(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[ ]PW[Lee Changho]PB[Lee Sedol]WR[9p]BR[9p]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]C[Lee Sedol vs Lee Changho – 6th Price Information Cup]RE[B+Resign]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[Ths is the second game of three on the final of the Prices Information Cup. Sedol won the first game by resignation, and he takes B in this game. ];W[dd];B[qp];W[dq];B[do];W[oq];B[fp];W[qf]LB[fq:A]C[This is kind of ladder breaker from W's attachment at A. ];B[nc];W[ql];B[pq];W[op];B[qn];W[fq]LB[om:A]C[Playing A is normal, but it's not urgent in this case. ];B[gp]LB[qf:B][gq:A]C[This extension is right. If B hane at A, W would cut at 15, and W's B stone would help it. ];W[gq];B[hp];W[co];B[cn];W[cp];B[qe]LB[dm:A]C[Connecting at A is normal, but then W would be happy to play on the right side.];W[dn]C[W should cut here as B doesn't answer. ];B[cm];W[dm];B[dl];W[fm];B[ck];W[bl]C[Good timing.];B[cl];W[eo];B[kp]C[Good balanced move. ];W[ci]LB[bl:A]C[Good too. A is helping this extension. ];B[fl];W[gl];B[em];W[en];B[el];W[gn];B[gk];W[hl];B[ep];W[dp];B[eq];W[er];B[dr]C[This cut is for taking sente. ];W[gr];B[es];W[fr];B[iq];W[cr];B[on]C[Good point, and the game is still equal. ];W[lo];B[mq];W[no];B[jn];W[po]C[Good timing. ];B[pn];W[mm];B[jl];W[qo];B[ro];W[rn];B[rm]C[Right choice, ];W[rp];B[sn];W[qq]C[and the result is satisfactory for W with the corner. ];B[ol];W[pf];B[pi]C[New fight has begun on the right. ];W[qi];B[qj];W[pj]C[Good tesuji.];B[qh];W[ri];B[ph];W[rh];B[oj];W[pk];B[ok];W[rf]LB[od:B][rk:A]C[This place is more important than it looks. A and B are mial for W. ];B[pr]C[It's big and also stealing W's base. ];W[pp];B[or];W[km];B[qk];W[od];B[oc];W[qc]LB[pc:B][qd:A][oe:C]C[Right sequence. If B plays at A, W'd cut at B, and the ladder from C is prefer to W now. ];B[cf];W[df];B[de]LB[cg:B][dg:A]C[If B hane at A, W'd cut at B and Black avoids that variation. ];W[ce];B[ee];W[cg]C[This atari is unusual, but playable in this case. ];B[cd];W[bf];B[be]C[Fighting spirit! ];W[jm]C[Thick, but slack. ];B[cf];W[pl];B[rk];W[ce];B[hk]C[Good move. It's also a ladder breaker. ];W[pc]C[Necessary. ];B[cf];W[rl];B[sl];W[ce];B[il];W[im];B[cf]LB[kr:A]C[W should play at A for a ko threat. ];W[fj];B[hm];W[gm];B[ce]C[After B eliminates the ko fight, the game becomes good for B.];W[fk];B[di];W[ik];B[dh];W[hj];B[dg]C[B takes the lead the game. ];W[kr];B[kq];W[ir];B[jr];W[js];B[jq];W[hq];B[hs];W[jc];B[hc];W[nd];B[lc];W[rj];B[sk];W[md];B[ld];W[hd];B[gc];W[is];B[lr];W[id];B[mc]C[Good move, and it's hard for W to attack this group any more. ];W[sj];B[sm];W[le];B[ke];W[lf];B[kf];W[if];B[lg];W[nf];B[ng];W[mg];B[mh];W[mf];B[kh];W[jg];B[kg]C[At the moment, B is leading about 10 points on the board, and W isn't yet hopeless. However, Changho unexpectedly resigns here. Maybe he was too tired to catch up in the end game. Sedol beats Changho 2:0 at the final, and this is his third titles in the Prices Information Cup. ])
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Lee Changho    Lee Sedol
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