(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00]PW[white]PB[black];B[pc];W[pe];B[nd];W[qc];B[qb];W[qd]C[black has two ways to answer](;B[ob]LB[qh:A][qi:B]C[black plays here to develop the top sidewhite can now play A or B](;W[qh];AE[ob][qb][qd][qh];B[qd]C[What if black hanes the other side ?];W[pd];B[rc]LB[oc:A]C[black does not answer A indeed ];W[qb](;B[oc](;W[rd];B[qe];W[re];B[qf];W[rb];B[pf]C[black give up the corner to take the outside])(;W[rb];B[qe];W[qf];B[rf];W[qg];B[rg](;W[qh];B[rd]C[white corner is dead ])(;W[re];B[rd];W[se];B[sf];W[rh];B[sd];W[ph];B[sb]C[white corner still dead])(;W[sc]C[what about atari this way ?];B[rd];W[sd];B[re];W[qh];B[rh];W[qi];B[ri];W[qj];B[se];W[sb];B[pb]C[white is missing liberties]))(;W[qe];B[rd];W[rb];B[re];W[rf](;B[qf];W[rg]C[how can black continue ?];B[qg];W[qh];B[of];W[se]C[no ways ...])(;B[rg](;W[sf];B[qf]C[not good for white])(;W[qf];B[sf]C[how can white manage this ?];W[se];B[sd];W[sb];B[sg];W[qh];B[ri];W[rh];B[sh];W[qi];B[rj];W[sc];B[se];W[qk]C[black is heavy];B[rk];AB[qm]C[even with a stone here, white can take black stones];W[si]))))(;B[rb];W[qe];B[rd];W[oc];B[pb];W[ob];B[qa];W[od]C[this resukt is good for white])(;B[pb](;W[rd];B[qe];W[re];B[qf];W[rb];B[pf]LB[rf:A]C[white has a small corner and black has still A sente])(;W[qe];B[rd];W[oc];B[ob];W[nc];B[od];W[mc]C[white does not need to worry about being cut because black has to make a last move on the corner ...];B[nf]C[if not ...];W[rb];B[sb];W[ra]C[black is on trouble])))(;W[qi];B[of]C[the difference between white two spaces jump and three spaces jump is :black can get this sente afterwards and develop his moyo on the top side];W[qg]))(;B[rb]C[black usually plays here to take the corner and not to develop the top side];W[qi]LB[rb:F][lc:E][se:B][of:C][qg:D][qh:A]C[white never plays at A because black can play B and white does not get much territoryin this situation, white is not afraid of black exchange C to D because white still has EFuthermore, black choose the joseki to take the territory, so it would be meaningless (or too slow) at the beginning to take side and corner at the same time]))
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