(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[崔哲瀚]PB[孔杰]WR[九段]BR[九段]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Kong Jie vs Choi Cheolhan – 12th Nongshim Cup]RE[白胜黑]A[ISO8859-1]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This is the final game of the 12th Nong-Shim Cup. Kong Jie is the last player in China team, but in Korea team, Lee Chang-Ho is left after Choi.];W[dd]C[Kong takes Black, and he was regarded to be the no.1 player in the world in 2010.];B[pq];W[dq];B[qk];W[ck]C[It's unusual opening, but which doesn't mean bad.];B[gq]C[In this case, lower side is more worthy than the top because of 3,4.];W[do];B[jp];W[nc]C[It's natural to play on the top now.];B[pf];W[pb];B[qc];W[kc];B[po];W[df];B[km]C[Kong's style of playing. He plays solidly, but also precisely, and it's not easy to be beaten.];W[kj];B[je]C[Good move to reduce W's top.](;W[ld]C[Right answer.];B[jc];W[jb];B[ic];W[ib];B[le]LB[gc:A][kf:B]C[Proper move. If B jumps at A, W'd play at B.];W[ke]LB[kd:C][me:A][lf:B]C[Right response. If W plays at A, B'd extend at B, and C is sente for B later.];B[kf];W[kd];B[jf](;W[me]C[Right direction.];B[lf];W[mf]C[It's necessary for W to come out here.];B[mg];W[ng];B[nh]LB[nf:A][mh:B]C[Good move. Cutting at A is overplay, and extending B is a bit slack.];W[mh];B[lg];W[oh]LB[nf:B][og:A]C[Extending at A instead of this atari isn't good because of the cutting point at B.];B[ni];W[of]C[W gets a good shape, but];B[pg];W[og];B[qi]C[There seems to be no questionable moves for both yet, but the game is favourable for B. We can see Kong's opening is excellent.];W[pj]C[An overplay.];B[oi]C[Good response.];W[ph];B[pi];W[qh];B[qb]C[B is surely leading the game. B has got a really nice wall on the right side.];W[qq]C[Probing.];B[pr];W[qp];B[pp]C[It's not easy to live in the corner because of B's thickness on the right.];W[qn];B[rm];W[mj];B[nl]C[Good answer, and B builds a big territory on the bottom right.];W[mi]C[Attacking B's centre group is W's hope. W is aiming at some aji on the right side as well.];B[ij]C[There's a proverb. 'Attacking is the best way for defence'];W[jh];B[ih]C[B is trying to make the game simple because he's winning.];W[ig];B[jg];W[ii];B[hh];W[ji];B[hi];W[hj];B[hf]C[Good enough for B.];W[ik];B[gj];W[hk];B[ok]C[B gets rid of all bad aji in the corner, and B is still winning.];W[in];B[jn];W[gp]C[To utilize in sente.];B[hp];W[ho];B[ip];W[gi]C[This is W's last hope.];B[gh];W[fi];B[fh];W[eh];B[eg];W[dh]C[If left side becomes all W's territory, the game'd be very close.];B[dg];W[cg];B[ei];W[fj];B[ch];W[di];B[cf]C[B has no other choices.];W[fg]C[Only way for W.];B[ef];W[ff];B[ee];W[fe];B[ed];W[fd];B[ec];W[hg];B[gc]LB[fb:A]C[Mistake. It should be A.];W[fc];B[fb];W[eb]LB[gb:A][hb:B]C[This cut is good, and B can't connect with A or B because of the aji in the corner.];B[db];W[gb];B[ea];W[hb]C[W gets some points so far. The game is still slightly better for B. However, there's a variable for the time. Both players are in byoyomi situation from the middle game, and Kong sometimes makes bad mistakes when he's in time trouble.];B[ci];W[dj];B[bj];W[bk];B[fp]C[Big.];W[rl];B[qm];W[ll];B[lm];W[qe];B[ob]C[Right answer against W's peep.];W[oc];B[pc];W[nb];B[pa];W[ml];B[mm];W[er]C[Calm and good.];B[fn]LB[fr:A]C[B should answer at A, and the game is still better for B though it's getting closer.](;W[ql];B[pm];W[hs]C[Right endgame.];B[gr];W[gs](;B[ir]C[Right answer, but W is gaining some points, and the game becomes getting closer.];W[is];B[fs];W[fr];B[js];W[es];B[hr];W[ri];B[rj];W[rh]C[W is thick and solid, and W gets more points in the endgame with that.];B[sj]LB[em:A]C[This is the losing move. B should play at A for sente.];W[pe];B[rd];W[bg];B[bf];W[cj];B[bh];W[ai];B[ah];W[go];B[fo];W[fm]LB[em:B][fq:A]C[What a brilliant move! If B connects at A, W'd play at B, and the game'd be reversed.];B[dn]C[Do or die move, but in this time, there's not enough space.];W[fq];B[bl];W[ak];B[cp]C[B is trying to live on the left, but it's impossible.];W[dp];B[co];W[bq];B[bp];W[cq];B[bn];W[cm];B[cl];W[bm];B[dm];W[dl];B[hl];W[il];B[gm];W[im]C[B resigned here. As Choi wins this game, Lee Chang-Ho doesn't need to play, and the Korea team wins the 12th Nong-Shim Cup. This game is Choi's fourth games to win in a row, and it's amazing of him to beat top Chinese and Japanese players. Commented by AN Younggil 8p])(;B[fs];W[fr];B[is]C[This is normal answer, but not possible in this case because];W[hr];B[ir];W[go]LB[fo:A][fq:B]C[W can connect here and A and B are miai to cut off B's centre one.]))(;W[go];B[fo];W[fq]C[If W connects and cut,];B[hn]C[B can capture them with this.]))(;W[lf]C[This cut looks better, but];B[lg];W[me];B[kh]C[It only helps Black to make a good shape in the centre.]))(;W[id]C[This answer is wrong,];B[ld];W[lc];B[nd]C[This is what B wants.]))