(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00]PW[white]PB[black];B[pp];W[qd];B[dq];W[dd];B[cf];W[fc];B[ck];W[qn];B[np];W[pj];B[nc]LB[kc:A][pc:B][od:C](;W[kc];B[qc];W[rc];B[pd];W[qe];B[qb];W[rb];B[pe];W[qf](;B[do];W[og];B[ql]C[now black is forced to invade white territories];W[on];B[ol];W[mn]LB[qb:17][rb:18][fc:6][kc:12][nc:11][qc:13][rc:14][dd:4][pd:15][qd:2][pe:19][qe:16][cf:5][qf:20][og:22][pj:10][ck:7][ol:25][ql:23][mn:26][on:24][qn:8][do:21][np:9][pp:1][dq:3]C[white seems to be in a better situation])(;B[og](;W[ph]TR[hc]C[this would have been a good exchange for black because he could mess top side])(;W[pf];B[of];W[pc];B[pb]C[exchange good for black because he is now alive];W[oe];B[od];W[ne]C[black does not worry about being cut because he is alive at the top])))(;W[pc](;B[kc]C[easy for both];W[ic]LB[jd:A]C[but white can have this move, so black can play at A instead of the last one to prevent this move. But territory will not be his goal. Black is playing at A to destroy a big moyo of white])(;B[jd];W[lc]C[weak point ?];B[ld];W[kc];B[kd];W[mc];B[md];W[nb];B[nd];W[ob]TR[ob][pc][qd][pj][qn]C[black can ask : where are my points ? but white moyo seems so small now at the right side ?]))(;W[od];B[pb](;W[lc];B[nd];W[oc];B[ob];W[qc];B[mb];W[ne];B[ld];W[me];B[kd]C[it's clear that white want to build a moyo giving up a stone])(;W[ld]C[white wants to keep this stone];B[nd];W[ne];B[me];W[md];B[oe];W[nf];B[pd];W[pe];B[oc];W[of];B[qe];W[od];B[rd];W[pc];B[qc];W[pd];B[pf];W[oe];B[rb];W[qf];B[re];W[pg]TR[pj]C[this way, white does not want to give up the stone on top side and want the right side. But marked stone is too close from massive white. So it's good for black]))(;W[lc]C[example of joseki with a pincer here];B[qc];W[pc];B[pd];W[qb];B[rc];W[od];B[pe];W[oc](;B[qf])(;B[rb]C[if black wants the corner];W[of];B[oe];W[ne](;B[qe];W[nd]C[the previous situation is better for black because of the two white stones at the bottom of the board])(;B[pf];W[pg];B[og];W[qf];B[nf];W[qe];B[of];W[ph];B[nd];W[nb];B[me];W[pb]TR[kc]C[now white has a huge corner and it won't be possible if the pincer stone at the beginning was further];AE[lc]AW[kc];B[mb]C[white is on trouble];W[ra];B[na];W[rd];B[ob]C[in fact who takes more territories ?])))(;W[kd];B[qc];W[pc];B[pd];W[qb];B[rc];W[od];B[pe];W[oc];B[rb];W[pg];B[of];W[nd];B[og];W[pi];B[qg]C[In fact, any pincer will lead to trouble white bottom stones]))
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