(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.00]PW[blanc]PB[noir];B[pd];W[dp];B[pq];W[ce];B[qk]C[not good to enclose the corner on the lower right](;W[fc](;B[jd]C[black should have take the bottom (moyo game)];W[jp];B[ck](;W[cm];B[ch];W[ee]TR[jd]SQ[fc][nc][nd]C[white has a good shape and also an efficient one : black stone is too close and if white approach the corner, it would like a pincer of this black marked stone with white first strange move](;B[po]LB[qj:B][qk:C][mp:A]C[not good for black when he plays the chineese opening : B stone should be at C. A is better for black and let white come to attack him];W[qf]C[white has no weakness so he comes at the most open area](;B[qe]C[correct direction];W[pf];B[nd];W[qi];B[oj]LB[rk:B]C[black moves leaves some adji when white plays contact move at B];W[oh]LB[oi:A]C[white does not need to play A because he would play here after and it's not good for him because black would have a stone outside](;B[er]C[developping the right corner would be better](;W[dq]C[corner is more valuable];B[dr]C[black can let this move for later (it's sente but loose this sente after)];W[cr];B[hq];W[iq]C[Good direction. If white plays a cap, black would live under white and white wall would be useless.];B[hp];W[jn];B[fp]C[black should have run outside (with a tobi)];W[eq]C[black previous move is useless and will let white to settle his right group];B[fr];W[hr];B[gr];W[ir];B[gn];W[el];B[en]C[this move helps black but also white. Tobi is better];W[dn];B[em];W[dl];B[eh];W[nq]LB[ob:D][cc:E][ph:F][bi:G][bp:C][rp:A][lq:B]C[BLACK : around 20 points with A group, D group is still open but around 20 pointsWHITE : 10 points with B and 10 points with C, 20 points with EF can have two eyes easially but black G group is still unconfortable];B[re];W[lc]C[if black would aheve defend the top side, white would invade the corner];B[ld];W[mc]C[white pushes this side to escape on the open area];B[nc];W[md];B[me];W[kd];B[le];W[jc];B[ke];W[kc];B[ic](;W[ib]C[atari would give black a good position (solid wall)];B[id];W[hb];B[rg];W[mh];B[kh];W[rf];B[ri];W[qh];B[rh];W[se];B[rc](;W[qj];B[rj];W[pk](;B[ql]C[black can't cut];W[ok];B[ko];W[jo];B[mq]C[a keima is not good because white can seal black inside];W[mr];B[lr];W[lq]C[separate first];B[mp];W[or]C[white can atari and leave his songle stone if he thinks he is on danger];B[kq];W[lp];B[kp];W[lo];B[kr];W[kn];B[np];W[pr];B[ln];W[mo];B[mn];W[no];B[op];W[nn];B[nm];W[mm];B[lm];W[om](;B[ml];W[on];B[nk];W[ol];B[ni];W[pj];B[qr];W[jq];B[ps];W[jr];B[pn];W[gl]C[game is hopeless for black now];B[nh];W[ng];B[mg];W[kl]C[very good move : black can't push and cut and is attacking black group];B[br];W[bq];B[cs];W[cq];B[ds];W[fq]LB[li:A]C[black should have played here to get two eyes but white would have escaped with A];B[gq];W[ho];B[go];W[eo];B[hl];W[hn];B[gm];W[gk];B[hm];W[ik]C[black is dead])(;B[nl];W[on];B[ol](;W[qn];B[pn];W[pm];B[pl];W[qm];B[qo];W[ro];B[rp]C[white top group would be on danger])(;W[pl];B[pm];W[pn];B[qm];W[qn];B[qo];W[rn];B[ro];W[ml];B[nk];W[ll];B[pj]C[black kills the right white group];W[qq]C[white is still ok])))(;B[pj];W[ql];B[rk];W[ok];B[nj];W[nk];B[mj];W[rl]))(;W[pk]C[seems a nive tessuji but it's hard for white];B[qj];W[pj];B[qg]))(;W[id];B[je];W[hc];B[ib];W[hb];B[ie];W[hd];B[mb]C[black has forcing move and is solid outside]))(;W[dr]C[white wants to be greedy on the corner];B[dq];W[cq];B[eq];W[cr];B[ep];W[do];B[hq]C[good for black]))(;B[lq]C[better for black];W[eq];B[ko]C[if white would have take this point instead of protecting the corner, it would be good for black because he exchanged a third line move for a fifth line one and white moyo is still open];W[jo];B[kn];W[jn];B[km];W[il];B[jr];W[hq];B[hr];W[gr];B[iq];W[hp];B[dl]C[white has about 30 points ont the lower left against 50 points for black on the lower right]))(;B[qh]TR[qk]C[black does not need to protect marked stone];W[qc](;B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc]LB[jd:A]C[now black A stone is useless. Black does not have a huge moyo because all of his stones are on the third line])(;B[pc];W[qd];B[pe];W[rf];B[og]LB[qk:A]C[this move becomes not valuable])))(;B[cc];W[db]TR[fc]C[white plays from his open direction (marked stone is weak)];B[be];W[bf];B[bd];W[cg]C[now left black group is on danger]))(;W[ci];B[cn];W[co];B[dn];W[fp];B[dd]C[black can now play like this because left is not really developpable];W[cd];B[dc];W[cc];B[de];W[df];B[fe]))(;B[dc];W[ed]C[difficult for black])(;B[dd];W[cd];B[dc];W[cc]C[black stones are heavy])(;B[ed];W[fd]C[pushing on the third line is not good because of the elephant eye];B[ee];W[dc]C[not bad for white]))(;W[fd];B[dc];W[dd];B[ec];W[fc];B[bd];W[be];B[ed];W[ee];B[fb];W[gb];B[eb];W[hc];B[cd];W[de];B[ae];W[af];B[ad];W[bg]C[black is alive on the corner and sente]))
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blanc    noir
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