(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Harry]PB[Ben];B[qd];W[dc];B[pq];W[oc];B[cp];W[po];B[pe];W[qq];B[qm](;W[oq]C[Overplay because of R7.];B[pp];W[qp];B[op];W[pr]C[Black can't Atari because.... (See variation)](;B[oo];W[or];B[qo];W[pn]C[Here is the problem, Black to play! It is difficult I think. It should be done in your head, completely until the final result. This time I succeeded.Click 7 more moves to see the answer after attempting yourself.];B[aa];W[ba];B[ca];W[da];B[ea];W[fa];B[qr];W[rr];B[rq](;W[rp];B[ro];W[sq];B[om];W[on];B[nn];W[no];B[np];W[nm];B[mo]C[White can't N6 because of Black's Ko threat at T4.];W[pm];B[pl];W[ol];B[qn];W[om];B[pk]C[White's corner is just 9 points, very small, so the result outside is extremely good for Black I believe. Feel free to see the next few moves...I don't know for sure that this is the best sequence, but I feel extremely confident about it. Black is clearly a whole lot better off.];W[ln]LB[mn:A][kp:B]C[Maybe B is safer.];B[mn];W[mm];B[lm];W[lp]C[Very interesting and splendid move, changes everything.];B[lo];W[kn];B[ko];W[ll];B[km];W[jn];B[jm];W[jo];B[kp](;W[jp];B[jq];W[iq];B[kq])(;W[mk];B[im];W[jp];B[jq];W[iq];B[kq];W[ho];B[ok];W[nk];B[ir]C[This is SHOULD HAVE been exchanged before playign Tenuki, because White J2 would be Sente to make a Ko on the bottom.];W[hq];B[kk]C[In the actual game, I did not exchange J2.];W[mi];B[ji]LB[oh:A]C[I saw too much weakness in any faster shape, or anything on the L line, but this move feels slightly off.Next, White descended to J2, but Black played Tenuki for the nice, multi-purposed move at A. White M3 caused a Ko and black lost at least whatever advantage he had from the original position, because white got to destroy Black's center shape (Black ended up with a large 15 points on the bottom though, and Sente.]))(;W[qs]C[This kind of resistance looks sad.];B[rp];W[qr](;B[qn]C[W and black can run away togerther, but White's corner only has one point right now!])(;B[om]C[I always think about this kind of thing! let's take a look!];W[qn];B[ro](;W[rn];B[rm];W[sq];B[pm];W[sp];B[on];W[so]C[Black seems better off!! White only 12 points and Gote.])(;W[pm];B[pl](;W[rm](;B[ql];W[rn];B[rl];W[sq];B[on];W[sp]C[Black still looks okay to me, but not as good as before, because of the cut.])(;B[rn];W[ql];B[on];W[qm];B[qk];W[pk];B[ol];W[rk];B[qj];W[rj];B[sm];W[rl];B[qi]C[Bad for black? Or still playable? ^^ White's territory is not even 20.];W[ri];B[qh];W[rh]))(;W[ql];B[rm];W[ol];B[pk];W[on];B[nm];W[nn];B[rn];W[mm];B[nl];W[mn];B[nk])))))(;B[or];W[nq];B[qr];W[ps];B[qs];W[no];B[qo];W[np];B[os];W[pr];B[ps];W[oo];B[pr];W[qn];B[ro];W[rn];B[rp];W[pm]C[Bad for black...]))(;W[pp];B[oq];W[rp]C[Expected result...]))