(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[0]OT[3x20 byo-yomi]PW[MilanMilan]PB[ericdai]WR[9단]BR[9단]DT[2011-06-12]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]RE[W+Resign];B[pd]BL[20]OB[3]C[MilanMilan [9d]: hi];W[dp]WL[20]OW[3]C[ericdai [9d]: why i am always black :(black99 [8k]: wuuu];B[pq]BL[20]OB[3]C[petition [3k]: yay!Brilliant [6k]: I predict b + ABSOLUTE VICTORY];W[dc]WL[20]OW[3];B[de]BL[20]OB[3];W[ce]WL[20]OW[3];B[cf]BL[20]OB[3];W[cd]WL[20]OW[3]C[black99 [8k]: again ^^TheNephite [-]: I hope w took a smoke breakGryning [2k]: hahaMilanMilan [9d]: heheDangoMango [2k?]: i predict w loses within 50 moves againneed4speed [2k]: 9ds dont allow undos or else would never get to 9d];B[fq]BL[20]OB[3]C[MilanMilan [9d]: I should never play ranked game in my room:)lyt [5k]: stupidelementc [?]: I wonder what that killer book with the SMOKIN GO STONE];W[cn]WL[20]OW[3]C[leesed0l [2k]: MILAN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+____+];B[dg]BL[20]OB[3]C[ericdai [9d]: :)kahamas: W SMOKES?];W[fc]WL[20]OW[3];B[ck]BL[20]OB[3]C[lyt [5k]: hopefully];W[eq]WL[20]OW[3];B[fp]BL[20]OB[3];W[jp]WL[20]OW[3]C[Brilliant [6k]: Was f3 a probe?];B[mp]BL[20]OB[3];W[hp]WL[20]OW[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: yes];B[fr]BL[20]OB[3]C[Raam [2k]: what is wrong with his room?petition [3k]: not serious enough];W[dr]WL[20]OW[3]C[Brilliant [6k]: See, I know these things.petition [3k]: gotta be serious!];B[fn]BL[20]OB[3]C[wingnoll [8k?]: what is his room?Zedonius [4k]: his techno music is too loud];W[ch]WL[20]OW[3]C[Allright [8k]: Cant smoke in there];B[bg]BL[20]OB[3];W[dj]WL[20]OW[3]C[Nick23 [1d]: What do you mean 9d wouldn't get 9d if allowed undo?Raam [2k]: hahaNick23 [1d]: That is weird logicKgsZ [3k]: hahahaha];B[cq]BL[20]OB[3];W[cp]WL[20]OW[3]C[need4speed [2k]: if you allow undo to another 9d..];B[dk]BL[20]OB[3];W[ek]WL[20]OW[3];B[el]BL[20]OB[3];W[cj]WL[20]OW[3];B[cm]BL[20]OB[3]C[elementc [?]: Brilliant, no you can't say F3 is a probe.];W[fk]WL[20]OW[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: f3 is a probe];B[cr]BL[20]OB[3]C[lyt [5k]: misclick is misclick no matter what ranklyt [5k]: whats so hard about htatlyt [5k]: that];W[bm]WL[20]OW[3];B[bl]BL[20]OB[3];W[dm]WL[20]OW[3];B[em]BL[20]OB[3];W[er]WL[20]OW[3]C[Allright [8k]: probe is a protoss unitTetriste [2d]: I think misclick is worse at high rank than low rankHotaruMiki [7d]: nothing is wrong with that lytneed4speed [2k]: missclick=god want you to win];B[hn]BL[20]OB[3]C[Nick23 [1d]: Yes, probe is the best workerpetition [3k]: my opponents have always granted me undos for misclicks. i feel luckylyt [5k]: no good answers i see];W[gm]WL[20]OW[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: just some people hate to lose when they let someone undo ^^];B[gl]BL[20]OB[3]C[Nick23 [1d]: you can kill scvs or drones pretty easilyNick23 [1d]: even with your scouting probe];W[hm]WL[20]OW[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: it always seems funny to me that w plays c6 to go along with the probe though];B[dl]BL[20]OB[3]C[elementc [?]: I usually allow undo];W[dn]WL[20]OW[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: same Zedonius [4k]: scv rush!];B[gn]BL[20]OB[3]C[elementc [?]: I figure it just makes the game more of a challenge for meTetriste [2d]: I usually don't undo after missclick :P];W[fl]WL[20]OW[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: but i only allow for obvious misclicks];B[bn]BL[20]OB[3]C[elementc [?]: though the best is when they undo a good movelyt [5k]: if it's for money or tournament i get itneed4speed [2k]: me neither];W[fm]WL[20]OW[3];B[en]BL[20]OB[3];W[cl]WL[20]OW[3];B[im]BL[20]OB[3];W[mq]WL[20]OW[3]C[KgsZ [3k]: millan drunk oO ];B[cm]BL[20]OB[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: if its a missclick undo is fine but missread undo is not ok];W[np]WL[20]OW[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: I always allow undo so that if my opponent is a lion and I one day get captured by the romans and fed to the lions he might take pity on me and spare my lifelyt [5k]: it's really about trusting whether or not your opponent is lying or notelementc [?]: yeah no arguementNick23 [1d]: I usually allow undo regardless of reasonHotaruMiki [7d]: and i agree with the tourney thing even if it was a issclick in a tourney it shouldnt be undo ];B[am]BL[20]OB[3];W[bp]WL[20]OW[3]C[Nick23 [1d]: even in a tourney I would allow itgo1d [6d]: if the opponent is ok why not];B[ed]BL[20]OB[3]C[Raam [2k]: ouchNick23 [1d]: it's up to my opponent to use good sportmanship];W[gc]WL[20]OW[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: in kgs tournaments you can't undolakidazkal [9k]: cant expect someone to accept udo tholakidazkal [9k]: steeper competition];B[po]BL[20]OB[3];W[gg]WL[20]OW[3]C[elementc [?]: people worry about undo too muchLake [7k]: i undo only if in the end i win];B[fh]BL[20]OB[3];W[eh]WL[20]OW[3]C[Nick23 [1d]: I never ask undo and always allow it.ALLMINE [1k]: once in an irl tournament i played self atari and my opponent took my stone off the board and handed it back to melyt [5k]: at least your're honest];B[fg]BL[20]OB[3];W[eg]WL[20]OW[3];B[ef]BL[20]OB[3];W[ff]WL[20]OW[3];B[ec]BL[20]OB[3];W[eb]WL[20]OW[3]C[zife [-]: ALLMINE you should've cliamed victory];B[fb]BL[20]OB[3];W[db]WL[20]OW[3]C[zife [-]: he was breaking rules];B[gf]BL[20]OB[3]C[wingnoll [8k?]: misclick is like if you dropped the stone on a real board and didn't get to pick it up];W[fe]WL[20]OW[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: i dont ask undo because if i make a mistake i guess its my fault];B[fd]BL[20]OB[3]C[zife [-]: claimed*];W[ge]WL[20]OW[3];B[gd]BL[20]OB[3]C[ducttape [2k]: in that case, you should change name to ALLHIS :)HotaruMiki [7d]: for usin a crappy computerreadytogo [3k]: niceALLMINE [1k]: what makes you think i didn't?];W[hf]WL[20]OW[3]C[Nick23 [1d]: zife:: That is not what he should have done];B[hc]BL[20]OB[3]C[Nick23 [1d]: zife: are you kidding?];W[ee]WL[20]OW[3]C[HotaruMiki [7d]: but i allow it sometimes again for missclicks not misread =)];B[he]BL[20]OB[3]C[ericosman [1k]: what if you drop the stone on a real board and it messes up the position and you can't remember how the stones were ? that doesn't seem to happen in kgs games much.];W[df]WL[20]OW[3]C[aaw [3d?]: zife you're a cynicpetition [3k]: ko!];B[es]BL[20]OB[3]C[elementc [?]: When I self atari no one offers to let me undo :(];W[dd]WL[20]OW[3];B[ds]BL[20]OB[3];W[hd]WL[20]OW[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: big tradego1d [6d]: LOLTetriste [2d]: lolfire11 [4k]: ohhh niceBrilliant [6k]: ...waretsuyla [3k]: awwgo1d [6d]: WTF];B[lq]BL[20]OB[3]C[readytogo [3k]: hugwee];W[lp]WL[20]OW[3];B[mo]BL[20]OB[3]C[TheNephite [-]: wowpetition [3k]: the reason the players cant see cant see chat is they would spend all game worrying about undos fire11 [4k]: w aheadRaam [2k]: MM is pissedBroken [6d]: not a bad tradelyt [5k]: there should be a gopadxevad [-]: elementc I would let you undoTheNephite [-]: undo];W[kq]WL[20]OW[3];B[nq]BL[20]OB[3];W[lr]WL[20]OW[3];B[mr]BL[20]OB[3]C[lyt [5k]: square board padelementc [?]: but I"m not gonna askZenZen: ko was big, but result is still the same];W[nr]WL[20]OW[3];B[lq]BL[20]OB[3];W[cs]WL[20]OW[3]C[Tetriste [2d]: trade better for w];B[fs]BL[20]OB[3]C[Raam [2k]: hahahafire11 [4k]: lol];W[mq]WL[20]OW[3]C[olyv [6k]: bad trade for b];B[oq]BL[20]OB[3];W[ms]WL[20]OW[3]C[need4speed [2k]: i would read your personal info and view your unfinished games before giving undoTheNephite [-]: I think w better];B[mc]BL[20]OB[3]C[ALLMINE [1k]: only a little];W[qj]WL[20]OW[3]C[Tetriste [2d]: w got so many huge follow ups];B[ql]BL[20]OB[3];W[rd]WL[20]OW[3]C[petition [3k]: wahaha];B[qc]BL[20]OB[3]C[nakoruru [2d]: white will win this one];W[qg]WL[20]OW[3]C[matomatala [5d?]: am i the only one preferring black];B[rf]BL[20]OB[3]C[ClemGo [1k]: b is nice too...];W[qf]WL[20]OW[3];B[re]BL[20]OB[3];W[qe]WL[20]OW[3];B[qd]BL[20]OB[3]C[ClemGo [1k]: me toopetition [3k]: i might have r14 as b];W[rg]WL[20]OW[3];B[rc]BL[20]OB[3]C[elementc [?]: this is what he gets for playing a fast gameRaam [2k]: they play so fast omg];W[kc]WL[20]OW[3]C[Raam [2k]: they can think for 20 seczife [-]: Nick of course it was a joke];B[bj]BL[20]OB[3]C[Tetriste [2d]: j8 kinda big?];W[bi]WL[20]OW[3]C[KgsZ [3k]: black is ahead for me];B[kd]BL[20]OB[3]C[Raam [2k]: and think of other moves if they dont have to think that long on this one];W[jd]WL[20]OW[3];B[ld]BL[20]OB[3];W[oj]WL[20]OW[3];B[jc]BL[20]OB[3]C[Raam [2k]: i usually dont see this on tygem];W[jb]WL[20]OW[3]C[Raam [2k]: they play at 1-2 second of the end petition [3k]: b seems ahead by a good bitlyt [5k]: j16UncleHo [2k]: crazyneed4speed [2k]: they have the girl shouting the timeHotaruMiki [7d]: this board looks so awesomeneed4speed [2k]: and the little visual timer];B[oh]BL[20]OB[2]C[need4speed [2k]: hard to play out of timeClemGo [1k]: haha ladderolyv [6k]: b can t be ahead];W[ol]WL[20]OW[3]C[leesed0l [2k]: milan not good for invation.....>._>elementc [?]: just the same fast games all the tiemseeblick [1d]: l15 looks alive with kosampo00 [5k?]: milan happy])
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기보감상MilanMilan바둑    기보감상ericdai바둑
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