(;GM[1]FF[4]AP[gokifu.com]SO[http://gokifu.com]CA[UTF-8]ST[1]SZ[19]PW[Ma Xiaochun, Mingren.]PB[Nie Weiping, Qisheng.]C[Second Qi Wang, Playoff, Game Two.White: Ma Xiaochun, Mingren.Black: Nie Weiping, Qisheng.White wins by resignation.Played in Xian, China, on September 2, 1990.Translated from `Wei Qi' magazine by Ouyang Shicheng.Edited by Anton Dovydaitis.Since this game would be decisive for Nie, he initially played a cautiousand thick fuseki.];B[pd];W[dd];B[qp];W[dq];B[do];W[co];B[cn];W[cp];B[cf](;W[di]LB[fc:a]C[If White defends at `a' instead, Black will play below 10, and this would betoo good for Black.Therefore, the two-space pincer at 10 seems certain.];B[fc];W[df];B[dg];W[ef];B[cc];W[ce];B[dc];W[bf]C[Black 11 through White 18 are a popular joseki.White 18 is notable for its thickness and efficiency.];B[dn];W[fq];B[dk];W[oq];B[ci]C[Black 23.White is already thick here. Black is willing to sacrifice this stone if hecan strengthen his group and retain sente.];W[cj];B[dj];W[ch];B[bi](;W[ei]LB[bm:X]C[White 24 to 28 feel professional. White has an elastic shape and has leftBlack with a weakness around `X.'];B[pj](;W[nc]LB[po:a]C[White 30.Approaching here is big, but pressing at `a' might be better.];B[op];W[np];B[oo];W[pq];B[qq];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[oc];B[lp]C[Black 41.Black can be satisfied after taking this vital attacking point.];W[mp]LB[fq:t]C[However, White 42 is a sage (wise) move. The one-space extension at tlimits the development of Black's thickness, while White settles his weakgroup in sente.];B[lo];W[lq];B[kq];W[mr];B[lr];W[mq];B[mn];W[qh]C[After White settles his weak group in sente, the invasion at 50 is the lastbig move.];B[qj];W[oi];B[nd];W[md];B[me];W[nf];B[ld];W[mc];B[ne];W[oj]C[White 60.The sequence from Black 51 on is very natural for professionals.];B[ok];W[nk];B[ol];W[mi];B[of];W[og];B[ng];W[nh];B[mf](;W[bj]LB[bm:a]C[Black gives up his attack at `a' because:1) Black is already thick.2) The game is not bad for White.3) White's corner is now bigger and safer than the attack at `a.'];B[bk];W[bh](;B[pg]LB[nl:a]C[Ma deeply regretted not playing at `a' before giving atari here.];W[nl]C[White 74 gets two points in sente. Ma deeply regretted not playing herebefore giving atari at 73.];B[om];W[ph];B[kr];W[qr];B[rr];W[ps];B[rs];W[nr]C[Up to White 82, White's fuseki is successful.];B[oh](;W[iq]LB[hq:a]C[However, White 84 is a mistake.White `a' is the correct place to extend.];B[gq]C[Black 85 is a sharp attack.];W[fp];B[dp];W[cq];B[hq];W[ip];B[ir];W[jr];B[go];W[gp];B[hp];W[ho];B[io];W[hn];B[jq]C[The sequence to 99 is natural.](;W[in]LB[fn:a]C[White 100.This is White's second mistake.Capturing at `a' is the correct move.];B[fr];W[er];B[fo];W[gr];B[jp];W[fn]C[White 106.];B[eq];W[fs];B[ep];W[fr];B[gk];W[ik];B[ll];W[kk];B[el];W[gn]LB[fo:t][go:t]C[White 116.White loses almost a move capturing these stones and loses sente.];B[mh];W[og];B[pr];W[or];B[oh]LB[og:18][pr:19]C[Black 121.Takes ko.];W[ej];B[ek];W[og]LB[oh:21]C[White 124.Takes ko.];B[lh];W[hj];B[bo];W[bp];B[ck];W[ai](;B[ao]LB[bn:a]C[Black 131 is a careful play.If Black plays at `a' instead, White can get a ko.](;W[lc]LB[hc:a][ic:X]C[White 132 is a slack move.White must play at `a' instead.Now Black will get the two space extension at `X' and be ahead in territory.];B[oh];W[pp];B[po];W[og];B[ic]LB[oh:33]C[Now Black gets the two-space extension of 137 and is ahead in territory.];W[ri];B[rj];W[qg];B[oh];W[ak];B[bl];W[og]LB[oh:41]C[White 144.Takes ko.White plays carefully here to avoid getting cut by the ko.];B[pf];W[sj];B[sk];W[sh];B[si];W[bn];B[bm];W[sj]LB[si:49]C[White 152.Takes ko.];B[rk];W[bd];B[rc];W[rb];B[re]C[Black 155 and 157 eliminate the possibility of White living here, but lose afew points of yose.];W[sc];B[mj]LB[nl:t][nk:t]C[Black 159 is a blunder: Black is being too greedy.Capturing the two white t stones is not enough compensation for thethickness White develops in the center.];W[li];B[lj];W[ki];B[oh];W[ni];B[lk];W[kn];B[nj]LB[nk:t][nl:t]C[Black 167.Capturing the two white t stones is not enough compensation for White'sthickness in the center.];W[kj];B[ge];W[lm];B[mm];W[kl];B[ln];W[km];B[ml];W[jb]C[White 176.];B[ib];W[jc](;B[ja]LB[ie:a][hd:X]C[Black 179 is the losing move.If Black had played at `a' instead, he would still be ahead.Next White will invade at `X' and win the game.];W[ed];B[ec];W[hd]C[Now White invades at 182 and wins the game.];B[id];W[he];B[fd];W[ie];B[jd];W[gf];B[kc];W[kb];B[kd];W[lb];B[jf];W[fe];B[bc]C[Black 195.];W[kh];B[ig];W[kf];B[je];W[rd];B[gi];W[gh];B[gd];W[hf];B[ad]C[Black 205.];W[ae];B[ac];W[hc];B[hb];W[ap];B[an];W[eo](;B[qf]LB[pi:a]C[Black 213 is necessary if Black wants to play the ko around `X,' starting at`a.'];W[gj];B[pi]LB[og:X]C[Black 215 is his last try for victory.Black could not have played the ko around `X' before Black 213, since Whitecould get two eyes then.];W[og];B[cd];W[be];B[oh]LB[og:16]C[Black 219.Takes ko.];W[qo];B[ro];W[og]LB[oh:19]C[White 222.Takes ko.];B[hg];W[gg];B[oh]LB[og:22]C[Black 225.Takes ko.];W[rp];B[rq];W[og]LB[oh:25]C[White 228.Takes ko.];B[qs];W[pr];B[oh]LB[og:28]C[Black 231.Takes ko.];W[rn];B[qn];W[og]LB[oh:31]C[White 234.Takes ko.];B[ff];W[fg];B[oh]LB[og:34][ff:35]C[Black 237.Takes ko.];W[so];B[sp];W[og]LB[oh:37]C[White 240.Takes ko.];B[de];W[ee];B[oh]LB[de:41][og:40]C[Black 243.Takes ko.];W[dm];B[em];W[og]LB[oh:43]C[White 246.Takes ko.];B[en];W[rg];B[rf];W[oh];B[ii];W[jo];B[ip];W[gl]C[White 254.];B[fk];W[hk];B[hi];W[ko];B[fi];W[fh];B[fm];W[gm];B[ia];W[no]C[White 264.];B[nn];W[gc];B[gb];W[ls];B[ks];W[ms];B[ka];W[la];B[jj];W[jk];B[fo]C[Black 275.Captures.];W[lg];B[mg];W[hs];B[is];W[si];B[al];W[hr];B[lf];W[kg]C[Black resigns after White 284.When White plays 284, the situation is clear. Black is ahead by only threepoints on the board, so Ma resigns.])(;B[pi]LB[og:X]C[If Black starts the ko around `X' now...];W[rf]C[...White can make two eyes with the pincer at White 2.]))(;B[ie]C[If Black had jumped to here, he would have still been ahead.]))(;W[hc]C[White must play here instead.]))(;B[bn]C[If Black connects here instead...];W[ak]C[...White's hane at 2 will result in a ko.]))(;W[fn]LB[go:t]C[Catching the black t stone with 1 here is correct.]))(;W[hq]C[This is the correct extension for White.]))(;B[nl]C[Ma wished he had played here before White did.]))(;W[bm]C[White had kept this attack in reserve.];B[bn];W[bk]C[But White's corner is now bigger and safer than this attack, and so Niediscards this option.]))(;W[po]C[Pressing here might be better.](;B[qo]LB[pp:a]C[White will be happy no matter which direction Black crawls.];W[pn];B[qn];W[pm];B[qm];W[pl];B[rk];W[jp]C[This would obviously be ideal for White.])(;B[pp]C[If Black crawls this way...];W[op];B[oo];W[pn];B[no];W[ro];B[qo];W[qn];B[rp];W[rn];B[pq];W[or];B[pr];W[lq]C[...this sequence would quite playable for White.])))(;AW[ei]AW[bm]AW[bk]AB[bn]LB[bm:1][bn:2][bk:3]C[White could exploit Black's weakness here.]))(;W[fc]C[If White defends here...];B[dn];W[fq];B[dj]C[...then after 4, Black's position would be ideal.]))
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Ma Xiaochun, Mingren.    Nie Weiping, Qisheng.
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