(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[8.00]GN[Fan-Tingyu-vs-Park-Junghwan-20130306]PW[Park Junghwan]PB[Fan Tingyu]WR[9d]BR[3d]DT[2013-03-06]EV[7th Ing Cup Final]RO[Game 4]PC[Shanghai, China]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[This is the 4th game from the 7th Ing Cup final, between Park Junghwan 9p and Fan Tingyu 3p.Fan won the first and the third games, and was leading the best of five series 2-1 at this point.With the score at 2-1 in Fan’s favor, the pressure was now on Park to win the next game, just to stay in the final.Park Junghwan 9p is ranked #2 in Korea, and Fan Tingyu 3p is ranked #9 in China.It's hard to find the weak points in Park's game, but his style of play doesn't yet have a unique character. Lee Sedol 9p once said that this could be Park's weakness, and that he needs to develop a his own style in order to become #1.Fan Tingyu's style of play is similar to Park's, but Fan's style of play is thicker and more solid, and more defensive too. Park's style is more flexible and he's more of an all rounder. Anyway, let's have a look at game 4 from the 7th Ing Cup final.]RE[B+5.00];B[qd]C[Fan Tingyu plays black. ];W[pp];B[dd];W[cp];B[ep];W[eq]C[Park chose the most common joseki. White wants to take territory in the corner with this move.];B[fq];W[dq]LB[qn:B][fp:C][gp:D][nq:A]C[There're many options for black now. A and B are more popular than C and D these days. ](;B[qn];W[nq](;B[kc]C[Fan chose the Chinese opening. ];W[fp]C[White cut here because black tenukied.](;B[cf]C[Black chose to play on the left side.];W[qk]LB[cf:A]C[This area was kind of miai with A.](;B[qp]C[This attachment is rather common.];W[qq];B[rq](;W[qo]C[This atari is right. ];B[rp](;W[po]C[This connection is right. ](;B[ro]C[This is the most common response.];W[qr]LB[rm:B][pn:A]C[There're two options for black. ](;B[rm]C[Black chose this tiger's mouth. ](;W[pg]C[This extension was speedy.];B[od];W[gq]C[And this atari was very big. The opening is even so far.];B[om]LB[qi:A][pm:C][lq:B]C[This knight's move is a multi purpose move, aiming at followup moves on the right and the left (e.g. A and B). If black doesn't play here, white can seal him in at C.];W[dj]TR[pg][qk]C[White's right side looks weak, but Park didn't seem to care.Actually, even if white plays on the right side first, white can't make a big territory, so white chose to take a big point instead.];B[qi]C[This move was motivated by fighting spirit. Black wants to make white pay for his tenuki on the left side.];W[pi](;B[ph]C[This wedge looks natural, but it was a mistake. ];W[qc]C[What a move! The timing of this probe was brilliant!](;B[re]C[This diagonal move was correct. This answer is useful to know. ];W[qh]LB[qc:A][re:B]C[White came back here after exchanging at A for B. You'll soon see the benefit of the exchange.];B[oh];W[ri];B[qg];W[qj];B[rg]LB[rh:A]C[This descent was right. Black doesn't have enough ko threats to atari at A. ];W[ni]C[At this point, the game became favorable for white.];B[mm];W[oc]C[White's bullying black.](;B[nh]TR[oc][qc]C[Black tried to build power in the center, aiming to capture the corner.];W[nl]C[White exchanged this peep first, and];B[nm];W[mh]LB[nl:A]C[This hane was a good combination with the peep at A.](;B[of]C[Black pulled back, and ];W[mi]C[White connected.];B[nc]LB[of:A]C[Black eventually came back here. The stone at A should be helpful in the corner. ];W[pd];B[pe];W[pc]C[White wants to see if black still tries to capture or not. ](;B[rc]C[Black gave away a chance to capture the corner without ko, and it was questionable.];W[nb];B[mc];W[rb];B[sb];W[ra]C[The corner will be a ko now, and it's very successful for white.](;B[lq]C[This move was to limit the scale of white's lower side.];W[db]C[Coming in here was biggest remaining move on the board. The game's still favorable for white.];B[fb]LB[cc:A][dc:B][ec:C]C[There're other options, like A-C, but black chose this move. This is more severe than the other options.](;W[cc];B[cd];W[ec]C[This was the right sequence for white. ];B[dc];W[eb];B[cb]C[This sequence is kind of joseki. ](;W[hc]C[This move was rather active.](;B[gd]C[This was a good tesuji.](;W[fc]C[This was the proper move.];B[gc];W[gb];B[hb];W[fa];B[hd]LB[hc:A]C[Black captured the stone at A, but white's top group was also settled. ];W[fe];B[ic]C[This move was slow, but solid and thick. ];W[ch]LB[da:A][ef:B]C[The result up to here was even, and the game's still better for white. White's top group is safe because A and B are miai for white. ];B[el]LB[cl:A]C[Black needed to reduce this area. Invading at A would be too deep and dangerous.];W[cl];B[no];W[rr];B[iq](;W[go]LB[el:A]C[This move is typical of Park's style. It aims to attack the stone at A, and also helps white's lower right corner indirectly.];B[ej];W[ei];B[dk];W[ck];B[di];W[cj];B[da]C[This move was well timed.];W[ef];B[df]LB[di:A]TR[fa][db][eb][gb][ec][fc]C[This move was good, and it's hard for white to save the top group because of A. ];W[eg];B[ee](;W[be]C[This peep was very sharp. ](;B[bc]C[This was inevitable, and white got some points out of this exchange. ];W[fi]C[White sacrificed the top group, but the game was still good for white. ];B[fd];W[gl]C[This cap was good, and the game was still playable for white. ];B[na]LB[oa:C][pa:B][pb:A][qb:D]C[This is a good move to make a ko. It's better than playing A through D if black thinks he can win the ko.];W[mb];B[ob];W[pb];B[pa]C[If black can't win the ko, black will lose a lot of points by playing this way.];W[oa];B[nr](;W[or];B[ob]C[It seems as if black has more ko threats. ];W[mr]C[However, this move was still shocking. Is this a ko threat, or is it big enough for to provide compensation? This is a reverse endgame move, and Park might have thought the game was still playable for white after giving up the top right corner.];B[qb]C[Park's judgment was correct, but Fan's very good at second half of the game.Black captured both the top left and the top right, but the game's still good for white. Park's managed the game very smoothly so far.](;W[bf]LB[bd:E][ed:C][de:D][fe:F][bg:A][aj:B]C[This move was worth about 17 points endgame (compared to when black plays at A first and follows up at B in sente), but it was premature.White might be able to force a capturing race at the top by playing C through E later, as long as F can't be captured, but it's not guaranteed.];B[hn]C[This move looked like a normal reducing move, but it was more than that.];W[gn];B[gk]C[This was Fan's plan, and black went all out at this point.](;W[hl]C[White doesn't want to play too passively. ];B[gj];W[ih]C[White must kill this black group now, so it's risky for white too.](;B[ik]LB[ij:A]C[This jump was good. It's easier to make eye shape with this move than when black plays at A.](;W[km]LB[ji:B][mp:A]C[This was a nice attacking move. It aims at followups like A and B.];B[ii]C[When you're in trouble, attach!];W[ji];B[hh]C[This hane was a nice tesuji. ](;W[hg]C[White's can't pull back either. The game will be decided by this battle.];B[jh];W[ig];B[jj];W[ki];B[gi]C[Black has an eye here, and the shape is quite flexible. ];W[mp]C[Here's another weak point in black's position.];B[lo];W[lp];B[jn];W[jm];B[kn]C[Black needs to save all of his stones to win.](;W[gh]C[White started to attack black's center group, aiming to kill. ];B[fh];W[hi];B[eh]TR[ei][fi]C[White's marked stones are captured, but white can keep attacking. ];W[dh];B[fj](;W[ei]C[This throw in was good, and this black group looks in danger. ];B[fg];W[ff];B[ij];W[lm];B[ln];W[kh]C[Black's center group was disconnected, and];B[gg]C[This was the only way for black to save the big group.];W[gf];B[hh];W[ed];B[de];W[gh];B[im];W[il];B[hh];W[pn];B[pm];W[gh];B[jl]C[This was the only big ko threat for black.];W[fi]C[White eliminated the ko, and Park must've been very confident about winning.](;B[lk]C[This knight's move was the right shape.](;W[kl]C[This atari was careless, and it became the losing move. ];B[fm]C[The timing of this peep was excellent.];W[gm]C[White can't do anything, except connect. ];B[jk];W[io]C[White peeped here, but it was already too late.];B[kp];W[in];B[oj]C[This peep was sente, and that's unfortunate for Park.];W[oi];B[lr]LB[fm:A][gm:B]C[Blocking was very big, and the game's revered now.The exchange at A for B was beneficial for black. White lost points in the lower left because of that.];W[hm];B[kk](;W[mq];B[dm]C[The game's decided now. ];W[nk];B[ml];W[ql];B[qm];W[cn];B[cm];W[bm];B[dn];W[co];B[hr];W[gr];B[bd]C[This move was very big. If white had played here, black would have needed to spend extra moves capturing white's group at the top later.];W[ke];B[lf];W[ld];B[kf];W[je];B[le];W[kd];B[lc];W[jr];B[jq];W[ls];B[ks];W[kr];B[kq];W[js];B[ir];W[jo];B[ko];W[ms];B[op]C[Fan's endgame is very accurate. ];W[jf];B[mg];W[md];B[pq];W[oq];B[on];W[pr];B[bg];W[cg];B[me];W[mk];B[kg];W[rl];B[rh];W[hp];B[ll];W[im];B[oo];W[pq];B[eo];W[id];B[he];W[jg];B[gs];W[fs];B[fo];W[fr];B[fn];W[sr];B[qi];W[si];B[lj];W[qh];B[jc];W[bh];B[qi];W[sq];B[sp];W[qh];B[pl];W[pk];B[qi];W[mo];B[mn];W[qh];B[ol];W[ok];B[qi];W[ne];B[nd];W[qh];B[ng];W[fl];B[dl];W[sh];B[qi];W[fk];B[ek];W[qh];B[mj];W[nj];B[sg];W[sm];B[sn];W[ad];B[ac];W[ae];B[sl];W[sk];B[hj];W[hh];B[ie];W[jd];B[is];W[ks];B[sm];W[qi];B[hs];W[lh];B[lg];W[dg];B[ce];W[ag];B[ge];W[hf];B[hc];W[if];B[kj];W[dp];B[do];W[hq];B[ip];W[hk];B[np];W[li];B[jp]C[Black won by 5 points.In the end, black was ahead by 11 points on the board (3 points after adding komi), at the end of the game. The official result was that black won by 5 points after Park twice paid 2 points to ‘buy’ more time (Ing timing) and Fan also purchased one lot of extra time.It was a very exciting game, especially after black tried to save his stones in the left center. Fan's second half of the game was very impressive. His reading during the battle in the center was accurate, and his endgame was perfect. On the other hand, Park managed the first half of the game very well, after taking the lead at an early stage. His sacrifice strategy and positional judgment were amazing, and he maintained the lead afterwards. However, he made a simple mistake at the end, and it cost him the game.I hope you'll enjoy this marvelous game more with this commentary, and please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions.Thanks,Commented by An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/])(;W[ml]LB[oi:B][oj:A]C[This move doesn't work for white, because of the exchange of A for B.];B[ll];W[im];B[nk]TR[ml][nl]C[White can't save the marked stones.]))(;W[io]C[White would have won the game if white had peeped here. ](;B[in]C[If black answers here, ];W[kp]SQ[iq][lq]C[White can extend here to capture the marked stones. White's winning now. ];B[jo];W[ip];B[jp];W[jq];B[hq];W[hp]C[There's nothing black can do at the bottom.])(;B[kp]C[This move should be right for black, and];W[kl];B[jk];W[in]LB[fm:A][gm:B]C[This is far better for white than the actual game, because there's no exchange of A for B now.];B[oj];W[oi];B[lr]C[Blocking here is still big, but ];W[hm];B[kk];W[em]C[White can attach here to stop black from coming into the lower left area.];B[mq];W[ns];B[np];W[op]C[It's very close, but slightly (1~2 points) better for white.])))(;B[ll]C[If black ataris here, ];W[kk]C[White can peep here to cut. ];B[kl];W[jk]TR[gi][ii][ej][fj][gj][ij][jj][dk][gk][ik][el]C[Black's marked stones would die now.]))(;W[fg]C[If white blocks here,];B[ei];W[fl];B[hj]C[This is a ko, and it's not good for white.]))(;W[im]LB[in:A]C[White could also consider playing like this, to make white's position stronger before trying to kill. If black answers this move at A, white can attack as he did in the game, but more severely.];B[gg]C[Black needs to look after his center group now, and];W[gf];B[kj];W[lj];B[kk]LB[jl:A][ll:B]C[A and B are miai now, so black's alive, but];W[jp]LB[in:B][ip:A]C[White can get some compensation at the bottom. A and B are miai now.](;B[in];W[ip]C[This should be good enough for white.])(;B[ip]C[If black plays here,];W[ln](;B[mo];W[ko];B[jo];W[kp]LB[lm:A][io:B]C[A and B are miai, and this is still good enough for white.])(;B[lm];W[in]TR[hn][ip][iq][lq]C[Black can't save the marked stones.]))))(;W[hi]C[If white cuts here, ];B[ij]LB[jh:A][gi:B]C[Black connects. It's not easy to keep attacking, because A and B are miai for black. ]))(;W[hk];B[hj];W[ij]C[If white cuts here right away,];B[ii];W[jj];B[hh];W[ji];B[hi]C[Black can escape like this. ];W[hg]C[If white keeps going, ];B[ig];W[jh];B[gg];W[hf];B[gf];W[if];B[fh];W[eh];B[ff]C[Black can save the group. It's a failure for white. ]))(;B[ij]C[If black jumps here, ];W[kl]C[It's hard for black to make eye shape in the center. ]))(;W[gj]C[White can secure territory like this, but then];B[hl];W[hm];B[im];W[gm];B[ik]C[Black can tidy up the center area in sente, and];W[hj](;B[lk];W[ol]C[The game's very close now.])(;B[oi]C[Black might also think about pushing and cutting here, but];W[oj];B[nj];W[pm]C[White can offer to trade with this tesuji.];B[pn]C[Black shouldn't trade, and should play here, but];W[mj];B[nk];W[mk];B[ok];W[ol];B[pj];W[pk];B[oj];W[ml]LB[pm:A][pn:B]C[White can connect like this. The exchange of A for B protects the cutting point.])))(;W[jn]LB[jp:B][mp:A]C[White should have played here. This move aims at A or B later, and white's center is getting deeper.]))(;W[mr]C[You might think that white should play here instead, but black will gain many ko threats and forcing moves in that case and will become thick. For example...];B[or];W[mq];B[oq];W[op];B[np];W[ns];B[lr];W[mp];B[ls];W[ms];B[lp];W[mo];B[lo];W[nn]))(;B[bf]C[If black blocks here, ];W[bc];B[bb];W[bd];B[ab];W[de];B[ce];W[ed]C[It's ko now.];B[de]C[If black connects here in order to cut, which isn't good,];W[fd];B[eh];W[fi];B[ff];W[dg]C[This is sente, and];B[ae];W[gf]C[It doesn't work for black. ];B[fg];W[gg];B[fh];W[gh]))(;W[fd]C[If white tries to save the top,];B[eh]C[Black can atari first, and];W[fi];B[ff]C[Cutting here next is good.];W[gf];B[fg];W[dg];B[gg]C[White is in deep trouble. ]))(;W[mb];B[lb];W[pb]LB[go:A]C[If white doesn't play at A, ];B[mr]C[Black can start to attack this group, and ];W[nr];B[sr];W[mp];B[ko]C[This white group isn't yet completely alive. ]))(;W[gc]C[If white cuts this way, ];B[fc];W[fd];B[ed];W[fe];B[da]C[The corner becomes very big, and ];W[he]C[Black has sente. This result is unsatisfactory for white. ]))(;B[fc]C[This push is a bit too heavy. ];W[ed];B[gd];W[ef]TR[fc]C[That sort of push from behind is normally bad.]))(;W[fc]C[This move is common, and it should be right.];B[hc]C[This extension is good, but ];W[fe]C[White's not bad after jumping here. ]))(;W[ec]C[If white moves out immediately, like this,];B[cc]C[Black comes back to 3-3. ];W[fc];B[gc];W[gd];B[hc]C[This is what black wants. ]))(;B[pb]C[Black can make a ko like this, but];W[pa];B[oa];W[qb];B[qa]C[It's a kind of picnic ko for white, and a small amount of compensation should be good enough for white.]))(;B[nb]LB[of:A]C[Now that A is on the board, black should try to kill the corner.];W[rd];B[ob];W[qe];B[qf];W[se];B[rf];W[nd];B[oe];W[md]C[There's some bad aji in the corner, but it's ok at the moment. ];B[mg];W[lg];B[mf]C[White's corner is dead, and it should be better for black than in the actual game.]))(;B[oi]C[If black wants to fight, ];W[oj];B[nj];W[mi];B[ok];W[pj];B[of];W[ml]LB[nk:C][ll:B][ol:A]C[This push is good. If black plays at A or B next, white can just cut at C.];B[nk]C[So if black wants to save the cutting stone, he has to play here, but];W[ol];B[pl];W[pk]C[White will cut, and it's a single path from here. ];B[mk];W[ll];B[lk];W[kk];B[kl];W[lm];B[kj];W[jk];B[lj];W[jj];B[kh];W[ji];B[ki]TR[qh][pi][ri][oj][pj][qj][pk][qk]C[It's hard for white to save the marked stones, but ];W[pm];B[ql];W[pn];B[qm];W[km]TR[oc][qc]C[White can trade like this. It's a really big trade, and the result up to here is better for white. White's marked stones in the top right aren't yet captured.]))(;B[nc]C[If black tries to capture the corner now,];W[pd];B[pe];W[pc];B[nb];W[rd];B[qe];W[rb]C[White can make a ko. This is a picnic ko for white because it was originally black's corner.]))(;B[oh]C[If black doesn't answer, ];W[rd];B[qe];W[pc];B[oc];W[re]C[White can get the whole corner. It's too big.])(;B[pc]C[If black answers here, ];W[qh];B[oh];W[oi]C[This push is good. ](;B[qg];W[rh];B[rg]C[If black plays like this, ];W[nh];B[og];W[ri]LB[rd:A]C[There's a bad aji around A. ])(;B[qj]C[If black tries to fight like this, ];W[rh];B[pk];W[pe]LB[pd:A][nh:B]C[This peep is very good. Now A and B are miai. ](;B[og]C[If black bends here, ];W[pd]C[This cut is good, and ];B[rc];W[qb];B[oc];W[rd];B[qe];W[re];B[qf];W[pf]TR[qd][qe][qf]C[Black can't save the marked stones. ])(;B[pd]C[If black connects here, ];W[nh];B[og];W[nf]TR[og][oh][ph]C[This is a net, and black can't save the marked stones. This would be a disaster for black.](;B[pf];W[of];B[qg];W[ng];B[pg];W[qf])(;B[of];W[oe];B[pf];W[qf];B[qg];W[ng])))))(;B[qh]C[Black should have extended here. ];W[ph];B[qg];W[ok];B[mm]TR[pg][ph][pi][ok][qk]C[White's marked stones are still floating and black's made some points. ]))(;W[pm]C[If white encloses black like this,];B[pn];W[on];B[qm]C[This is right answer for black, and ];W[om];B[gq]C[This is a good time for black to move out in the lower left.];W[fo];B[jq]TR[om][pm][on]C[White's influence isn't very useful now.])(;W[qh]LB[rm:A]C[This extension feels a bit too narrow and heavy since black's already played at A. ];B[qf]TR[qh][qk]C[White's marked stones are not as active as in the actual game. ]))(;B[pn]C[If black pushes up here, ];W[rm]C[This peep is sente for white, and ];B[rn];W[qh]C[White can easily settle on the right side. This isn't what black wants. ]))(;B[pq]C[This cut is also possible, but then ];W[qr];B[pr];W[rr];B[sr];W[ro];B[qs];W[pg]C[White can develop the right side, and black's not happy with this.]))(;W[ro]C[This move was played quite a lot in the late 90s, but it's very rare today.];B[po];W[rn];B[pq];W[op];B[pn];W[rm];B[pr]LB[om:A]TR[pn][qn][po]C[It's hard for white to capture the marked stones and, even if white can do it (with a move like A), there's still some bad aji. ]))(;W[pq]C[If white just connects here, ];B[ro]C[Black can make a good shape, and it's not good enough for white. ]))(;B[ph]C[This move is also conceivable, aiming to develop black's moyo at the top.];W[qp];B[ok]C[It looks very nice, but both players like territorial games. ]))(;B[pj]C[If black plays on the right side, ];W[cf];B[fd];W[dj]C[White will develop the left side. This is another game.]))(;B[gp]C[This is also possible. ];W[cn];B[kq]LB[od:C][qk:B][rp:A]C[It's another game. White could choose moves like A-C next. ]))(;B[nq];W[qn];B[gp];W[cn];B[kp]C[This opening was quite popular throughout 2011 and 2012, but it hasn't been played much recently. It's another game. ])). ]))
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Park Junghwan    Fan Tingyu
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