.>stf7 [1k]: nop];B[ds]BL[1160.24]C[ProoMas [14k]: ?martijn [18k?]: e10 c 10?ProoMas [14k]: how can u connect after E10?hatego [4k]: e10 f10 f11 c10 stf7 [1k]: f10 and he threatens d10ProoMas [14k]: ohhProoMas [14k]: that oneProoMas [14k]: =DProoMas [14k]: wellProoMas [14k]: E10, c 10, C9DeadTired [2d]: proomas: that's why w played c11 in the middle of a sequence];W[br]WL[307.191];B[ej]BL[1148.896]C[ProoMas [14k]: seeProoMas [14k]: I'm rightbrainlord: who is ahead?Aphelion02 [6k]: hehe];W[fj]WL[296.734]C[lydia10 [2k]: cant believe bot can be so strongDeadTired [2d]: no proomas, b is desperate];B[bk]BL[1140.278]C[ProoMas [14k]: F11?ProoMas [14k]: ;/];W[fi]WL[291.332]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: ahh quite nicesfgss [3d?]: looks like w will winProoMas [14k]: I still don't get];B[bm]BL[1131.195]C[ProoMas [14k]: why wouldn't botJachUGAN [12k]: i'm sure the super calculator behind the bot makes him that strong )JachUGAN [12k]: =)ProoMas [14k]: F11WorldCop [2k]: bot too cleverbrainlord: c1Carrot [3k]: then white kills d10];W[cm]WL[273.971]C[Lolilol [1d]: F13 was a mistakeAphelion02 [6k]: bot ate up a lotfirst1kyu [3d]: game not over jetEowyn [1k]: proomas there was a tesuji after f11ProoMas [14k]: ummmProoMas [14k]: OHHHHHHHH yeah];B[bl]BL[1121.56]C[ProoMas [14k]: because of C8 stone];W[cs]WL[270.189]C[ProoMas [14k]: didn't notice itProoMas [14k]: =D];B[nb]BL[1108.92]C[Namii [-]: The C8 stone is irrelevant, C9 also works];W[mc]WL[266.749];B[mb]BL[1100.286]C[readytogo [2k?]: who is the bot?ProoMas [13k]: if white wouldn't have C8Aphelion02 [6k]: mmAphelion02 [6k]: bot still winning?Carrot [3k]: Tom ArnoldProoMas [13k]: white couldn't capture with C10ProoMas [13k]: and white would dieAphelion02 [6k]: according to SEbrainlord: b17Namii [-]: like I said, C8 is not necessary to capture d10masek [?]: black +0.5 ?ranger09 [5k]: G13 urgent for W?ProoMas [13k]: how come?ProoMas [13k]: how would u capture it thenProoMas [13k]: without C8?Namii [-]: Figure it out yourselfCarrot [3k]: you are becoming stronger as we speak.Namii [-]: Trust me, it's good for your improvementLolilol [1d]: b J14 bigProoMas [13k]: well, you wouldn'tProoMas [13k]: that's the only answerProoMas [13k]: :Pstf7 [1k]: d17 cool for w?];W[cc]WL[187.446]C[readytogo [2k?]: i dont lie to ply with bots];B[dc]BL[1091.733];W[bd]WL[184.23]C[readytogo [2k?]: they are rude];B[ce]BL[1083.135]C[brainlord: lolwcci2010: Difficult to predict, according to David];W[cb]WL[178.389]C[brainlord: bots think you are rude];B[eb]BL[1074.476]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: can w livereadytogo [2k?]: not so I always say hi and good gamereadytogo [2k?]: noting in returnWorldCop [2k]: noLolilol [1d]: E18 mistakeLolilol [1d]: WD19WorldCop [2k]: doesn't live either?Regenbogen [3d]: w quite short on timebrainlord: gotta know binary to tell them ]];W[da]WL[135.729]C[Piem [3k]: what or who is David?MaLa [2d]: F19Lolilol [1d]: w aliveSR123 [6k]: i think white have to live in corner to have a chance to win];B[is]BL[1052.473]C[barakeel [3d]: f19Lolilol [1d]: ok, overstf7 [1k]: lolLolilol [1d]: now w winsRegenbogen [3d]: hmLatias [-]: lol bot terrible at yosestf7 [1k]: you sure?Lolilol [1d]: b stupid mistakesfgss [3d?]: j1 another useless move];W[lb]WL[108.443]C[stf7 [1k]: xDranger09 [5k]: even with L14 dead?];B[ea]BL[1043.901];W[bb]WL[102.271]C[MaLa [2d]: uhRegenbogen [3d]: j1 was badLolilol [1d]: sure it was];B[om]BL[1035.322];W[pm]WL[98.756];B[ng]BL[1026.554]C[readytogo [2k?]: seems bots skill goes only so far yet rated 2d];W[og]WL[95.585]C[ProoMas [13k]: ???ProoMas [13k]: wtf was thatbrainlord: stupid mode];B[of]BL[1017.635];W[ng]WL[93.174]C[stf7 [1k]: he wanted ko ! xDhatego [4k]: Bot is losing so it is playing erratic.];B[rl]BL[1009.09]C[ranger09 [5k]: time an issue now];W[ql]WL[79.993]C[zakatan [6k]: bot has time troubleLolilol [1d]: isn't A 17 good?zakatan [6k]: so it cant comute properlyRuediRf [4k]: when bot sees itself losing, they play stupid moves];B[ac]BL[1000.161];W[ad]WL[78.162]C[banedon [-]: not the bot, the pro has tiome troubleAphelion02 [6k]: no, w is proLolilol [1d]: A18];B[ab]BL[989.632]C[bigfatcat [1d?]: once the bot is sure that it can't win, it's play might be almost arbitrary...ProoMas [13k]: w group 6 libertiesProoMas [13k]: main groupProoMas [13k]: =D];W[aa]WL[70.052]C[SR123 [6k]: monto carlo algorithm plays usually much better in very close position! Now its close bot b j1 was a stupid moveclydesdale [3k]: time abig issue!gsensei [2d?]: who is this pro playing?];B[js]BL[980.793];W[lr]WL[67.395]C[Lolilol [1d]: bot good :DSR123 [6k]: well not its lostRegenbogen [3d]: maybe b resign before w losses on time?SR123 [6k]: for blackbrainlord: in 10 years, the stones will change coloursreadytogo [2k?]: if bot knows it lost it should resign and be poiltebigfatcat [1d?]: lol];B[qp]BL[958.247];W[rd]WL[64.636]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: why aere we playing on absolute settingszakatan [6k]: bots aren't really politeNamii [-]: I don't think the bot cares if he loses faceLolilol [1d]: abuuuuse Aphelion02 [6k]: haha];B[re]BL[949.603]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: s16 timesuji?zakatan [6k]: it's not their nature];W[pb]WL[62.44]C[sfgss [3d?]: w winsMaLa [2d]: no serious living attemptstf7 [1k]: this is kolifeProoMas [13k]: =DMaLa [2d]: would have also worked against you, most likelyLolilol [1d]: S15 mistake again?barakeel [3d]: but this wasntAphelion02 [6k]: i amost feel sorry for botbrainlord: please no racist comments against bots];B[ob]BL[921.247];W[rb]WL[61.603]C[readytogo [2k?]: cant lose face if u dont have oneKickchon [-]: why not b19, isnt that seki? or gote seki too small ?Lolilol [1d]: w aliveMaLa [2d]: B19 is nooothing];B[sd]BL[904.725]C[Regenbogen [3d]: its a pitty tat w got m18];W[sc]WL[59.997]C[DeadTired [2d]: bots are not a race yet, I hope.stf7 [1k]: ko-life.....gsensei [2d?]: live by koAphelion02 [6k]: i hope white doesn't lose by timeLolilol [1d]: b resAphelion02 [6k]: does bot know hwo to res?Lolilol [1d]: yes];B[rc]BL[878.581];W[es]WL[58.892]C[ProoMas [13k]: so this is really a bot?MaLa [2d]: no, he will win on time];B[fs]BL[870.339];W[rd]WL[57.781];B[jj]BL[862.154];W[se]WL[55.002]C[Lolilol [1d]: win on time against a bot is such a shame MaLa [2d]: and ofc it isnt a bot];B[sp]BL[853.358];W[gg]WL[52.752]C[Lolilol [1d]: O.Oreadytogo [2k?]: actually its a midget in a robot outfitProoMas [14k]: ok];B[so]BL[845.076]C[ProoMas [14k]: =D];W[nr]WL[50.768]C[SR123 [6k]: b k10 ????];B[np]BL[836.552]C[MaLa [2d]: yeah, that why they need such big computersRegenbogen [3d]: uh];W[oq]WL[48.909]C[MaLa [2d]: so the midgets all fit inRegenbogen [3d]: n1WorldCop [2k]: lol, w got killed?stf7 [1k]: is w alive?stf7 [1k]: xD];B[ms]BL[828.114]C[brainlord: whut!>Aphelion02 [6k]: bot trying to waste time?WorldCop [2k]: ko-killed];W[ns]WL[47.523]C[stf7 [1k]: zomgstf7 [1k]: hah];B[ks]BL[819.604]C[stf7 [1k]: ko for 100 points];W[ls]WL[45.072]C[Lolilol [1d]: black wasting thrats ..];B[rn]BL[811.162]C[Lolilol [1d]: thrats];W[do]WL[42.561]C[Lolilol [1d]: threats*MaLa [2d]: for the lulz];B[ep]BL[802.997];W[ro]WL[41.757]C[SR123 [6k]: whoawwbigfatcat [1d?]: what rank is w?qQQp [-]: Ko for the game unnecessaryRegenbogen [3d]: j15];B[ie]BL[794.624]C[stf7 [1k]: w is great :D];W[gc]WL[35.425]C[qQQp [-]: arrogant humans];B[rn]BL[786.26];W[bj]WL[34.341]C[WorldCop [2k]: too bad about the b+tMaLa [2d]: pro is nice to stupid bot];B[cj]BL[778.059]C[Namii [-]: See, the bot shouldn't have resigned :-)];W[ro]WL[32.725]C[nanok [?]: bigfatcat: some pro rankMaLa [2d]: want to give him an illusion of a chance];B[if]BL[769.893]C[bigfatcat [1d?]: 4 or 9?];W[hd]WL[29.116]C[lydia10 [2k]: who is botbrainlord: I AM];B[rn]BL[761.711];W[aj]WL[27.368]C[bigfatcat [1d?]: kop is worst for timeMaLa [2d]: so bot goes to his daddy: heeeeeey daddy, daddy, almost beat a pro today!!! just that stuuuupid ko....];B[ai]BL[753.656];W[ro]WL[26.406]C[gugun: It is a defeat of white. There is no time. Omniscient [2k]: this bot sucks at koshatego [4k]: We are the robots.];B[kc]BL[745.902];W[rn]WL[25.266]C[stf7 [1k]: whoaw];B[jd]BL[737.06]C[stf7 [1k]: white so cool];W[kb]WL[22.365]C[lydia10 [2k]: b is bot?];B[jc]BL[729.108]C[nvm [1d]: j12];W[jb]WL[20.931]C[stf7 [1k]: in 1sec sees more thenqQQp [-]: we are all bots just some don't knowstf7 [1k]: aaaaSpenceR [3k]: ???dxxd [2k]: yes, it is a bot];B[lc]BL[721.442];W[ih]WL[20.021]C[nanok [?]: so is it chou or chouWatcher [-]: what what?ProoMas [14k]: j12nanok [?]: :)ProoMas [14k]: wouldn't beProoMas [14k]: life?qQQp [-]: except white of course];B[ig]BL[713.731];W[fh]WL[19.107]C[idazuwaika [5d]: white not cool];B[af]BL[705.86]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: damn];W[rf]WL[16.587]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: why did white ignore that koreadytogo [2k?]: bot comes in the house with a pile of crap in his hand and says look what I almost steped inWatcher [-]: s14 Watcher [-]: standard];B[pg]BL[697.937];W[qe]WL[15.027]C[ProoMas [14k]: !??!?!hatego [4k]: Serious time pressure.brainlord: w could still win];B[qf]BL[689.089]C[ProoMas [14k]: wouldn't black have lived];W[rg]WL[13.412]C[ProoMas [14k]: with J12?Watcher [-]: lol w will losenanok [?]: is the bot waiting for time to run out?ProoMas [14k]: ?!?!!?Hellhuman [1d]: what is status of a10 group^^?];B[rh]BL[681.249];W[bn]WL[12.658]C[EF2009 [1k]: not possible for w to complete the game...Aphelion02 [6k]: ehgugun: no time...Aphelion02 [6k]: isn't bot aheadMaLa [2d]: go bottie go!];B[sg]BL[673.13];W[sf]WL[10.625]C[MaLa [2d]: we are all cheering for you!];B[ca]BL[664.685];W[db]WL[8.326]C[bigfatcat [1d?]: maybe bot resign?vannab [3k]: daddy i got him! :)];B[ba]BL[656.809];W[bc]WL[7.145]C[JeansebL [2d]: lolllllWorldCop [2k]: b could still res :)];B[pa]BL[647.305]C[readytogo [2k?]: oppsbigfatcat [1d?]: with 1 sec on w clock...];W[qa]WL[5.632]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: sighWatcher [-]: lol lolMaLa [2d]: 270 fans for the bot, and one for the pro!];B[pe]BL[639.182];W[oh]WL[4.809]C[Regenbogen [3d]: w leading ...hatego [4k]: 2brainlord: 5 secs easy enough for yosesheeryjay [1d]: go pro go];B[qg]BL[631.016];W[sh]WL[3.92]C[stf7 [1k]: xDEowyn [1k]: go proMaLa [2d]: 3ProoMas [14k]: 3ProoMas [14k]: xDstf7 [1k]: aaaEF2009 [1k]: go pro];B[oa]BL[622.971]C[Aphelion02 [6k]: omgHellhuman [1d]: 2MaLa [2d]: 2bigfatcat [1d?]: still time to resign...];W[si]WL[2.291]C[nanok [?]: make that 4Gitah [?]: lol go proAphelion02 [6k]: these rues are perverseAphelion02 [6k]: rulesOmniscient [2k]: lolbrainlord: 2 D:stf7 [1k]: why dont they add him a few sec];B[sj]BL[614.83];W[pc]WL[1.408]C[ProoMas [14k]: T100MaLa [2d]: 1telchar [-]: ça craint du boudin];B[fa]BL[607.152]C[WorldCop [2k]: so sad];W[ga]WL[0.102]C[MaLa [2d]: booooooooooooooooooooooooombrainlord: just pass nowwcci2010: an admin can add time maybe ?barakeel [3d]: white lostProoMas [14k]: 0ProoMas [14k]: 0ProoMas [14k]: 0Cassis0 [5d]: pro should manage his time better ProoMas [14k]: =D];B[fc]BL[598.978]C[ProoMas [14k]: wohooKickchon [-]: ...ProoMas [14k]: =DAphelion02 [6k]: serious abusestf7 [1k]: ehhNamii [-]: Congrats Zen19!stf7 [1k]: so sadWatcher [-]: 6HMaLa [2d]: well i always though a pro could win in no timeMaLa [2d]: :/goIngo [?]: what a circusHartz4 [3k]: oh Lord !pacushbluz [9k?]: cheaaater !nanok [?]: what a shamebigfatcat [1d?]: w did have a mouse and so on or just telling the moves s.o. else?MaLa [2d]: now i'm dissappointedvannab [3k]: daddy i got him on time!Captcavern [4k]: what that settings ?...oonicks [?]: quality timesuji'sTristero [2d]: that was funbrainlord: referee- could we just count and see humanity won>?Hellhuman [1d]: just count, dont ask an refereeHellhuman [1d]: wtfWatcher [-]: humanity programmed tjhe botstf7 [1k]: seems that bots win,on time :OWatcher [-]: so we win either way])" class="wgo_block" style="width : 700px" >
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