(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00]PW[white]PB[Black];B[pd];W[dp];B[pq];W[dd];B[fq]C[black has two stones at the third line. Approaching the top side would be more developpable for black](;W[dn];B[jp]C[Now, where is the most open area ? Where should white play ?];W[qo](;B[pm](;W[pp];B[qq](;W[np];B[oq](;W[nn];B[mq]TR[jp]C[white gained nothing but marked stone is too close to black strong group](;W[pl](;B[pn]C[we can also think about hane and crosscut but black would be bad against four white stones near];W[ol];B[op];W[rm];B[oo];W[qf]C[good way for white to protect his weakness](;B[pi]C[white is now on trouble but which stones white should defend first ?];W[of]TR[ql]C[if black plays at the marked stone, white would be on trouble to cut black stones and should take the top side in Sente and punish black on the top corner];B[ni];W[nd];B[ml];W[qk]C[move to make eye shape];B[rj];W[mk]C[this is the way to separate black];B[nk];W[nl];B[lk];W[mj];B[nj];W[lj];B[ll];W[rk];B[rh];W[rp];B[rq]C[slow move for black who can't kill white group anymore];W[pj]C[good move : white is patient. looking for black answer and making an eye shape];B[qi];W[mh];B[pg];W[pf]LB[lf:B][ng:A]C[If black plays A, white B soft net is good];B[mi];W[li];B[lh];W[kh];B[lg];W[nh];B[oi];W[mf];B[rf];W[re];B[qg];W[sf];B[rg];W[qd]C[very painfull exchange for black !];B[qm];W[rn];B[ql];W[rl];B[qp];W[ln];B[jl];W[jn];B[hl];W[jj]LB[ji:A]C[A is more a defensive move];B[ko];W[kn];B[lf];W[jg];B[me];W[oh];B[ph];W[ne];B[je];W[ke]C[Tessuji](;B[jf];W[kf]C[white has to continue. If white tries to escape, black would atari the tessuji stone and would be easialy alive];B[ki];W[kj];B[kg];W[le];B[jh];W[ig];B[ih];W[mg];B[kh];W[ik];B[il];W[hh];B[hg];W[if];B[hi];W[gh];B[ii](;W[gi];B[hj];W[hk];B[gj];W[gk];B[fj];W[gl];B[hn];W[on];B[po];W[io];B[go];W[gm];B[in];W[jo];B[jq];W[hp];B[eo];W[do];B[en];W[em];B[dr];W[gq];B[fr];W[cq];B[hr];W[sk];B[sg]C[black has to protect his own group before because he does not have as much as white Ko threats];W[sp];B[fg]C[pretty nice tessuji];W[ie];B[gg](;W[gd];B[jd];W[id];B[jc];W[lc])(;W[fd];B[jd];W[id];B[jc];W[lc];B[ic];W[hd];B[fb]C[black can live like that]))(;W[gj];B[gi];W[fi];B[fh];W[gg];B[fj];W[ei]C[white is giving up too much this way]))(;B[kf];W[jf];B[kd];W[ie];B[jd];W[md];B[ld];W[hc]C[good for white]))(;B[ql];W[qk];B[rl];W[qm];B[rk];W[qj];B[rj];W[ri]))(;B[om];W[qm];B[pn];W[ql];B[op];W[nl]C[white would seal black inside];B[oo];W[ol])(;B[qm];W[om];B[ql]C[black has to make life];W[pk];B[qk];W[pj];B[qi];W[oh];B[qh];W[qc]C[black does not have any potential anymore even if white does not have points yet, this situation is better for white who can devellop easialy his stones]))(;W[ol];B[qj]C[black escape lightly])(;W[pk];B[nm]C[black would try something to escape and white will lose the control !])(;W[rm];B[ql];W[rl];B[qj]C[seems very slow for white and he does not have eye space yet]))(;W[nq]C[white can't play agressively];B[op];W[oo];B[no]))(;W[oq];B[op];W[or];B[oo]))(;W[oo];B[np];W[pk](;B[nm];W[qm];B[pn];W[qn];B[po];W[qp];B[pp]TR[jp]C[why is this better for white ? because marked stone is too close from black strenght])(;B[rm];W[om];B[pn];W[on];B[po];W[op];B[pp];W[oq];B[ol];W[pl];B[nl]TR[jp]C[this result is good for black because marked stone is very usefull now]))(;W[on](;B[np];W[qq];B[qr];W[pp];B[oq];W[rq]LB[lp:A]C[black has to move at A to secure his side, so this variation is not good for black])(;B[op];W[om];B[pl];W[pn]C[white does not play this move first because black answer would be different];B[ol]))(;W[qm](;B[pn];W[qn];B[po];W[qp];B[pp];W[pl];B[ol];W[pk];B[qi]TR[jp]C[marked stone is very good in this result])(;B[ql];W[pl])))(;B[mp]C[if black plays a defensive move];W[qk];B[qm];W[qq];B[qr];W[pp];B[oq];W[rm])(;B[qk]C[with a soft pincer](;W[pp];B[qq];W[oq];B[op];W[or];B[ro];W[rn];B[rp];W[qn];B[np];W[mq];B[rr]C[not easy for white because he is attacked from both side])(;W[no];B[mq]C[it's good for white because it will be difficult for black to attack and ther was more black stones at the beginning so, he has not gained that much])))(;W[jp]C[If white pincer];B[cq];W[dq];B[cp];W[do];B[dr];W[er];B[cr];W[eq];B[cn];W[fp]C[black took the corner and is sente])(;W[po]C[white can choose to tenuki](;B[pl](;W[mo];B[mq]C[this is not good for black because he has three stones on the third line])(;W[mp]C[white can't play something like this];B[oo];W[on];B[no];W[pp];B[nq];W[qq];B[oq]TR[fq]C[this is great for black. Marked stone is very usefull]))(;B[np];W[qq];B[qr];W[qp];B[or];W[ql]LB[fc:A]TR[fq]C[this joseki is not good for black because marked stone would have been better at A])(;B[oo](;W[on];B[op];W[pm];B[nn];W[nm];B[mn]TR[fq]C[this is ok for black. Marked stone is usefull])(;W[qq];B[pn];W[pp];B[op];W[oq];B[pr];W[qr];B[ro];W[or];B[qp];W[ps];B[pq];W[lq]C[In this case, variation is good for black because right side is certainly developpable for black but he would not approach from this side the bottom left corner]))(;B[cn];W[eo];B[cq];W[dm];B[dq];W[cm];B[bo];W[fl];B[qo];W[qn];B[qp];W[pm];B[nq];W[qi]C[black has more territory and white has lot of potential outside])))
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