(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00]PW[white]PB[black];B[dp];W[qp];B[dc];W[pc](;B[oq]LB[ce:A]C[A move for black would have been a peaceful game](;W[ce](;B[dh]LB[jd:B][qe:F][qj:C][ck:E][po:D][jp:A]C[double space pincer is a common move (and important for both players)A : seems to be Gote (and not urgent) white can play the five space extension at E (because this side is the most important one for both)B : not good for black because white would flatten (=applatir in french) black (see variation)C : is not good either because white would play at C after black A (black can also flatten white with D)F : is not the most valuable move](;W[gc]C[(Two against one = you should not tenuki)](;B[de](;W[op](;B[np];W[oo];B[pq];W[qq](;B[kq];W[nq];B[mq];W[nr];B[mr];W[no];B[mp]C[black is somehow overconcentrated and white has prepared the ladder];W[dd];B[ed];W[cd]C[what is black better defense ?](;B[fc]C[this move can ](;W[cc];B[gd]C[white right side is still open](;W[pi](;B[pe]C[middle game invasion];W[nd]C[black should not play near Q11 because this stone is alone and weaker](;B[ne];W[md];B[qc];W[qb];B[qd];W[rb];B[kd]C[black is not satisfied so he is pushing white outside (is that reasonable ?)];W[me];B[nf]C[black weak group is getting strong](;W[mh]C[white does not need to jump (tobi) beacause he is not in danger];B[qg]C[black has to make a base of life];W[qh];B[pg];W[oh];B[mj]C[how can white attack this single strange stone ?](;W[ln];B[oj];W[rh];B[rg];W[qk];B[nm];W[ll];B[pl](;W[ql];B[kj];W[re];B[mf];W[lf];B[nh];W[ni];B[ng]C[white has too many cutting points];W[nj]C[so white tries to be more agressive toward black];B[mi]LB[mk:A]C[black can't play A because white would connect (no other cutting points) and black groups would be separate];W[nk];B[le];W[kf]C[single (cutting stone) is important];B[lc];W[mb];B[lh];W[jd]C[three black stones are weaker than the two white cutting stones];B[ke];W[je];B[jc](;W[ic](;B[id];W[hd];B[ie];W[jf](;B[if]C[black has to keep some pressure on white.He can't play A beacause he is short in liberties];W[ge]C[white uses a forcing move];B[ib];W[hc](;B[jg];W[jb];B[kc];W[ee];B[fe];W[df];B[ff]C[easy Ko for white];W[fd];B[oc];W[od];B[gd];W[ig];B[kg];W[fd];B[pd];W[pb];B[gd];W[fg];B[ef];W[fd];B[de];W[eg];B[gf];W[hf]C[everything is over for black])(;B[ig]C[black should play softly even if white can leave easily];W[jb];B[kc];W[ee]))(;B[he];W[jb];B[kc];W[ib]C[five liberties for white and four for black]))(;B[jf];W[if];B[jg];W[jb];B[kc];W[hd];B[ge];W[he]C[not engouh for black]))(;W[jf];B[hc]C[if white connects, bllack has no more trouble and the five white stones are in danger]))(;W[lj]C[white can seal off black inside];B[ql];W[pk];B[ok];W[og]C[black has two weak groups and white has fixed is connection problem]))(;W[re]C[can white kill black ? (not now and loose forcing moves)];B[rf];W[rd];B[rc];W[sc];B[sd];W[sb];B[qe];W[se];B[rh]C[black has too many forcing moves to make life]))(;W[ni];B[mf]LB[qg:A]C[black turn even if white plays A];W[ke];B[jd]C[black says thanks]))(;B[qc];W[qb];B[qd];W[rb];B[qg];W[rh];B[ng];W[kc]C[white has some territory and black is ahead outsideIs this situation good for black ?];B[dn]C[Yes, because black is sente])(;B[lc](;W[of];B[qg];W[pg];B[qh];W[qi];B[qc];W[qb];B[qd](;W[rb]C[white can't play this];B[oc])(;W[ob];B[ph];W[oh];B[ri];W[rj];B[rh];W[qk];B[le]C[black live inside and has benefit outside too]))(;W[mc];B[ld]C[more benefit for black];W[of];B[qc];W[qb];B[rb];W[qd];B[rc];W[pd];B[pb];W[ob];B[qa])))(;B[nd];W[pe]C[white enclose the corner];B[kd])(;B[md];W[pe];B[jd])(;B[mc];W[pe];B[jd]C[black has no time to play this because left side is still open])(;B[ld](;W[pe]C[white can't do that];B[dn])(;W[nc]C[too slow for white])))(;W[qe];B[qj]C[it's easy for black to live with white shimari]))(;W[gd];B[cc]C[black is happy]))(;B[ee];W[ec](;B[fc];W[eb];B[fb];W[db];B[gd]C[even for both player : white has a huge corner and black influence outside])(;B[eb]C[black can try to save the corner];W[fc];B[cc];W[bc];B[bb];W[bd];B[ab];W[bh]))(;B[eb];W[fc]C[focing move ?];B[ec]C[white seems heavy](;W[df];B[ee])(;W[dg];B[eh];W[ee])(;W[cg];B[ch];W[eg];B[ee];W[dg];B[bc]C[black take the corner and white has two weak groups])))(;B[no];W[nn]LB[dd:A]C[white still have the ladder breaker (see variation with white A)])(;B[cd];W[lp](;B[no];W[nn];B[mo]C[heavy and painful for black to escape like this])(;B[lr](;W[mq];B[mr];W[nq];B[nr];W[jp]C[it's ok for black to be cut];B[kp];W[ko];B[kq];W[lo]C[white sepnd many moves for small benefit])(;W[no];B[jq];W[pi]C[most valuable move];B[kc]LB[gc:B][ce:A]C[now we can ask white why he spend two moves at A and B ?]))))(;B[cd]C[if black tenuki, situation is better for white];W[pq]))(;W[df];B[ee];W[cd];B[cc]C[white is heavy])(;W[dd](;B[ed];W[cd]C[black is not confortable])(;B[cd];W[ed];B[cc]C[ladder work for black])))(;B[ed];W[jd];B[cd];W[pe]C[not really good for black]))(;W[pe];B[cn];W[gc];B[ed];W[jd];B[cd]C[very painful for white])(;W[df]C[let's see this answer];B[fd]C[black save the single stone](;W[bc];B[jc]LB[cb:B][cc:A]C[very simple and common josekibetter than A variation in this case because white can play at B laterA is suitable when white is in danger])(;W[cc];B[cb];W[dd];B[ec];W[bc];B[jc];W[cj]C[if white tries to squeeze black, black is not going to split (in this case];B[cm]C[black will squeeze white instead];W[ch]C[white would ask himself why he played the contact move joseki at the beginning])(;W[cj]C[white can see what black is going to do](;B[bh]C[if black split white stones];W[cc];B[cb];W[dd];B[ec];W[bc];B[jc];W[cm])(;B[cm]C[black can choose to squeeze first];W[ch];B[cd]C[better for black]))))(;B[jd];W[ed];B[ec];W[fd];B[gc]))(;W[lp]C[white pincer is locally good but he would have some trouble];B[on];W[qm];B[jp]))(;B[ci];W[nq];B[qj];W[jd]C[black chineese opening is not good in this case :white can develop is territory better than black];AE[dc][pc][jd][ci][qj][qp][nq]AW[pq];B[dc];W[pc]C[In this case black can choose the chineese opening];B[ci];W[qn];B[jp];W[pe];B[jd]C[black situation is good]))
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