(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[NZ]SZ[19]KM[7.00]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]DT[2013-05-25]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/];B[pd];W[dp];B[cd];W[qp];B[op];W[oq];B[nq];W[pq](;B[cn]C[testing move](;W[gq];B[np];W[qn];B[jq]C[now white ogeima was too soft. One space further would be better];W[ed];B[df];W[cc];B[bc];W[dc](;B[be]C[this move means black wants to live on the left side];W[hc]LB[ic:A][fe:B]C[White should play at A (joseki) but black wants to have left side so he would have B sente to develop his moyo];B[jc]LB[en:C]C[too close to white strong shape (bad idea). C would be better];W[nc]C[white is looking for trouble. The approach from other side is better. Or defending the left bottom corner is bigger];B[oc];W[nd];B[qf]C[if black wants to attack, this stone on the fourth line would be better](;W[he]C[wrong direction];B[je];W[lc]C[white should move faster on the center (two space jump). White wants to make an eye ?];B[hb]C[black prevent white connection];W[gb];B[ic];W[hd];B[nf](;W[le];B[jg];W[lg]LB[mb:A][ki:B]C[Situation good for white. White can't escape, he can play at A to make two eyes. Now move 33 is not well placed because this stone would be better at B])(;W[oe]C[because black made the keima instead of tobi, there is more weakness];B[pg];W[qc]C[what's black next move ?];B[pc];W[pe];B[qe];W[qd]))(;W[lc];B[je];W[mg]))(;B[bb]C[black wants territory];W[ch]C[this move is sente for white later]))(;W[fq]C[if white plays like this];B[mp];W[qn];B[iq]))(;B[np];W[qn];B[jq];W[hq];B[]C[if black tenuki];W[lq]C[this is severe. It will be the same if black does not connect and choose the tigger mouth joseki];B[kp];W[lp];B[lo];W[lr]C[black does not have anymore territory]))

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