(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00]PW[white]PB[black];B[pd];W[dp];B[pq];W[ce]LB[dc:C][ed:D][qk:E][qo:B][fq:A]C[normal openingWhere should black play now ?](;B[fq];W[dn]LB[jp:A][hq:B]TR[ce]C[high position because white has already the marked stone in a low positionOr you can choose a pincer (A soft one, B tight one) : but black has already three stones, so white should pincer with A];B[jp]LB[pj:F][qj:E][qn:C][po:B][qo:A][qp:D]C[white should play A, B or CC is unusual but not impossible (because black can enclose the corner with D and gain more than white who has to play something like E or F)A or B are more for fights];W[qo];B[pl];W[oo];B[np];W[qq];B[qr](;W[rq];B[pp];W[po];B[qm]C[very difficult for white];AE[qm][oo][po][np][pp][qq][rq][qr]LB[op:A]C[What about a keima ?];W[op];B[pp];W[po];B[oo];W[pm];B[no];W[om];B[ql];W[qm];B[pj]C[white is not on a good position here neither (a bit slow), he can't afford to be cut by black];AE[pj][ql][om][pm][qm][no][oo][po][op][pp]LB[pn:A]C[And if white plays a kosumi];W[pn];B[oo](;W[qq];B[qr];W[pp];B[oq];W[op];B[np];W[nq];B[rq];W[qp];B[or];W[nr];B[os];W[lq]C[complicated joseki, but white suffer with two weak groups (quite normal beacause of the number of black stones before the approach by white];AE[pn][oo][np][op][pp][qp][lq][nq][oq][qq][rq][nr][or][qr][os]AW[om]C[anf if white plays a hazama tobi ?](;B[po];W[pm];B[qp];W[ro];B[qm];W[pn];B[oo];W[ql]C[white seems good like thaht, so black should have respond differently after white P7];AE[ql][om][pm][qm][pn][oo][po][ro][qp]AW[no]C[What about the two spaces jump ?](;B[nq]LB[nn:F][on:E][pn:C][oo:D][po:B][op:G][mq:A]C[black at A is overconcentrated and white can tenuki to get an another good move on an another fightwith move 63, black maintain pressure on white stones and with can't afford to tenuki because of the B to F sequence (black as no more weakness and white is sepatedSo what should white do ?peeping at G connects the two white stones, but there are still weak and black is connected];W[qq];B[pp];W[qp];B[po];W[pn];B[on];W[qn];B[om];W[mq];B[np]LB[mp:A]TR[po][pp][pq]C[if black hane at A, he will loose the three marked stones (white cut and separate black stones).And if he wants to protect them, white will take the A stone with a shisho];W[mp];B[mo];W[kp];B[kq]LB[jq:A]C[black is strong so he doesn't have to play the hane, he could have played at A];W[lp];B[jo];W[ln];B[mr]C[black tessuji to connect];W[mn];B[lr];W[lk];B[ml];W[ll];B[km];W[lm];B[jk];W[li];B[ji];W[lg];B[qg];W[rl]TR[ml][pl][om][on]C[white is reducing black potentiel territory and attacking the 4 black stones];B[oo]C[this black stone is a losing move.Where should white play ?];W[ee]LB[dc:A]C[white A is more for territory];B[cl];W[cj];B[el];W[fp];B[gp];W[eq];B[fo];W[ep]LB[go:A][gq:B]C[two cutting points, so black has to protect](;B[fr];W[gq];B[er];W[dr];B[hq];W[go];B[hp]LB[gr:A]C[move 113 is passive, because white can play E1 in sente,black should have played A];W[fn];B[bn];W[es];B[gr];W[bp];B[ej];W[ch]LB[dh:A]C[white usually plays A, but there are forcing moves for black that can't be played with move 120];B[ec];W[fc];B[fb]LB[gc:A][fd:B]C[A or B ?](;W[fd](;B[gc]C[agressive move for black];W[ic];B[cc];W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[qe];W[re];B[rf];W[pe];B[qf];W[pb];B[ob];W[rb];B[pa];W[qb];B[nc];W[rd];B[oe]C[Joseki (no choice for black)];W[og];B[ng];W[nh];B[gl]C[black protech is weakness];W[nf];B[of]C[white center group is not weak anymore];W[gb];B[eb];W[gd];B[be]C[separate black inside or outside ? Which one is important for white ?];W[bd];B[cd];W[bf];B[de];W[ae]LB[bc:B][cf:A]C[If white plays A, black will still have B in sente];B[cf];W[be];B[df];W[bc]C[white maintain some pressure on black];B[ef];W[cb];B[ed];W[fe];B[ff];W[he]C[protect and usefull for the shicho];B[hg]LB[lc:2][ih:1]C[Where should play white next ?];W[ih]SQ[jg]C[with 2, white will have some points but black can be confortable enclosing is territory with square move(the game will be close)];B[kc];W[ig];B[hf];W[if];B[di];W[ci];B[rk]LB[qj:A][rj:B]C[If black plays at A, his gain will be small because white can play at B.Therefore, white territory will be bigger and he will have Sente];W[qk];B[rj];W[ql];B[qj];W[hh];B[bk];W[dk];B[dl];W[ek];B[fk];W[fi];B[fj];W[dh];B[eh];W[fh]C[white can win the game because he has separated black stones !So black has to defend when white plays move 182but white will go inside black territory])(;B[gb]C[normal move];W[db];B[eb];W[dc];B[hd];W[jd]LB[kd:A]C[white can't play here because he has a weak group in the center, he should play A instead to have a balance between attack and defense]))(;W[gc];B[ed];W[fe];B[fd];W[gd];B[gb];W[ic];B[cc]C[black has too much forcing moves, So white at A is not good for white]))(;B[gq]C[other variation but good for white];W[ej]LB[ec:A]C[white A is good but not an urgent point]))(;B[oo];W[on];B[op];W[pn];B[nn];W[nm];B[mn];W[ol];B[pj]C[black as a good territory on the South side and white has not made points])(;B[oo]C[another variation];W[on];B[op];W[qm];B[nn];W[om];B[mo];W[nm];B[mn];W[rk]C[white has a better position here, but locally, black is still good]))(;AB[ol]C[another variation];W[nm];B[nl];W[mm];B[mp]C[black leave white escaping in the center but he made a lot of territory in the South side];W[]))(;C[another variation];W[on];B[no];W[nn];B[mo]C[too slow for white]))(;W[pp];B[rq];W[oq];B[qp];W[pr];B[qq];W[op];B[pn];W[po];B[ro];W[qn];B[rm]TR[oo]C[this situation is also painful for white, so we can assume that the first tobi is not good]))(;B[dc];W[ed];B[ec];W[fd];B[gc]C[situation seems correct for both]))
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