(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Catalin]PB[Viktor Lin];B[dp];W[pq];B[cd];W[pd];B[fc];W[cj]C[Recently this move is not so fashionable, but prove it wrong!];B[qo];W[pl];B[oo];W[np];B[qq];W[qr];B[rq];W[pp];B[po];W[kq];B[rl];W[qf]LB[nc:A]C[I would prefere direction A.];B[ch];W[cm];B[co]LB[bp:B][gq:A]C[This move is very tight. A might also be an option. On Black B tenuki and going for the North is also possible.];W[fq];B[dr];W[jd]LB[ej:A]C[This is the last big point, but jumping at A is also an option.];B[pc]C[I would like to attack white on the West, but finding an actual move is quite hard. Still, this move seems OK too.];W[oc];B[ob];W[od];B[pb];W[nb];B[qd];W[qe];B[rd];W[mc]C[Catalin's style is to play thick, but black is not dissatisfied with this result.];B[qk]LB[eh:A]C[This move is a bit out of direction. Playing at A might be better. ];W[cf]LB[cc:A][dd:B]C[This move is hard to evaluate. Usually it looks like an overplay, as white invasion might harm the other group in the West.. But white is aiming at exploiting the weakness of the large shimari at A or B.];B[di];W[cc];B[dc];W[bd];B[bc];W[cb](;B[ce]LB[be:A]C[This move might turn to be a bit heavy. Taking at A might be considered instead. (see previous variation.)];W[be];B[bb];W[db];B[eb];W[dd];B[de];W[ec];B[ed];W[ee];B[dc];W[df];B[dd];W[fd];B[ec];W[ff]C[This shape looks quite acceptable for white.];B[dj]LB[ef:B][eg:A][ek:C]C[isn't this a bit heavy? C looks better (after playing A-B exchange in sente)];W[dk];B[ek];W[dl]C[White is getting an alive looking shape now. The game starts to look promising for white.];B[gd];W[he];B[fj];W[fm];B[ij];W[bi];B[bg];W[bf];B[hg];W[hd]C[Now the game starts to look the kind of position that Catalin is very strong at.];B[rb]C[This move defends against an approach move ko. Still, I feel black didn't have time for this move.];W[il]C[This is vital point.];B[jg];W[kk];B[op];W[oq];B[kp]C[Black starts a counter attack. This feels like the right move.];W[lq];B[no];W[mp];B[hq];W[gq]LB[fr:A]C[Preventing connection at A.];B[ho];W[fo];B[kn]C[Black's shape is quite flexible, thus difficult to attack.];W[ih];B[jh];W[in];B[jq];W[ln];B[lm];W[lo];B[jn];W[io];B[jp];W[kl];B[im];W[hm];B[jm];W[ik]LB[hn:A];B[hn]C[This actually seems a bit of a failure for white, as black lives with a lot of points.];W[ii];B[hj];W[ji];B[jj];W[ki];B[kj];W[li];B[lj];W[gl];B[eg];W[ef];B[mi];W[mh];B[ig];W[lg];B[hh];W[bo]LB[bn:A][gn:B]C[This move is a test. if black takes at A white does not have to worry about the cut at B.];B[bp];W[bn]C[This was ment to be sente...];B[gn];W[fn]LB[gm:C][fp:B][gp:A]C[This is the right timing to test at A. White's answer is hard: if he defends at A, the cut at C will get dangerous for white.];B[ni];W[mk];B[mm];W[cq];B[bq];W[dq];B[eq];W[er];B[ep]LB[gm:C][gp:B][cr:A]C[It was still posdsible to live by playing A. Like that black might be behind, but then B would not be sente any more, so white would have saved the move to defend the cuting point at C.];W[cr];B[fr];W[ds];B[gr];W[fp]C[Black collapsed.])(;B[be];W[dd];B[ce];W[ec];B[ed];W[db];B[de];W[fb];B[dc];W[eb];B[gc];W[bb];B[ad];W[ic]C[White lives in the corner, but...];B[ek];W[em];B[gp]C[There is this kind of a leaning attack coming. I like black in this position.]))
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Catalin    Viktor Lin
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