(;CA[UTF-8]CA[gb2312]AP[MultiGo:4.4.3]SZ[19]C[Commentary: Wang Lei 8p,Source: Sports Weekly,Edited and translated by GoGameWorld.com.]EV[16th LG Cup round 1]DT[2011-06-13]PC[South Korea]PB[Piao Wenyao]BR[9p]PW[Park Junghwan]WR[9p]KM[6.5]RE[B+R]SO[http://e.titan24.com/ttzbhtml/20110615/57217.html]MULTIGOGM[1];B[pd];W[dd];B[pq];W[dp];B[qk];W[gq];B[cf]C[The opening from B1 to B7 is common.];W[di];B[fc];W[df];B[cc];W[dc];B[cd];W[de];B[ce];W[cg];B[db];W[np];B[po];W[oq];B[pr];W[nn];B[pm];W[co]C[W24: Black is relatively affordable in the top-left corner joseki.];B[ko]LB[kq:a]C[The invasion of B25 adequately shows Piao Wenyao's style, steady, harmonious, leaving opponents some room for maneuver. It is afraid that aggressive players normally don't allow White connect at 'a'.];W[kq];B[mo];W[lp]LB[lq:a]C[W28 is necessary order, to guard against Black's tactic at 'a'.];B[lo];W[no];B[ip];W[iq]LB[hp:a]C[W32: Park Junghwan decides to defend and perhaps he is happy with the result, otherwise for White to make diagonal at 'a' is more positive.];B[hp];W[hq];B[hm]C[B35: Black fixes shape, White's efficiency at bottom is not high, Black appears more vivid and interesting.];W[nc];B[ob];W[kd];B[eb];W[fm];B[ch];W[bg];B[dh];W[dg]C[W44: After W36 and W38, White attacks with W40, White's playing sequence is questionable, since the clamp of B41 is a good move. With W42 White is reluctant to tolerate at 44. However as for the counterattacking result, White plays near Black's iron head of B39, White is very painful and starts to sink into passivity.With W36 White can directly attack with W40, or with W38 White can first play hane at 39, White would be much better off.];B[eh];W[ge];B[ck];W[gk];B[gh];W[hd];B[ek]C[B51: Black easily achieves safety.];W[ik];B[hj]C[B53 is good sequence.];W[hl];B[gm];W[fl];B[fn]C[B57: White counterattacks with W54, however this helps Black fix shape with B55 and B57, the counterattack of W54 is ineffective.];W[dl];B[dk];W[en];B[fo];W[im];B[in];W[jn];B[jm];W[il];B[jo]C[B67: Black handles the bottom well, White clearly fails and gains nothing by attacking from W40. Black establishes superiority.];W[pf];B[qf]LB[qe:a]C[B69 is strong. For Black to make diagonal at 'a' is also interesting move, since if White blocks at 69 next, there will be no difference if White makes high or low corner approach. If White doesn't block down at 69, Black can crawl at 69 and it is also very big.];W[pc]LB[qg:a]C[W70 is the only counterattack. If White simply plays hane at 'a', it is not enough for White to turn the situation around.];B[oc];W[od];B[qd];W[qg];B[pg];W[of];B[nd]C[B77 is light and nimble.];W[oe];B[mc];W[qe];B[rc];W[rd];B[qc];W[rf]C[Through W84, Black normally will incur loss, but now Black's configuration on the right side is very solid, White's ponnuki is not so powerful, Black can fight.];B[kn]C[B85 is thick and big, it is Piao Wenyao's style.];W[gp];B[go];W[cl];B[eo];W[bl];B[bk];W[fg];B[fh];W[ig];B[hc];W[ic];B[gd];W[hb];B[gc];W[he];B[jc];W[ib];B[hg];W[if];B[kc];W[jd];B[ih];W[ad];B[ae];W[be];B[ac];W[fk];B[ld]C[From B95 to B113, Black doesn't gain much locally but speeds up settling the shape and simplifying the situation.];W[bb]LB[fa:a]C[W114 is tesuji, making W 'a' sente.];B[cb];W[af];B[bc];W[gb];B[fb];W[ep];B[cn];W[bn];B[dn];W[em];B[do];W[bp];B[rh]C[B127: Black grabs the last big endgame. The board still seems broad, however Black's 10-point advantage already can't be changed.];W[qh];B[qi];W[pi];B[qj];W[fj];B[ej];W[jh];B[bh];W[le];B[mi];W[or];B[os];W[ns];B[ps];W[mr];B[me];W[ne];B[md];W[mf];B[lf];W[ke];B[mg];W[nf];B[jb];W[mb];B[nb];W[lb];B[lc];W[ja];B[ka];W[ia];B[kb];W[lh];B[li];W[mh];B[nh];W[kh];B[ni];W[ng];B[sd];W[se];B[re];W[ah];B[sf];W[pl];B[qm];W[oj];B[ff];W[fe];B[eg];W[ri];B[rj];W[bi];B[ci];W[sg];B[ef];W[ee];B[pe];W[qf];B[mp];W[se];B[lq];W[mq];B[kp];W[kr];B[sf];W[fa];B[ba];W[se];B[fp];W[fq];B[sf];W[ll];B[mk];W[se];B[ml];W[rd];B[sc];W[si];B[sj];W[sh];B[ol];W[lk];B[oh];W[ph];B[ok];W[pj];B[pk];W[nj];B[mj];W[pp];B[qp];W[op];B[on];W[ii];B[re];W[gi];B[sf];W[qq];B[qr];W[se];B[hh];W[hi];B[sf];W[rq];B[rr];W[se];B[jj];W[jl];B[sf];W[fi];B[ei];W[se];B[kj];W[ij];B[sf];W[oo];B[qo];W[se];B[km])

Park Junghwan    Piao Wenyao
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