(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]PW[David Sun REVIEW]PB[Jerry Jaffe REVIEW]WR[3d]BR[2d]DT[2017-06-24]EV[Toledo Go Club Tournament]RO[2]C[This is a second round match of the Toledo Go Club Tournament, between David Sun (W) 3d vs. Jerry Jaffe AGA 2d. Commentary by Soren Jaffe 4d.]RE[W+Resign];B[pd];W[dp];B[pp];W[dd];B[pj]C[Sanrensei opening. Black hopes to build a moyo on the right.];W[nc];B[ld]TR[lc]C[The usual pincer seen here is ▲. Black places more emphasis in the center with the high pincer.];W[qc];B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[mc]C[Good shape move by white. Black cannot directly push and cut.];B[oc];W[ob];B[lc]TR[nb][pb]C[With m17, now black can cut white];W[rc]C[White plays a nice move to protect the cutting point. Black should not respond and play elsewhere](;B[rd]C[Black's first blunder. Greedy move. ];W[id](;B[fq]TR[me]C[Black leaves bad aji behind with this tenuki. ];W[ip](;B[fo];W[dn];B[dr];W[cq];B[ir]C[Standard joseki. However, black's group seems awfully low, considering he played the sanrensei.](;W[ne]TR[me]C[White now cuts black. However, ▲ is slightly better.];B[nd];W[md];B[me];W[le];B[mf];W[ke]TR[ne]C[White loses a stone with the cut he did. Black is a little better in this variation.];B[lb](;W[mb]C[This white move leaves behind a lot of bad aji for white (variations shown later). For the meantime, black does not have enough liberties to win a semeai between the two groups.](;B[of]C[Black can live on the top, but at best he gets second line territory, so he decides to tenuki. However this move, which secures black's shape, is super slow.];W[qn];B[qo];W[pn];B[np]C[Good direction by black.];W[rj]C[Greedy move by white.];B[rl]C[Black's play is correct.];W[ql];B[qk]C[White cannot connect](;W[qq];B[ro];W[oq];B[op];W[nq];B[mq];W[pq];B[mr];W[rp];B[rn];W[mm](;B[mp]C[Why connect? Black can jump directly in the corner to kill.];W[nr]C[White lives.](;B[iq]C[Poor move by black.];W[fm]LB[ip:2][iq:1]C[B1 makes W2 an unimportant stone.];B[cc];W[dc];B[cd];W[cf]TR[ce]C[The usual move, the hane at ▲, locks black down into the corner the tightest.];B[ce]C[However, if white wants sente, white can play c14.];W[de];B[bf]C[White can either ignore or double hane.](;W[cg]C[However, white extends, If white was going to respond to black's crawling, he should have hane'd initially.];B[bg];W[ch];B[fb]TR[lb][lc][ld]C[White must be careful. If black can extend the liberties of B▲, he can win the semeai in the corner.];W[cb];B[ib];W[bc](;B[bd]C[However, as of right now, black doesn't have enough liberties for the top. ];W[ad];B[be];W[bb];B[gd];W[ge];B[fe];W[ff];B[he];W[gf];B[hd];W[hf];B[mj];W[ie];B[ic];W[kj]C[Black can kill the corner now. However both players do not see it. So I will examine the game as if white is alive in the corner, until it's resolved.](;B[hm]TR[cc][bd][cd][be][ce][bf][bg]C[Black tries to counter because after losing the ▲ stones, he is behind.];W[gp];B[fp];W[gn];B[hn];W[go];B[jo];W[io];B[jm]C[Black is trying hard to find something of white's to attack](;W[jn];B[kn];W[in];B[kl];W[lk];B[ml];W[lm];B[ll];W[km];B[jl];W[lo]C[Good netting move.];B[nm];W[ln];B[gk];W[fk];B[gj];W[nn]C[Big connection for white.];B[om];W[on];B[cj]C[Black trying to use the aji of the upper left to aid in an invasion];W[ci];B[fj];W[dj];B[dk];W[ek]TR[em]C[Later on, black has aji at ▲](;B[cr];W[br];B[if];W[kd];B[la];W[pa]C[White is now alive in the corner.](;B[je];W[jf];B[jd];W[ig]C[Black cannot be happy with this result.];B[kf];W[ie];B[kg]TR[sc][sd]C[Ouch black ends in gote. The two ▲ hanes are becoming big, as the game is entering yose and it is double sente.];W[ij];B[em]C[Black plays a nice move.];W[dl];B[ck];W[cl];B[ej];W[di];B[en];W[el];B[gl];W[nl](;B[mk];W[ol];B[dm];W[cm];B[do];W[cn];B[co];W[bo](;B[fl]C[Black cuts two alive white groups. Dame spot.];W[kq];B[kp];W[lp];B[kr];W[jq];B[lq];W[ma](;B[kc]C[L17 loses a point.];W[sd];B[se];W[sc];B[rf];W[cs](;B[er]C[Gote response.];W[oj];B[oi];W[nj];B[ni];W[pm];B[bp];W[cp];B[eo];W[bn];B[ji];W[ii];B[jh];W[rk];B[qj];W[rm]C[Blacks side keeps getting smaller and smaller];B[ri];W[jj];B[ec];W[eb];B[eg]C[Black tries his final attack.];W[fh];B[ef];W[ee];B[gh];W[hi];B[fg];W[eh];B[gi];W[gg];B[ih];W[hh];B[ea];W[db];B[fd];W[qp];B[po]C[At this point, black is too far behind and resigns. Black played too many slack moves, and kept ending in gote. ])(;B[dq]C[Black should respond here.];W[cp];B[eo]TR[bn][bp]C[How white has cutting points to worry about. Black keeps sente.]))(;B[li]C[If black plays elsewhere...](;W[kc]C[White can try to capture, but..];B[ja]C[Black can connect, and due to liberty shortage, white cannot capture.];W[jc];B[id];W[ka];B[kb];W[jb];B[lf])(;W[jc]C[White has this move first however, and if black saves the two stones..];B[id];W[kb]C[Now black is dead.]))(;B[id]TR[ma]C[So black should respond to white ▲ here, because he does not lose a point.]))(;B[jp]TR[fl]C[Black should save these stones. Now the ▲ cut is worth something.]))(;B[ol];W[nk];B[mk];W[ok];B[pl]C[No problem for black. He gave up two stones unessarily.];W[qm];B[pk];W[rm];B[sm];W[rk];B[sl]C[Nothing for white.]))(;B[ig]TR[id][kd][ie][ke][le]C[Black needs to attack all seven of white's ▲ stones. How can white live?]))(;B[em]C[When black plays here, if white tries to resist..];W[en];B[ej];W[di];B[fl]C[White ends up getting captured.]))(;W[kn];B[jn];W[kl]C[After white gets out, black is behind.]))(;B[hn];W[hm];B[im];W[hl]C[Just taking the bottom is not good enough for black.]))(;B[ma]C[If black tries to kill directly..];W[nb];B[na](;W[pa];B[ra];W[rb];B[la];W[qa];B[pb]C[Disaster for white.])(;W[pb]C[White's best response is here the solid connection];B[rb];W[sb](;B[qa];W[oa];B[la];W[ra]C[This way is ko.])(;B[ra]C[Black can directly kill if his top group is strong enough.];W[oa];B[qa];W[la];B[ma];W[kb];B[kc];W[jc];B[ka];W[jb];B[ja];W[kd];B[la];W[ic];B[hb];W[ia];B[ha];W[gc];B[gb];W[eb]C[Black doesnt have enough liberties.])))(;B[ic]C[Black can try to extend his liberties...];W[hd](;B[ma];W[nb];B[na];W[pb];B[rb];W[sb];B[ra];W[oa];B[qa];W[la];B[ma](;W[kb];B[kc];W[jc];B[ka]C[Black is alive this way. Disaster for white.])(;W[jc]C[White can hane though];B[jb];W[kc];B[kb];W[hc];B[hb];W[gc];B[gb];W[eb]C[Again, black doesnt have enough liberties.]))(;B[jd]C[If black can get this hane exchange in..];W[je];B[ma];W[nb];B[na];W[pb];B[rb];W[sb];B[ra];W[oa];B[qa];W[la];B[ma]C[With ](;W[kd]C[If white pushes through, black wins the semeai or lives.];B[jc];W[kb];B[kc];W[na];B[jb];W[ka];B[ja];W[ma];B[hc](;W[gc];B[gb];W[ha];B[gd](;W[fc];B[ie];W[he];B[ge];W[if];B[ec];W[fd];B[ed];W[fe];B[ee];W[gf];B[db]C[Black can gain a lot in the corner and keeps sente (white must h18)])(;W[fd];B[ge];W[hf];B[fc]C[Black has enough liberties now.]))(;W[ha];B[gd];W[ge];B[fd]C[Black is alive.]))(;W[jc]C[This cut becomes ko.];B[kd];W[kb];B[ka];W[ja];B[jb];W[la]C[Black cannot take directly, so ko for life.]))))(;W[bg];B[cg];W[df];B[bh];W[cb];B[bd];W[dg];B[ch]C[White plays elsewhere.]))(;B[jo]C[Black has two very strong walls, he should use them to attack and split white]))(;B[rr];W[qr];B[ps]C[Black kills white.]))(;W[rk];B[rm](;W[rn];B[qm];W[pl];B[pm](;W[pk];B[om];W[qj];B[oj]C[White is in danger.])(;W[on];B[om]C[White is baseless.]))(;W[pl];B[rn](;W[pi];B[oj]TR[of]C[White cannot connect. And because black chose the super solid move of B▲, white will have a hard life.])(;W[oj];B[pi];W[pk];B[qj];W[oi];B[ph];W[mn]C[Black has secured a large corner and side territory this way. White's wall does not compensate for the territorial loss. White is behind.]))))(;B[lg]C[Black might think to play more strongly.]))(;W[na]C[White should play here. Now the corner has no aji.]))(;W[me];B[md];W[nd];B[ne];W[mf](;B[nf]TR[oe]C[Black has to protect ▲, but...];W[ke]C[White surrounds black's top. White white may not kill black, the strength white gets is immense. White is slightly better than in the game. ])(;B[ke];W[oe];B[nf];W[ng];B[of];W[og];B[pf];W[lg];B[lb];W[na];B[pg];W[jf]C[Black cannot leave p15 cutting point.])))(;B[kq]C[Black might consider counter pincering in order to build the right side.];W[eq];B[fp];W[dn];B[fm];W[jo];B[lo];W[il]C[A possible game continuation.]))(;B[lb]TR[fc]C[A nice move like m18 protects the cut, but also leaves a weakness in white's top shape.];W[me];B[md];W[nd];B[ne];W[mf];B[nb]C[White now cannot directly cut.]))(;B[jp](;W[re];B[qf]C[White can take a few points away.])(;W[qg]C[If white invades as opposed to reduces];B[og];W[re];B[fq]C[Black is very happy. His plan is sucessful.])))

David Sun REVIEW    Jerry Jaffe REVIEW
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