(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Hylian 6D]PB[[WBaduk 6D]]C[30 minutes each, Byo Yomi 00:40 x 3]RE[W+Resign];B[qp];W[dd];B[dq];W[qd];B[cf];W[fc];B[dk]C[Unusual, but interesting.];W[jq];B[hq];W[oq];B[od];W[mc]C[See variations for my plans...](;B[ob];W[pf];B[ne];W[qi];B[kc];W[po];B[qo];W[pn];B[qn];W[pm];B[ql];W[jo]C[I would also like to play B16, which follows my solid style, but this move seems like the vital point, and is relevant to black's left side.];B[cc];W[cd];B[bd];W[dc]C[I believe I blocked on the correct side.];B[bb];W[cb];B[bc];W[ic]C[With this extension, I pretty much settle in Sente, or keep a lot of Aji with N 17 stone should black K 17 for Sente.];B[jc];W[id]C[I'm not sure whether K 17 to gain Sente was good or not, but if black has no danger here, then I guess it is fine.];B[jr]C[I think this is too early. White becomes thicker (and doesn't necessarily need to take Gote to fix after black draws back) and it doesn't really remove black's weakness around F3.];W[kr];B[ir];W[lq]C[I think this move is better at L3. There's no L4 Aji that way, and Black J3 can't be Sente, which mattered in this game.];B[ho]C[This seems like the wrong direction, it doesn't close the left side at all.];W[cq]C[My unique apporach to this situation, to settle lightly. I wonder about it though - since White is very solid everywhere on the board, invading solidly with something like C5 or C7, which would be slower and more heavy, may be correct because it reduces more of white's points than a light sequence. White has no fear of making a weak group i nthe position.];B[cp];W[dp](;B[bp]C[This seems wrong, it says "I'm making sure you can't make eyes in the corner." However, it gives white many outside forcing moves to make shape, and as it is on the second line, it is like flattening one's self. One of the third line Nobi would have been better. See variations.];W[eq];B[dr];W[do];B[cn];W[gp];B[hp];W[gq];B[cr];W[fm];B[hm];W[dn];B[cm];W[fk]C[I think white is favourable because White is almost alive, and Black is in trouble. I live the weakness of black F6 because G6 is not the kind of move White should want to make. If Black uses Black F6, WhiteG6, Black G5 etc. to capture G4 stones, white gets a Ponnuki in Sente and can cut off H7, so black would be terrible. If black uses the F6 Tesuji to instead cut offF9 in Gote, Black H4 area would die.];B[fn];W[gn];B[go];W[fo];B[fp];W[en]C[If next black F3, it is exactly what I mentioned in an earlier variation, terrible for Black.];B[pl]C[Makes no sense at all. Black's game is pretty much destroyed now when white plays G3.];W[gr];B[hn];W[jm];B[hk];W[il];B[hl]C[I'm not sure of the direction for attacking right now, so I first play elsewhere in order to shed some light on it. If black wuns away now, he can still be attacked severely, but white will have gained territory somewhere, then regained Sente. Right now, white is already leading on territory. One idea for white, in my opinion, is to utilize the Aji of N 17 in order to get a result productive for the fight in the center. The problem there is it is hard to escape with the white stone, but whtie can at least get a forcing move from the center such as L 15.At any rate, White F11 would have been Honte (natural move) I think.];W[ol];B[ok];W[nk];B[oj];W[nj]C[Not only does this build White's Moyo, it also builds up stones for attacking black in the center (try to steer black's dragon into these stones.) Furthermore, these stones don't seem to gain anything for black. White can aim at Q9 cut or R10 Sente.];B[fj];W[ek];B[ej];W[dl];B[cl];W[dj];B[ck];W[gj];B[gk];W[gi];B[fh]C[This stone gets captured in a ladder, it seems bad.];W[fi];B[ei];W[eh];B[di];W[dh];B[ci];W[fg];B[fl];W[el];B[dm];W[em];B[ep];W[fq];B[gm];W[er];B[jp];W[kp];B[iq]C[It becomes evident that M3 was in the wrong place. M3 was played to keep more first line points during the endgame than L3.];W[br]C[Just an asking move. Black responded incorrectly, so white can remove all the corner territory later on.];B[bq];W[es];B[kq];W[lp];B[lr];W[jq];B[gs];W[fs];B[kq];W[pc];B[oc];W[jq];B[nl];W[kq]C[Black is in danger of dying so can't play P7.];B[hi];W[hj];B[ij]C[I played H10 in order to keep Sente so that I can return to connect P8.];W[gh];B[ik];W[om];B[jl];W[im];B[kl];W[kj]C[Vital point for attacking, the "Feel Bad" move.];B[km];W[kn];B[ln]C[But it's also true that white's shape is becoming lump-like, almost to a dangerous extent.];W[ko]C[It was hard to decide between playing here to remove a Black Sente at M5, or playing K6 to prevent the throw-in + Atari at K6, thereby maintaining my liberties.];B[lj];W[lk];B[mj];W[mk];B[kk];W[li]C[This ladder works.](;B[jn];W[in];B[io];W[jn];B[mm];W[ji]C[Black is dead!])(;B[mm];W[ji]C[Black is dead!];B[no];W[pp];B[jn];W[in];B[io];W[jn];B[mi];W[mh];B[ni];W[oi];B[nh];W[ng];B[oh];W[ph];B[pk];W[og];B[mr];W[nr];B[mq];W[mp];B[np];W[nq]C[Black resigns.]))(;B[eq]C[Next, White can Tenuki, live B4, or try something with C5 (as it continues)];W[co];B[bp];W[cm];B[cl];W[ep];B[bq];W[cr];B[dr];W[br];B[ar];W[fq];B[fr];W[bo];B[bs];W[em]C[Seems a bit good for black to me.])(;B[co]C[Can live with D2, but maybe too small. See the next few moves...];W[eq];B[dr];W[do];B[cn];W[gp];B[hp];W[gq];B[cr];W[fn]C[Good for white.]))(;B[qc];W[rd];B[pd];W[qg];B[ob];W[rc];B[kc];W[po])(;B[ne];W[qg];B[ld];W[pc];B[lc];W[po]))
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Hylian 6D    WBaduk 6D
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