(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Yamashita Keigo]PB[Iyama Yuta]WR[9d]BR[9d]EV[18th Agon Cup ]RO[Final]WT[Japan]BT[Japan]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Iyama Yuta vs Yamashita Keigo – 18th Agon Cup]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]C[This is from the final of the 18th Agon Cup. Between Iyama Yuta (9p) and Yamashita Keigo (9p). These two players are also playing in the 36th Meijin at the moment.];W[dd]C[I played games with Iyama and Yamashita, once each, a long time ago.];B[qp]C[I played a game with Yamashita at the Rookies' friendship matches between China, Japan and Korea in 1999.];W[dq]C[At that time, he wasn't yet so popular, but his play was very creative and lively. After the game, I became a fan of his as I was so impressed by his play.];B[nq]C[I also once played with Iyama in 2002. He visited Korea for the preliminary match of Samsung Cup, and I played a friendly practice game with him.];W[qj]C[He was so small and young, but he played quite well and I lost that game. As you can see he is one of the best players in the world now. However, I was embarrassed because he was so young and unknown at the time. ];B[qh]LB[qf:A]C[Anyway, Yamashita just splits the right side instead of approaching at A, which is very popular recently.];W[qm];B[jc]C[This opening is unfamiliar to my eyes, but some might say, it's played a lot these days. ];W[ck]C[This Chinese opening is amazingly popular today. ];B[pl];W[ql];B[pj]C[Good move to develop the top area. ];W[pk];B[ok];W[qk];B[pi];W[ol];B[nk]C[It's kind of joseki up to here.];W[pc]LB[om:A]C[Locally, A is good for W, but it's a bit too slow. This attachment is just right. ](;B[qc]LB[oc:A]C[A is also possible, but this is more common. ];W[oc];B[qd]LB[qb:A]C[A is also possible, but Iyama is focusing more on the center.];W[lc];B[fc];W[df];B[ne]C[Good place. Iyama wants to get some benefit before reinforcing on the top. ];W[md];B[lf]C[Good move. If you want to see how good this move is, put a W stone at 29 and look at the board. ];W[ke]C[W has to come out to avoid getting sealed in.];B[le](;W[kc]C[Good move. ];B[jd];W[kd];B[jb]C[B doesn't want W to settle down here easily. ];W[je];B[ie];W[if];B[hf]LB[he:A]C[Extending at A would be a bit slack. ];W[he];B[id](;W[ge]C[Yamashita's fighting spirit, but it causes a serious problem. ];B[jf];W[ig];B[kf]C[B cut W off, and there must be a big fight from now on. ];W[gc]LB[ge:42]C[I couldn't find any good chances for W throughout the whole game, so W42 must be an overplay. ];B[gb];W[hc];B[hb];W[kb]C[W should play here to save the top though they are not yet alive. ];B[dc];W[cc];B[ed]C[B is trying to fight in the center. ];W[db];B[mb];W[mc];B[ec]LB[eb:A]C[B doesn't need to fight ko by playing A because B's position is better than W's for the battle in the center. ];W[eb];B[fb];W[de]C[B's top group looks like it's in danger, but W's outside is not strong enough to capture them. ];B[cd];W[bc];B[gf]C[A new battle has begun.];W[fe];B[hh];W[ih];B[ee];W[ff];B[ef](;W[fg]C[It's inevitable for W. ];B[eg]C[B's top group has escaped. ];W[fh];B[dj]LB[dg:A]C[Good sense. B doesn't play at A because Iyaha has another brilliant idea. ];W[ei]LB[gh:A]TR[gf][hf]C[W played here to defend against B’s A. B's marked stones are completely captured. ](;B[di];W[qb]C[It's time for W to come back here to live. ];B[rb];W[pa]C[Top W is now alive. ];B[be]LB[ce:A][dg:B]C[Brilliant idea! You can see Iyama's exceptional sense. ](;W[dg]C[W has no other way. ];B[bg]C[Good move too. ];W[bh];B[bi];W[bf];B[eh]LB[cf:B][gi:A]C[This is B's plan. A and B are miai. ];W[ag]C[W gets some points here, but W's center becomes troublesome. ];B[gi]LB[hg:B][fi:A]C[Very good move. A and B are miai. ](;W[fi]C[W all goes out here though the fight doesn't look easy for W. ];B[hg];W[ii];B[gj]C[The game is going extreme, and I can feel Iyama's confidence in his moves. ];W[dh]C[As this is a lightning game, they play rather aggressively. ];B[ij]LB[hb:C][he:A][di:D][ii:B][gj:E]C[W has two weak groups (A,B) and B has three uncertain groups (C-E) ];W[jj];B[ji]LB[ek:A][fk:B]C[Good tesuji. Both B and W are playing over here, but actually, they're paying attention to possible moves around A,B. ];W[hj];B[gk]LB[ej:A][ik:B]C[Good move. A and B are miai for B, so W is in trouble. ](;W[ib];B[ic];W[ja];B[ia];W[ka]LB[fc:B][gc:A]C[W wants to start a capturing race between A and B. ];B[ik]TR[if][ig][ih][ii]C[On the other hand, B is aiming to capture W's four stones in the center. ];W[kh]C[Good jump.];B[ki];W[li];B[kj](;W[kg]C[W's trying to do his best to get more liberties. ];B[lh];W[lg];B[mh];W[mg];B[ng];W[nh];B[mi];W[nf];B[og];W[mf];B[me];W[of]C[Up to here, it's the only way for both sides. ];B[nd]LB[ji:A][ik:B]C[Excellent move. Iyama must have found this move when he played at A or B. ](;W[hi]C[This is W's alternative, but it's too late. ];B[gh];W[hk];B[hl];W[il];B[jk];W[gl];B[hm];W[pg]C[This W group gets some more liberties now, but ];B[ej]C[This group is about to die. ];W[nc]C[The game's finished. ];B[pf]C[Finishing blow; good tesuji. ];W[oh];B[qg]LB[ge:42]C[W resigned here. W can't save this big group. The endless fighting began at W42, and it ends with W's resignation. You can feel both players' fighting spirit throughout the whole game, and it's rather exciting to watch this sort of tense battle.It's nice to see Japanese players' genuine fighting game.An Younggil 8p])(;W[nc]C[If W answers here, ];B[pf]C[There's nowhere for W to go. ]))(;W[jh]C[If W connects here, ];B[lh]C[B'd cut. W can't escape and B's top group has more liberties.]))(;W[ik]C[If W takes this one, ];B[ej]C[B can capture W's many stones here. ]))(;W[hg]C[This should be right, but ];B[fi]C[W's center is only weak one now, and the game is easy for B. ]))(;W[ce];B[dg];W[bd];B[cf];W[cd];B[bf]LB[ca:A]C[W can't stand this result. If W doesn't spend one more move in the corner, B'd go at A and make it ko. ]))(;B[gh]LB[ei:A]C[If black tries to escape, W can use A to make a ladder...];W[hg];B[gg];W[hi]))(;W[eg]C[W wants to block here, but it doesn’t work.];B[fg]LB[dg:A]TR[dd][de][df]C[W has to defend against black A.];W[eh];B[gh];W[gg];B[hg];W[fh];B[ii]LB[ge:B][ig:A]C[W is in trouble. B will capture A or B.]))(;W[jg]C[This is normal, but ];B[gf]C[B is alright. ]))(;W[kd]LB[lb:B][mb:A]C[This move'd be normal, but W's shape is weak. Black has possible moves like A and B later.];B[hd]C[B is happy with this. ];W[kc]C[This move defends, but];B[jb]LB[hd:A][jd:B]C[Now, you can see that A is placed better than B in the game.]))(;B[oc]C[If B plays from the outside,];W[ob]C[Good move, ];B[od];W[pb];B[nb];W[qd];B[qe];W[rd];B[re];W[rb]LB[mb:A]C[This result seems to be better for W. The game becomes too simple, and it's not easy for B to make a big territory on the top. W can attach at A later. ]))
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Yamashita Keigo    Iyama Yuta
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