(;FF[4]GM[1]SZ[19]ST[2]CA[UTF-8]AP[SGFC:1.17]PB[elvard]BR[3k]PW[taihou]WR[2k]KM[6.5]DT[2010-04-24]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]RE[W+Resign]TM[1200]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]RU[Japanese]C[Hi there.My questions are: How to build effectively moyo and then convert it into real territory?In this game, I build huge moyo, but faild to defend it, then I faild to make invasion.-------Hi Thomas,I'm Dieter Verhofstadt, 2 dan from Belgium. My comments are preceded by dv.This is indeed an interesting game for instructions about moyo building and conversion.];B[qd];W[dp];B[pp];W[dc];B[fq];W[cn];B[ip];W[de];B[kd]C[Is this possible ? I want to reduce influence of white's shimary and also build my own moyo, so I didn't want to go further (K17 or something like that)dv: this is a very natural move, being a big extension for both corners.];W[id];B[oc]LB[pj:A]C[I want to secure corner and take certain cashdv: Not a bad move at all. I'd may have played the fast development at A here.];W[qj];B[ql]LB[qh:B][qq:A]C[Extending from weaker side. Is it right approach here ?dv: It is definitely a good move. After the invasion at A, the extension may be small. So B instead of this move was also good.];W[qg];B[pq]LB[ql:A]C[dv: Very good move! It cooperates very well with A, as explained in the previous move.];W[gn]C[Interesting pivot point, I missed that...dv: Well, we'd all like to play two moves in a row. You did not miss it, he just took his sente to play there.And then again, the way White builds the left side is too thin. Your positions are stable, so it is the right time to invade. See the variations.](;B[in]C[But I took this one and was satisfieddv: This move develops a moyo which is already defined. That is big. The left side however is largely open and not very well defined yet. In my opinion it is more urgent to play there.](;W[gp]C[dv: See variation.];B[gq];W[qe]LB[rd:A]C[dv: Technically I'd reply A here, since the attaching stone already has nearby support.];B[pe];W[re];B[pf];W[rd];B[ok]C[I gave up corner to build large moyodv: OK, tenuki is always powerful. Again, your moyo is large already and the left side begs for attention.];W[qc];B[pd];W[pg](;B[hl]LB[cj:A]C[This move, should I play it on C13?dv: Yes! Any of the invasion points on the third line will do. Perhaps A is now best, since the bottom left is weaker than the top.];W[dj]LB[dj:A]SQ[ok][hl]C[dv: The squared marked moves have concentrated on expanding the moyo, while the left side was to be developed. If White lives in your moyo, they risk becoming neutral. The White move A has a much higher potential for being purposeful.];B[jf]LB[cd:A][cg:B]C[dv: I believe now an invasion is urgent.];W[kc];B[lc];W[jc];B[ld];W[fj];B[hf];W[gd];B[jd];W[ic];B[fl];W[dl]C[dv: this exchange takes away potential points in the centre for White, but it severely reduces the potential for an invasion on the left side.];B[ij]LB[cg:A][lh:B]TR[ja][ra][jb][rb][bd][cd][ed][fd][rf][ri][si][aj][bj][cj][aq][bq][cq]C[Now, I have very large moyo, but I wasn't sure, if I can make there as many points as white has on the left side...dv: Correct observation. Let's make a calculation here.1) The triangles mark White territory which is pretty much secure.27 UL + 16 LL + 12 UR + 6 komi = 61There is a remaining potential at A which we cut in half = 9An estimated 70 points for White2)The bottom moyo has a potential of about 80 points. It can still be invaded.Black's UR has a potential of 16The zone in between, around B, represents some more potential.I would estimate Black's effective territory at 55 to 60 points.So, Black MUST keep the majority of his moyo to win this game. The game thus favours White. This is the consequence of giving White easy development on the left, in return for the ambitious moves in the centre. However, invading that moyo is not easy at all and White may easily die doing so.];W[rk];B[rl];W[jo]C[Here comes finally white and battle begins. Any move I made wrong please comment. I was trying to play solid moves, just taking away eye space as I was sure, I can hold it];B[io];W[nq];B[lq]C[dv: very good];W[mq];B[lp];W[jk]C[dv: Here you get a chance to seal the moyo. I present two ways, a grand way and a modest way.](;B[jj];W[mk]C[dv: This is a nice move for White to have. His forces are showing signs of combining.];B[oi];W[kj];B[kl];W[ll];B[km];W[mm];B[nl]C[This maybe wasn't good, but I want to take away ponuki shape];W[nm](;B[om]C[dv: This is not a good technique. When you allow White to hane against your stones, he will automatically make eyespace while putting pressure. See var.];W[on];B[pn];W[oo]C[Now I had problemsb];B[mo];W[po];B[qn];W[no];B[qo];W[mi];B[og];W[kk];B[kh];W[lh];B[nh];W[ki];B[jh];W[nj];B[lj];W[oj];B[pj];W[ni];B[pi];W[lr];B[kr];W[ms];B[or];W[nr](;B[ml];W[nk];B[ol];W[lm](;B[lk]C[dv: interesting! I did not see that.];W[oq];B[op];W[np];B[ln];W[pr]C[Oponent give up his stones and live];B[qr];W[os];B[nn];W[dr]LB[rh:B][rr:A]C[Now I was sure, I'm loosing as left side is very big. how to reduce? Or mistake was in my strategy to build big moyo?dv: You fought very well and captured an enormous centre. Compared to the reference, you lost sente and this move is worth a lot of points. But the game cannot be lost at this stage. You have about 80 points now (due to A the corner is small). White has increased his prospects from 70 to 80. White has issues at B];B[qf];W[rf];B[cg]C[dv: The invasion is logical and sound. If you get anything out of this, however small, you have a good chance to win.];W[dh];B[be];W[cd];B[bd];W[bc];B[dg];W[eg];B[ch]C[Long fight follows, I appreciate any comments];W[ci];B[eh];W[di];B[ef];W[fg](;B[df]C[dv: see var];W[ff](;B[ee]C[dv: see var];W[ce]C[dv: strong move by White];B[bi];W[bj];B[fe];W[ge];B[gf];W[fh](;B[ec]C[dv: see var];W[bf];B[db];W[fb];B[fc];W[gb];B[eb];W[bg];B[gc];W[hb];B[cb];W[cc];B[bb];W[bh];B[ie];W[hd];B[ab];W[ea](;B[ia]C[dv: See var.];W[lb];B[mb];W[kb];B[la];W[ib];B[ja];W[ka];B[ma];W[da];B[fa];W[ga];B[ca];W[cf];B[fd];W[ac];B[fa];W[ea];B[he];W[ba];B[ha];W[dd]C[I was hoping for seki, but I'm dead];B[rh]C[dv: good move];W[rg];B[da];W[fa];B[qi];W[pb]C[dv: White leads by about 10 points now.];B[en];W[gk];B[gl];W[hk];B[ik];W[em];B[fn];W[ep];B[er];W[cq];B[dn];W[dm];B[fp];W[fm];B[gm];W[eq];B[qs];W[ps];B[qq];W[fr];B[gr];W[es];B[ks];W[gs](;B[hs];W[fs];B[fk];W[gj];B[ek];W[fo]LB[ok:B][hl:A]C[I tried to get maximum points in endgame, but as you see, I failed also.dv: You did very well and I believe your analysis of this game is correct. Your moyo was a little too "constructed" while White's development on the left was more natural. You killed him bigtime in the centre but still the game was slightly to his advantage. There were some calmer alternatives, concentrating on sente. You put up another good fight in the upper left, but missed chances to live, I believe.If you like moyo games you must of course study the way Takemyia builds moyos while maintaining a constant pressure on the opponent. Moves like A and B expand the moyo but nothing else.Have fun!])(;B[is]C[elvard [3k]: sorry]))(;B[lb];W[kb];B[fa];W[ga];B[ia];W[ka];B[da];W[ba]C[dv: A very complex fight, which we will not analyze here. White has the advantage, with the big eye, but there is also the ko.]))(;B[bf];W[bh];B[bg];W[ai];B[ec];W[eb];B[fc];W[fb];B[gc];W[hb];B[hd];W[he];B[hc];W[ie];B[gb];W[ga]LB[ib:A]C[dv: next A works]))(;B[bi];W[bj];B[ah];W[bg];B[bf];W[ad];B[ag]LB[ae:A][ce:B]))(;B[bi];W[bj];B[ah];W[bg];B[bf];W[ad];B[ag];W[ae];B[df]LB[ce:B][ff:A]))(;B[oq]))(;B[oq]C[I should force here, right ?]))(;B[no]C[dv: cut off stones with eye potential, divide his forces while making territoryNOTE: take the end of this variation as a reference];W[om];B[pn]C[dv: connect and make territory];W[pk];B[pl];W[ol];B[pj];W[qk];B[og];W[nk](;B[ki]C[dv A soft but steady way.];W[oj];B[ni];W[pi];B[cq]C[REFERENCE])(;B[oj]C[dv: A severe way])))(;B[lk]C[dv: White's forces are undefined.])(;B[no]C[dv: this modest capture of the invasion stones, connecting all your own stones, takes an effective territory of about 50 points. White is still weak everywhere.]))(;B[og];W[oh];B[ng];W[pi];B[nh];W[ni];B[mk]C[Is it better for black ?]))(;W[ci]LB[ci:A][in:B]C[dv: Suppose we invert A and B. So A is Black and B is White. Do you feel happier here or in the inverted situation?I would prefer to have a stone in that wide area than expanding mine. I encourage your positive building approach though. It's just that the left side is too big now to give the first move to your opponent.]))(;B[ch]C[invasion 1];W[cj];B[be];W[cd];B[eh]LB[cq:A]C[dv: Black has one weak group, but it is light. With A still open, White's territorial prospects are reduced.])(;B[cj]C[invasion 2];W[ch];B[cm];W[dm];B[cl];W[bn];B[ek])(;B[ci]C[invasion 3];W[ck];B[cg];W[ce];B[fh]))

taihou    elvard
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