(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00]PW[white]PB[black];B[pd];W[dd];B[pq];W[dp];B[fq];W[po];B[pl];W[lp]C[Joseki 1trick move](;B[oo];W[on];B[no];W[pp];B[nq];W[qq];B[oq];W[qn];B[qr];W[rq]C[black get tricked :white stone is too far and on fourth line];AE[pl][on][qn][no][oo][lp][pp][nq][oq][qq][rq][qr]C[Joseki 2];B[pl];W[qq];B[qr](;W[qp];B[or];W[no];B[mp]C[black is in the fourth lineSo if white wants the corner, he should jump first (see next joseki)];AE[no][mp][qp][qq][or][qr]C[Joseki 3];W[no](;B[mq];W[qq];B[qr];W[lo];B[kp];W[fp](;B[gp];W[gq];B[er];W[eq];B[fr];W[dr];B[fo];W[ep];B[hq];W[go];B[hp];W[fn]C[not good for white even with a big corner because black gains are even but white four stones can be attacked];AE[fn][fo][go][lo][no][ep][fp][gp][hp][kp][eq][gq][hq][mq][qq][dr][er][fr][qr]C[Joseki 4];W[mo];B[nq]LB[mq:A]C[Black A is more weaker (white can tenuki after san-san exchange)];W[lp]C[This move is not good in this situationblack is not weak, so he can play elsewhereEven if he plays some moves on the corner, it would be at the third line, so it is not interesting for him.](;B[no]C[black is not in danger, so he can cut white stones];W[nn];B[oo];W[on](;B[pn]C[big for black but not the best cut];W[pm];B[qn];W[qm];B[ro]LB[rm:D][rn:C][qo:B][pp:A]C[black has to defend because white has A in Sente and will have the ladder for himwe can think about black B, but it means that we leave the choice to white to play C or D. Is that good for black ?];W[rn];B[qo];W[ol]C[black has a big corner but white profits are bigger (control the center];AE[ol][pl][pm][qm][nn][on][pn][qn][rn][mo][no][oo][qo][ro][lp][nq]C[Joseki 5];B[pl];W[mp](;B[oo];W[on];B[no];W[pp];B[nq];W[qq];B[oq];W[nn];B[mo];W[qr]C[white can play this way if the ladder is good for him];B[pn];W[pm];B[qn];W[qm];B[ro];W[qo];B[rn];W[rm];B[rp];W[qp];B[rq];W[rr];B[om];W[rk];B[qk];W[rl];B[df]C[black can break the ladder];W[ol]C[white should cut];B[fd]C[even if he is double approached];AE[fd][df][qk][rk][ol][rl][om][pm][qm][rm][nn][on][pn][qn][rn][mo][no][oo][qo][ro][mp][pp][qp][rp][nq][oq][qq][rq][qr][rr];W[oq];B[pp];W[op];B[oo]C[white should do a lot of problems to play this joseki])(;B[cn]C[black tenuki];W[qq];B[or]C[black is alive](;W[nq];B[qp];W[pp];B[rq])(;W[qr];B[lq];W[pp];B[lp]LB[pl:A][lp:C][mp:B]C[not good for whiteIf we change the order of moves, after black A, white is exchanging B to C ?!])))(;B[mn]C[black should prefer to cut this side](;W[ol];B[ok];W[nl];B[ql]C[black has to defend his weakness];W[qn]C[white has to prevent the cut];B[ln];W[ip]C[Common opening])(;W[nl]C[not good for white (very bad)];B[pn];W[pm];B[om];W[qn];B[nm]))(;B[qg]C[I black plays elsewhere before cutting (because he can choose to cut or not)He should protect the single stone or double approach white Hoshi];W[cn];B[mn];W[ol];B[ok];W[nl];B[ql];W[qn];B[ln];W[ip];B[fo];W[in]C[now white is good]))(;B[oo];W[on](;B[no];W[nn]C[same thing])(;B[nn](;W[op];B[no];W[np];B[pp];W[nm]C[good for white])(;W[no];B[op];W[om])))(;B[cn]C[black can tenuki];W[qq];B[qr];W[qp];B[rr];W[mr];B[nr];W[mq];B[cq]C[can still tenuki];W[np];B[cf];W[or];B[oq];W[ns];B[pr];W[os];B[ps];W[ms];B[rs]C[black is still alive and have made three other moves !]))(;B[ep]C[white is not good with this joseki]))(;B[nq](;W[qq]C[important exchange];B[qr]C[black is too small but not in danger](;W[lo];B[cn];W[qp];B[rr]C[black is alive and white single stone is attacked])(;W[cn]C[white can tenuki](;B[qp](;W[qo];B[rq];W[lo]C[white is sente, so he can extend first])(;W[pp];B[qo];W[rq];B[rr];W[oq];B[pr];W[qn];B[rp];W[ro];B[sq];W[pm]C[this is not good for black]))(;B[]C[white can live in the corner after if black does not play first];W[rr];B[qp];W[rq];B[pp];W[qo];B[rp];W[pr];B[or];W[qs])))(;W[cn];B[qo];W[qn];B[qp];W[pn]C[if white does not exchange san-san first, black is bigger])))(;W[no];B[qp];W[qo];B[rq]C[black has the corner]))(;B[nq];W[op];B[oq];W[mo]C[black is small and white can esacape or make life on the side after several attacks]))
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