(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]DT[2011-02-27]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/];B[qd];W[dp];B[qp];W[dd];B[pj]LB[nc:B][nd:C][od:A]TR[pj]C[Here is an interesting opening to try. The idea is to make it a little harder for white to approach your corners, and also threaten to complete a mini chinese on one side to create a big moyo.If white plays A the marked stone is in a good position for a pincer.If B and C are similar.There are many variations to try here of course, try out some other moves and see what you can come up with!](;W[od];B[ld](;W[of]C[If W plays normally, it's no good.];B[qf];W[oh];B[pg];W[og];B[hc])(;W[qe];B[re];W[pe];B[rf];W[qc];B[rc];W[pd];B[rd](;W[ph]C[Normally W will play here, but it's not good here.];B[pg];W[og];B[pf];W[of];B[oh]C[W has problems.])(;W[og];B[qb];W[id];B[lg]C[It will lead to a large fight, q10 is in a nice position for fighting.])))(;W[nc];B[od]C[You can build a large moyo.];W[pb];B[nd];W[mc];B[md];W[lc];B[ke];W[ic];B[kq])(;W[nd];B[od];W[oc];B[oe];W[pc];B[qc];W[kc];B[kq]LB[md:A][ne:B]C[Later you can play A or B.];W[dj](;B[ne];W[md];B[lf])(;B[md](;W[mc];B[ne];W[nc];B[kf])(;W[ne]C[W might resist.];B[mc];W[nc]C[Could be a complicated fight.]))))

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