(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]HA[4]KM[0.00]PW[white]PB[black]C[guo juan against her student 1k to 5k (4 stones handicap)];B[qd];B[pp];B[cp];B[dd];W[ep];B[eq];W[fq];B[dq];W[gp];B[cn](;W[oc](;B[mc];W[oe];B[pf];W[ld];B[pc];W[nq];B[pn];W[kp](;B[nc](;W[ql]LB[qi:F][qj:D][pl:H][qm:A][rm:B][rn:C][ro:E][oq:G]C[where should black answer ?](;B[qj]C[black shoud have played the pincer but less closer because of the following sequence];W[ol];B[nn];W[rn];B[qq]TR[rp]C[black shoud have played a kosumi to maintain pressure on white who will aim for marked intersection to annoy black and make eye];W[qh];B[pi];W[ph];B[oh](;W[od];B[og];W[ob](;B[nj];W[ml]C[white run out easily];B[ln];W[qe];B[pe];W[pd];B[rd]C[big adji for white here and has something on the corner](;W[mp]C[white has to defend here or he will not have anymore points at the bottom side. Black has now two ways to defend here];B[nm];W[nl](;B[gc];W[oo];B[po];W[on](;B[om];W[pm];B[qm];W[pl];B[ro];W[lm];B[dj]LB[ce:A]C[A would be much more interesting. Futhermore, after the corner left bottom joseki, black does not need to make a move outside. Black does not develop territory with this stone];W[em]TR[ip]C[white is making territory and is also defending the invasion];B[gk]C[nice move to reduce white];W[cm];B[gm];W[bn];B[co];W[bl]LB[ci:A][bq:B]C[white has good shpae to take A or attack the corner with B])(;B[pm];W[om];B[pl];W[qk];B[pk];W[rj]C[painful for black]))(;B[pm];W[pl];B[km];W[lk];B[kk];W[kj];B[jk];W[li];B[ip]C[black can choose this way to attack the bottom group or after move 47, plays here directly]))(;W[]C[white tenuki];B[lq];W[lp];B[mq];W[mp];B[nr]C[white has no more points]))(;B[ml]C[black should attack this way because white moves out slowly ];W[nk];B[ni];W[mk]))(;W[rj];B[rk];W[ri];B[qk];W[rf]C[white is alive])(;W[og]C[if white wants to fight with the two stones, he does not play the hane first];B[pg];W[rj];B[qi];W[ri];B[rh]C[black can play like this]))(;B[oq];W[np];B[ro]C[black plays something like that if white is strong outside and black has to make life])(;B[qm];W[pl]TR[qo]C[this way, white is strong and black has a weak point])(;B[rm]LB[qn:A]C[black should play at A if he wants to defend the corner];W[qq];B[pq];W[pr](;B[or];W[qr];B[oq];W[ro];B[qm])(;B[qp];W[rr];B[rq];W[qr];B[pm];W[qm];B[qn];W[ro]C[quite difficult for black]))(;B[pl];W[pk];B[ol];W[qm]C[hane then nobi is good moves to make life];B[qn];W[qh]TR[od]C[now black is on trouble if white connects his stones])(;B[pr];W[rn];B[qo];W[ro];B[rp];W[qq];B[pq];W[rq]C[trouble for black])(;B[om]C[this move does not hurt white];W[qi]C[so white can extend easily]))(;W[od];B[ob]C[two cutting points](;W[qe];B[pe];W[pd])(;W[nb];B[pb];W[mb];B[lc];W[kc]C[white can play like this to get the outside])))(;B[hq]C[difficult for black to do something big now];W[gr];B[jq];W[jp]C[even if white can't fight, he can connect his stones])(;B[ip]C[hard fight for black];W[do]C[white is sente];B[co];W[jo];B[io];W[in])(;B[md];W[me];B[le]C[black should not cut if move 16 is not played before](;W[lc];B[lb]LB[mb:A]C[black can afford to hane or play A because he already made the kosumi tsuke move])(;W[pb](;B[qb];W[pd];B[qc];W[lc])(;B[kd]C[black does not need to answer in the corner](;W[qb]C[it's not really severe];B[nb];W[ob];B[rc])(;W[rc]C[how can black attack this shape ?];B[qb];W[qc];B[pd];W[rb];B[ob];W[qa];B[od];AE[dd]AB[dc];W[ce];B[dh];W[fe];B[gc];W[dj]C[old joseki];B[fh];W[ed];B[ec];W[he];B[id];W[]C[white tenuki];B[cd];W[bd]C[black does not need to answer];B[hh](;W[bc];B[bf];W[be];B[cf]C[this looks good for black])(;W[cb];B[bc];W[cc];B[dd];W[bb];B[be];W[ac];B[de]C[same thing as the game]))))))(;B[jp]C[black should punish white for not finishing the joseki. Moreover, the top side corner is fine because it's as if black was approaching white stone]))(;W[kq]C[this joseki is not popular anymore](;B[mq]C[this is annoying for white])(;B[hq](;W[gr];B[jq];W[jp];B[ip];W[jr];B[ir]C[possible])(;W[hp]C[best choice for white];B[iq];W[ip];B[fr]C[but white does not have points and is not alive yet]))(;B[jr]C[black can also try something like this]))(;W[nq];B[qn];W[kp]C[this is the popular joseki]))
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