(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00]PW[white]PB[black];B[pd];W[dp];B[pq];W[ee];B[cc]LB[dc:A][fc:B][ce:C][bg:E][dg:D]C[What is black purpose ? If black plays at A, white can enclose him in the corner with two keimas (B to E sequence) and if white defend the left side with C, black can extend with a keima and his territory will be bigger and left side is still open.];W[ce]C[white can't block the other side because it's difficult to develop (with already a black stone on the other side)];B[fc]C[we can think about a tobi, seems slow but solid.];W[dk];B[fq]C[&black has to reduce white potentiel. If he plays the chinese formation (or a shimari), white will plays at the bottom and will choose to make a moyo (interesting for him).](;W[dn]LB[fo:F][fp:G]C[defending is better. Attaching black stone with G will only give black a stronger shape. If white choose F, black takes san-san (see variation)];B[dr]C[taking the corner (with san-san) would be small and white would have the sente to approach the komoku.];W[cq];B[hp]C[where should white play now ? Even if black would play three stones at third line, his groups would be settled. So there's a weak point on black formation];W[jq];B[iq]C[if black squeezes , white will take black base of life and it will be easier for him to esacape](;W[jp]C[when white should play a nobi or a tobi ?];B[hn]LB[in:H]C[seems slow, but usefull for the game. Indeed, if black squeeze the two white stones, white plays H and black group would be nearly enclosed. and white potentiel would encrease.](;W[qo];B[mq]LB[np:J][nr:K]C[if black plays J, white would take black base at K];W[ln]LB[pn:E][lo:C][oo:F][po:D][lp:A][mp:B][qp:G]C[the exchange A-B before jumping is interesting but the single stone would suffer. If white plays at C, black would give up some corner (D to G) to pressure white weak group at the bottom](;B[qp]C[not good because it helps white to connect or to make some territory, even if it protects the corner];W[po]C[white should play tobi ? No, the right side is still open and it maintain pressure on black.](;B[op];W[qk]LB[nn:I][ko:J][oo:H]C[linking is not valuable, so making shape is more efficient. Therefore, black can split white into two groups playing J if white plays I and if white plays B, pincer would be difficult for white];B[qi]C[helps white];W[lp];B[nc]C[Now, what should white do ? secure the left side or invade the right top corner ?];W[qd];B[qe]C[hane the other side would be good for white because the black single stone would suffer];W[re];B[qc]C[black wants to kill everything];W[rd];B[qf];W[qb];B[rc];W[pc];B[rb];W[od];B[pe];W[oc];B[pb];W[ob];B[qa]C[it's locally good for black but remember that there was 3 black stones first, and white is not enclosed. So what should white do now ?];W[oe];B[of]LB[kd:A][qg:B]C[black has to defend this side because white B would be painful if black plays A];W[nf];B[og];W[lc];B[ng]C[black is afraid of white pushing this side];W[hc]C[white does not have to answer black previous move (futhermore, he would be overconcentrated)];B[gd];W[hd];B[ge];W[dh]C[perfect timing for white to secure the left side];B[ne];W[nb]C[good move. Black does not have other forcing moves];B[mf]C[black ponuki is strong ! how can white defend his top side ?];W[eb]C[white use attack for defense];B[ec];W[fb];B[db];W[gc];B[df](;W[cf];B[kc];W[kd];B[ld];W[lb];B[jd];W[ke];B[je];W[jc];B[ic];W[jb]C[no need for a ko];B[kf];W[le];B[he];W[qj]C[attachment would be gote for white and black would reduce white territory];B[ck]C[which white group is weaker ? Wher should white defend ?];W[dl]C[if white hane, black will split white or white would be small and black get outside influence.];B[dj];W[ej];B[di];W[ei];B[ch];W[cg](;B[cj];W[bi];B[cm];W[dm];B[bh];W[cl];B[bl];W[bj];B[bk];W[bm];B[eh];W[dg];B[aj];W[al];B[bg];W[bf];B[ai];W[ag];B[fh];W[ff](;B[gf];W[bd])(;B[bd];W[gg];B[gh];W[hg]))(;B[bi];W[cj];B[ci];W[bk])(;B[bh];W[cj];B[ci];W[bk];B[bj];W[bl]))(;W[de];B[fe];W[kd];B[ch]C[black can do many things this side]))(;B[qj]C[if black tenuki];W[oq];B[or];W[op];B[pr]C[white is less on danger]))(;B[ko];W[lp];B[lo];W[mp]C[it's good for white, black damaged the outside but there's not a big potential and white get the bottom.]))(;W[nq]C[it's not the right direction to approach the corner];B[np];W[mq];B[oq];W[lo];B[pl]C[black territory advantage is increasing]))(;W[jo]C[see a variation when white choose the tobi];B[jr];W[kq];B[kr];W[nq];B[po]C[white has just a floating group and black is solid both side]))(;W[fo];B[cq];W[cp];B[dq];W[ep];B[bq]C[white only develop one side])(;W[hp];B[cq];W[cp];B[dq];W[ep];B[eq];W[fp];B[gq];W[gp]TR[dk]C[white is not that good, because the marked stone is too close to white wall])(;W[er]C[playing at the second line now seems too early];B[jp]C[still good for black]))
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