(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Dang-Yifei-vs-Baek-Hongseok-20120516]PW[Baek Hongseok]PB[Dang Yifei]WR[9d]BR[4d]DT[2012-05-16]EV[4th BC Card Cup Final]RO[Game 4]PC[Seoul]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Dang Yifei vs Baek Hongseok – 4th BC Card Cup Final – Game 2]RE[W+0.50];B[pd]C[This is the 4th and last game from the final of the 4th BC Card Cup. It's between Baek Hongseok (9p) and Dang Yifei (4p).Dang won the first game, but Baek won the second and the third games. At this point, Baek is leading the series 2-1.Dang was upset after finishing game three. He was in a good mood in the middle game, but he made some simple mistakes in the endgame, and lost the game. He seemed to be having trouble controlling his emotions, so he might need to learn to be more patient and calm to win important games like these.Baek is in very good form at the moment, especially after winning the second game.You can find more news about the 4th BC Card Cup final here: http://gogameguru.com/baek-hongseok-wins-4th-bc-card-cup/];W[dd];B[qp];W[dp];B[oq];W[qf];B[nc];W[rd];B[fc];W[df]C[The opening so far is identical to game 2, which I reviewed here earlier: http://gogameguru.com/go-commentary-dang-yifei-baek-hongseok-4th-bc-card-cup-final-game-2/];B[jd]LB[jd:B][qh:A]C[In that game, Dang pincered at A instead of B, but he changed his mind in this game.];W[qc]LB[qh:B][cj:A]C[This is a big move, but A is also a possible option for white. If white plays at A, black would pincer at B next.];B[ch]C[Dang is playing a rather active game. You can see this approach quite often in handicap games.](;W[ge]C[White wants to make this exchange before playing on the left side. ];B[hd]LB[ck:A]C[Right answer. If black extends at A, white would play at 15 to separate black's stones.];W[cj]C[A good counter pincer. ];B[eh];W[cg]LB[hd:B][ge:A][bg:C]C[If white hadn't exchanged A for B, black could play at C now (see the variation).](;B[bh]C[Right answer now. ];W[ej];B[gh](;W[eb]LB[fb:A]C[Proper move. Pushing at A is big later. ](;B[cn]C[Right direction. ](;W[en]C[This cap is unusual, but Baek's style of play is creative and lively. ];B[cl];W[dm];B[cm](;W[cp]LB[dk:A]C[Good choice. If white plays at A, (see the variation)](;B[ek]LB[bj:A]C[Dang wants to fight here, but it was an overplay. Black should have connected under with A.];W[dj]LB[dh:A]C[Good response for white. Now black is worried about white's cut at A.];B[dg]C[Black reinforces here, but ];W[fk]C[This hane is very good, and black is in trouble. ];B[ce]C[Dang tries to make the game complicated. ];W[cd]C[Baek's answer is calm.];B[ck]C[This is the only move, but it doesn't mean that it's ok for black. ](;W[dk]LB[bj:A]C[This move is incomprehensible. White should have descended at A (see the variation).];B[bj]C[It's a big relief for black.](;W[iq]C[Right extension. Now it becomes a long game.];B[eq]LB[io:B][kq:A]C[A sharp probing move by Dang. If black just extends at A, white would be happy to jump at B. ];W[ep]LB[bq:B][gq:A]C[Right answer. If white answers at A, there's some bad aji in white's corner, at B for example.];B[gq]C[Good follow up. Black doesn't intend to live inside, but rather, utilize those stones to limit white's area. ];W[fp];B[jq]TR[eq][gq]C[A very good combination with the marked stones. ](;W[jp]C[A mistake for white. ];B[jr]C[A nice combination again. ](;W[kp]C[White should play here now, but the game becomes better for black. ];B[ir]LB[iq:A]C[Even if white played at A first, black easily destroys white's area. ];W[fq];B[qh]LB[ip:A]C[This extension was too much for black. Cutting at A should be right to defend black's group at the bottom, and the game should be good enough for black.];W[of];B[pc]LB[qb:C][rb:B][rc:D][qd:A][pf:E][rf:G][pg:F]C[Locally, this blocking move is half sente. If white doesn't answer here, black can play at A-G to divide white's stones, but];W[pk]C[Baek doesn't care about that weakness. Actually, white can't afford to look after that cutting point, because white is behind in the game. ];B[oh];W[qn]LB[qh:A]C[Big move. Black hasn't gained a lot since black played A.];B[qd]C[Black's turn to bully white here. ];W[rb];B[qb];W[rc];B[qe];W[re];B[rf]C[Good tesuji. ];W[rg];B[pf];W[sf];B[pg]C[Black gets thickness here, but white takes sente. ];W[nq]TR[jq][ir][jr]C[Now it's white's turn to bully back. This is a leaning strategy to attack black's marked stones. ](;B[op]C[Right answer. When you have a weak stones, you should answer more carefully so you don't damage them.];W[or];B[pr];W[hq]C[The game is becoming more complicated.];B[lq];W[np](;B[hr]C[A mistake. ];W[kq]C[Good timing. ];B[kr];W[gr](;B[mr]C[This peep has a bad effect to black's corner, but Dang doesn't care about shape now.];W[nr];B[lp];W[oo]C[B has to answer properly in the corner.](;B[qr]C[Correct answer. There's no aji in the corner now.](;W[io]C[Right move. ];B[fr]C[What timing! This cut is incredible. ](;W[gp]C[Right answer for white, but black gets some points here for free. ];B[mo];W[no];B[mm]C[Black started to lead the game again.];W[nk];B[ko];W[ll]C[Though the game is good for black, Baek keeps his calm. Black is leading by a small margin, so white can find a chance to catch up. ];B[lm];W[kl];B[jo];W[ip];B[po];W[pn];B[om]C[Sente for black. ];W[qo];B[pp];W[on];B[km];W[jl];B[ol];W[ro];B[rp];W[ok]C[Black's lower side is already alive. ];B[lh]C[A very nice jump. The game is still better for black, but quite close. ];W[jn]C[This is white's right. ];B[ml];W[mk];B[hs]LB[nn:A]C[Proper answer. This is better than A for the endgame. ];W[kn];B[ln];W[lo];B[ko]LB[nn:B][ms:A]C[This black group is alive. A and B are miai. ];W[fb]C[Big endgame move. The game's quite close. ];B[gb];W[cf];B[ec];W[db];B[ql]C[A nice endgame move. ];W[pl];B[rj]C[Black is trying to make this area worthless. ];W[pm](;B[rh]C[This move doesn't look big enough, but it's necessary. ];W[ih]C[White started to reduce black's top center area. ];B[jm];W[im];B[jh]LB[lk:A]C[Good attachment. Because of the cutting point at A, white cannot fight freely here.](;W[ii]C[White has to go back. ];B[ji];W[ij]C[Even if white really wants to come into black's area, it's time to wait. ];B[ig]C[Black built quite a big territory in the center. The game looks slightly better for black. ];W[bo]LB[fs:A]C[A big endgame.];B[fs]LB[gs:A][hs:B]C[This is kind of miai with white 134. This descent is better than the atari at A. This move is available due to the stone B. ];W[hg];B[if];W[hb]C[A good endgame tesuji. ];B[gc];W[ga];B[dc];W[cc];B[fa];W[ea](;B[jb]C[Right move. ];W[ic]C[A sharp move. ];B[ib];W[hc](;B[gd]C[Right answer. ](;W[er]LB[jc:A]C[A mistake. White should have played at A first. ](;B[es]C[I heard that some players said this was a mistake, but it looks as if Dang wanted to take sente. ];W[dr];B[ds];W[cs];B[gs];W[cr];B[ia]LB[kb:C][jc:A][kc:B][id:D]C[A big reverse sente endgame. Now it's too late to play the push and cut with A-C because black could just atari with D. The game becomes really close. Black seems to be tiny bit better.];W[ha];B[jc];W[pb]LB[bb:A]C[This move is bigger than A, even though it doesn't look like it.];B[ob];W[qa];B[bn];W[bg]C[The game is super close. ];B[cb];W[bb];B[gj];W[gk];B[dl];W[el];B[jj];W[jk];B[lj];W[qk];B[rl];W[lk];B[hh]LB[hk:A]C[Big endgame. Now A is available for black later.];W[ca]C[This is a 7 and 1/3 points endgame move.];B[hk];W[ik];B[hj];W[hl];B[id];W[fa];B[dn];W[em](;B[ef]C[The game is still very close. ];W[ee];B[ff];W[rk];B[sk];W[fe];B[ag];W[af];B[ah];W[de](;B[ni]LB[mj:A]C[Pressing at A looks better instead, but (see the variation)];W[sp](;B[rq]C[A small mistake. ];W[qj];B[qi];W[an]C[Now white is winning by half a point.];B[am];W[ao]C[There's nowhere for black to catch up now. ];B[gf];W[he];B[hf];W[ms];B[nn];W[ls];B[ks];W[rm];B[sh];W[sm];B[sl];W[mj];B[mi];W[kj];B[li];W[fi];B[fh];W[nl];B[nm];W[ns];B[lr];W[bi];B[ak];W[ci];B[ai];W[ei];B[dh];W[oa];B[na];W[pa];B[sq];W[ie];B[je];W[so];B[co];W[bp];B[do];W[eo];B[ki];W[jo];B[lo];W[pi];B[oj];W[pj];B[ps];W[fj];B[qg];W[rf];B[kk];W[gq];B[kj];W[qm];B[sj]LB[ic:E][jc:F][qh:C][dk:A][jq:B][hr:D]C[White won by half a point. Baek Hongseok won the 4th BC Card Cup with a 3-1 record.White started with a nice opening, but A (36) was too soft. Black caught up again with the attachment at B (43).Black's move at C (49) was questionable. D(73) was a mistake and the game became close. White E (146) was a good move, and the game was reversed. There were few more endgame mistakes from both sides, but in the end, Baek was lucky enough to win. It was Baek's first major title in his entire life. Congratulations Baek!Unfortunately, Baek still has to join the army next year. So we won't see him for two years. That's a critical problem for top Korean players like him, but it doesn't seem easy to solve this situation at present. I'm going to talk briefly about this military service problem for Korean players when I interview Baek in the near future. On the other hand, Dang Yifei missed a really good opportunity to win an international title. However, we should remember that Dang is still only a 17 year old boy, who made it all the way to the finals! We will see his face more often in future international tournaments. I hope you can get a better feeling for this game and enjoy it more with this commentary.Thanks,An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/])(;B[sq];W[so];B[rs]LB[ps:A]C[Black should have played like this. A is not sente for white, so it's a tiny bit better for black. ]))(;B[mj]C[This move is also conceivable. ](;W[kj];B[ki];W[nj]C[And if white plays like this, ];B[ni];W[oi];B[nh]C[Black would win the game, but (see the other variation|)])(;W[qi]C[A brilliant move! ];B[pi];W[pj]LB[ni:B][ri:A]C[Now A and B are miai for white.])))(;B[ee]C[This peep is also possible. ];W[ef];B[de];W[be];B[fe]C[The result is similar to the actual game. ]))(;B[ds]LB[cr:B][dr:A]C[Locally, this jump is a good tesuji. If white answers at A, black could hane at B. ];W[cr]C[This is right answer, and it's a bit better for black than the actual game. ]))(;W[jc]C[White should have exchanged here first. ];B[kc]LB[fa:B][ha:C][cb:A]C[White stones are short of liberties. Eventually white has to play A and it looks like white will lose sente now, but];W[kb]C[White can cut here to fix the problem in sente];B[id];W[ha]LB[ia:A]C[Now black can't atari at A.];B[lb];W[er]C[White is slightly ahead now. ]))(;B[id]C[If black plays here, ];W[fg]C[White can peep here, and ];B[fh];W[eg];B[dh];W[gd];B[jc]C[Black can capture three stones, but];W[al]TR[gb][dc][ec][fc][gc]C[Black's left side group is in danger. The shortage of liberties of black's marked stones make it possible for white to attack more severely.]))(;B[ib]C[In general, this sort of attachment is common, but ];W[jb]LB[ia:B][hc:A][ic:C]C[White can clamp here and make a ko fight. If black plays atari at A, white can answer at B. If black descends to B, white C captures two stones in a snapback (see the variations).](;B[ic]C[If black just draws back,];W[ia];B[kb];W[lb]C[White can use the same tesuji again.];B[kc];W[ka]C[Black is not happy with this. ])(;B[hc];W[ia];B[ha]C[Now it's a ko fight.])(;B[ia]C[You might worry that black could play here, but];W[ic];B[hc];W[ja];B[ha];W[hb]C[It's a snapback. Game over.])))(;W[jg]C[White wants to hane here, but ];B[ji];W[kg];B[ii]LB[hf:B][lk:A]C[A and B are miai for black, so white is in trouble. ]))(;B[bo]C[If black plays here, which is quite a big endgame move,];W[qi]LB[rh:B][qi:C][ri:A]C[White can attach here. If black answers at A, white can cut at B and black won't be able to capture C, so];B[rh];W[ri];B[si];W[sh]C[White can make it ko, and this is a one sided ko fight where white has nothing to lose. ]))(;W[gs]C[If white descends here, ];B[hs]C[Black can atari here in sente, then];W[gp];B[po]LB[pn:A][no:B]C[Black can counter attack. If white blocks at A, black can cut at B, so];W[no];B[pn]LB[ln:A][hs:C][ms:B]C[Black's bottom group is safe. A and B are miai. Black can live locally because black got to play C in sente.]))(;W[nn]C[This hanging connection looks alright, but ];B[mo]C[This peep is sente, ];W[no];B[ip];W[hp];B[io]TR[jp][kp][kq]C[This cut is working and the game's practically over here. ]))(;B[pp]C[This answer seems to be alright, but ];W[io];B[mo];W[no];B[mm];W[qr];B[ps];W[rr]C[There's some bad aji in the corner. ];B[ro];W[rp]LB[qq:A]C[Black is in trouble as A is sente for white. ])(;B[pq]C[If black connects here, ];W[io];B[mo];W[no];B[mm];W[ro];B[rp];W[rr]C[This placement is annoying for black later. ]))(;B[nr]C[If black cuts here now, ];W[mr];B[os];W[lr]C[White can cut instead now.];B[ls];W[mq];B[ms];W[no]C[The result is tolerable for white. ]))(;B[nr]C[Black should have played here. ];W[mr];B[os](;W[mq]C[If white wants to fight here, ];B[lr];W[ms];B[lp]LB[no:A]C[Black's corner is safe, and this black group is alright too. White has to worry about black's hane at A now.](;W[no];B[ln]LB[lo:B][np:A]C[Because white's group at A isn't very strong, this black group is safe now. You might worry that white can cut at B, but it's no good for white (see the continuation).];W[lo]C[This move is bad for white, because];B[mo];W[ko];B[mp];W[mn];B[nn];W[mm];B[oo]LB[lo:A]TR[no][np][mq][nq][mr][ms]C[White stones are captured, so white can't play moves like A.])(;W[lo]C[White can't play here, because];B[no];W[mo];B[mp]TR[np][mq][nq][mr][ms]C[White's stones are easily captured.]))(;W[kq]C[If white pokes here first, ];B[lr];W[kr];B[no]TR[jq][ir][jr]C[This move is good. Black's marked stones are not big enough. ];W[ls];B[mq]C[The game becomes simple, and black is leading now. ])))(;B[np]C[If black plays a hane over like this,];W[mq];B[or];W[hq]LB[np:A][mq:B]TR[jq][ir][jr]C[Black's marked stones are in trouble. You can see that the exchange of A for B made black's marked stones weaker.]))(;W[ir]C[White can't block here. ];B[ip]LB[kp:A][hq:B]C[This cut is good. If white extends at A, black can capture white's two stones with B. ];W[hp];B[io];W[hq];B[kp]C[This ladder works for black, so it's too bad for white.]))(;W[jr]C[This hane under should be right for white. ];B[kr];W[ir];B[kq];W[ip]C[Even if it's gote for white, White's shape is good, and the game is still even. ])(;W[ip]C[If white extends here, ];B[ir]C[This hane is good. ];W[hr];B[jr];W[hq];B[jp]C[White's bottom left area is already limited, but black is building a good shape in the bottom right.]))(;W[jq]C[This is too far.];B[hq]C[Black can come in, and ];W[fq];B[fr];W[eq];B[ip];W[jp];B[in]C[Run away. It's not easy for white to keep chasing this black group. ]))(;W[bj]C[Descending here is good for white.];B[el];W[fi]LB[eg:A][fl:B]C[This peep is good. A and B are miai for white next. ];B[fl]C[Black has to save these stones, but];W[eg];B[dh];W[fh]LB[gh:A]C[White can cut A off, and];B[ef];W[fg];B[de]C[Even if black can capture white's two stones, ];W[ee];B[cf];W[fe]LB[bc:B][bd:A][ae:C][gk:D]C[The result is good for white. Black still has to live with A-C in the top left, so white will get sente to play at D. Black's lower left group is still weak.]))(;B[bj]C[Connecting on the second line like this is a common technique which you can also use in your games.](;W[di]C[White can play for a trade by peeping here.];B[ck]C[Black's left side group is settled.];W[dh])(;W[bk]C[You shouldn't worry about this move, because];B[ck];W[bi];B[dj]C[Black can sacrifice one stone like this, and];W[aj];B[di]TR[bi][aj][cj][bk]C[White's marked stones are dead now.])))(;W[dk]LB[bj:A]C[This move prevents black from connecting with A, but];B[cp]C[Black would attach here, and ];W[cq];B[do];W[eo];B[dq];W[ep];B[cr];W[bq];B[dr]C[Black can capture the white's two corner stones. This is a satisfactory result for black. ]))(;W[co]C[This attachment is normal, but ];B[dn];W[fp];B[cl]LB[dh:B][di:A][bj:C]C[It's hard for white to continue. White doesn't want to exchange A for B, because it makes black stronger. Black can run into the center or connect at C later.]))(;B[fq]C[This approach is common, but ];W[dn];B[dr];W[cq];B[iq];W[gj]C[White is happy with the left side territory.]))(;W[dh]C[This wedge is also conceivable, but this sort of move is generally no good. ];B[di];W[dg];B[dj]C[Good move. ];W[dk];B[ei];W[ci]C[If white cuts here, ];B[ck];W[bk];B[cl];W[bi];B[bl];W[bg];B[fl]C[This move is good, and the result is better for black. ])(;W[db]TR[fc][hd][jd]C[This jump is normal, but not proper in this case, because black's top group is already solid.]))(;B[bg];W[bf];B[ff]LB[hd:B][ge:A]C[Black could play like this if white hadn't exchanged A for B.];W[bh];B[fq]LB[hd:B][ge:A]C[Black seems to be active in this opening (imagine A and B are not on the board).];AE[hd][ge]C[The opening would look like this.]))(;W[eg]LB[jd:A]C[When I was very young, I was taught to answer here. This sort of move is supposed to make miai of attacking the left and the right, but it's slow in this case, because black's stones at the top are not that weak. If there was no black stone at A, this move would be possible.];B[ck]C[Black is happy with this extension.]))
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Baek Hongseok    Dang Yifei
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