fm]BL[30]OB[2];W[go]WL[30]OW[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: Hi namii =o];B[gm]BL[30]OB[2]C[Aokame [3k?]: yeah, eric dai is really strong];W[iq]WL[30]OW[3]C[Namii [6d]: Hi hotarumikiMuramasa [1k]: b need h10];B[cq]BL[30]OB[2];W[jr]WL[30]OW[3]C[Shadowman [1d]: he also appears to be in trouble on this board];B[kr]BL[30]OB[2];W[er]WL[30]OW[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: i need to play you sometimes =/ i need to owe you for beating me =(];B[es]BL[30]OB[2];W[cp]WL[30]OW[3]C[Namii [6d]: Oh... I didn't even remember.. but I think I do remember the game now, you died big at bottom?];B[br]BL[30]OB[2]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: black is in asticky situation =)GeorgeW [-]: By "need to owe you" Do you mean "need to own you"?FangFa [1d]: who's korondo ?skatergaga [3d]: if eric dai play against a good pro , how many handis he needed?ALLMINE [1k]: korean ex insei];W[il]WL[30]OW[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: i think so namii its not far back on my list of games =) butHotaruMiki [7d]: i know i got owned];B[im]BL[30]OB[2]C[bloodninja [?]: ericdai gives pro handiALLMINE [1k]: define good pro];W[jo]WL[30]OW[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: all pros are goodAokame [3k?]: hotaru, thats absolutely the worst avatar everAokame [3k?]: hate ratsloverabbit [1d]: no,he can't give pro handi];B[ik]BL[30]OB[2]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: its not a rat its a mouse =)];W[hl]WL[30]OW[3];B[hj]BL[30]OB[2];W[jl]WL[30]OW[3]C[Aokame [3k?]: mouse with such tail?];B[gj]BL[30]OB[2]C[Regenbogen [2d]: looks like w is winning];W[ji]WL[30]OW[3];B[jk]BL[30]OB[2]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: but thats ok i dont really care what people think about a picture =/ALLMINE [1k]: b is jsut getting his funk on];W[gc]WL[30]OW[3]C[lepore [1d]: b either winning or digging a deeper holeskatergaga [3d]: w looking goodlamalama: g17 was that urgent?];B[jg]BL[30]OB[2]C[Shadowman [1d]: and it's such a cute mouseFangFa [1d]: double attack];W[ki]WL[30]OW[3]C[Muramasa [1k]: h14 dead ?MilanMilan [9d]: aha];B[lg]BL[30]OB[2]C[Aokame [3k?]: wowHotaruMiki [7d]: hi MM =)bloodninja [?]: God has arrivedAokame [3k?]: milanmilan commentinglockelaton [4k]: near deadMilanMilan [9d]: hiALLMINE [1k]: god is playing];W[kk]WL[30]OW[3]C[K2R [8d?]: b is getting pownedALLMINE [1k]: next he will play milan ok?];B[ke]BL[30]OB[2]C[Aokame [3k?]: is w pro strenght milanmilan?skatergaga [3d]: 2 weak b groups are swimming inside w's pondWrU8CzRk [-]: c17 dragon alive?loverabbit [1d]: MM already beats him beforexevad [-]: 106 must have been a brilliant move..Aokame [3k?]: w will play at egc 2011];W[if]WL[30]OW[3];B[ig]BL[30]OB[2]C[MilanMilan [9d]: really?];W[jf]WL[30]OW[3]C[Aokame [3k?]: yes];B[hg]BL[30]OB[2];W[ij]WL[30]OW[3]C[EL [-]: nah Aokame is lieing];B[jh]BL[30]OB[2];W[ii]WL[30]OW[3]C[Salieri [3k]: aokame where did you get that information];B[hk]BL[30]OB[2]C[Aokame [3k?]: he will play in the european congressSalieri [3k]: who said so];W[kl]WL[30]OW[3]C[Aokame [3k?]: oh, he said itSalieri [3k]: in public?Aokame [3k?]: hes Park yungsam or so];B[cl]BL[30]OB[2]C[alcoholize [4d?]: kimAokame [3k?]: yesxevad [-]: Korondo probably said it himselfcodelyoko [4d]: O_OMilanMilan [9d]: he has chance to win the titleMilanMilan [9d]: but not easy];W[of]WL[30]OW[3]C[Zephiris [1d]: good chance for him to improve his englishALLMINE [1k]: are you playing in it milan?];B[kf]BL[30]OB[2]C[Zephiris [1d]: if he does come to egc2k11fg4w [4d?]: MOVE162 WHITE WILL RESIGN!!!!!!!!!!!];W[kh]WL[30]OW[3];B[kg]BL[30]OB[2]C[xevad [-]: I think Thomas Debarre will win EGC2011];W[pg]WL[30]OW[3];B[qf]BL[30]OB[2];W[mf]WL[30]OW[3]C[Vezga [4k]: noShadowman [1d]: nah];B[cb]BL[30]OB[2]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: black is dead =)skatergaga [3d]: who is the strongest player in Euro?MuiXLS [1d]: b dead?Regenbogen [2d]: now b dead?];W[bd]WL[30]OW[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: thomas debarre's teacher will be plauying in itpraeludium [5d]: who is tartrate? HotaruMiki [7d]: famous 9dan Aokame [3k?]: open european title is open for allKorondo [9d]: thxhoracelamb [3d]: bam!ALLMINE [1k]: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooxevad [-]: then I guess Thomas won't win..Korondo [9d]: ggSalieri [3k]: yaySalieri [3k]: Korondo vs Milan Milanvelther [3d]: rematchericdai [8d?]: thksxevad [-]: move 106 won the gamebloodninja [?]: who is thomas debarre's teacher?KgsZ [3k]: i think korando is the teacher of tomas tebarreMilanMilan [9d]: Nice game, I guess Dai will win back soonloverabbit [1d]: i don't think soxevad [-]: xiaotu is his teacherMuramasa [1k]: is just a dream :)Aokame [3k?]: and huo juanWarfreak2 [4d]: power korondoKgsZ [3k]: what's the rank of xiaotu ?Salieri [3k]: Korondo vs. MilanMilan yaykanai [2d]: Korondo vs Milan Milanxevad [-]: pro rank KgsZKizamu [2k]: xiaotu 7d prodfyz [6k?]: MM vs Korondo)bloodninja [?]: MilanMilan vs MilanMilan plsRakuten [2k]: Hahahahakanai [2d]: Korondo vs Milan Milankanai [2d]: pleasekanai [2d]: Korondo vs Milan MilanRakuten [2k]: I would watch milanmilan vs milanmilanAokame [3k?]: not many can beat ericdai in such wayAokame [3k?]: gg bothSalieri [3k]: Korondo's return match against MilanMilanxjhn2838: 有说中文的吗?])
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