(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]PW[Zen19L]PB[sacred]WR[9d]DT[2016-12-28]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Zen19L [9d]: GTP Engine for Zen19L (white): Zen version 13.4]RE[W+Resign];B[pd]BL[1794.448];W[dp]WL[1791.511];B[pq]BL[1790.584];W[dd]WL[1780.751];B[fq]BL[1786.135];W[cn]WL[1774.07];B[ip]BL[1780.931];W[po]WL[1762.701];B[np]BL[1778.421]C[def: B's name determinate his win :-)];W[qq]WL[1755.074];B[qr]BL[1776.546];W[qp]WL[1751.18];B[pl]BL[1775.47];W[oq]WL[1745.445];B[or]BL[1773.516];W[nq]WL[1743.109];B[op]BL[1772.332];W[pp]WL[1740.575];B[pr]BL[1771.171];W[mq]WL[1738.151]C[heijiajia: wonderful];B[mp]BL[1769.78];W[lq]WL[1735.705];B[rq]BL[1768.782];W[rp]WL[1733.354];B[rr]BL[1768.067]C[Slowmotion [2d]: w lost this game onceheijiajia: maybe];W[jp]WL[1717.66]C[heijiajia: balck must come from chinaHellblom [4k]: hard to know who's playingSlowmotion [2d]: a 7d won with this openingdieu5: black might be strongdieu5: hard to see weak amas play this opening with confidence against zenheijiajia: yeahheijiajia: black is nervous];B[iq]BL[1702.23]C[Dream [3d]: Inseong teaches that this opening is favorable for b];W[om]WL[1707.993];B[lp]BL[1673.988]C[mou5: m4/];W[kp]WL[1700.192]C[mou5: l3];B[ln]BL[1656.965];W[jn]WL[1695.822]C[noby: is this kobayashi?];B[ol]BL[1633.606];W[mm]WL[1689.027]C[RobertT [-]: its a variant of itmou5: l7];B[on]BL[1591.108];W[pm]WL[1680.623]C[mou5: looks w bad shapedieu5: b trying to defend m5 weaknessdieu5: in sente];B[nm]BL[1548.977]C[RobertT [-]: white shape loooks fine to me];W[nl]WL[1667.461];B[nn]BL[1541.95];W[ql]WL[1662.954]C[mou5: w wants outsidemou5: i bet w will lose th game.is];B[qk]BL[1444.077];W[qm]WL[1659.719]C[RobertT [-]: I'm betting on white];B[pk]BL[1428.005];W[rk]WL[1657.264];B[rj]BL[1421.417];W[sk]WL[1654.954];B[qi]BL[1407.41];W[nk]WL[1642.603];B[ll]BL[1392.016]C[def: hmmm, b shows strong developement];W[io]WL[1633.815]C[mou5: w's left alive or not?mou5: s6/barakeel [3d]: should be sekidieu5: very complicated position];B[go]BL[1323.885]C[barakeel [3d]: s6 t4];W[eq]WL[1622.698];B[fr]BL[1301.147];W[ho]WL[1613.936]C[highhand [5k]: b e5 instead of f2 reasonable just now?];B[gn]BL[1247.446];W[hp]WL[1606.925];B[hq]BL[1240.562];W[jr]WL[1601.012]C[mou5: s6 t4 s7 at least a komnoplol [1d]: s6 t4 s7 s8 r6 mnoplol [1d]: looks like a trouble for w to me];B[en]BL[1211.026];W[mj]WL[1585.16]C[mou5: q6 r6 s5 koRobertT [-]: the eye space is way to big to threaten anything inside];B[kk]BL[1183.391];W[jl]WL[1569.842];B[ml]BL[1165.243];W[pf]WL[1554.983]C[Tutu [8k]: O11];B[ni]BL[1149.352]C[mou5: Tutu u good.];W[mi]WL[1544.798]C[def: thats a very nice battke, i love it from the beginning];B[ng]BL[1117.459];W[mh]WL[1528.53]C[barakeel [3d]: black and white in troubleTutu [8k]: L11gomasch [1d]: wasn't this the definition of korean josekis: "bad for both sides"?];B[nh]BL[1029.191];W[jj]WL[1519.458]C[Tutu [8k]: sad sad sad he refuse to fight moremou5: l4mou5: b aliveLugPaj2 [1d]: no];B[kj]BL[975.376]C[Tutu [8k]: N6 and he si alive];W[ki]WL[1510.623]C[dieu5: n6 betterbarakeel [3d]: wowTutu [8k]: no?glasszee [2k]: n5 is no eyedontag: L10 bad i thinkdef: n6 is bad scoundrila [4k]: K9 ?Tutu [8k]: L5 is senteTutu [8k]: ?glasszee [2k]: l5 l6 ?def: n6 p5 o5 m5 hikaru76 [3d]: k9 j9 l8 j8 n9 o10 m10 ];B[jk]BL[895.627]C[def: p5 makes it aliveTutu [8k]: l5 n6];W[ik]WL[1502.428]C[glasszee [2k]: noglasszee [2k]: b l5 wl6 LugPaj2 [1d]: m9 could become eye];B[ji]BL[874.554];W[ij]WL[1495.475];B[kh]BL[873.533];W[li]WL[1491.857];B[jg]BL[872.64];W[lg]WL[1482.364];B[lf]BL[866.298]C[TheDuke [?]: Suicide.];W[kf]WL[1473.943]C[LugPaj2 [1d]: nicemou5: b j7scoundrila [4k]: N13];B[kg]BL[843.467]C[barakeel [3d]: nice play by white];W[mf]WL[1460.107];B[mg]BL[842.206];W[le]WL[1454.122];B[lh]BL[840.885]C[glasszee [2k]: ?];W[ii]WL[1450.447];B[jh]BL[837.953];W[if]WL[1447.999]C[scoundrila [4k]: O10eve20 [3k?]: boyTutu [8k]: n10];B[lf]BL[806.177]C[Tutu [8k]: n9*Thangalin [1d]: Looks like game over.];W[kl]WL[1445.592];B[lk]BL[797.543]C[LugPaj2 [1d]: w will have gigantic wall];W[lg]WL[1443.219]C[ZeNit [?]: that'll keep the mexicans outmou5: l7Thangalin [1d]: Except for JETPACKS.gomasch [1d]: 20pts sacrificescoundrila [4k]: and the chinese inThangalin [1d]: Doesn't anybody think of the jetpacks?mnoplol [1d]: o10Thangalin [1d]: Walls are stupid. People fly over them.LugPaj2 [1d]: no - it will keep the blacks outbarakeel [3d]: still komnoplol [1d]: just squeeze ittehrei: don't you mean keep the blacks in?comfyditch [1k]: go is 2 dimesionaldieu5: o10 not ko?barakeel [3d]: maybe black just capturedef: o10 n9 m7 dieu5: but baddieu5: m7 nothingZeNit [?]: m7 is a problemThangalin [1d]: Even if B captures, W gets a wall that makes the Cliffs of Insanity appear like an easy climb.dieu5: no m7 is no problem?];B[jf]BL[686.145]C[dieu5: the problem is the thickness w will getLugPaj2 [1d]: why m7?scoundrila [4k]: wow risky];W[je]WL[1435.146];B[lf]BL[684.674]C[barakeel [3d]: wow];W[lm]WL[1431.066];B[km]BL[680.616];W[lg]WL[1428.619]C[Msha [1k]: why not o10RobertT [-]: o10 m7scoundrila [4k]: w is crazydieu5: o10 toolateRobertT [-]: actually nm just sqeeze bettermou5: k7RobertT [-]: o10 k14LugPaj2 [1d]: k 7 nowglasszee [2k]: k14 seems insanebarakeel [3d]: now white get ponuki in the centerThangalin [1d]: S6?scoundrila [4k]: K7 maybe ?barakeel [3d]: i think right is small];B[pn]BL[593.004]C[mnoplol [1d]: o10 was ok 6 moves earlier];W[lf]WL[1426.067]C[tehrei: a ponuki is worth 2 in the bush];B[qn]BL[589.032]C[mou5: too small over];W[rn]WL[1416.798]C[mnoplol [1d]: what??];B[rm]BL[583.471];W[dl]WL[1409.509]C[dieu5: awful resultscoundrila [4k]: K7 nowdef: it seems a bad trade for human];B[jm]BL[562.102]C[scoundrila [4k]: hehe];W[im]WL[1401.286]C[RobertT [-]: j7..];B[il]BL[560.314];W[hl]WL[1397.072]C[RobertT [-]: 2 stones for bottom left group tradeRobertT [-]: good deal];B[el]BL[546.934];W[ek]WL[1387.836]C[ViktorM [9k]: Looks like game over for black.ZeNit [?]: like a big mac];B[co]BL[529.001]C[scoundrila [4k]: that's because black is kyu like me];W[dn]WL[1379.849]C[RobertT [-]: b could give you 9 stonesLugPaj2 [1d]: maybe korean kyuZeNit [?]: nah, black is strongdef: lol, b must be a high dandieu5: hahatango [2k]: B play ko very stupid mnoplol [1d]: not sure what C5 has accomplishedtango [2k]: He wouldnt be lostdontag: K14 was bad i thinkmou5: b should k7 not q6GoRoGoRo [?]: c5 was for confusing kibitzglasszee [2k]: k14 insanescoundrila [4k]: he might be high dan but he does very wierd/crazy/ moves that would be co,nsiderd stupid if a kyu played thembarakeel [3d]: overestimate the right sideRobertT [-]: b seems closer to 6d/7dsaxo [2d]: e2 ?mou5: k14 is b's only chance.];B[do]BL[430.062];W[eo]WL[1375.098]C[dieu5: the two last blacks were stronger for surebeirut: black coul live and still losetango [2k]: W will win after the stupid koZeNit [?]: what moves were kyu moves?];B[cp]BL[422.787]C[beirut: he wont];W[cq]WL[1360.67];B[bq]BL[420.337];W[br]WL[1358.301]C[mou5: if b k7 b has chance to kill m3 group];B[cr]BL[391.663];W[dq]WL[1355.982];B[bp]BL[390.704];W[dr]WL[1353.555]C[UBIK [3k]: cant believe s8 is smallmou5: since r3 group is not alive yet. q6 is smallsaxo [2d]: what is s8 ?barakeel [3d]: s8 is deadmnoplol [1d]: compared to K13 it is smallRobertT [-]: s8 is small because that group is already deadscoundrila [4k]: B6UBIK [3k]: ok i see];B[ar]BL[335.47];W[em]WL[1351.248]C[tango [2k]: So b is lost all consantration];B[fn]BL[331.767];W[cs]WL[1348.893]C[saxo [2d]: will end in big kotango [2k]: Yesbarakeel [3d]: could be seki if w b1unrealmist [4k]: w doesnt even need to win itLugPaj2 [1d]: ko is best way to win against zenRobertT [-]: "seki"mou5: b6 tehrei: being leqi is best way to win against zentango [2k]: B must resign. ];B[bn]BL[231.37];W[bm]WL[1346.468]C[tango [2k]: After the ko b is lostTakimme [1k]: if seki f3 die and no sekibarakeel [3d]: b1?unrealmist [4k]: looks like b has to play komnoplol [1d]: just A5gomasch [1d]: then f2 dies?mou5: looks both alive but b's f2 group dead];B[cm]BL[176.27];W[dm]WL[1338.237]C[saxo [2d]: now what ko to chose];B[cl]BL[175.472]C[RobertT [-]: I'm not sure about the both alive part];W[an]WL[1332.299]C[gomasch [1d]: go is just to complicated for our little brainsmnoplol [1d]: b should A6 first then C7mnoplol [1d]: *A5];B[ao]BL[144.905];W[bo]WL[1329.655]C[barakeel [3d]: problem if a5 a3RobertT [-]: white can push out with b8Edelweiss [4k?]: 2nd crash incoming ^_^RobertT [-]: so c7 doesnt quite worksaxo [2d]: o10tango [2k]: Another stupid ko b will playmou5: f5scoundrila [4k]: H7mnoplol [1d]: a5 a3 c7 d7 b8 and so ondieu5: H12def: b1 now];B[hm]BL[89.927]C[barakeel [3d]: don't see enough ko threat];W[jl]WL[1321.877];B[bn]BL[88.322]C[mnoplol [1d]: H7 is a huge one];W[gp]WL[1317.663]C[unrealmist [4k]: k15 group is worth like 60 pointssaxo [2d]: mmhmnoplol [1d]: and b could F8, if b had C7 and C8USSRMan [3d]: w already won];B[fp]BL[67.46]C[barakeel [3d]: white kills himself];W[bo]WL[1315.252]C[mou5: e3Takimme [1k]: lolLugPaj2 [1d]: hmmUSSRMan [3d]: b needs this ko to be in the game like trump needed florida];B[hh]BL[35.703];W[ap]WL[1306.263];B[hg]BL[31.184]C[unrealmist [4k]: resmou5: all dead];W[nf]WL[1301.013]C[scoundrila [4k]: Why not E4 ?scoundrila [4k]: it was bigger no ?USSRMan [3d]: e4 fake eyegomasch [1d]: another trade];B[cf]BL[8.313]C[ZeNit [?]: connecting doesn't create eyesscoundrila [4k]: I knowscoundrila [4k]: but to kill D3];W[ce]WL[1289.617]C[unrealmist [4k]: b can 34 before winning ko];B[df]BL[30]OB[5]C[unrealmist [4k]: *b cant e3 before winning ko];W[fd]WL[1283.245]C[unrealmist [4k]: *e4Thangalin [1d]: B needs O17...scoundrila [4k]: b could E4, live, and kill D3];B[he]BL[30]OB[5]C[mou5: b e4 w a1 another ko];W[hd]WL[1266.839];B[gd]BL[30]OB[5]C[gomasch [1d]: that's what the alphago-alphago games showed: lots of super complicated tradesunrealmist [4k]: b e4 w a4 b cant connect];W[ge]WL[1256.861]C[sailor [3k]: f4 group deadRobertT [-]: b doesnt need to connect...];B[id]BL[30]OB[5]C[scoundrila [4k]: it was another koscoundrila [4k]: but an important one];W[hf]WL[1247.919]C[RobertT [-]: its just trading kos to a less important koThangalin [1d]: After W G11, W gets another moyo on the left side.];B[hc]BL[30]OB[5]C[mou5: b E4 W A4 W F5 W A1 another ko better];W[gg]WL[1237.607];B[gh]BL[30]OB[5];W[fh]WL[1234.591]C[Thangalin [1d]: Or this sequence. Either way...saxo [2d]: b lost left sidesaxo [2d]: and probably top toogomasch [1d]: b low one time and so many complicated decisionsgomasch [1d]: *onThangalin [1d]: It's like humans have been bumbling along in this game for thousands of years.RobertT [-]: its a less important ko. the b6 ko if white loses, d3 dies and black breaks out into b8 area. a1 ko is only for d3 and f3 groupmou5: if B can kill M15 group B will win!!RobertT [-]: so its a smaller kodieu5: thanks saxo for telling us, I didn't notice, thanks for being so strong];B[gi]BL[30]OB[3];W[fi]WL[1228.842];B[gj]BL[30]OB[3];W[gk]WL[1225.531];B[fj]BL[30]OB[3];W[ej]WL[1223.21]C[mou5: F17MadMan [4d]: no dan];B[ie]BL[30]OB[3];W[jd]WL[1220.366]C[snhmib [4k]: what is that];B[jc]BL[30]OB[3];W[gc]WL[1217.637];B[lc]BL[30]OB[3]C[snhmib [4k]: be just went like "sure have the entire left side as 7th line territoryunrealmist [4k]: another ko];W[mc]WL[1205.159]C[dieu5: nice ko you got here ];B[kd]BL[30]OB[3]C[snhmib [4k]: q16 will die :D];W[ke]WL[1196.903];B[mb]BL[30]OB[3]C[tehrei: where is the resign button?];W[nc]WL[1188.611]C[Thangalin [1d]: Zen might be looking for it soon.];B[nb]BL[30]OB[3]C[scoundrila [4k]: it disapears when playing zen. It's a feature from 13.4];W[pc]WL[1173.404]C[mou5: p15];B[qc]BL[30]OB[3];W[ob]WL[1159.215]C[scoundrila [4k]: P16barakeel [3d]: if white dies on the top congrats to black];B[od]BL[30]OB[3]C[dieu5: impossible];W[oc]WL[1154.022]C[mou5: r18eve20 [3k?]: no cokeeve20 [3k?]: no hopeRobertT [-]: l18 weaknessThangalin [1d]: L18 is waiting...];B[fg]BL[30]OB[2];W[gf]WL[1145.558]C[RobertT [-]: huh...saxo [2d]: big ko againmou5: w L18 B M18 W L17 B K18 then compare libertiesTyrion [-]: Here comes the counterattackSmochi: nah black is about to resignMsha [1k]: l18 m18 l17 m16 k18 RobertT [-]: here comes b suiciding k13 stones];B[ic]BL[30]OB[1]C[barakeel [3d]: seems very dangerous movegundula: b wants to loose with time];W[qb]WL[1129.836]C[UrriS [4k]: k12 dies now?Thangalin [1d]: E13...dieu5: noRobertT [-]: its koThangalin [1d]: K12 is alive because of N10.];B[qd]BL[30]OB[1];W[ld]WL[1115.758]C[dieu5: yes b is thinkingdieu5: of the ko];B[kc]BL[30]OB[1]C[RobertT [-]: than, n10 is still 3 libs];W[nj]WL[1101.144]C[mnoplol [1d]: ggtango [2k]: Because of f15 b move];B[oj]BL[30]OB[1];W[og]WL[1089.703];B[oi]BL[30]OB[1];W[fk]WL[1077.745];B[ig]BL[30]OB[1]C[mou5: w s13 over];W[hd]WL[1068.159]C[Msha [1k]: actually b could try ];B[ei]BL[30]OB[1]C[Msha [1k]: f15 gogonuts [4d?]: what an amazing game];W[eh]WL[1060.712];B[gd]BL[30]OB[1];W[fe]WL[1053.575]C[Msha [1k]: f14 f14 e13 ];B[ok]BL[30]OB[1]C[Msha [1k]: f15 f14 e13*];W[gb]WL[1045.441]C[unrealmist [4k]: w doesnt need to win the ko];B[hb]BL[30]OB[1];W[na]WL[1037.29]C[scoundrila [4k]: that left side though xd];B[la]BL[30]OB[1]C[unrealmist [4k]: q16 is dead w ahead on points];W[rf]WL[1028.952];B[cc]BL[30]OB[1]C[eve20 [3k?]: far aheadsaxo [2d]: w swallowed it];W[dc]WL[1020.765];B[be]BL[30]OB[1]C[unrealmist [4k]: left side is 7 line territory];W[cd]WL[1007.532]C[dieu5: ???dieu5: alive];B[di]BL[30]OB[1];W[dh]WL[998.966]C[barakeel [3d]: black should be aliveMadMan [4d]: pls res/ w 30+];B[bd]BL[30]OB[1];W[bc]WL[990.95]C[scoundrila [4k]: left side is 110 pointsLugPaj2 [1d]: b will live there];B[ci]BL[30]OB[1]C[scoundrila [4k]: all hive is probably 200 pointsunrealmist [4k]: didnt b 12 make life?];W[ch]WL[984.16]C[unrealmist [4k]: *d12];B[bh]BL[30]OB[1];W[bg]WL[978.758]C[Thangalin [1d]: Looks over.];B[bj]BL[30]OB[1];W[cg]WL[962.833]C[scoundrila [4k]: doesn't just lookMadMan [4d]: life +30/ no life +60Mneme [2k]: for sure it issaxo [2d]: gggomasch [1d]: amazing gamekuroneko [?]: ggMadMan [4d]: uuuuuuuuufffffffffffffunrealmist [4k]: didnt b d12 work?sailor [3k]: long journey])
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