(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Iguchi Toyohide]PB[O Meien]WR[7p]BR[9p]DT[2009-08-13]EV[35th Gosei preliminary tournament A]C[reviewed by freegameComments are aimed at people around 6-1 kyu KGS,To provide them with a mid dan level view of the game.]RE[W+0.50];B[pd];W[dp];B[pq];W[dd];B[fq];W[cn];B[pn]LB[qk:D][cn:2][ip:B][jp:A][fq:1][dr:C]C[not a really common move but it as been played before a few timesA is by far the most common move followed by B and C.playing D (low Chinese opening) after exchanging 1 for 2 has become more popular recently](;W[iq](;B[kp];W[io]C[this leaves black open at the bottom.];B[dq];W[cq];B[cr];W[eq];B[dr]LB[er:A]TR[io][iq]C[A is not an option here because the marked stones are too close];W[ep](;B[er]LB[cp:A]TR[er]C[nice move,cutting at will result in white getting to play there in sente];W[fp];B[cp];W[bq];B[bp];W[co];B[br](;W[cg];B[jd];W[hd]C[looks like white is too late to play here.this move also does not close the corner, black can still invade later on];B[jf]C[nice move. this move radiates over most of the board.It gives black center influence and at the same time this helps him fight on the right side];W[qf];B[qh];W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[pe];W[rf];B[og]C[this looks reasonable for both.black gives away the corner relatively easy but now K14 is in a nice position, building both points and influenceWhite can be happy to take the corner and some points as well as sente.];W[hg]C[important point at the edge of two frameworks](;B[cc]C[black has no time to invade here (gote)];W[dc];B[cd](;W[de]LB[jh:A]C[white wants sente to play something like A];B[hf]C[but black is resisting leaving white no time to play another move in the corner](;W[gf];B[he];W[ge];B[gd];W[jg]C[now it starts to get complex];B[gg];W[ig];B[hc]C[huge for points but gives white control over the center, and black also needs to come back to the corner to make life];W[gh];B[fg];W[ef];B[bf];W[bg];B[cf];W[cb];B[bb];W[db](;B[ag]LB[dg:A]C[because of the weakness at A black can play this first];W[bi];B[ba];W[ah]LB[dg:A]C[protecting against A];B[fd];W[fe];B[ad](;W[fh]C[sollid moveafter the fight in the top left white gets back in the game.this moyo is extremely solid and hard to invade / reduce](;B[kn]C[really important (urgent) point the edge of two moyo's.it's both reducing white and expanding black];W[jm];B[km];W[jl];B[bo];W[bn];B[kl]TR[kl][km]C[pushing from behind and turning the white moyo into solid points.black must be really confident that he can get enough on the right side, because that is still open to invasions];W[kk];B[lk];W[kf]C[this looks a little slow];B[rh]C[big move now white needs to invade];W[qo]C[nice point];B[qn];W[qq];B[pp];W[pr](;B[qp]LB[kp:A]C[I assume black choose this move because of 3 reasons1: not enough ko threats to play a ko2: A is an high move so outside thickness in only valuable on the right center not the bottom side.3: Black wants sente];W[rr];B[rq];W[qr];B[rp];W[nq]LB[kp:A]C[A really in the wrong place again];B[gq];W[gp](;B[in]C[aji keshi];W[jn];B[jo];W[jp];B[ko];W[hn](;B[kj];W[jk](;B[li];W[qb]C[this was huge];B[jj];W[ij];B[ii];W[hj];B[jq];W[ip];B[mq];W[mr];B[lr];W[lq];B[mp];W[nr];B[lp];W[jr];B[kr];W[sr](;B[le];W[ob];B[pb];W[pa];B[nb];W[oc];B[nc];W[od];B[na];W[oa];B[nd];W[oe];B[pf]TR[ob][oc][od][oe]C[really painful for black.by playing a sacrifice tesuji in the corner earlier this could have been avoided(see variation at move 99)];W[np];B[no];W[mh];B[ne];W[lg];B[ni];W[gb];B[hb];W[fb];B[hi];W[gi];B[sg];W[of];B[nf];W[qa];B[pg];W[sf];B[qe];W[re];B[nh];W[ke];B[kd];W[je];B[id];W[hr];B[af];W[ao];B[aq];W[hq];B[gs];W[gr];B[fr];W[mi];B[mj];W[lf];B[df];W[dg];B[ed];W[ee];B[if];W[lh];B[ji];W[hh];B[kq];W[me];B[ld];W[mf];B[ga];W[md];B[mc];W[fa];B[ha];W[hs];B[js];W[ce];B[be];W[sq];B[sp];W[fs];B[ir];W[rg];B[sh];W[op];B[oo];W[oq];B[ca];W[da];B[ec];W[eb];B[sd]LB[qg:A]C[Black knows he is losing so he tries setting up a double ko in the top right and then hopes to force another ko on the left by probing the weaknesses of the moyo. If this works the top right will give black unlimited number of ko threats.A remains sente so black does not lose any points setting up this double ko];W[sc];B[sb];W[rd];B[rc];W[rb];B[qg];W[sa]C[double ko];B[ms];W[ns];B[ls];W[is];B[es];W[gs]C[white knows he is ahead.];B[gj]C[Black is hoping for a ko, or even better (also see comment at move 199];W[gk];B[fj];W[eh];B[im];W[ik];B[hm];W[fk];B[en];W[do];B[gn];W[fm];B[fl];W[gl];B[gm];W[ej];B[ra]C[time tesuji ?];W[sc];B[kh];W[jh];B[rc]C[time tesuji ?];W[sa];B[el];W[dm];B[go];W[hp];B[em];W[ho];B[dl];W[bl];B[bk];W[cl];B[ck];W[dk];B[ra]C[time tesuji ?];W[sc];B[jr];W[an];B[ng];W[kg];B[ki];W[ie];B[hd]C[W+0.5lessons to be learned:-----1: invading (timing and place)-----Whites timing and place of his invasions were really nice.both on top right and bottom rightblack's timing was fine, but the place resulted in white building too much thickness, and black struggling for sente-----2: pushing from behind-----Around move 70 black pushed from behind twice giving white a lot of solid pointsblack overestimated his right side-----3: don't get overconfident-----In the middlegame black played like he would win the game without much problems, but in doing so he allowed white to get some nice endgame"Playing not to lose is no way to win"])(;B[pb]C[this also looks like a huge move]))(;B[qb]C[black now has time to play this to get better endgame];W[rb];B[qe];W[re];B[rc];W[rd];B[ra];W[sc](;B[li]C[now he can come back and play here])(;B[le]C[or maybe now this is bigger];W[lj];B[jq];W[ip];B[mj];W[li];B[mi];W[lh])))(;B[jq]C[this allows for better endgame for black];W[ip];B[kj];W[jk];B[li]))(;B[kj];W[jk];B[li]LB[jn:A]C[now black can play A in endgame]))(;B[or]C[this looks like ko](;W[rr];B[ps];W[qs];B[os];W[rp]C[too much aji])(;W[qp];B[ro];W[rp];B[rn];W[rr];B[ps];W[qs];B[os];W[qr];B[po](;W[sq]C[white will not defend here now])(;W[kj]C[if white tenuki, it's ko again];B[sq];W[sp];B[sr];W[ss];B[rs]))))(;B[jn]C[might be better to play here and avoid having to push from behind later](;W[in];B[jm])(;W[jo];B[ko];W[kn];B[jm]C[black is one move ahead in the fight if white tries cut])))(;W[kn]TR[fg][gg]C[any kind of fight inside the white moyo should be good for white]))(;B[ba]C[normally here]))(;W[be];B[gg]C[white has no time to kill the corner]))(;W[ce];B[be];W[cf];B[db];W[eb];B[cb];W[fc]C[gote for white]))(;AE[hg]AB[hf]C[white cannot allow black to play like this, expanding his center while reducing black.white does not even have a move to enclose the corner efficiently after this])(;B[ci];W[ck];B[ei]))(;W[jd]C[this looks more urgentIt develops the board more, and it's also a nice point for black ]))(;B[cp];W[bq];B[bp];W[br];B[bs];W[er];B[ar];W[jd]))(;B[kq];W[io]C[more territorial oriented]))(;W[jq];B[lq];W[dq];B[ip]LB[jp:A][iq:B]C[next white can play A or B]))

Iguchi Toyohide    O Meien
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