(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[3]KM[0.50]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]PW[Zen19L]PB[ToyaAkira]WR[9d]BR[6d]DT[2016-12-28]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]AB[pd][dp][pp]C[Zen19L [9d]: GTP Engine for Zen19L (white): Zen version 13.4]RE[W+Resign];W[dc]WL[1791.655];B[de]BL[1780.654];W[dh]WL[1778.705];B[fe]BL[1771.381]C[kim2002 [4d]: the bot professiaonl beater lolmanifolds [1d]: poor toyakim2002 [4d]: take a look at his hames];W[gc]WL[1763.837]C[kim2002 [4d]: games*];B[dk]BL[1769.199];W[fh]WL[1753.998];B[he]BL[1765.933];W[hh]WL[1743.661]C[gobanhhyuh: hikaru can give him now 3 h];B[cc]BL[1744.988];W[cb]WL[1735.415];B[cd]BL[1731.588]C[suspense [1k]: speculating the strength of fictional characters ;o];W[eb]WL[1730.253]C[Poney [2d]: j17 ];B[ch]BL[1711.647]C[Poney [2d]: smooth];W[cg]WL[1720.532];B[dg]BL[1694.074];W[ci]WL[1710.444]C[Poney [2d]: Many people lose in handi games because they're too precipitate, like what's happening here];B[bh]BL[1682.817];W[eg]WL[1697.482]C[saobang [5k]: Where is Sai?];B[df]BL[1679.91];W[dj]WL[1689.009]C[saobang [5k]: And Meijin Touya?];B[ck]BL[1662.212]C[gogadget [1k]: zen is saisuspense [1k]: I had to look up precipitate to make sure there wasn't a meaning I was unaware of :\];W[bi]WL[1681.498];B[bg]BL[1658.909];W[dn]WL[1675.136]C[Poney [2d]: That doesn't mean anything ? sorry maybe i used a false friend];B[fp]BL[1640.928]C[saobang [5k]: He is real 6d];W[fm]WL[1665.2]C[saobang [5k]: Omg he is real :))Poney [2d]: And white is real 9dnoby: d9 stones are not very fungible];B[fk]BL[1623.498]C[Bahji [4k]: I think you could use precipitate];W[hl]WL[1654.411]C[Bahji [4k]: It works... Just strange contextdontag: zen is touya and alpha is sai:)];B[hk]BL[1610.974]C[suspense [1k]: it doesn't work -.-];W[ik]WL[1646.368];B[hj]BL[1606.047];W[ij]WL[1638.282];B[ii]BL[1595.907]C[vellavu [6k]: thank god there's no zonked josekiHaskell [2k]: may be "preconceived"?First [2k]: tonight we dine in hell];W[hi]WL[1630.096];B[il]BL[1591.043]C[manifolds [1d]: over already?];W[hm]WL[1622.165]C[matroid [6k]: They need to make a sequel to Hikaru no Go and incorporate the bots into the storysuspense [1k]: I think passive is the word he was looking for];B[jl]BL[1570.574]C[saobang [5k]: I hope someday beat deep zensuspense [1k]: they did, matroid];W[jj]WL[1610.095]C[ibd [5k?]: what's the meaning of precipitate?Bahji [4k]: done, made, or acting suddenly or without careful consideration. "I must apologize for my staff—their actions were precipitate" synonyms: hasty, overhasty, rash, hurried, rushedsuspense [1k]: it has 3 meaningsPoney [2d]: No i meant precipitate, not patient enough];B[fj]BL[1550.328]C[Bahji [4k]: adjective - works. Just clumsyPoney [2d]: Didn't mean to start a parallel kibitz :psuspense [1k]: 1. to rain, 2. to cause something to happen, and 3. to form solids during a chemical reaction in a solution];W[ej]WL[1598.182]C[Bahji [4k]: lolmatroid [6k]: there is a sequel? I don't think sosaobang [5k]: Even real 6d can be hard like thisgooooo [-]: matroid, the manga goes on a bit after the anime];B[ek]BL[1531.323];W[cm]WL[1587.588]C[gobanhhyuh: what is the name of the seq?gooooo [-]: matroid, it shows the international cupmatroid [6k]: the manga ended long time ago, and in a very abrupt way];B[fi]BL[1515.778]C[gooooo [-]: ah yeah];W[ei]WL[1582.864]C[saobang [5k]: Nice dead in the openinggooooo [-]: didn't know if you read it or meant the anime though :)];B[ih]BL[1503.566];W[ig]WL[1577.603]C[gooooo [-]: which ends even more abruptly imoHaskell [2k]: nothing dead yetvellavu [6k]: It showed that they are crushed by a korean player who looks suspiciously similar to Lee Sedol];B[ki]BL[1490.013];W[kj]WL[1574.392]C[ZeNit [?]: Meanwhile, in the game. Black dies.Deplorable [2k]: We need a new stat, how quickly zen kills the first group];B[kh]BL[1481.343]C[saobang [5k]: Dead now];W[gf]WL[1562.713]C[gooooo [-]: deplorable, lol sounds like a nice kind of new gimmicky botsaobang [5k]: B be kick as*];B[lj]BL[1461.366]C[gooooo [-]: make extremely aggressive bot that kills as fast as possible :D];W[kk]WL[1557.82]C[suspense [1k]: should we make a joke about half of zen's opponents being a certain word that begins with D?ZeNit [?]: dicks?gooooo [-]: suspense, perfume?];B[ff]BL[1444.574]C[First [2k]: I could beat zen with 6 stonesFirst [2k]: this much I knowPoney [2d]: That's 2 empty triangles for whiteNoobmaster [1k]: all black troubles started with f4];W[hf]WL[1543.19]C[saobang [5k]: Zen accept max 3 stonématroid [6k]: I can beat zen with one stone-- just throw a rock at the computersuspense [1k]: no, all of black's troubles started with c12saobang [5k]: Stones*];B[fg]BL[1426.965];W[gh]WL[1532.783]C[suspense [1k]: c12 was a terrible move];B[gg]BL[1417.249]C[ZeNit [?]: it was?];W[hg]WL[1525.091];B[ml]BL[1403.068]C[Haskell [2k]: c12 ok, d13 terribleGuest2d [2d]: according to Leela, F4 should be F9];W[lk]WL[1512.297]C[gobanhhyuh: so what move instead of c12 should b have played?];B[mk]BL[1385.549]C[Noobmaster [1k]: yeah, f9 makes senseGuest2d [2d]: F10 should be E10];W[lm]WL[1504.339]C[Haskell [2k]: d13 should be at c11ZeNit [?]: I think just giving up d9 temporarily would have been ok];B[jn]BL[1371.089]C[hanbai [3k]: who is leqi?];W[mj]WL[1490.653]C[vellavu [6k]: leqi is wan leqivellavu [6k]: a chinese pronoby: the protector of peoples of kgs];B[li]BL[1354.61];W[km]WL[1483.763];B[in]BL[1348.486];W[go]WL[1473.29];B[lo]BL[1327.162];W[mm]WL[1468.958];B[nj]BL[1311.081]C[First [2k]: 9p?];W[gp]WL[1457.261]C[Levener [3k]: O7];B[nm]BL[1291.25]C[Levener [3k]: BayumLevener [3k]: lol];W[ko]WL[1443.45]C[saobang [5k]: You can find him at gorating];B[kp]BL[1269.679]C[saobang [5k]: LeqiPoney [2d]: tenuki O7 is a boss move];W[nn]WL[1427.181]C[Levener [3k]: your mom plays tenukiLevener [3k]: ahahah just kiddingPoney [2d]: Take a xanax, chill out, friendly kibbitz only here :)];B[mn]BL[1245.994]C[First [2k]: so he is 9p?];W[mo]WL[1418.786]C[Levener [3k]: lol sorry I had to say it];B[ln]BL[1229.224];W[kn]WL[1414.778]C[Levener [3k]: these guys are increddiblePoney [2d]: The game if officially over for black];B[lp]BL[1220.766]C[Levener [3k]: ya];W[jo]WL[1412.419]C[Guest2d [2d]: According to Leela c12 should be J17Levener [3k]: but he created a lot of influence on the rightPoney [2d]: what's leela ?];B[iq]BL[1199.609];W[jp]WL[1404.705]C[Poney [2d]: the fifth element version of go ?Poney [2d]: leela korben dallas ?kis [6k]: make f9 liveGuest2d [2d]: A strong go playing software];B[jq]BL[1184.483];W[gq]WL[1399.175]C[kis [6k]: sacrifice j6saobang [5k]: Idk, just see his rating between 200~250ZeNit [?]: Multi pass?];B[om]BL[1159.828]C[Levener [3k]: lol];W[cq]WL[1390.18]C[Levener [3k]: MULTIPASSsaobang [5k]: He just handi zenibd [5k?]: 5th element memes?gobanhhyuh: r3 is multipassPoney [2d]: the bot scares me];B[hd]BL[1139.278]C[ZeNit [?]: Glad someone got it. hahaPoney [2d]: r12 dontag: zen is a great eater];W[jf]WL[1379.333]C[Levener [3k]: lol I actually laughed like an idiotygobanhhyuh: c3saobang [5k]: Prove him strong as zen];B[ke]BL[1117.857];W[lg]WL[1365.383]C[saobang [5k]: How can b win now?];B[le]BL[1093.45];W[kg]WL[1356.477]C[Guest2d [2d]: the rest is traning sessionLevener [3k]: N14gobanhhyuh: he needs a multipasgogadget [1k]: funny seGuest2d [2d]: training];B[mh]BL[1070.647]C[Poney [2d]: r12 !];W[je]WL[1341.587]C[Haskell [2k]: w can play san-san twice more];B[jd]BL[1053.369];W[mg]WL[1335.176]C[Poney [2d]: SE is so lost he's going for seki everywheresaobang [5k]: W get eye and sente];B[ng]BL[1034.482]C[gracia [18k]: SE stonedsuspense [1k]: k15 k16 exchange is pretty neat];W[nf]WL[1327.894];B[mf]BL[1018.067]C[noby: why?];W[me]WL[1316.179];B[lf]BL[1004.13];W[ne]WL[1308.718]C[saobang [5k]: W don-t care];B[lc]BL[982.781]C[gogadget [1k]: j15 Guest2d [2d]: SE just needs a little help to see clearly, such as put a white stone to J5];W[mc]WL[1297.371]C[saobang [5k]: It is alive];B[lb]BL[959.195]C[Poney [2d]: R16];W[id]WL[1287.89]C[saobang [5k]: Nicegogadget [1k]: when w j13 group eye is taken, w has to play many inside moves to capture f9 stonesHaskell [2k]: j16 works...saobang [5k]: Zen trickersuspense [1k]: ooh come onkis [6k]: o18suspense [1k]: we all saw this when white played k15ZeNit [?]: k17 only move?];B[jc]BL[887.595]C[suspense [1k]: there l16 too, but it's not as good];W[ie]WL[1275.373]C[ZeNit [?]: not sure what black was waiting forsaobang [5k]: No, l16 it badsaobang [5k]: It make w alive easuLevener [3k]: SE doesn't know what the hell is going onsuspense [1k]: sao, you're so confused -.-saobang [5k]: Easy];B[ic]BL[808.089];W[hc]WL[1263.461];B[pf]BL[793.052]C[Levener [3k]: F16 only moveNoobmaster [1k]: j17? why not h17 instead Levener [3k]: What what WHAAAAT];W[qq]WL[1248.955]C[Guest2d [2d]: f16 c10Cybercage [3k]: ggZeNit [?]: white will live anyway];B[pq]BL[771.537]C[ZeNit [?]: can save the stones in sente later];W[qp]WL[1243.318]C[Levener [3k]: Thx guest I missed that];B[qn]BL[759.89]C[storn [3k]: Lol];W[rn]WL[1229.848];B[rm]BL[744.112]C[ZeNit [?]: I'm waiting for b2];W[qo]WL[1216.212]C[saobang [5k]: I saw some 4d had won 3hd with zen];B[pn]BL[735.76];W[pr]WL[1210.072]C[saobang [5k]: Even 6d hard];B[or]BL[721.452]C[suspense [1k]: yeah, red creamed zen earliernoby: game over long time agosaobang [5k]: How can 4d?];W[qe]WL[1198.979];B[pe]BL[705.723]C[cekalo [1k]: e7 is the win move for bLevener [3k]: Who is the best player on KGS?];W[qd]WL[1196.676]C[Haskell [2k]: zonked josekiZeNit [?]: mesaobang [5k]: Zen ZeNit [?]: close enough];B[qf]BL[683.566]C[saobang [5k]: Or leqi pro nowHaskell [2k]: 4d uses a special joseki against zen];W[rf]WL[1183.955]C[saobang [5k]: Ohnoby: e7 doesn't do anythingGuest2d [2d]: there is always a bester player on KGS];B[rg]BL[638.538]C[gozgur [4k]: bagallerZeNit [?]: yeah, difficult being the bestest];W[pc]WL[1177.974]C[saobang [5k]: Like Sai in godmoves :))Levener [3k]: I can't believe we have 9d comuters now 10 years ago they struggled to have 1d on kgs];B[oc]BL[621.42]C[saobang [5k]: Nosuspense [1k]: they were stronger than 1d 10 years agosaobang [5k]: 9p];W[pb]WL[1168.01]C[Levener [3k]: Not on KGSsaobang [5k]: Not 9dZeNit [?]: they struggled getting 10k 10 years ago, I'm pretty suresaobang [5k]: Ah];B[ob]BL[587.649];W[od]WL[1158.2]C[vellavu [6k]: 2006 was when mcts appeared];B[mb]BL[563.317];W[re]WL[1155.461]C[saobang [5k]: Many face of go 1d since 2000];B[qh]BL[546.181];W[bf]WL[1147.583]C[saobang [5k]: Dont have mctsLevener [3k]: what is mctsvellavu [6k]: http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/2013/06/I-dont-believe-you.gifsuspense [1k]: monte carlo tree searchPoney [2d]: What when black S18 ?];B[cf]BL[495.562];W[ag]WL[1143.869]C[Levener [3k]: Holy crap they use monte carlo equations in go programs?vellavu [6k]: zen uses it too];B[be]BL[475.899]C[vellavu [6k]: alphago uses it toosaobang [5k]: Long time agoTutu [8k]: S17suspense [1k]: Levener, it's already old hat];W[po]WL[1128.837]C[saobang [5k]: And get 5-6d strongest];B[qr]BL[457.101];W[rr]WL[1122.205]C[vellavu [6k]: mcts + bayes training from pro games = 6d kgs];B[ps]BL[445.779];W[sn]WL[1118.775]C[noby: this is kosaobang [5k]: When Ag come with deepmind, AI beat provellavu [6k]: both zen and crazystone did that];B[rs]BL[425.24]C[Poney [2d]: Now it's alive...Poney [2d]: Was ko];W[sr]WL[1104.581]C[noby: actually, no it wasn't ko];B[rb]BL[405.405]C[ZeNit [?]: need p5 for ko, right?Surrounded [1d]: y];W[rl]WL[1092.189]C[saobang [5k]: ResSamsara23 [8d?]: where's zenkiler ];B[fd]BL[382.198]C[Levener [3k]: I just came back recently to the game of goNoobmaster [1k]: over];W[bl]WL[1079.066]C[ZeNit [?]: man, s8 so annoyingsaobang [5k]: Where is leqiLevener [3k]: Seems like its lost a bit of interest since computers are now able to beat humanssuspense [1k]: you came back at an exciting timevellavu [6k]: zen killer was arrested for religious murder];B[bb]BL[362.15];W[ba]WL[1071.923]C[saobang [5k]: Yeah like chessZeNit [?]: yeah, Chess is basically dead now];B[ql]BL[340.627]C[saobang [5k]: Decrease playerSamsara23 [8d?]: so ZenKiller2 is a copycat?vellavu [6k]: Is chess dead?];W[sm]WL[1063.577]C[suspense [1k]: chess is alive and kickingLevener [3k]: I wouldn't say its kicking];B[qm]BL[319.219]C[vellavu [6k]: Has someone summed up the yearly total prize pool?vellavu [6k]: Is it shrinking?];W[rk]WL[1055.024]C[saobang [5k]: Not so popular like beforeSurrounded [1d]: w won anyway, right?];B[oo]BL[301.374]C[saobang [5k]: Yeah];W[qc]WL[1045.22]C[saobang [5k]: Just wait b résaobang [5k]: Res];B[ra]BL[277.485];W[ri]WL[1037.432]C[saobang [5k]: Nice];B[qi]BL[253.34];W[qj]WL[1031.709]C[saobang [5k]: T 13 try to connectsuspense [1k]: vella, it's 10's of millions of eurosSurrounded [1d]: t14 makes seki or life for wvellavu [6k]: Still huge imo];B[pj]BL[201.485];W[sf]WL[1018.202]C[saobang [5k]: AliveDeplorable [2k]: 10's of millions of Euro's is less than a regular season football gamesever1 [4k]: why not s5 before to avoid s8 ?suspense [1k]: did you expect there was ever a time when soccer wasn't outrageously more popular than chess?];B[qk]BL[135.144]C[Levener [3k]: Chess is dyingSurrounded [1d]: technically yes, chess existed before soccer];W[rj]WL[1010.03]C[Deplorable [2k]: Soccer is more popular than chess? Who would have guessedsuspense [1k]: glad we're on the same page, deplorable];B[hr]BL[112.911];W[gr]WL[1001.763]C[Deplorable [2k]: always suspense^^saobang [5k]: Cause it no meaning when robot play soccer];B[ab]BL[90.994]C[suspense [1k]: well, I knew we were on the same team the moment I looked at your screen name =PFirst [2k]: soccer doesn't existvellavu [6k]: i'll pay to watch some robot playing soccer];W[fc]WL[987.157]C[First [2k]: it's called football taladorkvellavu [6k]: especially in early stagesCybercage [3k]: lolCybercage [3k]: xDsuspense [1k]: I guess someone should tell the millions of people who play soccer that =Pvellavu [6k]: yep, and go doesn't existvellavu [6k]: it's called baduk or weiqivellavu [6k]: or igo];B[hb]BL[17.999]C[saobang [5k]: Go in englishFirst [2k]: it's called footballFirst [2k]: europe created football];W[gb]WL[980.972]C[suspense [1k]: actually, I'm pretty sure china created footballFirst [2k]: everything is made in chinavellavu [6k]: women doesn't exist. it's a social construct fabricated by conservativesFirst [2k]: but it was invented by the europeansZeNit [?]: Women are made in China too];B[pa]BL[30]OB[5]C[saobang [5k]: I thougt Mexico];W[sg]WL[972.496]C[suspense [1k]: for a long time that wasn't true, ZeNit];B[rh]BL[30]OB[5];W[sh]WL[964.442]C[ZeNit [?]: Yeah, they prefer men, it seems.noby: mayans played a similar game where they were allowed to touch the ball only with their buttocksSamsara23 [8d?]: AlphaGo is European ];B[ef]BL[30]OB[5]C[saobang [5k]: AG is Uk];W[eh]WL[957.814]C[suspense [1k]: well, china invented poker, chess, go, gunpowder, silk, and soccer to name a few things];B[bk]BL[30]OB[5]C[saobang [5k]: Why doesn't b res?vellavu [6k]: china imported some sport involving a leather ball from the middle east in tang dynastyvellavu [6k]: it's not invented by china];W[cj]WL[945.197]C[suspense [1k]: everything else was pretty much invented by the middle eastSamsara23 [8d?]: Tang != China ];B[em]BL[30]OB[5]C[ergodic [2d]: "A Chinese game called Tsu' Chu, Cuju or Zuqiu has been recognised by FIFA as the first version of the game with regular rules.[22] It existed during the Han Dynasty, the second and third centuries BC. "];W[en]WL[937.091]C[vellavu [6k]: sure, but modern chinese like to impersonate as descendants of tang people];B[fr]BL[30]OB[5]C[ZeNit [?]: Pretty sure most Chinese things were actually created in Korea. At lest that what some Koreans seem to think.];W[dr]WL[921.257]C[suspense [1k]: koreans invented pizzasuspense [1k]: so there's something -.-ZeNit [?]: Definitely];B[gs]BL[30]OB[5]C[ZeNit [?]: and sushi];W[fq]WL[915.125]C[Samsara23 [8d?]: i like korean bbqsaobang [5k]: How do you think 'bout Starcraft?Samsara23 [8d?]: i heard korean serve the best dog meatsuspense [1k]: the English invented starcraftsaobang [5k]: No i mean deepmind in starcraft])
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