(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[ ]PW[Cho Hyeyeon 9p]PB[Rui Naiwei 9p]WR[9p]BR[9p]DT[2011-02-18]EV[12th Female Myeongin]RO[Title match, final game]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Rui Naiwei vs Cho Hyeyeon – 12th Female MyeonginCommentary by An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/]RE[B+Resign]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This game is the final game of the Female Myeongin Cup in Korea. Rui won the first game of the best three, but Cho made it tie in the second, and this is the final. ];W[dp];B[qp];W[dc];B[de];W[ce];B[cf];W[cd];B[fq];W[cn];B[df];W[fc];B[dj];W[op];B[lp]C[No problem so far. ];W[qo]LB[pm:A]C[Cho's choice. She might think A is too plain. ](;B[ro]C[Proper one. ];W[po];B[rn];W[qq];B[rq];W[pp];B[rp](;W[qr]C[Right choice. ];B[ql];W[mq];B[lq];W[lr];B[kr];W[mr]C[The game is still even so far.];B[cq];W[dq];B[dr](;W[cp]C[Right direction.];B[br];W[bq];B[cr];W[cl]C[It looks small and slow, but it's necessary. ];B[ck];W[dl];B[qf]LB[nc:A]C[Big. A is also possible. ];W[pb]C[Neither players have any big moyo or influences, and it's good for Cho as she plays very well this sort of games. ](;B[nb]C[Rui's style of playing. ];W[qc];B[qd];W[rb]LB[ob:C][qb:D][oc:A][pc:B]C[This one is rare, but alright in this case. If W plays at A, B can cut the 3.3 off with B - D. ];B[rd]LB[nc:A]C[Rui's typical move. A is normal, but she wants to attack this W's group. ];W[oc];B[mc];W[md];B[ld];W[me];B[hc]C[This is B's plan. Settle on the top and make some points on the right as well. ];W[od]C[Thick and right. W can't fight properly without this one. ];B[le];W[lf];B[pi]C[Cool. B is not bad with this. ];W[mg];B[nf];W[mf];B[jd]LB[mg:A]C[As W connects with A, B has to secure the top. Otherwise, W can come in at 61, and it's hard for B to answer. ];W[ci]C[Right timing. ];B[dd]C[Good timing too. ];W[cc];B[di];W[bh]LB[bf:A][dh:B][eh:C][bk:D]C[A brilliant move. If B plays at A, W'd play B-D. ];B[ch]C[Right answer, and B can get sente. ];W[cg];B[dh];W[bf];B[dg];W[bg]C[The game is still even, but B seems to have more potentials in the centre. ];B[jq]C[B is still in the lead. ];W[fp];B[gp];W[eq];B[fo]LB[er:A]C[It's Rui's fighting spirit, but a mistake. It has to be at A..];W[er];B[bp];W[bo];B[aq];W[fk]C[Good sense. ];B[fm]LB[dk:A]C[This move forces W to play at A. ];W[dk]C[No other option. ];B[bi];W[bk];B[cj];W[fr];B[gq];W[gr]C[It's big, and also makes B feel bad. ];B[hl];W[hr];B[ip];W[pg];B[qg];W[hb];B[ib];W[pk](;B[pl]C[Right move. ](;W[ol]C[There's a stronger move for W. ];B[qk]C[B is happy with this. ];W[ao];B[ap](;W[hd];B[gc]C[Good response. ];W[gd];B[gb];W[id];B[je]LB[ic:A]C[Right move. If B answers at A, W'd 109. ];W[ic];B[jc];W[fb];B[ha]LB[fd:A]C[The result up to here isn't satisfactory for W as there's cutting point left at A. ];W[hk];B[il];W[eo];B[ep];W[lc];B[lb];W[fp];B[gh]LB[fn:A]C[Answering at A should be easier. ];W[go];B[ho];W[fn]C[W gains some points here, and the game is close again. ];B[fd];W[hn];B[in];W[hg]C[Good move! ];B[kg];W[hh];B[gi];W[hi];B[hj];W[gj];B[ij];W[fe];B[ek]C[Good tesuji. B wants to utilize some moves around here. ];W[fi];B[fh];W[gm]LB[ej:B][el:A]C[Good answer. If W atari at A, connecting at B is sente. ];B[gf];W[hf];B[ed]C[It's the crucial point of the game. ];W[gg];B[fg];W[jh];B[kh];W[ki];B[li];W[kf];B[jf];W[jg]C[W's counter attack. ];B[lh];W[ff]C[Losing move. W should leave here. ];B[bj]C[B's this group is completely alive, and W becomes in trouble. ];W[jj];B[ik];W[lj];B[ni];W[nc];B[kc];W[of];B[ii];W[ji];B[kk]C[W's group is being attacked, and unhappy with that. ];W[kj];B[ng]C[Good move. ];W[nh];B[oh];W[mh];B[mi]LB[og:A][mk:B]C[If W cuts at A, B'd cap at B and W's centre group is in danger. ];W[mk]C[It's necessary, but the game is already desperate. ];B[og];W[ne];B[pf]C[It's painful for W. ];W[oj];B[oi];W[ob];B[fl];W[gl];B[gk]C[The game is practically over. ];W[ar];B[as];W[hk];B[sb]C[Good endgame tesuji, and it's the finish blow. ];W[na];B[mb];W[jo];B[jn];W[io];B[hp];W[ko]C[Finding a place to resign. ];B[hm];W[gn];B[ln];W[kn];B[lm];W[eg];B[eh];W[kl];B[km];W[jm];B[im];W[jl];B[gk]C[There's no ko threats for W, and W resigned here. As Rui won this game, she won the Female Myeongin Cup seven times in a row. Rui is getting older, but I think she's still the No.1 player amongst female players in the world. AN Young-Gil 8p])(;W[gb]C[This is also thinkable, and the game is really close. If the game is close, it's a good news for Cho as her endgame is very good. ]))(;W[pj]C[W could play here, and this seems to be better. ];B[oi];W[nj]C[It's not hard for W to save those stones. ]))(;B[qk]C[If B just answer here, ];W[pj];B[qj];W[ph];B[qi];W[oi]C[W'd get a good shape in the centre. ]))(;B[pc];W[ob];B[qb];W[rb];B[qc];W[lc]C[It's too plain, and no interesting for Rui. ]))(;W[er]C[Wrong direction. ];B[cr];W[eq];B[bo];W[co];B[bn];W[fp];B[cm];W[dm];B[cl]TR[lp][lq][kr]C[B's three stones on the bottom are still light, and B gets a big territory on the side. ]))(;W[pl]C[This jump isn't suitable in this case. ];B[qr]C[W's this group becomes Baseless.]))(;B[po]C[This is also possible, but];W[pp];B[qn];W[ro];B[qq];W[rp]C[One of main variations. ];B[pr]C[Right answer. ];W[rn];B[oo];W[no];B[pm]LB[qm:A]C[A is also possible. ];W[qm];B[np];W[pn];B[on];W[om];B[nn];W[pl];B[mo]C[It's sort of exchange. ];W[qf]C[Up to here, it looks favourable for W as W's right side is better than B's bottom. The game'd become too simple, and it's not Rui's style of playing. ]))