(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]GN[ ]PW[Lee Sedol ]PB[Xie He]WR[9d]BR[7d]DT[2011-06-30]EV[8th Chunlan Cup, Final]RO[Game 3]PC[Chongqing]WT[Korea]BT[China]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Xie He vs Lee Sedol – 8th Chunlan Cup Game 3]RE[W+Resign]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This game is the third and deciding match of the 8th Chunlan Cup final between Lee Sedol (9p) of Korea and Xie He (7p) of China.];W[dp]C[Lee Sedol once said "Xie He is the toughest one to play against" in an interview about 5 years ago. Let's see whether that's changed or not. ];B[qp];W[dd];B[nq]LB[oq:A]C[A is more common, but it's almost the same meaning. ];W[qf]LB[qj:A]C[Today, this approach is more popular than A in pros' games. ];B[nc]LB[qi:A]C[A is also popular, but you can see this more recently. ](;W[rd]C[Common. ];B[qh];W[qc];B[qe];W[pe]C[This is not a new move, but it's rarely played because it's regarded bad. ];B[pf];W[oe];B[rf]C[Right move for B. ];W[qd];B[qg](;W[nd]C[It's a new move. The game's the same as the second game of this final. Lee is trying again. ](;B[oc]C[Right move. ];W[ld]LB[nd:A]C[It seems to be Lee Sedol has reserched that move (A) with other Korean players. ](;B[mc];W[lc];B[lb];W[kb];B[md];W[me];B[le];W[mf](;B[lg]C[Xie He must have researched this move after the second game. ](;W[re]C[Asking B how to answer. This sort of move is very subtle to explain. If you want to, feel this move, become stronger. :D ];B[lf](;W[qf];B[jc]C[Vital point of the shape. ];W[mb];B[la](;W[kd]C[Right move. ];B[jd];W[ke];B[kc];W[je]LB[ka:A]C[W still can't play at A. ];B[ie];W[jf];B[jb];W[if]C[The flow of stones is natural so far. ];B[mg]C[Thick and solid. ];W[of](;B[og]C[Good move. ];W[pg];B[oh]C[B's right side becomes great, and the game is favourable for B. ](;W[he]C[It's a more important place than anywhere else. ];B[fq];W[cn];B[mn]C[Good sense. W has to invade on the right side, or B'd get a huge territory. ];W[op]C[Good move to start. ](;B[np]C[Right answer. ];W[qo];B[ro];W[rn]C[As you can see, you'd better attach to your stones to your opponent's when you invade.];B[qn];W[po](;B[rp]C[Right move for B. ];W[rm]C[W just extends here because there's no good tesuji for sabaki. Which means the game is still good for B. ](;B[pn];W[on](;B[ql];W[pl]C[Well known 'Bamboo Joint' tesuji. ];B[qm];W[qk];B[rl];W[rk];B[sn];W[oj]C[W's shape is flexible now. ](;B[mk]C[B tries to connect his stones through the centre. ];W[ph];B[pi];W[pf];B[oi];W[qi]C[W cuts and captured. It's pretty successful for W. ];B[om]C[Necessary. The result so far is good for W, and the game becomes closer. Now it's not clear whether B is better or not. ];W[hq]C[Big. ](;B[dr]C[Proper move for B. ](;W[fp]C[Right choice. ];B[eq];W[gp](;B[ep];W[eo];B[cp]LB[cq:A]C[This is tighter than A. ];W[cf]C[Big move. Left side is W's hope. ](;B[ri]C[Sente for B. ];W[qj];B[ol];W[ok];B[nk];W[sg]LB[rh:A]C[Necessary. If W doesn't answer, B'd connect at A. ];B[cl]C[It's right time to play on the left side. ];W[do];B[bp]LB[bn:A]C[Nice answer. B can aim at A to connect under. ];W[cj];B[fl]C[When you're in your opponent's influence, you'd better play lightly as a feather. ];W[hl];B[fn];W[fo];B[dj];W[di];B[dk];W[ei];B[gn];W[kq]C[Big move. Good choice for W as W can't keep attacking B. ];B[jo]C[The game is still even. ];W[ho];B[hn];W[in]C[This is Lee's style of play. Normally W doesn't fight like this. ];B[io];W[im];B[fj];W[hj];B[fi];W[ll]LB[nl:A]C[Keen move. Aiming at A later.];B[kn](;W[fr]LB[dq:B][gr:A]C[Good tesuji. B can't hane at A because of W's B. ];B[dq];W[gq];B[ci];W[ch];B[bn]C[B is safe now. ](;W[lr]C[It's needed.];B[kj];W[jj]C[Good response. ];B[ji];W[ii];B[jk];W[ij]C[Lee doesn't normally care about shape in the middle game. ];B[eb]C[Last big move. ];W[dc];B[gc];W[kk];B[lj];W[nr];B[or];W[mr]C[Big endgame, and the game's slightly better for W. ];B[jq];W[jr];B[jl]LB[pr:A]C[Probably the losing move. It should be at A. ];W[km];B[kl];W[jn]C[Very good move. Asking B how to respond. ](;B[ln]LB[ko:A]C[It'd be better than A, but B is still losing anyway. ];W[lp]LB[ko:B][oq:A]C[Now, B is in deep trouble. A and B are miai. ];B[ko];W[ki]C[Finish blow. If B doesn't answer to this move, ](;B[li];W[oq]LB[ki:A][li:B]C[Now, it's the time to play here, and the game's over. W's centre group is safe because of A&B ];B[pr];W[no];B[db];W[bi]C[It's sente. ](;B[bk];W[cq];B[bq];W[cb]C[There's no chance for B afterwards. ];B[kh];W[gh];B[fh];W[fg];B[id];W[hd];B[hc];W[fd];B[ec];W[ed];B[eg];W[eh];B[ca];W[bb];B[mo];W[mp];B[nn];W[oo];B[pq];W[mq];B[gg];W[ff];B[hh];W[ih];B[gi];W[hg];B[gf];W[ge];B[pb];W[qb];B[iq];W[ir];B[od];W[ne];B[pj];W[pk];B[nj];W[rh];B[bj];W[co];B[cm];W[bo];B[ao];W[jm];B[lm];W[na];B[nb];W[pa];B[ma];W[oa];B[ob];W[qa];B[ka];W[bm]C[B resigned here. W is even winning without komi. The opening was the same as the second game up to 28, and the result up to 50 was better for B. There were some questionable moves for B on the right side, and W caught up and made the game even. B's 143 was the losing move, but even if B played the best at that moment, W'd have lead by a little bit. Through the whole game, you might feel Lee Sedol's brilliant and passionate moves and Xie He's dignified and patient moves, and they completed an excellent game together. Commented by An Younggil 8p])(;B[cc]C[If B doesn't answer on the left side, ];W[bm];B[cm];W[bo];B[co];W[an];B[dn];W[bl]C[W can make it ko, and B can't play anymore. ]))(;B[oq];W[lk]C[W can connect here first, and];B[lm];W[li];B[mj];W[mi]TR[le][lf][lg][mg][og][oh][oi][pi]C[W can cut them off and capture them.]))(;B[ko]C[B could think about this one, but ];W[lm];B[lk];W[oq];B[pr](;W[no]C[No good, ];B[mp];W[mo];B[lp];W[lo];B[ln]C[It doesn't work for W. ])(;W[mo]C[Good move, and ];B[no];W[mp]LB[ln:A][nn:B]C[A and B are miai. ])))(;W[ec]C[If W doesn't play on the bottom, ];B[kr];W[lr];B[jq]C[B can attack W like this. ]))(;W[nl]C[If W cuts here now, ];B[pm];W[ml];B[lk];W[kl];B[rh]C[W is in trouble. ]))(;B[do]C[B can capture this and get some more points, but ];W[dn];B[co];W[en]C[W's outside is even better. ]))(;B[cq]LB[do:A]C[this is also possible. B can aim at A later. ]))(;W[cq]C[If W answers in the corner, ];B[ep]C[This is a good move for next. ];W[kq];B[do];W[co];B[dq];W[cp];B[cf]C[B is still alright with this approach. ]))(;B[fo]C[If B jumps, ];W[eq];B[fr];W[ho];B[ep];W[dq];B[fm];W[hm]C[W is happy with this jump. ]))(;B[ph]C[If B saves his stones on the right, ];W[mj]C[W is happy with this jump. ]))(;B[pm]C[This is not a good shape. ];W[om];B[pl];W[ol];B[pk];W[oq]C[It's not easy for B to capture this W's group. ]))(;B[qm]C[B could also push from this side. ];W[ql];B[on];W[rk];B[ol]C[Another game. ]))(;B[rm]C[This is wrong, ];W[rp];B[sn];W[qq]C[W can live in the corner easily. ]))(;B[oq]C[If B answers under, ];W[pp];B[pq];W[qo];B[rp];W[on]C[It's easy for W to make a good living shape. ]))(;W[jp];B[he]C[You shouldn't miss this kind of important spot. ]))(;B[qe]C[If B takes it, ];W[oh]C[W can come out, and it's hard for B to continue. ]))(;W[ka]C[Capturing this is not a good idea. ];B[kc];W[ma];B[lb];W[kd];B[jd];W[ke];B[je];W[kf];B[jg]C[W can capture some stones, but B'd get a great wall. ]))(;W[mb];B[of]LB[kc:A]C[It's troublesome for W as B has some ko threats at around A. ]))(;W[mb]C[If W cuts here, ];B[lf];W[pc];B[of]C[B can seal outside, ];W[od];B[mg];W[ob];B[fq]C[Very good for B. ]))(;B[la]C[At the second game, Xie played here, and ];W[jc];B[pb];W[ke];B[qb];W[rb];B[sc]LB[na:A]C[The result so far is a bit better for W. W should play at A right away, but Lee lost the chance in the second game. ]))(;B[lb]C[This is also thinkable. I've never seen this sort of variation before, so it's hard to say. ];W[kb];B[kc];W[lc](;B[jb];W[mb];B[ka];W[mc]C[W is satisfied with big corner. ])(;B[of]C[Some said about this move, but it's too difficult to research now. ];W[nf];B[me];W[md];B[jb];W[mb];B[ka];W[mc];B[fc]C[It looks better for B than previous one. ])))(;B[mc];W[oc]C[It's good for W. ]))(;W[oc]C[This is the original move. ];B[nd];W[od];B[ob];W[pb];B[nf]C[W is bad, and now, nobody plays this one. ]))(;W[qi]C[This is also thinkable. ];B[qe](;W[pf]C[Wrong, ];B[qk]C[Good for B. ])(;W[re];B[rd];W[ql]C[Right choice, and the result is even. ])))
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Lee Sedol     Xie He
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