(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00]PW[white]PB[black];AW[ba][da][bb][cb][ec][fc][cd][dd]AB[ab][gb][ib][bc][hc][bd][ed][fd][gd][ce][de]C[What is white situation ? Alive - Ko or Dead ?](;B[fa];W[ea];B[dc];W[cc];B[eb]C[white is dead];AE[ba][da][ea][fa][ab][bb][cb][eb][gb][ib][bc][cc][dc][ec][fc][hc][bd][cd][dd][ed][fd][gd][ce][de]AB[pd];W[dp];B[oq]LB[de:C][pj:A][fq:B]C[this move can only lead to enclose the corner with a keima after white takes the last corner(Black can also try something like A)But if black plays a komoku, he can choose to enclose the corner or to play B or C];W[dc];B[qp];W[qj];B[ce];W[ed];B[cc];W[cb](;B[bd]C[this joseki is for territory];W[df];B[ch](;W[cf]LB[jc:A]C[white should have played A];B[de];W[ee];B[bf];W[ef]C[white can't tenuki because black will cut and force white to play a bad move (aki sankaku = angle vide)];B[jc]C[But now, white wall is not efficient];W[nc](;B[gc](;W[qf];B[pf];W[pg];B[qe];W[of];B[pe](;W[ne];B[qg];W[ph]TR[qj]SQ[gc][jc]C[black takes the stone and this is joseki,but white does not have the marked stone in the josekiFuthermore, the two space black stones are not really in danger, even with the two big walls of white];B[qh];W[qi];B[rf];W[cj];B[ci];W[dj];B[eh];W[he];B[je];W[hg]LB[jg:A][og:B]C[black is no more in danger because he can easily jump with A or cut with B];AE[cb][cc][dc][gc][jc][nc][bd][ed][pd][ce][de][ee][he][je][ne][pe][qe][bf][cf][df][ef][of][pf][rf][hg][pg][qg][ch][eh][ph][qh][ci][qi][cj][dj][qj][dp][qp][oq];B[pd];W[dp];B[qq];W[dc];B[de];W[ce];B[cf];W[cd];B[fq];W[dn](;B[np];W[cj];B[gf]C[black means I do not worry about being cut (the ladder is good for him)Futhermore, we can see that black want to play a moyo game];W[gc]LB[ed:3][gd:1][df:2]SQ[hd]C[black can play at the square intersection and have influence after white low move.But if white plays 1, the exchange 2 - 3 is good for black because his stones are connected (less weak) and white seems to be overconcentrated];B[gn]LB[pj:E][qk:A][gn:C][fo:D][jp:B]C[where should white play ?If white plays A, black will want to fix his weakness at the bottomand so B, would be good.But if we look at the entire board, we will prefer to have C at DIf black wanted to play a moyo game, he should play C at E];AE[dc][gc][cd][pd][ce][de][cf][gf][cj][dn][gn][dp][np][fq][qq]AB[qd];W[od];B[qf];W[qc];B[pc];W[pd];B[qb];W[rc](;B[rd](;W[oc];B[pb];W[ob];B[rb];W[kc];AW[ep][fp][fq][jq]AB[cn][cp][dq][eq]LB[oh:A][fm:B][er:D][fr:C]C[compare A corner to B corner for blackand the exchange C - D is painful for white];AB[hq][lq]C[in the bottom situation, black can invade white group](;W[hp];B[iq];W[ip];B[jr])(;W[ip];B[hp];W[ho];B[hr]SQ[fr][jr]C[black connection is miai]))(;W[pb]C[bad idea for white];B[oc];W[rb];B[nc];W[nd];B[mc];W[md];B[lc]LB[qa:A][ra:B][sc:C]C[if white plays elsewhere, the corner is dead with black A to C]))(;B[pe]C[We can think about this move](;W[oc];B[pb](;W[ob];B[rb]C[at the end, white has one more liberties than the original situation])(;W[rb]C[If white has the ladder];B[ob];W[nb];B[nc];W[mb];B[nd]))(;W[pb];B[oc];W[ob];B[nc];W[rb];B[ne];W[rd];B[qe]TR[md][of]C[now corner is safe and white has senteand two kikashi moves for white])))(;B[dg](;W[fc];B[cl]LB[ck:A][cn:C][fq:B]TR[dn][dp]C[A is joseki for black, but the position of white marked stones can let black pressure with 3That's why professionnel players prefer to answer C after the approach BPlus, white does not have time to attack B stone])(;W[ck]C[what about this one ?];B[ec];W[eb];B[dd];W[cb];B[fc];W[fb];B[gc]C[situation seems ok for black])(;AE[dg][dn];W[cm]LB[fc:B][dg:A][ch:D][ck:C]C[white ogeima after black approach, the sequence A to C is not good for black because white can invade at D];B[df];W[fc];B[cj]TR[fq]C[later, black can take the san - san pointor white can enclose the corner or squeeze black marked stone])))(;W[qg]C[compare to another shape];B[nd];W[md];B[ne];W[ob];B[pb];W[pc];B[qc];W[oc];B[qb];W[lc]))(;W[pf]C[another joseki(better for white)](;B[nd];W[md];B[ne];W[oc](;B[pe];W[qb];B[qf];W[qm]C[this situation is much better for whiteblack wanted to develop right side, but white has already two stonesand black is a bit heavy on the right top corner])(;B[pc]C[black can't play this joseki, because white will cut and black will loose the semiai];W[od];B[oe];W[pe];B[mc];W[pb];B[qb];W[ob]LB[mb:B][rc:A]C[black A or B, white can capture black stones]))(;B[oe];W[qc];B[pc];W[qd]C[this joseki gives white a bigger corner])))(;B[oc];W[nd];B[pf]LB[gc:B][je:A]C[white can't play A, because black can be alive with B];W[hc];B[je];W[nf];B[jg]C[this result is much better for black]))(;W[jc];B[de];W[ee];B[ef];W[dg]LB[bf:A]C[no worries of being cut, because white has a sente move at A]))(;B[cd];W[eb];B[ch]LB[df:A]C[another josekiA does not work anymore for white]))(;B[eb];W[fb](;B[fa];W[db]C[white is alive])(;B[dc];W[cc];B[fa];W[db]C[same situation (white is alive)])))
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