(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00]PW[White]PB[black];B[jj];W[li];B[pd];W[nc];B[qf];W[ji]C[how should black respond ? tenuki, hane, nobi wedge ? ];B[ii]C[hane when you are weak, tenuki is not possible here. wedge is too agressive];W[ij];B[jk]C[nobi the other side is possible too pressure white move 6](;W[hi];B[ih];W[jh];B[ig]C[black has more liberty then the empty angle which pressure white weaker stones];W[hj];B[gg]C[black defend this stones because white already has a stone on the top side. black escape at open area ];W[hl];B[jm];W[eh];B[ef]C[if black run to the top side, white would have this move to secure his group and have some points on the left side];W[cf];B[dg];W[dd];B[cg]C[black maintain white corner group on pressure];W[fc];B[hn];W[dj];B[gd];W[gc];B[em](;W[ff];B[fg];W[eg];B[df];W[fe];B[cd];W[cc];B[ce];W[dh]LB[hd:A][fi:B]C[white has to defend his weak group. If he tenukis like A for example, black B would be really painful];B[fd]C[black captures two white stones, white has to separate black groups];W[hf];B[gf];W[hg];B[jg];W[hd];B[ge];W[hh];B[lg];W[kl];B[jl];W[dc];B[ee];W[oi];B[ki]C[black can push to keep white left group separated and then wedge];W[pm];B[he];W[cm]C[white does not respond because black can capture two white stones or connect his five stones in sente to have a move which connect with the corner group];B[do];W[dq];B[cn];W[dm];B[dn];W[el];B[fq]C[black has sente, so he must squeeze white stone];W[cp];B[fl];W[fm];B[en];W[fk];B[bo];W[er]C[good move for black ... because he is getting stronger at the bottom];B[fr];W[bp];B[dl];W[gl];B[cl];W[bk]C[forcing move ?];B[ap]C[black has a better answer to end up sente];W[aq];B[ao];W[br];B[qi]C[black should have take the empty corner to keep pressure white right stones and get many territory];W[oq];B[po];W[oo]C[move to link up all white stones](;B[op];W[pp](;B[np];W[nq]C[if white takes black songle stone, black descend and this woulb be a big bottom side for black];B[qp];W[pq];B[on];W[no];B[mp]C[protect the cut is enough for black but white ponuki would be really powerful];W[pn];B[qo];W[mo];B[mq];W[qq];B[lo];W[nm](;B[rm];W[rl];B[ql];W[rn];B[rk];W[qn];B[ln];W[mm]C[how is this result ? white get a big corner but black is really solid both sides];B[oc];W[go];B[ol]C[forcing move ? No, but it threats to separate white center stones];W[kh];B[lh];W[kj];B[kg];W[ki];B[mi];W[kk](;B[ip];W[kq];B[lp];W[hq];B[iq];W[ir];B[hp];W[gp];B[hr];W[gq];B[gr];W[jr];B[ep];W[in];B[im];W[gn]C[white trick play](;B[lr];W[ho];B[io];W[jn];B[jo];W[mj];B[nj];W[ni];B[mh];W[oj];B[nk];W[pl];B[mk];W[lm];B[km];W[ll];B[pk];W[ok];B[lj];W[og];B[nd];W[oe];B[mc]C[black is greedy. Defending was enough];W[qg];B[rg];W[rf](;B[qh];W[qe];B[pg];W[pf];B[qg];W[pe];B[nl];W[qc];B[pc];W[qb];B[rd];W[qd];B[re];W[le];B[ne];W[nf];B[mf];W[nb];B[od];W[me];B[ke];W[ld];B[mb];W[kd];B[pb];W[je];B[ng];W[of];B[oh];W[nh];B[mg];W[ph];B[rc]C[white has three liberties and black 5 liberties])(;B[pf];W[rh];B[pg];W[qh];B[ph];W[ri]C[black right side group is damaged]))(;B[ll]C[black split whites stones but prefer to take three stones because it was enough];W[km];B[lm];W[kn];B[jn];W[ko];B[kp];W[jo];B[io]))(;B[ll];W[km];B[lm];W[kn]C[a bit complicated because bottom right black stones are getting weaker]))(;B[ln]C[if black plays this one first, white answer is different and killing three black stones];W[om];B[rm];W[rn];B[qn];W[qm];B[ro];W[rl];B[sn];W[rq]))(;B[on];W[np];B[pn];W[nn];B[om]C[with this situation, black does not know how much he gained];W[qj]C[white can reduce with this kind of moves]))(;B[pp];W[op];B[pq];W[pn];B[rn]C[black can live inside but white has a very good position outside]))(;W[gn];B[gm];W[hm];B[in];W[fm];B[fn];W[gl];B[go]C[heavy for black]))(;W[hj];B[ki];W[jh];B[kh];W[kj]C[really complicated !]))
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