(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]PW[Soren Jaffe REVIEW]PB[Jerry Jaffe REVIEW]WR[4d]BR[2d]DT[2017-06-24]EV[Toledo Go Club Tournament]RO[1]C[This is a first round match between Soren Jaffe (W) AGA 4d vs. Jerry Jaffe AGA 2d of the Toledo Go Club Tournament. Commentary by Soren Jaffe.]RE[W+Resign];B[dp];W[pq]C[I played a new-ish, AlphaGo inspired style during this match.];B[dc]C[AlphaGo will take local losses in order to regain sente and maintain momentum and fluidity of the match.];W[pd];B[ci]C[Black plays the low Chinese opening. A very popular opening in this era of Go.];W[fq];B[dn];W[pn]C[A shimari made popular by AlphaGo. It hopes to gain immense power in the center.];B[nc](;W[pf]C[White plays high despite the lower right shimari, because white doesn't care about side territory. White wants infleunce in the center.](;B[df]LB[fd:1][gd:2][jd:3]C[First slack move by black. The low Chinese is an opening where you want your opponent to invade. B11 also plays inside black's potential moyo. If black wants to play in the top left, 1-3 are all reasonable.](;W[eo]C[Another move made popular by AlphaGo that is against normal Go philosphy.](;B[do]TR[cq]C[It is a bad move locally, as the 3-3 spot (▲) is no longer an option](;W[jd]TR[eo]C[E5 does allow for a bit more center infleunce while retaining sente.];B[qc];W[pc];B[pb];W[jp]LB[ob:1][qd:2]TR[pb]C[Usually white will respond to B▲ with either 1 or 2, depending on what side is important. However, white chose to ignore because retaining sente is more important.];B[fm]TR[gm][gn]C[Good direction by black. It is the area between two opposing moyos. However, due to the strength of nearby black stones, black had better, faster responses (▲).];W[dj]C[White aims to reduce.](;B[di]C[Black pushes up. Note how overconcentrated the left side is now for black.];W[fj];B[dl]C[While it is a good shape move, black's play is too slow!];W[im]C[Due to a few black slack moves, white begins to build a large scale moyo. White's plan is coming into fruition.];B[km]C[Not sure where the best place to invade/reduce is. Black chose the vital point of white's shape.];W[mm]C[White counter attacks.];B[ko];W[jo](;B[jn];W[in]TR[in][jn]C[An aji-keshi exchange for black.];B[kp];W[jq];B[kk];W[mk];B[ie];W[je](;B[cj]C[Black's potentially losing move. Where is the fighting spirit? Plus, he has a huge liability in the center of the board. Greedy move by black.];W[if]LB[cj:1]TR[ie]C[White takes more infleunce in the center. Now B▲ becomes a wasted exchange after B1];B[qh];W[qd]C[Notice now, white chooses which direction to block in the upper right.];B[rb];W[rc];B[qb];W[ik](;B[lk]C[So black prevents any wedging aji at L8, however...];W[mj]TR[qh][lk]C[He forces white to disconnect two vital stones.];B[re]C[Black tries a counter attack, however...];W[jj]TR[kk][lk][km][jn][ko][kp]C[Black's center group is in big danger. Black cannot jump out into the center anymore.];B[mn](;W[nn]C[Possible white, mistake, black gets more forcing moves with this hane.];B[lm]TR[nn]C[Since white has invested in the hane, white needs to protec at n8, unless black can break out.](;W[ml];B[no];W[mo](;B[ln]C[Black gets greedy, had a chance to get better eye shape by counter atari'ing];W[mp]C[White resists strongly and gives black no aji.];B[kq];W[mq];B[nf]TR[kk][lk][km][lm][jn][ln][mn][ko][kp][kq]C[Black goes for an all out attack once the marked group is dead];W[rf];B[og];W[ph];B[pg];W[qg];B[rg];W[qf];B[qi];W[rd]LB[nd:B][rh:A]C[White is alive. A and B are miai for life.];B[rh];W[nd](;B[md]C[Mistake, black cannot hane.];W[oc];B[nb];W[ob];B[oa];W[mc]C[Cut.](;B[ne];W[od];B[ld];W[mb]C[Big loss for black. Game is over at this point. Main commentary and review will end now. Closing comments at Move 134.];B[oi];W[nh];B[oh];W[dr];B[rn];W[qp];B[qn];W[pm];B[jf];W[pj];B[qj];W[ig];B[kf];W[he];B[ho];W[io];B[hq];W[jr];B[hj];W[hk];B[gj];W[gk];B[fk];W[fi];B[li];W[lj];B[kj];W[ki];B[ji];W[kh];B[jh];W[jg];B[kg];W[lh];B[hh];W[hi]C[Good tesuji.];B[ih];W[gg];B[gh];W[fh];B[fg];W[hg];B[id];W[ic]C[Black misreads ladder.];B[cq];W[hp];B[gp];W[hr];B[nm];W[on];B[ol];W[pl];B[pi];W[rl]TR[df][cj][dl][fm]C[Black resigns. A few slack (▲) moves left black behind way behind entering the midgame, then he had too many groups to handle.])(;B[mb];W[lc];B[lb];W[kc];B[kb];W[jb]C[Black cannot push from the second line.]))(;B[mc]C[Must resist, however if white gets out, white wins.];W[md];B[ld];W[le];B[lc];W[mf]C[White wins the game this way, the bottom is too big.]))(;B[mp];W[ln];B[lo];W[mn];B[pp]TR[re]C[Black might lose the tail, but he has lots of aji to live. And white ignored B▲, so black can get back in the game this way.]))(;W[mo];B[ml](;W[nm];B[ki];W[kj];B[lj];W[li];B[mi];W[lh];B[nk];W[nj];B[oj];W[ni];B[oi];W[nh];B[nl]C[Black can connect. Bad result for white.])(;W[ln];B[nm];W[mn];B[ki];W[nl];B[li]C[Black can break out, slightly better for white, however black still has a chance to get out.])))(;W[nm];B[lm];W[mp]C[If black tries to play the same sequence, white doesn't have to respond at n8.]))(;B[ki]TR[kl]C[Black wants to jump, but leaves bad aji at L8.]))(;B[ig]C[Black needs to reply to his shoulder hit.];W[hc](;B[hl])(;B[gk]C[Black can begin an attack on the left. He does need to still worry about the bottom black stones.])))(;B[in]C[Later on, black might one this cut across, but he doesn't get it after his exchange in the game. He limits his own options.]))(;B[fj]C[Black should cap. Black is strong in the area, so he should fight with spirit.];W[di];B[ch];W[fi];B[gi];W[fh];B[dh];W[gj];B[fk];W[eh];B[hi];W[ff];B[lq]C[Now that black has gained some infleunce into the center, invading white should be easier.]))(;W[cq]C[If white tries the 3-3...];B[dq];W[dr];B[er];W[cr];B[eq];W[bo];B[bn];W[co];B[cn]TR[do][eo]C[We can see the marked exchange for white is a terrible exchange.]))(;B[jd]C[However if black ignores...];W[do];B[co]TR[cn][cp]C[Leaves deadly cutting points (▲). Hard for black to ignore the white peep.]))(;W[fo]C[While a regular jump seems normal...];B[jd]C[Black takes initiative on the top. White's plan fails]))(;B[fd];W[ce];B[cd];W[de];B[cg];W[fe];B[gd];W[eg];B[ei];W[gh]C[Black has large territorial gains on both sides, and white is playing dame. Good for black.])(;B[gd];W[ce];B[cd];W[de];B[ed];W[dh];B[ch];W[dg];B[ej];W[gh]C[Same idea.])(;B[jd];W[de];B[fd]TR[jd]C[Black places more emphasis on the top with k16.]))(;W[qf];B[pg]C[Later on, black can reduce white's moyo easily with a shoulder hit.]))

Soren Jaffe REVIEW    Jerry Jaffe REVIEW
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