(;GM[1]FF[4]SZ[19]AP[ai-sensei.com]CA[UTF-8]ST[2]KM[6.5]RU[japanese]DT[2020-08-07]PW[Jonas W (6D)]WR[]PB[Severin (3D)]BR[]RE[white wins by resignation]C[Mistakes:Player Move Loss ScoreWhite 2 0.2 Even gameBlack 3 0.2 W + 0.3 pointsWhite 4 0.1 W + 0.2 pointsWhite 6 0.1 W + 0.1 pointsWhite 12 0.1 Even gameBlack 15 0.2 W + 0.4 pointsWhite 18 0.3 W + 0.3 pointsWhite 20 1.3 B + 1.5 pointsWhite 24 3.1 B + 4.3 pointsBlack 33 0.6 B + 4.5 pointsBlack 41 3.2 B + 2.3 pointsBlack 45 0.9 B + 4.7 pointsBlack 47 0.9 B + 4.7 pointsWhite 52 1.6 B + 6.8 pointsBlack 55 0.9 B + 4.0 pointsWhite 58 4.1 B + 8.1 pointsBlack 59 0.5 B + 7.6 pointsBlack 61 1.7 B + 6.3 pointsWhite 62 2.7 B + 9.0 pointsBlack 63 1.9 B + 7.1 pointsBlack 65 1.0 B + 5.3 pointsBlack 67 4.6 B + 2.1 pointsWhite 70 2.0 B + 6.3 pointsBlack 71 0.7 B + 5.6 pointsWhite 72 1.3 B + 6.9 pointsWhite 76 2.7 B + 8.8 pointsWhite 80 5.9 B + 10.6 pointsBlack 83 1.9 B + 7.3 pointsBlack 85 3.9 B + 3.1 pointsWhite 86 2.3 B + 5.4 pointsBlack 89 1.8 B + 2.1 pointsBlack 91 2.4 B + 1.4 pointsWhite 92 1.8 B + 3.2 pointsBlack 93 2.5 B + 0.7 pointsWhite 96 1.9 B + 3.8 pointsBlack 97 4.4 W + 0.5 pointsBlack 99 1.5 B + 1.9 pointsBlack 103 13.3 W + 9.4 pointsBlack 105 9.2 W + 20 pointsBlack 107 17.9 W + 34.8 pointsBlack 109 2.4 W + 36.5 pointsWhite 114 0.3 W + 34.8 pointsBlack 115 3.3 W + 38.1 pointsWhite 120 4.8 W + 36.1 pointsBlack 123 2.3 W + 36.2 pointsBlack 125 2.1 W + 38.9 pointsWhite 126 0.2 W + 38.7 pointsBlack 135 1.5 W + 36.3 pointsWhite 136 1.9 W + 34.4 pointsBlack 139 3.5 W + 36.7 pointsWhite 140 3.2 W + 33.5 pointsBlack 141 3.6 W + 37.1 pointsWhite 150 8.6 W + 25.9 pointsBlack 153 16.2 W + 52 pointsBlack 155 10.3 W + 61.8 pointsBlack 157 9.1 W + 63.6 pointsWhite 158 19.5 W + 44 pointsBlack 161 4.2 W + 72 points];B[pd](;W[qp]C[Mistake!This move is 0.2 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 0.0 points.](;B[dc]C[Mistake!This move is 0.2 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 0.3 points.](;W[cp]C[Mistake!This move is 0.1 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 0.2 points.];B[cf](;W[qf]C[Mistake!This move is 0.1 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 0.1 points.];B[eq];W[nc];B[do];W[co];B[dn](;W[cn]C[Mistake!This move is 0.1 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 0.0 points.];B[dm];W[cm](;B[dl]C[Mistake!This move is 0.2 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 0.4 points.];W[oe];B[cl](;W[dq]C[Mistake!This move is 0.3 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 0.3 points.];B[dr](;W[ep]C[Mistake!This move is 1.3 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 1.5 points.];B[dp];W[cq];B[fq](;W[rd]C[Mistake!This move is 3.1 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 4.3 points.];B[cr];W[br];B[bs];W[ar];B[bm];W[bn];B[bl];W[bp](;B[op]C[Mistake!This move is 0.6 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 4.5 points.];W[mq];B[qq];W[pq];B[pp];W[oq];B[nq];W[nr](;B[qo]C[Mistake!This move is 3.2 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 2.3 points.];W[rp];B[np];W[pr](;B[mp]C[Mistake!This move is 0.9 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 4.7 points.];W[lq](;B[ro]C[Mistake!This move is 0.9 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 4.7 points.];W[rq];B[mc];W[nb];B[id](;W[qj]C[Mistake!This move is 1.6 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 6.8 points.];B[lp];W[jq](;B[kq]C[Mistake!This move is 0.9 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 4.0 points.];W[kr];B[kp](;W[iq]C[Mistake!This move is 4.1 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 8.1 points.](;B[jr]C[Mistake!This move is 0.5 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 7.6 points.];W[lr](;B[hp]C[Mistake!This move is 1.7 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 6.3 points.](;W[ji]C[Mistake!This move is 2.7 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 9.0 points.](;B[li]C[Mistake!This move is 1.9 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 7.1 points.];W[hq](;B[hi]C[Mistake!This move is 1 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 5.3 points.];W[gp](;B[go]C[Mistake!This move is 4.6 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 2.1 points.];W[ho];B[fp](;W[ip]C[Mistake!This move is 2 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 6.3 points.](;B[pk]C[Mistake!This move is 0.7 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 5.6 points.](;W[pn]C[Mistake!This move is 1.3 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 6.9 points.];B[qm];W[pj];B[oj](;W[ok]C[Mistake!This move is 2.7 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 8.8 points.];B[qk];W[rk];B[pm](;W[nk]C[Mistake!This move is 5.9 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 10.6 points.];B[oi];W[om](;B[rl]C[Mistake!This move is 1.9 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 7.3 points.];W[nn](;B[po]C[Mistake!This move is 3.9 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 3.1 points.](;W[pl]C[Mistake!This move is 2.3 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 5.4 points.];B[ql];W[ri](;B[qh]C[Mistake!This move is 1.8 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 2.1 points.];W[rh](;B[mj]C[Mistake!This move is 2.4 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 1.4 points.](;W[mk]C[Mistake!This move is 1.8 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 3.2 points.](;B[lk]C[Mistake!This move is 2.5 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 0.7 points.];W[ll];B[kk](;W[ln]C[Mistake!This move is 1.9 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 3.8 points.](;B[sk]C[Mistake!This move is 4.4 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 0.5 points.];W[rj](;B[kn]C[Mistake!This move is 1.5 points worse than the AI move.Black is ahead by 1.9 points.];W[kl];B[jl];W[km](;B[jm]C[Mistake!This move is 13.3 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 9.4 points.];W[jn](;B[ko]C[Mistake!This move is 9.2 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 20.0 points.];W[mm](;B[on]C[Mistake!This move is 17.9 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 34.8 points.];W[oo](;B[no]C[Mistake!This move is 2.4 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 36.5 points.];W[on];B[in];W[jo];B[md](;W[gn]C[Mistake!This move is 0.3 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 34.8 points.](;B[fo]C[Mistake!This move is 3.3 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 38.1 points.];W[cc];B[cd];W[dd];B[ec](;W[bd]C[Mistake!This move is 4.8 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 36.1 points.];B[ce];W[mb](;B[hn]C[Mistake!This move is 2.3 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 36.2 points.];W[jk](;B[hl]C[Mistake!This move is 2.1 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 38.9 points.](;W[kc]C[Mistake!This move is 0.2 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 38.7 points.];B[kd];W[jc];B[jd];W[hb];B[gc];W[cb];B[nf];W[mh](;B[ni]C[Mistake!This move is 1.5 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 36.3 points.](;W[hc]C[Mistake!This move is 1.9 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 34.4 points.];B[hd];W[gd](;B[fd]C[Mistake!This move is 3.5 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 36.7 points.](;W[gb]C[Mistake!This move is 3.2 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 33.5 points.](;B[ge]C[Mistake!This move is 3.6 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 37.1 points.];W[ne];B[me];W[og];B[ng];W[nh];B[oh];W[lh];B[kh](;W[lg]C[Mistake!This move is 8.6 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 25.9 points.];B[of];W[pg](;B[pe]C[Mistake!This move is 16.2 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 52.0 points.];W[ki](;B[jj]C[Mistake!This move is 10.3 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 61.8 points.];W[ik](;B[ii]C[Mistake!This move is 9.1 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 63.6 points.](;W[kj]C[Mistake!This move is 19.5 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 44.0 points.];B[lj];W[jh](;B[ph]C[Mistake!This move is 4.2 points worse than the AI move.White is ahead by 72.0 points.];W[qg])(;B[jg]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 67.8 points.];W[ih];B[ij]))(;W[jh]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 63.6 points.];B[ij];W[kj];B[hk];W[lj]))(;B[ij]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 54.5 points.];W[mi];B[kj];W[nj]))(;B[mi]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 51.6 points.];W[pf];B[jj];W[mf]))(;B[ki]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 35.8 points.];W[pe];B[mf];W[io]))(;W[of]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 34.5 points.];B[lg];W[io];B[il]))(;B[pf]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 33.5 points.];W[fc];B[qg];W[rg]))(;W[og]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 36.7 points.];B[ng];W[nh]))(;B[gb]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 33.3 points.];W[ge];B[ee];W[ne]))(;W[og]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 36.3 points.];B[ng];W[nh]))(;B[lh]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 34.8 points.];W[nj];B[mg];W[mi]))(;W[ik]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 38.9 points.];B[qg];W[rg]))(;B[ik]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 36.7 points.];W[jj];B[lg];W[im]))(;B[qg]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 34.0 points.];W[rg];B[pf];W[pe]))(;W[jk]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 40.9 points.];B[jj];W[ik]))(;B[ik]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 34.8 points.];W[ce];B[cd]))(;W[ec]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 35.1 points.];B[dd];W[jk]))(;B[ik]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 34.1 points.];W[me];B[md];W[nd]))(;B[in]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 16.9 points.];W[jo];B[ik];W[cc]))(;B[mm]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 10.8 points.];W[ko];B[on];W[oo]))(;B[jn]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 3.9 points.];W[jm];B[im];W[mm]))(;B[jo]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 3.4 points.];W[kl];B[in];W[jk]))(;B[kn]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 3.8 points.];W[km];B[jn];W[jm]))(;W[kl]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 2.0 points.];B[jl];W[kn];B[jo]))(;B[kj]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 3.2 points.];W[km];B[ln]))(;W[ll]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 1.4 points.];B[ol];W[nl];B[mm]))(;B[qg]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 3.8 points.];W[rg];B[pf];W[pe]))(;B[ol]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 3.9 points.];W[nl];B[mm];W[lk]))(;W[ri]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 3.1 points.];B[pf];W[pl];B[ql]))(;B[ri]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 7.0 points.];W[po];B[km];W[rj]))(;B[on]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 9.2 points.];W[nn];B[oo];W[rm]))(;W[oi]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 4.6 points.];B[nj];W[ni];B[mj]))(;W[oi]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 6.1 points.];B[qk];W[nj];B[ok]))(;W[pj]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 5.6 points.];B[oj];W[oi];B[qk]))(;B[me]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 6.3 points.];W[de];B[ce]))(;W[he]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 4.2 points.];B[hd];W[ge];B[gd]))(;B[io]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 6.6 points.];W[fp];B[gq]))(;B[ip]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 6.3 points.];W[hh];B[ph];W[oj]))(;B[ih]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 9.0 points.];W[ce];B[de];W[cd]))(;W[hq]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 6.3 points.];B[io];W[hg];B[hi]))(;B[ir]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 8.0 points.];W[hr];B[hq];W[hp];B[gq];W[js]))(;B[lr]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 8.1 points.];W[mr];B[jr];W[ls];B[ir]))(;W[ir]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 3.9 points.];B[hg];W[ce];B[df]))(;B[jp]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 4.9 points.];W[ip];B[kp]))(;W[he]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 5.3 points.];B[hd];W[fe];B[ed]))(;B[lp]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 5.6 points.];W[jq];B[ro];W[rq]))(;B[ro]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 5.6 points.];W[rq];B[mp];W[lq];B[mc]))(;B[np]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 5.5 points.];W[pr];B[qo];W[rp];B[mc]))(;B[mc]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 5.1 points.];W[md];B[ld]))(;W[cr]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 1.2 points.];B[op];W[mq];B[qq];W[hp]))(;W[cr]C[I would play here.Black is ahead by 0.3 points.];B[op];W[er];B[fr]))(;W[dr]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 0.6 points.];B[op];W[oq];B[nq]))(;B[pf]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 0.2 points.];W[pg];B[of];W[qd];B[qc]))(;W[cm]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 0.2 points.];B[nd];W[md];B[ne]))(;W[qc]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 0.2 points.];B[pc];W[qd];B[pe]))(;W[dp]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 0.3 points.];B[oq];W[po]))(;B[dp]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 0.0 points.];W[dd];B[cc];W[dc]))(;W[dd]C[I would play here.White is ahead by 0.2 points.];B[cc];W[cd]))

Jonas W (6D)    Severin (3D)
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