(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[9]KM[5.50]TM[30]PW[00a00a00]PB[amannwil]WR[13k]BR[20k]DT[2019-01-28]CP[online-go.com]PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/16335042]RE[B+Time];B[ee];W[gd];B[cf];W[dc]C[amannwil: hi hf];B[fg];W[ce]C[Your first instinct when your stone is contact should be to strengthen that stone by either extending or by hane'ing to erase your opponent's liberties. Not that not doing so is always wrong, but it should be your instinct. ];B[ge];W[fe](;B[ff]C[Did you notice the ladder?];W[fd];B[he];W[hd];B[cd]C[Interesting choice. ];W[be](;B[dd];W[ed](;B[cc];W[de];B[ef];W[df];B[cg];W[dg]CR[ce][de][df][dg]SQ[ee][cf][ef][cg]C[The circles separate the squares expertly. Try to avoid this mistake. Called squeezing out the toothpaste. ];B[dh]C[You recognize that your two stones are weak, so you try to strengthen them. Not a bad though. ];W[eh];B[ec]C[Kind of forgot about your previous idea. ];W[ch]C[So white gets to capture a stone, but now you get something on the top to compensate. ](;B[fh]C[Understandable that you were concerned about that group. ];W[db];B[eb]C[Just doesn't work. White will either get to capture the three stones on the left.];W[cb](;B[bb](;W[bd];B[bc];W[fb];B[da];W[fc];B[ca];W[ie];B[if];W[hf](;B[id];W[gf](;B[ei](;W[ie];B[eg];W[bh];B[gg];W[hg];B[hh];W[ih];B[gi];W[ci];B[di];W[ig];B[hi];W[fa];B[ad];W[ae]C[Actually where white's mistake was. ](;B[ac];W[];B[af])(;B[af];W[ac];B[bf]))(;W[di]C[White didn't even need to capture those two stones. Black's in trouble anyway. ]))(;B[ie];W[ig];B[ic];W[hc];B[ib];W[hb]))(;B[gf];W[ig]))(;W[bc]C[This was white's mistake. ];B[bd];W[ad]))(;B[bc];W[bb];B[ac];W[ab]))(;B[db]))(;B[de]C[Did you consider this? Keeps you connected, those two stones aren't doing much now for white. ]))(;B[de]C[More usual as follow up to clamp move. ]))(;B[fd];W[ff];B[gf];W[ef];B[df];W[eg];B[eh];W[dg];B[cg];W[dh];B[ch];W[di];B[ci];W[ei];B[fi]))

00a00a00    amannwil
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